Psychic debris will accumulate and create blockages in your life force at all levels. This debris begins in the mental and emotional body. If you don't take care of it then, it can cause disease and illness in the physical body.
This debris is a reliving of experiences from your past.
When you experience an emotion, you process and gain an understanding of the emotion and release it. With psychic debris, it just hangs on to you because you were either too young or too inexperienced to deal with the emotion at the time it happened.
You must be careful during attunements to Reiki. The debris you harbor can be released during the attunement, but it can linger and attach itself to someone else in the room. You will learn to protect yourself while giving healing sessions. Otherwise, you will start to feel the same emotions as the person you are trying to treat. You will feel sick in your stomach, spinning, and dizziness. As soon as you take the time to clear and balance yourself, you will be back to normal.
Once you release the debris in your mental and emotional body, you will begin to think clearer and gain a deeper understanding of feelings and thoughts. You also are opened up to positive changes in your life. As the blockages are taken away, you will obtain a higher awareness level.
Your Reiki force will return to its normal flow once more. This is an ongoing process and you must keep up with balancing and clearing yourself daily. If you don't balance and clear yourself daily from the emotions you are obtaining from other people, they can cause a negative impact on your own system.
This can be mental, emotional, or physical. Even walking into a crowded elevator, you can sense fear, stress, anger, and happiness. Make sure you learn to protect yourself against psychic debris.
In a stressed out world like what we have today, more and more people are opting for other treatments other than using medications to help them achieve a more stable level of thinking and emotions. This is because they have noticed that the more they depend on medication and treatments related to it, the more they feel weak, stressed out, and sick.
So, instead of suffering from the side effects of various medications, many people opt for a more traditional treatment such as Reiki healing.
Founded on the significant benefits of the human touch, Reiki healing is preferred by more and more people especially those who are suffering from terminal cases and illnesses-because it provides a more "human" approach to healing. Since it is more soothing and comforting that the number of apparatus that are used in various hospitals and medical centers, Reiki healing has become an option to people who are tired of relying on medical treatments.
What sets this alternative therapy from the modern form of healing today is the more "human" feel into it. Many people prefer this because it lessens the depression they feel brought the illness or emotional pains knowing that a person/people understand what are they going through.
How Reiki healing works
Reiki healing works through the use of the never-ending cycle of love energy in people. Reiki healing utilizes the innate life force energy flowing in each individual and converts it into a more productive energy force.
Transferred from one person to another, this life energy force can heal a person's emotional imbalance, heals the dying spirit, and calms the mind. If it cannot be channeled from one person to another during a Reiki class, an individual can also use it alone especially if there's a great need to boost a person's morale or spirit.
Reiki healing can be a perfect key in solving people's personal predicaments if only they give it a try. Unlike modern medications that can cost so much money along with numerous side effects, Reiki healing would not rob you off so much money especially if you have mastered it for yourself.
The only expenses you'll be needing to achieve the benefits of Reiki healing is the fee for enrolment in a Reiki class and references such as magazines and books for practicing Reiki.
For Reiki healing to work properly and effectively, a person must first be able to achieve a higher will. When a person has a high will, it can enable somebody to set aside his or her self-centered intentions. Once this is done, a person can experience a blissful encounter with his or herself and can share this wonderful feeling of healing and contentment with other people.
Reiki healing can also be more effective when a person can channel or transfer his or her energy to those people in need. Once a person can do this, he or she will be accredited to a higher level, which can enable him or her to achieve peacefulness, calmness, and optimism in life.
In Reiki healing, the life force energy is channeled or transferred from one person to another through attunement. Usually takes place in Reiki classes and supervised by a Reiki master, this transfer of life force energy is remotely done to ensure its success.
Aside from healing a person's spirit, Reiki also helps a person to balance his or her priorities in life to achieve a more relaxed and content life.
The five tenets of Reiki were adapted by Mikao Usui who was a reader of the works of Emperor Meiji.
These principles came straight out of Meiji's writings. Usui took these principles a step further and incorporated them into his Reiki practice. The good news is you do not have to be studying Reiki to apply these principles to your life.
The first principle is "Just for today, I will not worry." This is probably the toughest principle listed. It is hard not to worry about things which we have no control over. But in meditation and prayer, we can learn to hand those worries over to a higher life force and become more open to trust and have faith about the world we live in.
The second principle is "Just for today, I will not anger." Sometimes when we get angry, we need to figure out what is causing the real issue. Is the person who cut in front of you or is it the person in line at the store with ten returns? Sometimes we can find behavior in other people that mirrors our own self. That is sometimes hard to accept. Look at other people as teachers and try to figure out what lesson they are there to teach you.
The third principle is "I will honor all life." You should honor all the creations of God. You can help by planting trees and flowers, appreciating the food you have, the love from your family, the very air you breathe, and all the animals, rocks, and oceans.
The fourth principle is "I will live my life honestly." Did you skip the family picnic because you were sick or because you were too afraid to tell Aunt Martha you really didn't want to go? Ask in prayer for guidance in your dreams. You must honor the truth of your emotions and not keep it all bottled up inside.
The fifth principle is "I will give thanks for everything." Trust that love and happiness are supposed to be in your life and find yourself becoming grateful for the smallest of things and the gift of being here on Earth.
Bipolar is considered a major disorder that can greatly affect an individual and his family. There are many definitions of this illness. One definition states that a person with bipolar disorder experiences extreme elations that alternates with deep depression. Bipolar disorder is also calledmanic depression. Generally, it is characterized by depressive episodes and accompanied by a manic episode.
To put it simply, bipolar disorder affects feelings, thoughts, behavior, and perceptions. Experts say that it is brought about by the chemical and electrical elements found in the brain that are not functioning properly. Some say that it runs in the family, so families having a history of bipolar disorder or other mental illnesses are more prone to having the disorder.
There are certain medications given for bipolar patients, and not all of them are quite comfortable taking daily doses of different medications. Most of them are interested to secure supplemental or alternative therapies rather than taking prescription medications.
Omega 3
There are many kinds of research showing that omega 3 found in fish oils and in certain fishes are excellent for bipolar patients, as well as those having mental illnesses. There was significant research done in 30 bipolar patients for four months. It was a placebo-controlled and double-blind study. It aims to compare omega 3's efficacy versus olive oil or placebo for the treatment of bipolar disorder.
According to researchers, bipolar disorder is a neuropsychiatric illness that has high mortality and morbidity. In their preliminary study, it was proven that omega 3 performed better and resulted in longer remissions based on the four scales of symptom-severity. Further studies are still underway, and researchers are hoping that they can come up with new classes of psychotropic compounds that can be used as mood stabilizers.
Most people resolve to the use of herbal supplements instead of taking prescribed drug medications. But not all herbs are good for the treatment of bipolar disorder. In fact, there are certain herbs that can worsen the condition of a bipolar patient. Some herbal supplements actually have a harmful reaction when used together with certain drugs. Consult your doctor first before taking any herbal medication in conjunction with other drugs.
Nutrition and Your Diet
You have to adjust your diet, and this means checking your meal menus every day. The nutrients which the body receives are very important. Holistic physicians use b-complex, magnesium, and thiamin for episodes of depression.
Pastoral Counseling
If you're suffering from bipolar disorder, you can also talk to your pastor, priest, or rabbi instead of talking to therapists. The religious community may be of great help during these times. In fact, the community is now recognizing the role of spirituality and prayers. In can even be included in psychotherapies and medication.
Art Therapies
If you're always staying at home, then perhaps you might want to join expressive therapies. Through the arts, you can express freely your feelings and do so without inhibitions. You can enroll in a drawing class, sculpting, painting, and many others. Find an appropriate therapist in your locality who specializes in art therapies or expressive therapies.
If you want movement, enroll in dance therapy. Let your feet fly and your spirit soar while incorporating your physical, cognitive, and emotional facets to the dance.
Soothing music can make a person relax. So why not enroll in sound or music therapy? Your body chemicals can be stimulated to improve blood pressure and flow, breathing, pulse rate, and changes in posture.
Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicines or the culturally based ones like shiatsu, reiki, acupuncture, yoga, Ayurveda, talking circles, and sweat lodge are only typical examples. All these healing arts are based on balancing the states of the physical, spiritual, and emotional for the wellness of an individual. If the forces in your body are imbalanced, you will likely get an illness.
If all these things are combined: omega 3, herbal, right diet, pastoral counseling, art therapies, and traditional healing arts, perhaps the forces of the body can be balanced and a bipolar patient can be treated effectively. But remember to consult your doctor for any problems that you may encounter, and don't just stop your prescribed medication if you have one. Continue using it, and ask your doctor if you can also use other alternative medication.
If you don't want to go to a Reiki Master to get assistance with opening your chakras, there are some meditations (sometimes called Mudras) that you can try at home. They have special hand positions, and the power to send more energy to the ailing chakra.
The sounds are chanted three to four times as you do a meditation for eight to ten breaths. To open the Root chakra, the tips of your thumb and index finger should touch on both hands. Concentrate on the base of the spine. Chant the LAM sound. To open the Sacral chakra, place your hands in your lap on top of each other with the palms up. The left hand should be under the right. The tips of the thumbs should be touching. Concentrating on the sacral bone in the back, chant the VAM sound.
To open the Solar Plexus chakra, place your hands in front of your stomach, below the ribcage. The fingers should join at the top, and point away from you. Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers. Concentrate on the Solar Plexus chakra and chant the RAM sound. To open the Heart chakra, you must sit cross-legged. The tips of your index finger and thumbs should be touching on both hands. Place your left hand on your left knee and the right hand in front of the lowest part of the sternum.
Concentrating on the heart chakra, chant the YAM sound. To open the Throat chakra, cross your fingers inside your hands, no thumbs. The thumbs should touch at the top slightly pulled up. Concentrate on the Throat chakra and chant the HAM sound. To open the Brow Chakra, place your hands on the lower part of the ribcage. The middle fingers should be straight with the tops touching, The thumbs point towards you with the tops touching. Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra and chant the OM sound.
To open the Crown chakra, place your hands near your stomach. The ring fingers should point upwards. Cross fingers with the left thumb under the right one. Concentrate on the Crown chakra while chanting the NG sound.
You must learn to trust yourself when you start your practice of Reiki.
Use your intuition to help you know where to go on the body and what you need to do. Don't question what you are doing, know that you are being guided by what is best for the patient. It doesn't have to make sense, you just need to do what feels appropriate and comfortable t you.
There are many books out there that cover hand positions and symbols and have many strict rules in them. Reiki doesn't have to be strict in its approach. It is the intent of the practitioner that controls the Reiki.
Most practitioners only want to help the patient feel better. The different hand positions are useful but sometimes are not needed when we are in the moment and being guided by our own intuition. If something feels right, then it probably is. There is no wrong way to use Reiki.
Commit yourself to your practice and keep up with your daily self-healing sessions. As with most things, whatever you put into Reiki is what you will get out of it. So practice every day to keep the energy flowing abundantly. After a couple of weeks, if you miss a treatment, you will find yourself missing the free-flowing energy.
Some practitioners take right off and seem to get everything and do everything right. Some have t try a little harder. Just don't try too hard. In many sessions, even when you are feeling like there is no Reiki and nothing is happening, the patient will speak up and tell you that they feel where you have been.
Trust your abilities. If you start second-guessing and worrying, the Reiki will get blocked. So do what comes natural, even if you don't feel anything and see how the patient perceives it instead.
Whether you are walking the dog or driving somewhere, become aware of everything that is going on around you.
Live in this moment, the present one. Don't worry about the next. This way, we are following Mikao Usui's principles of life to not worry and not anger.
To keep up your own practice for other people, you must do Reiki to yourself daily. This keeps the energy flowing and helps keep you unblocked as a practitioner. After all, if your chakras are blocked, there is no way you can help someone else open theirs. You will become a better channel of the Universal Life Force and the Reiki energy. When giving a treatment, don't worry about doing it just right. Listen to your intuition and go where you feel you are shown. If you spend a minute on the heart chakra and ten on the throat, that is fine. Likewise, in another person, if you spent only three on the throat. Different people will need different chakras open. When you feel a cold or closed chakra, you know this is where you need to work.
Make sure you have a specific routine for doing the treatment. Follow it every time you give a Reiki treatment. Start at the head and go down through all the chakras. Do both elbow and knee chakra.
There is a rule that what you do to one side must be done to the other as well. So ensure you have given attention to left and right and back and front. After you finish, anchor in their affirmation and help them up. Don't ever work on someone when you are angry or upset. The Reiki will not flow. Reiki is a Universal Life Force that is only used with good intent.
If you have bad feelings when you are trying to give a treatment, it will not work. Always be in a good frame of mind when giving treatments, otherwise, it would behoove you to cancel.
If you look at it, Kundalini Reiki is quite simple. It aims to the open up the energy within our body and channels it into a form that can be used for healing. It encompasses the elements of traditional Reiki and the practices and beliefs of yoga. The main objective is to reach the highest spiritual level possible, being united with the divine. A free kundalini reiki discussion follows.
There has been a lot of name for it. It has been referred to as "Kundalini fire", the 'serpent energy", the "coiled energy", and even the 'dormant power." If you"re going to follow Hindu beliefs, you will learn that Kundalini is a serpent goddess whose favorite place is at the base of the spine where she sleeps, waiting for someone to wake her up.
Waking Kundalini means releasing an immense energy within us, an energy that will push out of every chakra opening in the body creating sensations of bliss, ecstasy, increase physical powers, visions, brilliance, and even pain.
In Kundalini Reiki, there are three levels of attunements each aims at strengthening the energy channels in the body to allow the Kundalini energy to flow out, cleansing blockages that might have accrued in time. The healing energy of the Kundalini allows practitioners to treat using a variety of methods, some hands-on healing while others are long-distance healing techniques.
Although the concept is simple enough, problems are usually encountered in awakening individual Kundalini. It is said that only a few people have actually reached the level of Kundalini awakening. Some have prepared themselves for years trying to awaken their own Kundalini but to no avail.
There are different ways to open the window for a Kundalini awakening. Deep meditations, yoga, and events like trauma or near-death experiences can be triggers to releasing the sleeping Kundalini energy. According to beliefs, there have been two effective exercises in the past that proved to be successful in awakening the Kundalini. The breath technique or the kumbhaka is one of them. And the other is the three locks or bandha traya.
But awakening the Kundalini is just half the battle. If years have been spent just preparing for the release of this dormant energy, it will almost take the same time to receive the cleansing process brought forth by the awakening of the Kundalini. Mastering the energy of Kundalini begins with the lowest chakra and moves it way up to the head or the crown chakra. The process might take years.
Even though Kundalini is meant for healing, the enormous energy it releases can cause some level of discomfort. In such situations, there is a necessity to purify the body which means removing in its system drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and greasy foods. Stress should be reduced as well and other issues that might come up whether psychological or emotional should be treated.
When released properly, Kundalini Reiki heals the body, reducing stress and providing renewed energy. The combination of traditional Reiki practices and the energy of the kundalini fire are effective in promoting spiritual growth and healing geared towards the attainment of enlightenment.
By learning kundalini reiki, you will acquire the knowledge of the various ways to give treatment to another person, the various techniques of healing yourself and the different methods of long-distance healing.
It all starts with this free Kundalini reiki discussion. I hope you pursue this path towards enlightenment.
The Reiki Distance Healing symbol Honshazeshonen also spelled Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen and abbreviated HSZSN. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Reiki is an ancient method of healing that has been used for centuries. Since it's reintroduction in the early 20th century, various methods have been produced and one of them although considered by some as radical is called Feiki Reiki.
But why is it a radical form of Reiki? This is because the technique not only recharges your energy but it also awakens your senses. This makes you realize that nothing lies outside ourselves when the power and everything else we need is within us.
We have to tap that power to become better individuals and that can only be done by learning from a master and then improving who we are.
Regardless of what you choose to use, the purpose of Reiki is still the same. This technique teaches you to use the surrounding energy to heal your body and give you or whoever you are helping inner peace.
By practicing this regularly, you will be able to clear your body of negative energies that are mental blocks and causes of illness. This keeps you healthy and strong as well as gives your more creativity to flow through your mind.
One thing that you can't miss even in radical Reiki is a balance. This includes not only physical balance but also for the mind and spirit which gives you time to relax and revitalize your body.
If you want to learn conventional or radical Reiki, you have to start at level 1 training. The instructor will first teach you about the symbols and then after going through a cleansing period, you may choose to learn the other levels to the point that can even make you become a master.
There are a few attributes that go with Feiki Reiki. First is the purification that is associated with a pure form of energy. It is often said that this can move into one that causes a higher vibration of energy to move through that person and thus causes healing. The second attribute is being able to transform fear and negative thoughts into an attribute. In short, you face your fears until you are no longer afraid of them.
Once you have mastered them, you will be able to call on a specific universal energy to help with your healing.
Feiki Reiki is often online. You can find it by typing this in a search engine or maybe look it up in your local area so you don't have to travel very far to learn this but if you have no choice, you can just opt for distance learning.
The use of Feiki Reiki is not very common compared to the other forms available. Just the same, its focus is still to help you heal from any emotional, physical or spiritual problem that you or others may have. By using it regularly and making this a part of your daily life, you will realize that it can also serve as a guide.
After all, life is meaningless without a purpose and this may be the key to help you on your way. So read up on it to find out if Feiki Reiki is the right technique for you. If possible, talk to an instructor. There are plenty to choose from and that is something you have to find out for yourself.
If you have the fair interest in knowing Reiki and how it is practised, the best thing to start with is that of getting familiar with the healing procedure. Reiki imparts the knowledge on how the present life can be lived to the fullest and to let go of all the worries and stress. It is necessary to put away the concerns that bother the mind, the spirit, and the body because it is the only way on how a full life can be enjoyed. Reiki healing employs the force that opens the doors in our lives towards the most unexpected and positive things that can occur. As soon as we allow our hearts, minds, and spirits to open up to the wonders of its healing procedure, we can start to live in harmony with the rest of our brothers and sisters.
The Healing and the Healer
As per the believers of Reiki, they manifest the techniques as they abide by the Divine consecration and the sacred covenant that they share with the Creator. Others even have the faith that the ability to heal themselves and others by means of using Reiki is innate. The technique is both a therapy and a way of allowing one to live the present day at a given moment. The healing ability is empowered as the person decides to accept his responsibility in getting attuned to it. Apart from acting as a form of treatment, it is also a lifestyle that encourages an individual to do good deeds in their entire lifetime.
The Early Beginnings
The methods of healing through Reiki is said to have been rooted from the age-old Tibet and was actually rediscovered by no less than a Japanese man by the name Mikao Usui in the latter part of the 1800s. When Mikao Usui died, his loyal followers took over the responsibility and continued the practice. They established clubs and alliances which still exist to this day to teach the variations of the Reiki method. The teaching is basically based on the learner's level of spiritual maturity. In the early times, the club was exclusively for the Japanese so the foreigners were never allowed to partake in the course. However, one Japanese woman by the name Hawayo Takata introduced the same teachings in the western world in the 1970s. Nowadays, the knowledge of Reiki is known to all parts of the world.
Using Reiki Methodology
If there are some people who question the efficacy of Reiki, it is but necessary to believe that it truly works. The person has to be simply open to accept the healing energy which is always around. You don't necessarily have to feel anything during the healing process. If one fails to receive the energy, it means that the process is obstructed by the imbalanced chakras. In order to fully enjoy its effect, it has to be rebalanced. It may take a while but with the help of other Reiki healers, the process of recovery can be made faster.
It is but important to do the Reiki healing procedure with all of your heart and mind. Your action has to be driven by your greatest emotion called love. It is by opening yourself up to the whole process that you will only be able to receive its rewarding effect. Good deeds are also going to be returned to you.
The Reiki Master Attunement symbol Daikomyo also spelled Dai Ko Myo and abbreviated DKM.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The term Reiki has its Japanese roots. Literally, Rei signifies God's Wisdom or Higher Power whereas Ki denotes Life Force Energy. The Japanese Makao Usui is said to have rediscovered this Tibetan kind of healing. After his death, his disciples continued its practice until today that the discipline has already been passed on to the Masters from varying generations and cultures. In the course of this healing practice, a Reiki Master plays an important role. This article focuses on the introduction of who a Reiki Master is and how he fulfills his role of molding the learners.
An Introduction of the Master
The Master is the person who has devoted his time and energy to learning the art of healing that is known as Reiki. He studied and earned the degrees relevant to enhancing his skills in self-healing, healing others, and teaching the Reiki students. Prior to being qualified as a teacher, he has to prove himself proficient in executing all techniques in the lower degrees or levels both with mastery and efficiency and then he must move on to studying the Master Level or Master Degree.
Looking into the entirety of the Master, you will see a person who performs the healing art with due proficiency. He is the kind of an individual who is able to feel the calling along with the willingness to assume the responsibility of being a mentor, an initiator, and above all, a teacher. He is the certified person who can teach the methodologies and then attune other students into this kind of healing art.
The Master's Skills Enumerated
As the Master of Reiki teaching, he is endowed with numerous skills that has something to do with the spiritual healing. Included herein are his communication skills, the transforming, and handling of different types of emotional responses, carrying on the therapeutic figures, specializing in the teaching skills, and overcoming any resistance to perform the healing motivation... Since Reiki is comprised of various levels, the Master should be knowledgeable enough in granting his students an in-depth knowledge in every level that he handles. It is furthermore required that he is capable of teaching all the encompassing levels or degrees.
Using the Energy
The master should, therefore, have the rightful knowledge on the usage of the life energy. As per the Reiki theory is concerned, the energy flows towards the target. Thus, it is exhibited to where the attention of the healer is directed. The symbols play a vital role in this sense especially in the production of the energy. There are different symbols involved and they all generate the respective energy. The produced energies are later on utilized for several objectives like stress relief and stress release, healing, and in curing a myriad of problems.
The Learning Course of the Masters
There are numerous courses that help mold a Master in Reiki. Reiki itself revolves within the straightforward philosophy of self-healing prior to healing other people. A Master's first challenge is that of healing himself because it is the only way on how he will be able to heal and help other people. During the training, the student who aims to become a Master is aided in resolving his personal past issues so he can better hold the rein of his own emotions. The mind training likewise helps a lot in provoking the manifestations of his own wants.
At any rate, the Reiki Master has a spiritual power that should never be underestimated. With all the positive energies in him, he is sure to influence the outpour of positive results.
Western Reiki hand-positions for self-treatment.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With Reiki treatment, the energies are balanced so a new kick for life is furthermore promoted. Through all of these, the Reiki hand positions play a vital role.
As the treatment session is conducted, the hand positions are importantly executed. They are able to let the individual feel the strong sense of coldness, heat, tingling, or pulsations vibrating within him. It is also possible to be devoid of any sort of feelings. Reiki treatment may be performed on yourself or to another. The positions of the hand are definitely meant to cure the diseases that affect the parathyroid, thymus, thyroid gland, asthma, and the throat, among others. If you have not witnessed an actual healing procedure, then you may not be familiar with the various hand positions. This article is going to give you an idea of what they are. Read on and find out below.
The first position is the hand that is placed on the face. To do this, you should put your palms either on your own face or on the person who is receiving Reiki. The palms should form a cup over the eyes while the fingers are on the forehead. There must be no pressure at all but only a gentle touch.
The second position includes the hand on the crown and on the top of the head. Both hands must be on the sides of the head whereas the heels of the hands are located near the ears. The fingertips must be able to touch the crown.
The third position is at the back of the head. Form a cross by using your arms. One of the hands must be on the head while the other one is above the neck's nape.
The fourth position includes the touching of the heart and collarbone. Make a V-like shape with the thumb and fingers. You must be able to easily hold your neck via the V formation. Lower one of your hands and have it resting in between the collarbone and the heart.
The fifth has something to do with touching the jawline and the chin as well. Again, let your hands form a cup and let your chin rest in it. Let your hands wrap themselves on your jawline. The sixth position includes your ribs. Put your hand on the upper portion of the rib cage and provide some support to the bent elbows. The other hand should be on the abdomen. Let your fingertips touch your tummy.
The pelvic area is included in the seventh position. Put your hands on your pelvic bone and allow your fingertips to touch your pelvic region.
Then the eight position concerns your shoulders. Bend your elbows and arms over the head and touch your shoulder blades with your hand. While your elbows are bent, put your hands on the center part of your back.
The final position includes the lower back and the sacrum. Let your hands rest on your lower back. Lower your arms and then place them on the sacral area and then proceed to relax.
The main intention of the Reiki hand positions is to let the energy flow and retain its balance once more. A practitioner will not apply a heavy pressure on the body parts but will simply touch them to promote the general flow of the somehow trapped energies.
Rei is the universal life force while Sekh Em is energy from the four elements namely air, earth, fire, ether (spirit) and water. It is designed to heal more deeply bringing greater balance on all levels be it emotional, mental, physical or spiritual.
Egyptian Reiki just like the Japanese version commonly being practiced today includes a negative energy drain that helps remove symptoms of depression or deep-seated pain.
This ultra high vibrational healing system was developed by Joanna Bristow Watkins who traveled to Egypt several times and came up with this using an authentic Khemitian approach.
Patients who will undergo treatment will receive a 5-minute consultation prior to the treatment and asked to remove any jewelry or any items that may restrict the healing process except for one's clothing.
The practitioner will then place their hands lightly on the patient's body in different positions to start the healing process. However, if the session is to treat bruises or burns, the hands will not touch the body.
The session will last for one to two hours. If you happen to fall asleep, don't feel bad because this is the body's way of healing itself.
Egyptian Reiki is different from other types of healing because it usually takes just one session before results are noticed. Although it is very similar to Japanese Reiki, this method can help the person deal with spiritual problems while the other cannot.
Most people that have undergone Egyptian Reiki claim they feel sensations such as tingling warmth or heat while others feel cold. It is also possible that one may have a heightened sense of emotions but the vast majority felt a sense of calm and relaxation.
After the session, the patient may feel a renewed zest for life while others may feel exhausted. Although you may feel something in the first session, the healing process usually takes three days to three weeks to complete before everything is back to normal. During the course of the healing process, the patient is advised to drink lots of water and rest whenever possible.
Egyptian Reiki has been effective in treating chronic aches and pains as well as energetic, mental and physical disorders. But because it is only an alternative form of medicine, this must be not be substituted with medical science.
Reyad Sekh Em is completely safe. Those who want to practice it can also learn this so they too can help others that are suffering.
There are five levels that people have to master to become a master and it doesn't matter if you have experience in Reiki or not because everyone will be taught at an even pace so no one will be left behind.
There is also a three-week cleansing process. During this time, the person should let go of old issues, eat healthy and organic food, drinks lots of spring water, exercise and rest. This will prepare you for the next lesson so eventually, you may become a master.
The extent to which cleaning is felt during the cleansing process shows how much a person has changed. This can change you entirely and even your outlook on life because you need to harness unconditional love to give this to whoever needs it and which is the true essence of Egyptian Reiki.
Maori Reiki is one of the many forms of the popular Reiki system of spiritual healing. And just like the original Reiki system, it is considered to be a part of alternative medicine. There are many types of Reiki spiritual healing now available. Most of the prominent ones include Dragon Reiki, Gendai Reiki, Brahma Satya Reiki and the Shamanic Reiki. Maori Reiki is just one of these many forms.
The different forms of Reiki spiritual healing were usually developed in the place where they originated from. Geography alone plays a big part in the development of these different forms of Reiki. As for the Maori Reiki, it was developed from a unique tribe found in New Zealand called the Maoris.
The Maori people are considered as a very spiritual tribe with many of their beliefs based on the spiritual aspect of life. The Maori tribe has developed their own way of spiritual healing through their years of existence. The unique spiritual healing practice has been handed down from generation to generation. The tradition has been carried on by some of the descendants of the Maori tribe even today.
Although the Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing may be similar in some ways with the other Reiki systems, it also has its own distinction over them. The Maori Reiki form of spiritual healing is based a lot on trying to cleanse the body of any spiritual and physical toxic waste. Healing of the body is achieved through getting rid of the spiritual and physical wastes accumulated through the many years.
The main aim of Maori Reiki masters is to cleanse both the body and soul. An excess of waste in the body can slow down and make people feel physically drained and fatigued, thereby affecting daily life. The same thing happens if a person is carrying a lot of spiritual toxic waste. This type of waste can lead to a multitude of negative feelings in a person.
Maori Reiki can help people get rid of these physical and spiritual toxins as well as the negative energy that they create. By releasing these toxins, only then can people begin to feel both physically and spiritually whole and balanced once again.
Another difference that Maori Reiki may have on other Reiki systems is that it employs the use of natural objects that help the Maori Reiki master to heal people physically and spiritually. The natural objects particularly used include certain types of wood that carry with them some spiritual properties.
Gemstones, crystals and natural stones are also some of the natural objects that Maori Reiki masters use to heal the spirit and the body. The use of herbs and other natural remedies that also carry spiritual and healing properties is also employed to further aid the Maori Reiki master.
In a typical Maori Reiki session, it is essential that a person needs to get in touch with more nature. This is the initial belief since the past generations of the Maori tribe were very naturalistic and holistic in their approach to healing. By using the tools that nature has provided for them, Maori Reiki masters can use the energy that these objects impart to aid healing people from the inside out.
People can experience the unique Maori Reiki spiritual healing treatments if they are dealing with a multitude of physical and emotional stress. Substance abuse or drug addiction may also be alternatively treated using the Maori Reiki system.
The Melchizedek method reiki is one of the many types of reiki methods that have found to be widely practiced by people. This reiki method is considered by many practitioners to be one of the most advanced healing techniques available. It teaches a new form of emotional, spiritual, physical and mental healing.
The history of the Melchizedek method started in 1997 as taught by Master Thoth. It was said that the knowledge of this method was handed down to man by the Catacean (whales and dolphins) within the temples of discovery during Atlantean times. The basis used in the techniques presented by the method is activating the Hologram of Love Merkaba rotating light field in trying to awaken one's spherical consciousness.
Doing so raises one's quotient of light vibration right down within the human atomic cell structure. Once this light field is activated, the healing capabilities of the Melchizedek method practitioner are enhanced further. Not only that, the heart also awakens and opens more to unconditional love on your normal life.
The Melchizedek method also teaches and encourages a person to take full responsibility for his or her own health, well-being and harmony with the environment as well as other people. Aside from that, the method of healing is also designed to be applied by a person upon another individual. The Melchizedek Method is known for teaching and demonstrating the skill of transporting any part of the body, outer bodies and thought programming into the higher dimensions in order for it to be cleansed and healed.
Once that is done, the body is then returned to its completely perfect physical condition. Holographic healing and rejuvenation is a skill all human beings can practice in the future with the right knowledge. Believers of the method are confident that it will be instrumental in getting rid of illness and disease on the planet in the near future.
One of the interesting aspects of the Melchizedek method is in the activation of the hologram of love or Merkaba. The Merkaba is said to be the sacred geometric pattern that gave birth to the whole universe. This pattern is said to be based on unconditional love from which everything in the universe resonates. Humans are said to have this hologram of love pattern from within. Awakening it serves the basis in the Melchizedek method.
Meditating in a way that opens the Holographic Merkaba with light will bring forth the call upon a special frequency of 13:20:33 into that field of continuous time. The 13:20:33 frequency is also known as the frequency of no limitation. This frequency is also known to be present in different parts of the body harmonizing it to the whole universe. Having such a frequency allows humans to be in harmony with the creator of the universe.
The tool utilized by the Hologram of Merkaba is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine expression that can gain entry to all levels of consciousness. This tool has the ability to heal and rejuvenate any form of created being as it is the living conscious holographic pattern of the God Source vibration.
The Melchizedek Method reiki helps establish a constant flow of love energy from a person's heart to that of the source of God as well as to the heart center of the Earth. Linking this different aspects way allows a person to draw on the spiritual energies of God source and Earth together to reveal a high-frequency love healing energy that can effectively uplift the human body into a state of receptivity for healing and rejuvenation.
The ability to access original thought form and emotion can be made possible while in this state, completing a powerful experience that can be quite spiritually, emotionally and physically fulfilling.
When it comes to spiritual healing, Kundalini Reiki is considered by many people as one of most basic yet effective means of today. This is because the practice involves simple and easily understood structures that anybody can practice.
Many people who are into spiritual healing-are into Kundalini Reiki because it is far easier than the practice of the traditional Reiki. Since Kundalini Reiki is derived from the traditional Reiki, the majority of its techniques means of treatments, and principles are pretty much the same. Only that Kundalini Reiki uses simpler methods to achieve spiritual healing in a faster and more convenient manner.
How Kundalini Reiki works
When we say Kundalini, it usually refers to the opening of various "healing channels" and "charkas" that gives people easy access to gaining the energy of the Earth. Here, the "root chakra" serves as the center of energy that paves the way for the Kundalini energy to enter.
Also referred to as the "Kundalini fire," Kundalini energy is said to flow all throughout the person's body and taps the body's 'main energy channel." Once it the energy has reached 'main energy channel," the Kundalini Reiki will now exit the "crown chakra," and comes back in a form of cycle.
In Kundalini Reiki, the energy that has been released from a person through a channel enters the "root chakra," passes through "crown chakra"-which is usually located on top of a person's head-and stay there for a period of time. During its stay in the "crown chakra," the Kundalini Reiki cleanses the "charkas" in the different parts of the body and channels it all throughout the system.
Here's the step-by-step procedure how Kundalini Reiki works:
1. The first step in making Kundalini Reiki work is by opening the channels where Reiki energy will flow. This step is called the "first attunement." This process also prepares the person for the second awakening of the Kundalini Reiki. Here, the person's chakras in the hand, crown, and hand are opened and strengthened at the same time to complete the first phase. This first step is said to be the equivalent of Usui's Reiki 1to 3 attunements which most people who practice traditional Reiki use.
2. The second step in making Kundalini Reiki work is the strengthening of channels. After the initial awakening of the Kundalini Reiki, the channels where the life force energy should be strengthened so it can accommodate the channeled energy. When the channels are strengthened, it ensures that receiving of energy in a gentle and sure manner. This process also paves that way for igniting the Kundalini energy and enables it to reach its minimum chakra.
3. The third step in making Kundalini Reiki work is strengthening the channels where the Kundalini fire will reach its maximum limit. Once this is done, the Kundalini Reiki will then perform its task of cleansing the person's spirituality while strengthening and nurturing it.
For the Kundalini Reiki to work more effectively, the person who's practicing it may also include extra attunements including "balance," and the use of 'diamond Reiki," "crystalline Reiki," "DNA Reiki," "birth trauma Reiki," "location Reiki," and the "past life Reiki."
Although Kundalini Reiki is a simple means of spiritual healing, people should be careful in using or practicing it because they can be grounded to the energy of the Earth if they don't have enough knowledge and guidance when doing it.