Sunday, August 12, 2018

ASTROLOGY - Planets and the Signs - Part 3

International Astrology Day
Photo  by /\ \/\/ /\ 
This is the continuation of my previous article where I discuss the effect of Mars, Mercury and Venus on a person's personality. In this article, I will talk about the effects of Jupiter and Saturn.


Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter is the planet of good luck, success, and positive thinking. The position of Jupiter in your birth chart indicates what things are lucky for you. It also tells you what career is most suited for you and what areas in life will bring you the most luck. In mythology, Jupiter was known as the supreme God. If Jupiter is well placed in your chart then it means you are outgoing, you are very lucky in terms of money and possessions. Also if Jupiter is well placed in your chart, it means that you will never have to worry too much, things will come easily to you but at the last minute. You also are popular among people and successful in your career. With all the good things it has to offer, there does not seem like there would be a negative influence of the planet. But there is a bad part and that is excessive goodness. Like with everything, the excess of anything is not good, if you get everything it can make you lazy and you will never develop strength of character.


Saturn is the second largest planet. Saturn is the planet of responsibility and symbolizes hard work. Anyone going through the phase of Saturn will learn to be hardworking and will face a lot of trials and difficulty which will make him strong of character. Saturn also teaches a person discipline. It is the planet of self control, patience, maturity, and realism. It might seem like a very harsh and cold planet but you should see it as a strict parent who is trying to teach you all the good things in life so that you can be a good and responsible person. Saturn will put you through a lot of difficult situations just to test you and give you a lesson but don't worry since whatever it gives would never be more than what you can handle. If Saturn is placed in a strong position in your chart then it means that you are patient and responsible. If Saturn is placed poorly in your birth chart, it can make you selfish, unhappy, and solitary and a pessimist. But as I said before, don't be scared of it, accept what Saturn has to offer and you will end up thanking it for whatever you leaned.

Saturday, August 11, 2018

ASTROLOGY - Planets and the Signs - Part 2

The astrological symbols/glyphs used in Wester...
The astrological symbols/glyphs used in Western astrology to represent the planets in astrology
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Influence of different planets in different signs can play an important role in understanding your birth chart and in turn your personality.


Mercury is the second smallest planet in the solar system and the planet is closest to the sun. I am sure you know all this but what you don't know is the effect that mercury has when placed in different signs. Mercury reflects the way you see, hear and understand things. If mercury is strong in your chart then it will endow you with a good memory and makes you eloquent and also you love traveling. If mercury is weak in your chart it tends to make you critical, sarcastic and argumentative.


Venus is the planet of love and it rules your capacity to express affection and to enjoy the beauty. When Venus is strong in your chart then it endows you with a very easy going nature and it makes you a lover of everything that is beautiful. It also tells how you relate to the opposite sex, and also tells about your social relationships. The negative side of Venus, on the other hand, makes you a narcissist and you lack in willpower.


Mars is the planet of physical energy. It is the planet of passion, sexuality, and force. People with a strong Mars influence have a very strong personality with a lot of energy and you are quick and active and hate to be bossed around. On the other hand, if Mars is not well positioned in your chart, it can make you argumentative and quarrelsome and it may cause problems in the personal relationship. It can also make you impulsive and impatient.

This is a very general idea of how the planets affect your personality, for the effect of the rest of the planets on your personality read my other articles.

Friday, August 10, 2018

ASTROLOGY - Planets and the Signs - Part 1

Birth chart example 2
Birth chart example (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Birth chart: a birth chart is divided into 12 parts called 12 houses and the planets are signs are placed in these houses. Each planet in a different house and different sign signifies something different. Birth charts are very precise as it is very hard to get the exact same chart as someone else but remember that they are not perfect as there are things that are beyond science and calculations and no one can explain them.

While analyzing your birth chart you need to take the houses, planets and the zodiac signs all into consideration. Earlier you must have thought that you are a Virgo or a Leo or a Gemini. But now you will realize that all the signs play an important role in your chart and all of them contribute to your personality and your future. Below I will talk about what sun and moon.

Sun is the most important planet in our solar system (all of us know that, nothing new in it.). It helps in the sustenance of life in this world. It provides us with warmth, energy, and food that essential to our life. Although the sun is a star in astrology it is referred as a planet. The position of the sun in your birth chart governs your personality, how you react to things in life, your goals in life, your individuality, and style. Your sun sign will tell you about your general traits that can be seen by others. The other traits that people won't notice but you can notice are the ones caused by the influence of different planets in different signs in your birth chart. Understanding your sun sign will help you understand yourself better and help you grow as a person.

Moon is again not a planet but in context of astrology, it is referred as a planet. Moon is the 2nd most important planet after sun while understanding your personality. The moon signifies your inner self; it helps you in understanding your emotions and instincts. The moon personality is that part of yourself that you want to keep hidden, the part that feels anger, jealousy, the spontaneous joy, fantasies. The moon has power over the emotional sphere, hence it influences your receptivity to others and how other people feel about you. Sometimes you might feel that you are always in a conflict as to what to do then you should read more about your sun and moon sign and learn both the positive and negative traits and apply the positive things in your life and try to work around the negative traits.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

AROMATHERAPY CANDLES – The Brighter Side Of Candles

Aromatic candle
Aromatic candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Candles are commonly used for lightening a dark room when your home’s power is gone or more often in a candlelight dinner. But, the usage of candles is not confined to this only. Introduction of aromatherapy candles have added a new perspective to the usage of candles, candles now serve as a basis to achieve health, vitality and rejuvenating of the body as well as mind and spirit.

Aromatherapy candles are made with beeswax, soybean wax or vegetable oil. One can even find pure essential oil candles on the market. The best thing about aromatherapy candles is that they are environmentally friendly as they are derived from natural plant sources.

Uses of aromatherapy candles: -
 Set the atmosphere
 Improve the ambience in many situations
 Can be used in any room of your home and provide a wonderful enhancement.
 Scented with essential oils or herbs that send messages of relaxation or rejuvenation to the mind and body

Aromatherapy candles are available in different styles, sizes, and scents. You can choose the appropriate candle as per your requirement and aspiration. Scented candles can add warmth to any home, they can give a clean, refreshing feel. Many candles are scented with essential oils or oils that come from plants.

If by now you have decided to buy an aromatherapy candle, learn what kinds of scents they are available in and what are their benefits: -

Frankincense is warming.
 Peppermint is strong and minty. Can aid with alertness
 Lemon is also a stong scent and can help dispel fatigue
 Jasmine smells as good as it sounds can help spark romance
 Grapefruit is another citrus scent that can lift your spirits
 Vanilla is very rich and helps to relieve tension and irritability.
 Lavender is fresh and floral. This can help dispel a soor disposition
Aromatherapy candles are cost effective and are natural candles. They have many benefits over candles made up of paraffin. Soy wax that is most commonly used in making aromatherapy candles is naturally non-toxic, biodegradable renewable resource. It also burns slower and produces very little dust and smoke.
The Internet has made it easier for all to access the desired aromatherapy candles with ease without going out shopping. You can access the infinite number of lenders with just a few clicks. Look for lenders who provide pure aromatherapy candles with essential oil.

Aromatherapy candles are the best cost-effective means to relax and can rejuvenate your senses and body. Choose the desired candles with caution, a little bit of research can help you get the desired candles at a reasonable rate.

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

BACH FLOWER ESSENCES And Remedies - The Seven Helpers

English: Woman looking at Bach Flower remedies...
Woman looking at Bach Flower remedies at a branch of "Whole Foods Market". (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A Bach Flower Therapy Introduction and the 12-7-19 Method of Bach Flower Essence Classification:

Dr. Edward Bach, the developer of flower essence therapy, classified the original 38 essences he used in his practice according to the 12-7-19 method: the Twelve Healers, the Seven Helpers, and the Second Nineteen. In part I of this series, the Twelve Healer flower essences were reviewed, along with the underlying theory of flower essence therapy – here we’ll have a look at the rhymes and reasons of the Seven Helpers.

Dr. Bach prescribed one or more of the Seven Helper essences to patients who did not seem to be responding sufficiently to therapy with one of the Twelve Healers. The Twelve Healer flower essences – Impatiens, Gentian, Mimulus, Clematis, Agrimony, Chicory, Vervain, Centaury, Scleranthus, Water Violet, Rock Rose, and Cerato – were developed by Dr. Bach to address what he saw as the imbalances of the twelve archetypal personality types. It is through the vibrational transformation of these imbalances that healing of overlying disease states can, in many cases, be initiated. However, Dr. Bach found there were individuals that did not respond to flower essence therapy with the Twelve Healers; this leads him to the discovery of the Seven Helpers.

The Purpose of the 'Seven Helper' Flower Essences: 

The purpose of the Seven Helpers is to address chronically ingrained negative vibrational patterns which may be obscuring the primary personality type. For example, Olive, one of the Seven Helper flower essences, is prescribed for states of exhaustion, where one has been worn out by the struggle of healing or another life event. In this case, it may be difficult to see what the primary personality type of the individual may be, as true fatigue does not let a whole lot else show through - this real weariness may mask other personality traits or patterns.

Or it may be that the chronic state simply prevents progress on the healing path that could otherwise take place. Again, using Olive essence as an example – An individual may clearly be in need of one of the Twelve Healers. Perhaps they live in fear and are in need of Mimulus, and clearing this fear would allow them to heal. However, their fatigue is so great as they do not have the strength to work with these issues – in this case, it may be helpful to use Olive along with Mimulus to offer a more complete support from the flower essence therapy.

The Seven Helper essences can certainly be administered individually as well, particularly if a specific flower essence is strongly indicated. Dr. Bach had also written that if an individual is not responding to other essences, Wild Oat (one of the Seven) may be used: “If ever a case does not respond to treatment, give either Holly or Wild Oat, and it will be obvious which of the other remedies may be required. In all cases where the patient is of the active, intense type, give Holly. In patients who are of the weak, despondent type, give Wild Oat.”

Beyond the original works of Dr. Bach, the Flower Essence Repertory from Flower Essence Services offers descriptions of these seven essences beyond what a physician may see. FES broadens the application of the flowers to include their use for those needing change that may or may not is related to a health condition. This is an important point, as one may have tendencies they may wish to transform, but are at no serious risk. This application of flower essence is encouraged, for any support for personal and ‘soul’ evolution is indeed invaluable. So within the following descriptions of the Seven Helper flower essences, a broad view will be maintained, so that the greatest audience may find a suitable essence.

As always with flower essence therapy, in cases of illness, treatment is not a substitute for proper professional care. It may be the case that an illness may have emotional roots and that flowers can be of help, but one should not solely rely on self-prescription of flower essences as a cure.

And on to the descriptions…

The Seven Helpers:

Olive – As stated earlier, Olive flower essence is indicated where great fatigue has set in. An individual may be pale, worn out and/or exhausted after excessive worry, illness, grief or other struggles. The individual perhaps feels they do not have the strength to continue; that both their physical energy source has been spent. The Olive remedy allows one to tap into a new source of light, helping one see and feel a rejuvenation that comes from establishing (or re-establishing) a connection to a universal energy. This connection may provide the impetus needed for change in other areas or may be transformative in and of itself by helping on realize that the etheric ‘spirit’ body and the physical body are inseparable.

Gorse – This flower essence is used where one has lost will due to discouragement, becoming hopeless and resigned to one’s condition. They have perhaps been giving too much energy to the negative possibilities, solidifying this outlook so no progress can be made. This remedy restores hope to such individuals so they may be able to have a brighter outlook, perhaps more joy when confronted with life’s challenges.

Oak – The remedy for those committed to over-striving, regardless if that striving is having a positive result. Those in need of the Oak flower essence have great determination and strength, which can be true assets. However, at times it is crucial to balance this force with subtlety and grace. The individual may have even become resigned to the inevitable failure of their endeavor or succumbing to an illness, yet they continue with their efforts. Oak helps restore a balance, allowing one the freedom of letting up or resting when that is in fact what is required. An important essence in today’s hard-striving world.

Vine – For those who see their way as the ‘right’ way or the only way, Vine essence allows an opening in one’s perception for other points of view. An individual in need of Vine may have a domineering personality, insisting that everyone else follow their lead, including health professionals. Such a point of view can lead to great stress when it is perceived do not share the same ideas, and that harm, or at least lack of healing, may come about. Vine essence may soften this selfish nature, assisting one to understand that other points of view may be entirely valid, and in fact, more complete than one’s own. This allows the individual to receive needed support, often a key component in any personal transformation.

Heather – The Heather type appear self-obsessed, talking continually about their own situations and problems. Such persons are in fact truly lonely and often in great emotional pain. They may feel an emptiness or hunger, which they feed on the attention of others. This flower essence helps one make a connection to the Higher Self, finding peace and solace in the unity of all being. This realization helps one overcome the loneliness and disconnection they may feel, drawing on emotional self-sufficiency and true shared relationship with others for assistance.

Rock Water – For those that are too hard on themselves. Being reflective and aware is one thing, to go so far as to limit one’s (and one’s friends and family) enjoyment of life is another. Flexibility and spontaneity are key components of the ‘life well lived’. Further, a rigidity in lifestyle can prevent one from finding joy, an important factor in healing from many illnesses. This essence is sometimes indicated for those beginning flower essence therapy or those who do not see results, as it may assist in opening the soul to the energies of the plant realm.

Wild Oat – Health and happiness are very much connected with one’s ability to find one’s true vocation. Wandering through life feeling a lack of purpose can lead to distressed states, with addictions or despondency being possible results. Wild Oat flower essence may help align one with their true calling so that both the individual and the greater environment can benefit. When one finds this sense of meaning, there is a strong inner light that can shine forth, supporting one’s own health, and the health of those around them.

These are the Seven Helpers, as categorized per Dr. Edward Bach’s 12-7-19 flower essence method. It is said that with the Twelve Healers and the Seven Helpers, one can support a transformation of many vibrational/emotional states. At the same time, it is important to keep one’s mind open to possibilities; there are a great number of researched flower essences available, ones that may be even more precisely applied to a particular situation. The Healer and Helper essences are, however, a fantastic place to start if one is seeking an effective collection of remedies, suitable for the needs of many beings.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018


English: Working platform for scientific inves...
Working platform for scientific investigations with alternative energy sources  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Record high prices at American gas pumps and continued trouble-brewing in the Middle East, Nigeria, and other areas of importance to the oil-driven economy have made it clear to Americans that we are in need of developing many new avenues of energy supply and production. In short, we need to reduce our dependency on oil, for it is ultimately finite and, frankly, the cheap sources of oil (not all oil—just the stuff that is cheap to remove from the earth) are running out. Energy consultants and analysts are insistent that cheap oil has “peaked” or is very soon going to peak.  What this means for us is an expensive future—unless we can find new sources of powering our mechanized and electronic civilization, new sources which are alternatives to oil.

We must also switch to alternative forms of energy because our present forms are too damaging to the atmosphere. While this writer does not believe that the global warming trend is much, if at all, sustained by the activities of mankind (in short, it's a natural cycle and there's nothing we can do about it except prepare for the effects of it), we certainly do contribute at present to the destruction of the environment and to things like air pollution with our energy sources as they are. Coal is another source of energy that we need to wean ourselves off of—again, it is finite, and it is filthy, and the mining of it is dangerous and environmentally disruptive. We can also explore new, streamlined methods for producing electricity that we presently generate so much of via hydro-power so that we are less disruptive of the environment when we have need of constructing things such as large dams.

Developing nations which have turned industrialized in recent decades especially will need the benefits of alternative energy research and development, for they are presently doing much more environmental damage than the United States. The United States, Japan, and some European nations have been implementing studies into and programs for the development of alternative energy sources, and are therefore already leading the way in doing less environmental damage. The developing nations such as China and India need to look to Japan and the West as examples of what research and development to give government backing and private investment currency to. We could also add great robustness to our own economy by being at the forefront of such alternative energy sources development and then be marketing the technologies and services to nations like India, China, Brazil, and so on and so forth.

Biofuels from things like “supertrees” and soybeans, refined hydroelectric technology, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells, the further building of atomic energy plants, the continued development of solar energy photovoltaic cells, more research into wind-harnessed power—all of these are viable energy sources that can act as alternatives to the mammoth amounts of oil and coal that we presently are so dependent on for our very lifestyles. The energy of the future is green.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Chinese Dessert - ALOE VERA With Ginkgo Nuts, Longans and White Fungus

English: Using Aloe vera to make a dessert
Using Aloe vera to make a dessert (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Aloe vera with ginkgo nuts, longans, and white fungus is a nutritious Chinese dessert (or "tang sui" or "tong sui" in Chinese). This Chinese dessert is suitable to be taken during hot summer days as it has cooled. The white fungus usually uses in Chinese soup as it is known to benefit the spleen, strengthens the stomach and expel heat. Meanwhile, ginkgo nuts are good for women who experience excessive white discharge and children with weak bladders.

This dessert can be taken cold or hot. Remove the ginkgo nuts by cracking the shell before cooking. To remove the skin from the nuts, keep them in the refrigerator first. This will loosen the skin so that it is easier to peel.

As for the white fungus, soak them in cold water for a while. Once the white fungus becomes soft, cut into small pieces.

Remove the aloe vera skin before cooking. Slice them into small pieces.

Longans skin is light brown in color. The flesh is juicy and transparent.

  • 2 pieces white fungus
  • 1/2 cup longans (canned)
  • 1/4 cup ginkgo nuts
  • 1/8 cup aloe vera flesh
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 3 cups water

  1. Soak the white fungus in cold water for a few minutes.
  2. Remove the skin from aloe vera.
  3. Remove the shell and skin from the ginkgo nuts.
  4. Mix all the ingredients together and boil for 2 hours.
  5. Serve when cooked.
This dessert can be boiled longer if you want the nuts to be softer. If you want to boil longer, use a slow cooker and set to high. It will be cooked to perfection in 4 hours time. Add only enough water to cover the ingredients. This will fasten the cooking time. Once the desserts cook, switch off the stove, add sugar and some more boiled water.

    For more information, recipes and also pictures of the ingredients, visit the author's Asian food recipes blog. The author has 30 years of cooking experience. She specializes in Asian food recipes and emphasizes on easy to cook recipes with added health benefits. View her recipe collections in her website here:

Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Effectiveness Of ACUPUNCTURE

Acupuncture chart from the Ming Dynasty: The P...
Acupuncture chart from the Ming Dynasty: The Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Whenever you are feeling pain and discomfort, you'd usually reach for your painkillers for relief. While they do relieve the pain, they also bring along side effects that come with taking foreign chemicals into your body. As much as modern medicine has developed drugs that can relieve pain right off the bat, do you really think that the quick fixes you've been taking are actually good for your body? Why not try something safer and more effective like acupuncture.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture has surged in popularity for the last few decades as brought on by the recent health trend. Mostly known as a traditional Chinese medical technique, acupuncture is seen as a homeopathic method of treatment. While alternative medicine does raise a lot of eyebrows for the scientifically-inclined, it does merit attention before being dismissed as a quack cure.

Basic Procedure

Basically, needles are inserted into the skin, each corresponding to one of the numerous pressure points located throughout the body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, by inserting a needle into the pressure point, an acupuncturist can manipulate the flow of chi or life force, thus relieving pain and gradually treating the patient. While most would say that the whole chi thing is a bunch of nonsense, science has suggested that with the needles inserted, the body's natural painkillers called endorphins are released, thus helping with pain relief.


Modern acupuncturists nowadays use disposable fine stainless steel needles that are 0.007 to 0.020 inches in diameter which are sterilized with either ethylene oxide or by autoclave. Since they are way finer than hypodermic syringe needles, being poked by these needles are relatively painless. The upper third of the needle is covered with either a thicker bronze wire or plastic to make the needle sturdier and easier to handle. The length of the needle and how far they are inserted is all up to the acupuncturist and his practiced style of acupuncture.

Example Of Treatment

If a patient has a headache, he/she is diagnosed and is treated by stimulating the sensitive points located at the webs between the thumbs and palms. In acupuncture theory, these points are connected to the face and head and can be used for the treatment of headaches and other ailments involved. Needles are then carefully inserted into the skin until the patient feels a twinge, which is usually accompanied by a slight involuntary twitching of the area. During this treatment, a number of things may occur.

- Sensitivity to pain in where needles are inserted.

- A hint of nausea during treatment in case of bad headaches.

- Near-immediate headache relief.


As an ancient method, acupuncture has crossed over into the modern age with implementations of technology and recent scientific findings. Electrical stimulation is now a common technique that is combined with acupuncture to produce more effective results. Also, acupuncturists combined this eastern technique with western methods to further enhance the treatment.

Practitioners have eventually realized that leaning towards one school of thought can't propagate progress unless they are willing to move towards the future by looking towards other horizons as well.

Reactions And Research

Not everyone is impressed with acupuncture itself. Most western medical professionals have expressed either doubt or indifference to the oriental method while others have downright driven it down into the earth with criticisms and brutal skepticism. However, recent research shows the efficacy (or lack thereof) of acupuncture, and while more research has to be done, it has been proven to actually positively affect some, but not all, forms of ailments that it claims to cure.

So as the doors open to a new age of acupuncture, give it a try when you feel the need for pain relief and you will not be disappointed. As the Chinese have used it for many centuries, so should we.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Discover How YOGA Will Help You Reach Your Goals – Part 2

Instructor de Hatha Yoga practicando la postur...
 "Kapalasana" (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
At this point, let’s break down the major components of a typical Hatha Yoga session, and see how each one will enable you to reach your goals. There are nine main styles of Yoga in India, but most of the popular styles, outside of India, are variations of Hatha Yoga. Hatha Yoga classes tend, among other things, to emphasize physical mastery.

Asanas are the physical postures, but depending upon the class, the postures may be held for different durations, such as a half breath (an exhale or inhale), a few breaths, or a few minutes. Some classes are very active, with flowing movement, heated studios up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit, and others are tranquil at around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, all year long.

So there is a style of Yoga for every person, and you should be aware of what you are getting into before you start. You should also be aware that the doors are not locked, and if 105 degrees is too much heat, it is your call.

This past summer, in Arizona, a number of people died, due to excessive heat. If your body temperature reaches 105 degrees, you could possibly have heat stroke. What is your natural climate like? Please know your temperature tolerance and know that people are different.

The Yoga postures release tension throughout your body, regardless of which style you choose. The added surge of endorphins, as a result of this exercise, is another benefit.

Pranayama, sometimes called the Yogic science of breathing, is the cultivation of air - our most vital resource. Therefore, you can increase the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream without classic calisthenics, but when you combine it with the postures; you have a very powerful combination for stress relief.

Meditation is known for its stress management, focused concentration, and conscious relaxation benefits. In fact, there are so many meditation benefits, that after more than 2,000 studies, scientists still research for more.

How will all this help you achieve your goals? Simple: Once you are armed with the ability to relieve yourself from the burdens of stress, negative obstacles, and needless worrying, you then have the ability to prioritize and learn from your mistakes.

If you make a mistake, so does everyone else. Nobody is keeping track of your mistakes, except you. Everyone wants to be recognized, so grab every opportunity you can. Make sure you don’t forget to write your goals down and review them often. You will see them come to pass.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Discover How YOGA Will Help You Reach Your Goals – Part 1

Yoga postures Catushpadapitham
Yoga postures Catushpadapitham (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Time is valuable and there are a number of successful methods for goal realization. Yoga will cross train your mind and body for maximum potential.

Imagine being able to optimize your attitude in one hour, per day, or less. 

Every day, people attend Yoga classes for physical or mental health, and walk away with the tools, to be masters of their own destiny.

How is this possible? Regular attendance to Yoga classes will result in a positive attitude adjustment for the student. Many of us walk around with a “perceived handicap.” We blame everything for our setbacks and lack of opportunities. Society, your boss, and your family are all easy targets to blame, for lack of opportunities.

It is true that age, financial status, gender, and ethnic background, are factors in success. However, these factors can all be overcome by working toward your goal on a daily basis and taking life one-step-at-a-time.

Remember, that if you think your situation is a disability, it will be.

How can Yoga do anything for you? For one thing, you will appreciate life to it’s fullest. You will stop wasting time, by letting daily opportunities go by. 

Many of us have opportunities, but we think it won’t work, we don’t have what it takes for success, or we lack the drive to carry a plan through.

Yoga and meditation teach you to supervise your mind. Your mind has been allowed to work against you. Much like a “backseat driver,” the mind is good at “second-guessing,” fearing, doubting, and discouraging new ideas. The mind would prefer to stay in one place and let the world go by. Leaving you in a deeper state of frustration, by worrying about making a mistake.

You have to cultivate a positive relationship with your mind, through practising Yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. You can find all this, and much more, in your local Yoga class. All you have to do is make it a regular routine. Yoga classes are everywhere, from corporate health clubs to senior centres. Whether you practice before, or after, work is not important, and you will start to feel the mental benefits, right away.

Many Yoga students walk away from their first class feeling guilty, that it took so long to start. They anguish over the fact they procrastinated so long. 

However, the important part is to start and continue your Yoga practice. 

There is also a common feeling of euphoria during and after Yoga classes. 

The group support, classroom atmosphere, and the endorphins will make your day a much better one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Religion, WITCHCRAFT and Sex

Sorcery - Paramour with the devil
Sorcery - Paramour with the devil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The word witch derives from an ancient variant of a Willow tree. The willow was the tree of the triple moon goddess (maiden, women, & hag). Willow worshipers (witches) were said to possess supernatural powers of divination. They were generally associated with venerating the Devil at nocturnal orgies. Witchcraft is a bizarre art that has been prevalent from immemorial times. 

The essence of this craft is an inane desire to possess additional powers to either enhance his youth or life. The epitome of this is the mystique of sex that is closely interwoven with witchcraft. Why sex? As Hegel and Adler have written, sex is a prime ordeal force and the sublime that everybody craves for. It does not die with old age or infirmness though one can crave and not be able to perform. At this stage, sexual fulfillment can only be prolonged by the black arts and its supreme the Devil. This is in sharp contrast to the religious doctrine which generally shuns sex. If God represents this doctrine than its antithesis the Devil represents sensual pleasure of which sex and all its variations are the main body.

The first stage of this art is the initiation and the ceremony involved with it. Initiation ceremonies are held the world over and vary from place to place. In England local initiation meetings were usually held once a week, but the "Sabbath of the Witches" held four times a year and usually on Thursday was the more important of the gatherings when a large no believer would be admitted to the fold. The person or Devil under whose superintendence it functioned was referred to as Beelzebub, Satan or Lucifer. The people who constituted this meeting called it the Coven. And to all such members of the Coven, the presiding person represented the GOD. He was worshiped and the greatest gift a disciple or a person being initiated could give was his or her body to the devil. In other words, the devil would copulate with the person and the person would receive the seed of the devil. This was and remains a major part of the initiation ceremony. So strong indeed was the covens belief in his power and so much was he adored, that the witches (persons attending the coven) dedicated their bodies and also of their daughters if any to the Devil,. The ritual was in early times quite queer, though by modern standards not all that bizarre. The ceremony would start with Devil undressing in front of the gathering and then would wear a long loose robe. A lady who had to be initiated into the cult would be led to the altar in the center of the room and laid on a raised platform. The Devil or the presiding deity would undress the lady in front of the congregation. She would be asked certain questions as to her willingness to be the Devil's disciple and whether she was ready to receive the seed of the devil. On her affirmative reply, the ceremony would proceed further.

The Devil would then begin the final part which was again played before the audience as the 'Devil' would position himself for the "Coup de Main", an entry into the initiator's body. The man would mate with the woman by making loud cries as if simulating the Devil. If the lady conceived the children were considered the Devils progeny and grew up "in the service". After the Devil had partaken of the woman she was kept on the altar and offered to other covens that also had sex with her. In fact, this ceremony is beautifully depicted in Roman Polanski in his film "Rosemary's Baby". In England, such ceremonies are still in existence and serve as a source of extreme sexual gratification.

Even in New Guiana in the Dutch East Indies, it was quite common to make love to the woman being initiated by a strong stud from the gathering, right out in the open air. Once in every 7 years there would be, what was called "Great Sabbath", at which all covens of a wide district would congregate, and tradition has it that on that occasion the Chief Witch or 'Devil" would sacrifice a young virgin after she had been deflowered and had mated with the Devil and his apostles. Thankfully this is now obsolete, but in some primitive cultures in India and Africa is still in vogue.

The actual initiation ceremony into the mysteries of witchcraft must have been an exciting experience. The aspirant to membership, after being duly recommended, would have to be introduced; and the manner of introduction would be kept secret until the actual event. Before the assembled covens there would be a renouncement on the part of the candidate of any former faith and then the person would give his or her body to the Devil. After the reception, the candidate would be baptized with a new name such as "Thief of Heaven" etc. The initiation ceremonies are an important part of the ritual of the black arts. Nothing can be complete until one gives his or her body to the "Devil". Also if there is a betrayal of confidence on the part of the member, then retribution is swift, sometimes with an iron rod.

There are also Demons, fiends and Specters known as Succubus and Incubus. Incubus is supposed to be a lascivious demon who appears to a woman at night and ravishes her body. While Succubus was somewhat similar Demon possessed of the power of assuming the form of a woman. This is itself a worldwide phenomenon and is persisted in modern times. Taylor in his work 'Primitive Culture (1873) says that these male and female nocturnal demons which consort lasciviously with men and women are indeed a fact. In the Islands of West Indies, there are Ghosts of the dead, vanishing when clutched at. In New Zealand ancestral deities form an attachment with females, paying them repeated visits. In the Samoan islands, such intercourse with inferior Gods was believed to bring about supernatural conception. In Hindu Tantra, formal rites are specified which enable a man to obtain a companion nymph by worshiping at night in any burial place. One of the aspects of witchcraft is the continuation of pagan ritual for fertility for barren women. In real terms, it is little more than absolute belief in the divine power of Satan. Many a barren woman has resorted to such rites for herself. But sex is the ultimate path in the Devils armor and leads to him. Like prayer leads to God.

The sexual act is known to release energy and is looked down by all religions, but for the Devil who is the Anti-thesis of God and goodness, it is an essential ritual. Perhaps this energy released in a sexual union does have something to do with black arts.

In Europe nocturnal intercourse with Incubi and Succubi are carried out in full belief by ecclesiastics and lawyers; priests and witches.

Nowadays the part of Incubus is usually played by the chief of witches Coven, in disguise and sometimes in semi-darkness to heighten the power and effect of the occult.

Bram Stoker in his famous work "Count Dracula" has vividly portrayed another facet of witchcraft. In this form a vampire (usually a man who remains alive after death with the help of sorcery) to remain 'alive' needs to have intercourse with a female and a woman vice versa i.e., cohabit with a man, with a peculiar ritual that makes such creatures live on by drinking the blood of their victims.

Like in prayer one gives himself up to God, so in this case, also there is a voluntary personal surrender of ones will and body to the Devil; and then only one can get something in return. The immortal tale of Dr. Faustus and the selling of his soul to the Devil in return for the immortal love of Helen, the most beautiful woman in history is a tragic example of this. Again the fundamental driving force for Dr. Faustus was sex and he craved of it with Helen.

Hence we may conclude that one of the essential ingredients of sorcery, witchcraft and black magic is the sexual act. Mans desire for the sublime pleasure of sex will ensure that the Black arts including witchcraft will survive for all time to come.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What to Expect When You Get Your TATTOO

English: Marc Pinto drawing a design on a clie...
Marc Pinto drawing a design on a client at the Singapore Tattoo Show 2010.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To many people, tattoos are exotic and daring things to get into.  It's such a huge decision as the design, whatever it may be, will be permanent.  Not only might this seem daunting but the actual process of getting a tattoo can be frightening to those who have never experienced it.

Most people know that tattoos are created with a needle that delivers ink into the skin through the use of a special tattoo gun or machine.  Beyond that, many are clueless as to how the procedure might actually carry on.  It is important to realize that every tattoo artist and parlor vary in their techniques.

The first thing to be prepared for is choosing a design.  If you have a copy of something, in particular, be prepared to discuss it with your tattoo artist.  He or she may be able to make recommendations to make the image look its best on your skin.

If you do not already have a design, the tattoo artist can assist you.  The design will depend on where you want the tattoo on your body and if you prefer all one color or multiple colors. The tattoo artist can assist with making decisions based on your personality, size preference for that tattoo and the aesthetics of the design.

Once the design has been decided upon, the tattoo artist creates a stencil.  This stencil is laid out on the skin and traced.  Some artists will draw the stencil straight on the skin freehanded.  The general design can be visualized at this point on the skin.

When the design is decided upon, the tattoo process begins.  This is where things can start to change a bit.  Depending on the location where the tattoo will end up, the customer is typically seated in a position as comfortable as possible to make for easy access to the skin by the tattoo artist.  Obviously, the sitting position will vary accordingly.

The time frame is another variance.  As is easily guessed extravagant, intricate and very large tattoos will take a longer amount of time than a smaller, simpler design.  Tattoos that are excessively large, such as designs covering the entire back often require repeat visits to the tattoo parlor.

Generally, for an easy and small tattoo of one color, one can typically expect it to take about an hour or less for the design.  Some can take as little as thirty minutes.  If there are a lot of color changes or intricacies the amount of time will increase.

Price can vary depending on the geographical location of the tattoo parlor.  Other factors that are reflected in the price include the size of the tattoo, difficulty and color variations.  Many parlors charge by the hour with a general range of between $40 - $150 per hour, again depending on location and the design.  For very large tattoos, prices might change accordingly switching from a per-hour fee to a set fee for the entire process.

Once the design is finished, expect to be taught how to care for the tattoo afterward.  It may be dressed in a bandage that will need proper care for the days following.  The tattoo artist will discuss all aftercare instructions with the customer prior to letting them leave the parlor.

Getting a tattoo can seem a lot less daunting when you know what to expect.  Getting to know your tattoo artist can help one feel more at ease with the whole procedure.  Meeting the staff beforehand might also go along way to ensure comfort with those working around you.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Learning and Growing

Khalil Gibran (April 1913)
Khalil Gibran (April 1913) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Greetings self-help readers,

I am amazed by the many opportunities that we have to learn on a daily basis. I am speaking of the chances we get every day to learn about ourselves. We can learn from the bad things that happen to us as well as the good things. I believe that everything and everyone can be a teacher. The Bible itself talks about how God works for the good of those who love Him in all things. 

I believe this. Mr. Kahlil Gibran talks about how we can learn kindness from the unkind and yet how we are ungrateful for this teacher. Yes, mean people can, in fact, teach us to be nicer. When we see how ugly mean words and actions look from a spiritual standpoint we can make a decision to be nice. No one wants to look ugly physically or spiritually.

When I focus on learning rather than reacting I will make much better decisions. You see when I simply react, my decisions are based on my emotions rather than my intellect and spirituality. I have learned that when I respond in a meaningful manner to a mean person, it is like matching fire with fire. In these cases, both people are likely to be burned. I can instead choose to match their fire of unkindness with the water of kindness. We all know that water puts out the fire. It is up to me as to how I will respond.

How do you respond when you are challenged to be spiritual? Do you match meanness with meanness or kindness? hate with love or hate? If we take the time to learn and not react we will grow into the people the creator of the universe has called us to be. We can grow quite tall spiritually and eventually dwarf the demons of unkindness just by not responding in kind and learn how to deal with situations. The same situations will most likely repeat themselves. Once we learn how to deal with them correctly we should be able to handle them better when they come around again. 

Much continued positive attitude success,

The creator of "Positive Attitude Secrets"

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Photo by nicolas.boullosa 
Green technology is currently on the rise, especially after the new stimulus plan in which the government is using its resources to enhance the use of renewable energy. With the effect of many conventional technology uses, the environment has been on planet Earth's radar, with many individuals taking action either installing green technology to their homes or spreading awareness of the positive effects of renewable energy. One of those individuals is Raphael Domjan a former ambulance driver who started a Swiss company PlanetSolar has created the worlds largest solar-powered boat to travel over the 34,000-mile journey.

Solar power technology is truly limitless, this is a hopeful story of the many uses of renewable energy being implemented in other area's of technology besides creating solar powered homes. The solar powered boat is named the Turanor, a word taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." It means "power of the sun." The boat was constructed by engineers and scientists from PlanetSolar, financed by private funds. Raphael has started this project to encourage other's to produce solar powered transpiration machines and to create a growing awareness of renewable energy.

Solar power is the technology for the future. This powerful technology brings you many advantages such as free energy, zero release of pollution or harmful chemicals, lightweight, and reliable. Generators can always go bust, but solar power is here to stay. However, with the many pros of renewable energy, it has it's share of cons as well such as expense, production, and implementation. Solar or renewable energy is very expensive to produce, also since it's such a new technology it is very complicated to implement and produce. But these are only barriers that will be overcome by our new research facilities all around the world, and new scientists spending their time developing and enhancing solar technology for the betterment of mother earth.

Friday, July 27, 2018

AYURVEDA NATURAL CURE for Diabetes Problems

Photo: Pixabay

In Ayurveda, diabetes is commonly seen as a metabolic Kapha type of disorder in which the Agni has a lowered functioning. It results in high blood sugar. Ayurveda identifies 24 types of the disease commonly classified under Prameha – 4 are due to Vata dosha, 6 are due to Pitta dosha, and 10 are caused by Kapha Dosha. The main causes of these diseases are fat, urine and Kapha formed due to foods, liquids, lifestyle, and others.

Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes patient depends upon the strength of the body and type of diabetes he/she has. The first task is to diagnose the type of dosha imbalance. In all types of urinary disorders, Kapha is deteriorated, but in madhumeha, vata is often aggravated as well. Therefore, Ayurveda nature cure for diabetes will be directed at both vata and Kapha simultaneously to restore the balance of the doshas.

After determining the causes of doshas imbalance, Ayurvedic therapy searches the root causes of diabetes which may be overeating and consequently obesity, Excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, an overdose of proteins and fats which get converted into sugar if taken excess, more tension, worry, anxiety & grief.

Ayurveda natural cure for diabetes indicates that a person should avoid foods that promote Kapha like potatoes, rice, sugar, fatty foods, and alcohol. Regular exercise for diabetic patients is necessary. One can do yoga asanas such as Halasan and Paschimottanasn to stay healthy during diabetes.

There is a most effective therapy known as Panchakarma Therapy. It helps in reducing the insulin resistance in the tissues in diabetics which is the major goal in treating diabetes.

Ayurveda also includes the diet modification by reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates. Protein is helpful for the body but an excessive intake can damage the kidneys. Fat should be taken in a limited amount as an excessive amount can lead to digestive problems and obesity. Ayurveda natural cure for diabetes starts with herbal massages, followed by fasting to cleanse the body.

Divine Wellness is an interactive online health portal providing online yoga classes for learning Kundalini Yoga. They also provide Ayurveda cure for diabetes through high definition video.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007)
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls, and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life. 

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home, and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as a means of combating anxiety disorders and stress. 

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to practice. With the right focus and dedication, you can learn transcendental meditation in a matter of moments. 

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions. 

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention, and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress-related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss, and depressed cerebral blood flow. 

It is interesting to note that adherents from all religions choose to learn transcendental meditation. Although it has roots in Hinduism, the transcendental meditation technique can be applied to any cultural context. In fact, those who learn transcendental meditation are encouraged to adapt symbols that have meaning and depth for the individual. For example, a rabbi may choose to focus on a symbol or image rooted in Judaism to enhance the effectiveness of the session. In contrast, an agnostic may choose an image from nature such as a beautiful meadow or sunset to achieve relaxation. The beauty of transcendental meditation is its flexibility.