Tuesday, December 4, 2018


English: Greg Ball at "Greenstock" i...
Greg Ball at "Greenstock" in Yorktown NY in May of 2007, an event about renewable energy sources. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Record high prices at American gas pumps and continued trouble-brewing in the Middle East, Nigeria, and other areas of importance to the oil-driven economy have made it clear to Americans that we are in need of developing many new avenues of energy supply and production. In short, we need to reduce our dependency on oil, for it is ultimately finite and, frankly, the cheap sources of oil (not all oil—just the stuff that is cheap to remove from the earth) are running out. Energy consultants and analysts are insistent that cheap oil has “peaked” or is very soon going to peak.  What this means for us is an expensive future—unless we can find new sources of powering our mechanized and electronic civilization, new sources which are alternatives to oil. 

We must also switch to alternative forms of energy because our present forms are too damaging to the atmosphere. While this writer does not believe that the global warming trend is much, if at all, sustained by the activities of mankind (in short, it's a natural cycle and there's nothing we can do about it except prepare for the effects of it), we certainly do contribute at present to the destruction of the environment and to things like air pollution with our energy sources as they are. Coal is another source of energy that we need to wean ourselves off of—again, it is finite, and it is filthy, and the mining of it is dangerous and environmentally disruptive. We can also explore new, streamlined methods for producing electricity that we presently generate so much of via hydro-power so that we are less disruptive of the environment when we have need of constructing things such as large dams.

Developing nations which have turned industrialized in recent decades especially will need the benefits of alternative energy research and development, for they are presently doing much more environmental damage than the United States. The United States, Japan, and some European nations have been implementing studies into and programs for the development of alternative energy sources, and are therefore already leading the way in doing less environmental damage. The developing nations such as China and India need to look to Japan and the West as examples of what research and development to give government backing and private investment currency to. We could also add great robustness to our own economy by being at the forefront of such alternative energy sources development and then marketing the technologies and services to nations like India, China, Brazil, and so on and so forth.

Biofuels from things like “supertrees” and soybeans, refined hydroelectric technology, natural gas, hydrogen fuel cells, the further building of atomic energy plants, the continued development of solar energy photovoltaic cells, more research into wind-harnessed power—all of these are viable energy sources that can act as alternatives to the mammoth amounts of oil and coal that we presently are so dependent on for our very lifestyles. The energy of the future is green. 

Monday, December 3, 2018


Deutsch: Echte Aloe (Aloe vera)
Aloe Vera (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
History of Aloe Vera
The aloe plant most likely originated in the semi-arid regions of Africa. It was used by the ancient Sumerians, Egyptians, and Greeks in the healing of wounds. Alexander the Great purportedly conquered the Mediterranean island of Socotra so that his troops would have a reliable source of aloe to use in treating their wounds.

Aloe has been used throughout history in all cultures; in Ayrvedic medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and Native American medicine, to name a few. It was brought to the Americas by Spanish missionaries centuries ago, and its use eventually spread across both continents.

The first modern scientific paper on aloe in the United States was published in 1934. It describes the use of whole aloe leaf to successfully heal radiation injuries, burns, and dermatitis in 50 documented cases.

A chemical analysis undertaken in 1978 discovered a wide variety of amino acids, saccharides, sterols ( similar to cortisone ), salicylic acid ( aspirin-related ), and lupeol ( a painkiller and anti-microbial agent ).

A 1987 study concluded that aloe might be used to control or kill many viruses, including the common cold, measles, mumps, chicken pox, and flu. This led to the approval by the FDA in 1994 of the use of aloe for human testing in the treatment of HIV.

Uses of Aloe Vera
The first use of aloe was likely as an external agent in the treatment of wounds and burns. Sap from the leaves or the leaf as a whole can also be used to cure a wide variety of skin ailments: dermatitis, acne, skin allergies, fungus infections, ringworm, herpes, and shingles.

Since ancient times, aloe gel has also been used internally as a laxative. It was at one time regulated by the FDA as an ingredient in over-the-counter laxative preparations. Their approval was discontinued in 2002, due to the lack of safety data provided by the manufacturers.

Boiled juice from aloe sap and skin has been used to treat ulcers and indigestion, and to cut excess stomach acid. It has also been used orally to treat diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, and osteoarthritis. However, this use has not been supported by traditional medicine, or approved by governmental agencies.

Cosmetically, aloe vera gel is the most popular ingredient in skin lotions and sunblocks. It has been shown to balance pH levels in the skin. However it is doubtful that it has anything but a psychological effect, as it has been shown that a relatively high concentration of aloe is necessary for it to provide any benefit.

In Conclusion:
It has been found that in order for the ingredients in aloe to work properly, they must be used as found in the plant. The isolated chemicals do not have the same effect. This synergistic relationship between aloe's various antiseptic and pain-killing ingredients tends to support the position of traditional herbalists. So far, at least, Mother Nature seems to be better at mixing chemicals than scientists.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

HERBAL MEDICINE - Part II - Four Differing Viewpoints

Arabic herbal medicine guidebook
Arabic herbal medicine guidebook (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This article continues the discussion of the philosophical background of herbal medicine by describing the four distinct points of view regarding the use of herbal remedies. A short bibliography is provided listing websites representative of each viewpoint.

The Herbalists
Most herbalists would concede that pharmaceuticals are often necessary for treating emergencies. A patient might need to be immediately sedated if he is thrashing about violently, to prevent him from injuring himself and others. However, in long-term treatments, herbs can provide resistance to disease, nutritional support, and other benefits that pharmaceuticals cannot match. They also contain many minor ingredients that may interact with the main ingredient, to support and enhance its function.

In doing research for this article, I examined the websites of several pharmaceutical companies. They provide a lot of information about their support for research into new medicines, but I could find no information at all indicating any interest in, or opinions on herbal medicine.
Pharmaceutical companies do, however, provide financial support for doctor's organizations who, in turn, advise caution to those who would consider using herbal products [3].

Vitamin & Mineral Manufacturers
These companies actively promote herbal supplements. At times their products are even supported with articles written by herbalists. However, a disclaimer is always included for legal reasons:
"This statement has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease." [4]

Governmental Entities
Herbal supplements are regulated in the US by the Food & Drug Administration as foods, and consequently, do not have the same rigorous review processes as new drugs. Recently, however, new regulations require more stringent safety practices in their manufacture to ensure that they are free of contaminants and that they contain what their labels say they do.

Many countries, the US, UK, and Australia, for example, have governmental organizations who are charged with studying herbal medicines scientifically. These institutions are beginning to provide some insight into identifying the active ingredients in herbs, and are studying how they affect the body.

They also advise caution in the use of herbal products, but their warnings [5] are not as stringently worded as those propounded by physicians.
Bibliography (2007)

This is not intended to be an exhaustive bibliography. I have tried to provide examples of websites espousing all points of view on herbal remedies.

[1] Herbs.org (www.herbs.org/) -- Website of the Herb Research Foundation. "Founded in 1983 with a mission of herb research and public education, HRF remains committed to supporting the public's right to truthful information about the health benefits of herbs."

[2] Gene.com (www.gene.com/gene/index.jsp) -- Example of a pharmaceutical company's website. I picked this one since it had a prominent advertisement in the May/June 2008 issue of AARP magazine, to which I subscribe.

[3] FamilyDoctor.org (familydoctor.org/online/famdocen/home/otc-center/otc-medicines/860.html) -- The website of the American Academy of Family Physicians. This page, entitled "Herbal Products and Supplements: What You Should Know", is not listed in the menu on their Homepage. I discovered it by Googling on "herbal medicine". It states beneath the title, "This information was developed as part of an educational program made possible by an unrestricted educational grant from McNeil Consumer & Specialty Pharmaceuticals."

[4] BronsonVitamins.com (www.bronsonvitamins.com/) -- Example of a vitamin/mineral company. I have been purchasing my vitamins & minerals from here for many years.

[5] NLM.NIH.gov (www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/herbalmedicine.html) -- Website of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.

Friday, November 30, 2018

HERBAL MEDICINE - Part I - Historical and Philosophical Background

English: Street vendor selling herbal remedies...
Street vendor selling herbal remedies in Patzcuaro, Michoacan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Herbal medicine has been around since before recorded history. Cave paintings in France, radiocarbon-dated to before 13,000 BC, show the use of plants as healing agents. Herbalism was intimately connected to religious practices, and was frequently the jealously-guarded preserve of shamans, or "witch doctors". The use of herbs as medicine pervades all cultures.

The earliest written records date back over 5000 years in Western culture to the Sumerian civilization. In the East, the Siddha, Unani and Ayurvedic systems from India arose long before the Christian era, and are still practiced today. And traditional Chinese herbology is still thriving as well.

Africa has a long history of herbal remedies, strongly influenced by its links with trading partners from both East and West. Native Americans hold to the belief that illness is caused by a disturbance in one's balance with nature, and can be cured by rituals that often include the use of herbal medicines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of the world's population uses herbal medicine for some aspect of primary health care. Many pharmaceuticals being used today by physicians were originally used as herbal remedies, including aspirin, digitalis, and quinine. In recent years, scientists have been searching all over the world for natural sources of phytochemicals that might be developed into treatments for various diseases. The WHO estimates that 25% of drugs presently in use in the U.S. were derived from plants.

Despite the fact that herbal medicines have a long history of use, the fact that in most cases their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven has led to a controversy between herbalists and mainstream medicine. In Western culture, the rise of modern medical practice brought with it a decline in the use of herbal medicines. This gave rise to the notion that such remedies were nothing more than "old wives tales." In recent years, however, herbalism has come to be recognized by many as an alternative, or sometimes complementary method of treatment.

In my research for this article, I discovered that there are basically four groups, each espousing differing points of view regarding the use of herbal remedies:
1) herbalists,
2) pharmaceutical manufacturers, sometimes aided by physicians,
3) vitamin and mineral supplement manufacturers, with some help from herbalists, and
4) governmental institutions.

I will try not to take sides here. There is no need for animosity between these factions. In all that I have read, there is a concern for the safety and well-being of those who would use herbal remedies. But each group has its own vested interest which slants its perspective to more or less of a degree.

To be continued...
In the next installment, I will describe the viewpoints of the four factions above. References will be given to websites which illustrate the ideas presented.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

ACUPUNCTURE As a Facelift Alternative

English: Acupuncture
Acupuncture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Something that all of us struggle against is time.  As a matter of fact, all of us are aging from the time we are born and as we get older, that age begins to display itself in one way or another.  For some, it comes as a decreased metabolism and an inability to keep off excess weight.  For others, it comes in the form of facial wrinkles and noticeable signs that point to the fact that we are getting older.  Some people spend countless dollars on all kinds of treatments in order to get rid of these wrinkles, some of which are very unhealthy.  A new way of looking at an old medicine, however, may give us some hope in order to turn back the hands of time.  Is acupuncture actually being used as a facelift alternative?

First of all, you need to know that acupuncture itself is not a facelift at all.  There is no surgery, chemical injections or any other alterations that are done through acupuncture that would classify it as such.  That doesn't mean, however, that you're not able to enjoy a healthier complexion and more youthful look as a result of acupuncture treatments.  The fact of the matter is, acupuncture is known to help with your general health and this can offer you a lot in the way of reduced aging.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is a way of bringing the body back into a naturally balanced state.  Two opposing forces that govern our body in general often get pushed toward one extreme or the other.  By maintaining a balance between these two extremes, we allow our life energy or Chi to flow naturally throughout our body and to give us balance.  This can help us in many different ways but for the most part, it helps us to enjoy natural health and all of the benefits that it gives to us.

So, can acupuncture remove your wrinkles?  No, it can't remove the wrinkles from your face but it can give you a health that will radiate from within.  It can help to remove a lot of the negative effects of aging that show up as a wrinkle on your face.  If you maintain a healthier balance in your body, you will give off a more youthful appearance that will be plain for everyone to see.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Benefits And Importance Of ADHO MUKHA SVANASANA

Yoga postures
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When we take each word of this asana and look for the meaning it comes out to be a very simple word. “Adho Mukh” means facing downwards and “Svana” means a dog. This would mean facing downwards dog pose. This pose matches to a dog that stretches himself with its front and back legs. Therefore this name has been attached to this asana.

Many asanas have its importance and this asana can be termed as one of the most commonly done asanas. As we all know that every yoga asana has its benefits for specific or hidden problems we face. Most of the inverted poses which have been shown to us have good benefits which done regularly can boost your health tremendously. 

The trick of doing any asana is to take it slow and steady. Every movement of this asana has to be done with proper precision. Inhaling and exhaling while doing this asana, is very important. These breathing exercises help in expanding the stomach muscles which helps in rejuvenating our muscles.

This asana can be similar to Surya Namaskar because it stretches the shoulders, hands, hamstring, calves and feet. Strengthening of all the muscles becomes an integral part of doing this asana. You can try variations with this exercise as it would be very useful for women who are having problems with their menstrual cycle. The menstrual pain gets diminished, making it very useful for all women.

It is one of the best asanas to do when you are tired and there is utter lack of joy in your life. This asana may help you get back that agility and vigor which has been missing out all your life. To achieve this goal, regular practice of this asana with proper balance and knowledge would help you to be a happy and calm person. 

For beginners who would not be able to manage this asana in the first attempt can try their hand by using a rope, a wall or a pillow. This may seem to be easy for many but once you start doing this asana you may understand the complexities it carries along with it. 

Having a partner along may prove to be very useful. It can help or guide you while doing this asana in a better manner. The presence of the partner can make things easier for you, in an attempt to achieve the right asana pose.

Adho Mukha Svanasana has many benefits showered upon us. It helps in energizing our body and could easily help you have a positive outlook on life. A state of complete calmness and balance can be achieved by doing this asana. The digestive system is stabilized while doing this asana.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018


Back tattoo
Back tattoo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The opinion on tattoo removal creams is as varied as tattoos themselves. With mixed results, fake and working products its difficult to decide what products you should invest your money in.

What the Experts Say

Dermatologists are medical doctors who specialize in skin conditions, care and the hundreds of disorders that affect the skin. Upon completion of their degree then study for numerous year more to become an expert in skin care.

Dermatologists have been known to report a mixed opinion of tattoo removal creams throughout the years, this makes it hard for the public to achieve any degree of certainty about the consistency of tattoo removal creams. Support from industry professionals would give consumers the faith and trust needed in this pain-free method of removal. It reveals a lot about this type of product when this backing is lacking. You would expect the producers of these companies to actively seek out this support, it seems like common sense to me.

It is possible however to find numerous medical experts stating that there is no evidence that tattoo removal creams work at all and at best, all these creams manage to achieve is slight lightening or fading of the tattoo. What's more skin irritation and other reactions are possible.

Developments in the tattoo removal cream field have seen a ray of hope for those wanting to remove unwanted ink. A good number of the latest products are beginning to seek out this all-important medical backing. One or two of the latest products are only available from established clinics and medically qualified personnel, all helping to support their legitimacy. Just remember when you find a product on the web, make sure ay doctors providing medical support, exist and have recognized medical degrees.

Can I trust Testimonials?

Nearly every product available today has lists of customers all too eager to shout about how good the product is and how it changed their life. But are these testimonials credible? Annoyingly this is one snippet of all important information that we will never be able to find out. Customers will not leave contact numbers, email address or any sort of details that allow you to verify they exist. On the reverse, any negative comments left about these products, however rare they always seem to be maybe planted by competing companies. This is one area where you have to be very careful. Be sure to take a good look around and check for inconsistencies. It is often very easy to tell when a selection of testimonials has been quickly added to a site.

Are the photographs of Results Real?

Generally, no, it is vital you examine a number of things when looking how real these photographs are. More often than not they show photos showing results from three, six and nine month periods. These photos generally show a picture of a tattoo faded to a greater extent each time. Let me tell you to know the majority of these photos are not real; they are edited with computer software. The pictures for every month are conveniently identical, but the tattoo is faded. What are the chances that they could take the exact same photo of the tattoo each time?

In these photo's, before being willing to believe them, take a good look at the people's hair and other features. Make sure they have moved or grown or something to establish time has actually passed. Some sites provide very good quality fakes while others the real thing. I saw one a short while back with video footage, an excellent method to show how these creams really work. Try emailing merchants for this sort of information before purchasing. It could save you money.

Can I trust the scientific evidence?

Many sites provide scientific backing for their tattoo removal creams. Be very careful when reading this information. Be sure to check the quality of surveys and test done on these products and who by. Only trust these tests when they have been carried out by independent medical researchers. Ensure they are double-blind, this means neither the participants or anybody involved in the testing are in anyway affiliated with the company producing the product. I know of multiple products who provide this evidence. All of them very credible companies with professional websites. When selecting your tattoo removal cream make sure you look for these features.

These tests will always have published results so be sure to follow these up before opening yourself up to be taken for a fool.

Overall the majority of tattoo removal creams out there are horrible scams and will do nothing more than slightly fade your tattoo. Do not be put off, however. Working creams are out there, its just a case of digging through all the garbage first.

Monday, November 26, 2018

ALTERNATIVE ENERGY And The Need For A Proper Storage Technology

Simplified grid energy flow for one day.
Simplified grid energy flow for one day. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A number of energy storage technologies have been developed or are under development for electric power applications, including:
* Pumped hydropower
* Batteries
* Flywheels
This is the future that we can safely anticipate, especially when there is a rapid depletion of other energy resources. Of course, the most important energy resource still remains the sun from where we can derive solar power and fulfil various energy and power requirements. Off late, many companies have started to build mono-crystalline and polycrystalline solar cells, which can be used in several sectors like aerospace, the aviation industry, residential power generation, traffic lights, automobiles etc. Solar energy apart from other renewable energies is being looked at as one of the key areas because it is a clean energy source.

Pumped Hydro
Pumped hydro has been in use since 1929, making it the oldest of the central station energy storage technologies. In fact, until 1970 it was the only commercially available storage option for generation applications.

Conventional pumped hydro facilities consist of two large reservoirs, one is located at the base level, and the other is situated at a different elevation. Water is pumped to the upper reservoir where it can be stored as potential energy. Upon demand, water is released back into the lower reservoir, passing through hydraulic turbines, which generate electrical power as high as 1,000 MW.

The barriers to increased use of this storage technology in the U.S. include high construction costs and long lead times as well as the geographic, geologic, and environmental constraints associated with reservoir design. Currently, efforts aimed at increasing the use of pumped hydro storage are focused on the development of underground facilities.

Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES)
CAES plants use off-peak energy to compress and store air in an airtight underground storage cavern. Upon demand, stored air is released from the cavern, heated, and expanded through a combustion turbine to create electrical energy.

In 1991, the first U.S. CAES facility was built in McIntosh, Alabama, by the Alabama Electric Cooperative and EPRI, and has a capacity rating of 110 MW. Currently, manufacturers can create CAES machinery for facilities ranging from 5 to 350 MW. EPRI has estimated that more than 85% of the U.S. has geological characteristics that will accommodate an underground CAES reservoir.

Studies have concluded that CAES is competitive with combustion turbines and combined-cycle units, even without attributing some of the unique benefits of energy storage.

In recent years, much of the focus in the development of electric energy storage technology has been centred on battery storage devices. There is currently a wide variety of batteries available commercially and many more in the design phase.

In a chemical battery, charging causes reactions in electrochemical compounds to store energy from a generator in a chemical form. Upon demand, reverse chemical reactions cause electricity to flow out of the battery and back to the grid.

The first commercially available battery was the flooded lead-acid battery, which was used for fixed, centralized applications. The valve-regulated lead-acid (VRLA) battery is the latest commercially available option. The VRLA battery is low-maintenance, spill- and leak-proof, and relatively compact.

Flywheels are currently being used for a number of non-utility related applications. Recently, however, researchers have begun to explore utility energy storage applications. A flywheel storage device consists of a flywheel that spins at a very high velocity and an integrated electrical apparatus that can operate either as a motor to turn the flywheel and store energy or as a generator to produce electrical power on demand using the energy stored in the flywheel.

Advanced Electrochemical Capacitors/Super-Capacitors
Super-capacitors are also known as ultra-capacitors are in the earliest stages of development as an energy storage technology for electric utility applications. An electrochemical capacitor has components related to both a battery and a capacitor.

Consequently, the cell voltage is limited to a few volts. Specifically, the charge is stored by ions as in a battery. But, as in a conventional capacitor, no chemical reaction takes place in energy delivery. An electrochemical capacitor consists of two oppositely charged electrodes, a separator, electrolyte, and current collectors.

Presently, very small super-capacitors in the range of seven to ten watts are widely available commercially for consumer power quality applications and are commonly found in household electrical devices. Development of larger-scale capacitors has been focused on electric vehicles.

The future is something that we can̢۪t predict but yes, as time passes, most of the current energy sources will reach a point from where we will not be able to use them. This is where alternative energy sources come into play and will be one of the major driving forces of the world energy requirements.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Ancient MANIFESTING Teachings vs. Modern MANIFESTING Teachings

English: Unlimited Potential of the Human Mind
Unlimited Potential of the Human Mind
(Photo credit: 
Some modern teachers pollute the manifesting process with so many needless steps when all that matters is simply aligning yourself in the most simple yet powerful way.  It’s a one, two, three processes and nature takes care of you.  However, if you don’t know the value of the process you may overlook it.

Nature has a way of taking care of itself.  The trees don’t struggle to grow, the birds don’t struggle to get a meal, and neither should you struggle to manifest what you want.   Reality is a dream in which you are always creating your desires in every moment.   This you do effortlessly whether you like it or you don’t.

Modern Teachings Will Tell You That You Need to Change Your Thinking.

While this is true to an extent its almost impossible to change your thinking from negative to positive.  While you struggle to change your thinking in hopes of manifesting the things you want, you are actually working against the creative process.

The ancient manifesting teachings knew the science of the human mind and the nature of reality.  They understood that the human mind and reality was difficult to conquer.  You are never asked to work against yourself, doing so only causes frustration.  These manifesting teachings gave you a formula and once that formula is applied results are seen.  Simple!  Nature takes care of you. 

Manifesting is as simple as growing a tree when you know the precise tools without the unnecessary clutter of dos and don’ts.

  • Ancient manifesting teachings increase your magnetism to what you want to create.

  • Become a powerful money magnet without overworking yourself.

  • Increase your manifesting vision beyond your wildest imagination.

  • Attract what you want faster.

  • Attract faster than visualization and affirmations alone.

  • It’s all left to you how much you are willing to learn and immerse yourself in the core teachings without over cluttering yourself with feelings of being imperfect or doing things wrong.  The moment you begin to admonish yourself for doing it wrong you have already done yourself a disservice and closed yourself off from the manifesting power.

    Saturday, November 24, 2018

    Opening The CHAKRAS

    English: Sahasrara chakra
    Sahasrara chakra (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    If you don't want to go to a Reiki Master to get assistance with opening your chakras, there are some meditations (sometimes called Mudras) that you can try at home.  They have special hand positions, and the power to send more energy to the ailing chakra.

    The sounds are chanted three to four times as you do a meditation for eight to ten breaths.  To open the Root chakra, the tips of your thumb and index finger should touch on both hands.  Concentrate on the base of the spine.  Chant the LAM sound.  To open the Sacral chakra, place your hands in your lap on top of each other with the palms up.  The left hand should be under the right.  The tips of the thumbs should be touching.  Concentrating on the sacral bone in the back, chant the VAM sound.

    To open the Solar Plexus chakra, place your hands in front of your stomach, below the ribcage.  The fingers should join at the top, and point away from you.  Cross the thumbs and straighten the fingers.  Concentrate on the Solar Plexus chakra and chant the RAM sound.  To open the Heart chakra, you must sit cross-legged.  The tips of your index finger and thumbs should be touching on both hands.  Place your left hand on your left knee and the right hand in front of the lowest part of the sternum.

    Concentrating on the heart chakra, chant the YAM sound.  To open the Throat chakra, cross your fingers inside your hands, no thumbs.  The thumbs should touch at the top slightly pulled up.  Concentrate on the Throat chakra and chant the HAM sound.  To open the Brow Chakra, place your hands on the lower part of the ribcage.  The middle fingers should be straight with the tops touching, The thumbs point towards you with the tops touching.  Concentrate on the Third Eye chakra and chant the OM sound.

    To open the Crown chakra, place your hands near your stomach.  The ring fingers should point upwards.  Cross fingers with the left thumb under the right one.  Concentrate on the Crown chakra while chanting the NG sound.

    Friday, November 23, 2018


    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia
    Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    A hernia is an abnormal protrusion of internal organs through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity. A combination of increased pressure inside the body with weakness in the wall is responsible for this condition. In this condition, internal organs or parts of organs are protruded out forming a swelling which will increase the size with coughing and lifting the weight, and while passing stool and urine. In lying down position the swelling goes inside except in strangulated an irreducible hernia.


    1, Weakness in the body wall:--

    a) Congenital weakness.

    b) Acquired weakness due to injuries, wasting of muscles, suppurative lesions in the wall and presence of weak natural openings, obesity, lack of exercise, repeated pregnancy.

    c) Surgical operation with improper suturing or sepsis of operated site.

    2) Increased pressure inside the body.
    a) Chronic constipation.

    b) A recurrent cough.

    c) Weightlifting.

    d) Stricture of the urethra.

    Common sites for a hernia:--

    A hernia can occur anywhere in the body. However, there are some common sites for a hernia. Due to the presence of hard bony covering chest wall is normally not affected. A hernia in the lower back is also rare due to spine and back muscles and tough ligaments and sheets. The common site for a hernia is an abdominal wall. Compared to other parts the abdominal wall is weak due to the presence of some natural orifices. There are some areas wherein the abdominal muscles are weaker and thin and all these factors make a chance for herniation. The common sites for a hernia are following.

    Here the abdominal contents protrude through the inguinal canal (passage in the lower abdominal wall just above the inguinal ligament.It is seen on either side). This type is common in males. Initially, the swelling comes only while straining and goes back while lying down. Later the large portion of the intestine may come out which may not go back easily.
    b) A femoral hernia:

    This type of a hernia is more in females. Here the abdominal contents pass through the femoral canal which is seen just below the junction between the thigh and lower abdominal wall(Inside the femoral triangle). The contents pass downwards and come out through a saphenous opening in the thigh and form a swelling under the skin.

    This is common in children. The umbilicus is the weaker part of the abdomen. The contents of the abdomen may protrude as a bulb like swelling while crying and defecating.

    d) An incisional hernia:

    These hernias are seen in operated sites. Due to improper suturing or sepsis, the operated site becomes weak resulting in a hernia.

    Here the herniation occurs in the epigastrium. It is a rare type.

    Here the hernia appears in the lumbar area on either side of the lumbar spine(in the lumbar triangle). This is also a rare type.

    g) Obturator a hernia:

    This is a rare type of hernia. Here the contents pass through obturator foramen in the pelvic bone.

    Complications of a hernia:--

    1) Strangulation:

    If the hernial orifice is narrow the abdominal contents may not go back easily, and later the blood flow to the herniated tissues may be blocked due to constriction. This can cause the death of protruded intestine.

    2) Intestinal obstruction:

    This occurs when the whole portion of the intestine is protruded into the hernial sac. The narrow hernial orifice will block the passage of bowels.

    3) Infection and peritonitis:

    If there is strangulation with the death of a portion of intestine there will be spread of infection to the abdomen resulting in peritonitis.

    Treatment of a hernia:--

    Initial treatment: In the initial stages of a hernia the following steps may be useful

    1) Use of hernia belt:

    Special types of hernia belts are available for each type of a hernia. This will prevent the protrusion and will reduce pain.

    2) Constipation, recurrent cough, urinary obstruction etc. should be treated.

    3) Fat reduction will increase the strength of the abdominal wall.

    4) Abdominal exercises to increase the muscle tone.

    5) Take plenty of leafy vegetables, fruits and fibrous diet for easy bowel movements.

    6) Try other systems like Homoeopathy, Herbal medicine and etc

    If no relief by the above steps consults a general surgeon for surgical management.

    Surgical treatment.

    The following operations are done depending upon the type and nature of a hernia.

    1) Herniotomy: In this operation, the contents of the hernial sac are pushed into the abdomen and neck of the sac is ligated with transfixion ligature and the sac is cut off.

    2) Herniorrhaphy: Here along with herniotomy, the posterior wall is repaired.

    3) Hernioplasty: This operation is done if herniotomy is not possible due to the wide neck of the sac. Here the repair is done with the help of non-absorbable materials like tantalum gauze, polypropylene mesh or stainless steel mesh.

    Thursday, November 22, 2018

    Transcendental MEDITATION

    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007)
    Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    Since 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has trained more than 40,000 teachers in the practice of Transcendental Meditation or TM. These teachers have taught more than six million people worldwide this simple, natural procedure which allows its practitioners to gain deep rest and contact their inner reservoir of creativity, energy and intelligence. This information comes from the official Transcendental Meditation website at www.tm.org.

    What happens during meditation

    During the practice of TM, the mind and body experience a unique state of restful alertness. As the mind becomes more silent, the body becomes deeply relaxed. At the most settled state of awareness, the mind transcends all mental activity to experience the simplest form of awareness, Transcendental Consciousness. Hundreds of scientific studies have shown that experiencing this state correlates with greater creativity, improved learning, higher IQ, better grades, higher moral reasoning, increased brain wave coherence and improved neurological functioning of the body.

    Practicing TM helps develops increased energy, creativity and intelligence. This, in turn, helps awaken the unlimited potential of the meditator's mind and body. The result is that those who practice TM enjoy greater health, happiness and success in all aspects of life.

    How to meditate

    Anyone can learn how to meditate. No special lessons, books or equipment are required. People of all ages, cultures and educational backgrounds can practice TM.

    TM is an easy and enjoyable experience that takes only 20 minutes twice a day. You can do it alone or with others in a group. Pick a time and place where you will not be disturbed. Then just sit comfortably with your eyes closed. No effort, no concentration, no special skills nor change of lifestyle are required. Thoughts will enter and leave your mind as you meditate. Attend to them or not as you choose.

    People can benefit from TM even if they don't believe it will work. Try meditating regularly for 20 minutes twice a day and you will start to see results in the form of improvements in your life.

    Back in the 1960s when TM first became popular in the United States, practitioners were known to chant "OM" or another single syllable sound while they meditated. This is no longer considered necessary, though it can be done if desired. Most people now meditate silently.

    The benefits of TM

    Practitioners of transcendental meditation start noticing positive changes in their lives within a few days or weeks after they start meditating. These benefits include clearer thinking, improved memory, enhanced creativity and sharper intellect. These changes can enable people to achieve more in their work by becoming more creative and effective without having to work harder. Other people have said they feel healthier, more rested and relaxed, and have increased immunity to disease, reduction of aging effects and greater energy and vitality after starting to meditate.

    TM can even help in relationships with others. It can help you enjoy closer friendships, become calmer and more self-confident and feel less anxious and stressed out. By radiating this increased harmony and lack of stress to the outside world, TM may even contribute to world peace.

    The Maharishi teaches that by practicing Transcendental Meditation regularly, you can choose what you want to be and begin to achieve that goal. Why not try practicing TM now and see how your life improves?

    Wednesday, November 21, 2018

    Learning the Sword of TAI CHI

    Scott Rodell cutting jian.jpg
    "Scott Rodell cutting jian"  Licensed via Wikimedia Commons.
    Usually, teachers will give the students sufficient time to practice all the basic moves first before quarrying in the more intense techniques. It will take a student at least 2-3 years of experience before letting him handle the tao (knife or short sword). If the student is really good and has already mastered all arts within a year, then he can be a candidate to learn the tao earlier than expected. 

    It will take a student at least 10 years of Tai Chi experience to handle the real thing. Point is, the teachers take their craft very seriously. That is why some hesitate to teach the sword unless they are sure that the person can handle the blade in its essence. It is seldom to encounter a master that teaches the sword because it is a very dangerous thing to learn especially if the person in not really equipped to learn it. Some will not teach it at all.

    That was before. In this generation, there are a lot of teachers that allow the students to learn the way of the sword, instantly, after knowing the basic of Tai Chi. As a sort of progression first, they would teach the students the basic things like standing meditation. Push Hands will come next. There would also be some specific moves like the Tchoung style in its fast form. Practicing these conveys a solid foundation of the techniques and movements of the body.

    Weapons will be introduced. They have varieties of teachings regarding swords like tao, chien, etc. After mastering the independent use of the swords, they would continue to practice but this time, in twos. Practitioners will arrange the sword patterns then comes the moment of sparring.

    When chien is used in sparring, it is like practicing Push Hands with a weapon. Similar circular movements are the ones that are used to nick, thrust, slice and cut. Chopping movements can be found in tao but not in chien applications. 

    Every type of martial art revolves around concepts. An art’s methods of training must always reflect the concepts and must see to it that every movement is in harmony with the entire faculty. In Tai Chi sword, there are specifications, that wouldn’t be a surprise. Sadly, the stiff and wooden way that is taught by some instructors doesn’t reflect the energy predicted in Tai Chi.

    Tai Chi Chuan derives its concepts from several forms of performing the chien single-handedly. Yang style is the most common form. It is composed of 56 – 64 movements. The variations of the standard pattern will greatly depend on the school of thought and the emphasis of each one.

    During the practice of the sword, a person must focus on the smoothness and calmness of the movement. The mind should be as calm as the quiet ocean to be able to reflect the innermost feeling of a person. The body must stay afloat like sailing into clear skies.

    One of the reasons why people study the art of the sword is because the weapon brings the elements of the mind and the body in unity. To use the sword correctly, one must assume that is it a part of his body and not just a weapon of destruction.

    He must realize that the sword is a matter of importance that when taken away is a bigger ordeal.

    Tuesday, November 20, 2018

    HYPNOSIS For Dealing With the Effects of DEPRESSION

    Depression (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    A simple definition of depression is that it's a low mood that can stay with a person for a period of time. The length of time can depend on the person and the severity of their depression. I am of course talking about regular depression, and not about manic depression, as this is a much more complex issue. It's also important to point out that depression is a medical condition that can affect people to varying degrees of seriousness, and for that reason, I would recommend that anyone who suspects they are suffering from depression should make an appointment to see their family practitioner.

    There are various treatments for depression including medication that can only be acquired through a doctor. But correct diagnosis is required and this is usually done using several factors, including a thorough review of the patient's medical history and such. This data also serves in determining the best course of action, the right medication, and most effective treatment. It may require ongoing monitoring and care over a period of time.

    As hypnotherapists, when we see a patient in a one to one environment we can ask for details of the client's medical history, and even consult with their doctor. However, when I produce a recording, such as a CD or MP3 download, to help deal with the effects of depression, I haven't got access to these medical histories nor can I consult with a client's doctor for individual case specifics. For this reason, I strongly recommend our recordings that you see a doctor beforehand, particularly if you suffer from severe depression. I would expect another ethical hypnotherapist's to do the same.

    What we can do with recordings, however, is help with the effects of depression. I believe that suggestion and relaxation can be useful and helpful to people suffering any type of disease or medical ailment. It isn't a cure or treatment for the disease itself, but more like a coping mechanism to help with the effects of the ailment in daily life. For that reason, there are many CD and MP3 downloads available which are intended to work in conjunction with other forms of treatment.

    I believe that hypnotherapy can help deal with the effects of depression, but it is not a substitute for appropriate medical care. If you think you are suffering from depression, you should immediately seek appropriate medical care for the condition. In conjunction with that, you can seek hypnotherapy to help deal with how your depression affects your every-day life.

      Barrie St John is a leading figure in the field of hypnotherapy and personal change. He is the author behind the best selling hypnosis MP3 products found exclusively at HypnoShop.com.

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