Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Power Of BINAURAL BEATS And Holosync Can Change Your Life

English: Binaural Beats and Interaural Time Di...
Binaural Beats and Interaural Time Differences Blue and red graph: Ear signals at binaural beat experiments (example) Green graph: Interaural time delay (ITD), resulting from these ear signals
(Photo credit: 

What if you could have a technology that allows you to meditate like a Zen Buddhist monk? Imagine all the benefits you could get from being able to enter a very deep meditative state without any effort. Can you think of anything you would like to program into your mind during this state? I bet you can.

I am about to introduce you to a relatively new technology that uses Binaural Beats. This technology is cutting-edge and can bring you all the benefits that would otherwise take you 30 years to acquire! I am talking about a meditation program by Centerpointe Research Institute called Holosync. I am going to share with you how this technology works and the benefits you can get from its use as well as the potential dangers that may not be immediately apparent.

Unlike other binaural beats recordings Holosync is a course and not a single recording. It is possible to purchase binaural beat recordings designed for a single purpose. They come in the form of CD and each one is designed to produce just one specific state. However, Holosync is very different. The major effect that Holosync promises to produce is the elimination of past negative programmings such as traumas, strong and slight emotional issues, negative memories and negative beliefs of all kinds.

Does it work?

To get a comprehensive answer to this question we are required to delve a little deeper into the technology itself and look at the foundation upon which Holosync is built. I am of course talking about Binaural Beat Technology.

It was in 1839 that Binaural Beats were first discovered by a man named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. However, it was much later, in 1973, when Gerald Oster released a paper called "Auditory Beats in the Brain", that their use in cognitive and neurological research was discovered. These beats are in fact different specific frequencies giving to the left and right ear. The audio produced by using binaural beats can send anyone into a deep meditative state in just a few short minutes. These states are Alpha (light trance), Theta (deep trance) and Delta (dreamless sleep).

Binaural Beats are created by an audio mixing technique that sends different frequency tones to each ear separately. They are designed to alter the listener's brain wave activity and they do this very effectively. You merely put on some stereo headphones, sit or lie in a comfortable position, close your eyes and allow the sounds to do their work. You don't even have to force yourself to relax.

Scientists have long known that when brainwave patterns change they affect the body. Chemical reactions take place as a direct result of these changing brainwave patterns. Such reactions in the body's chemistry usually result in profound positive changes throughout the whole physical system. In essence, binaural beats appear to have the same impact and benefits of very deep meditation. It has been shown that this technology produces exactly the same brainwave patterns as those practising deep meditation. For normal people like me and you, this is great news. Usually, it takes them a lifetime commitment to learning transcendental meditation. Practitioners of such deep meditative practices devote many hours every day to perfecting the technique. You can do it in minutes. In fact, entering even light states of trance can take years to learn and perfect.

The state of transcendental meditation is said to be enormously beneficial to humans. It can stimulate the creation of certain hormones needed by the body and reduce things like blood pressure and it is even said to slow down and reverse effects of the ageing process. So the benefits of entering a deep meditative state are apparent as are the benefits of using binaural beat technology to do it.

As far as Holosync goes the other major benefit, as if we needed one more, is that the state produced by the Centerpointe recordings allow you to directly access the subconscious mind.

This means that the Holosync meditation recordings can be used with any other personal development tool, like subliminal recordings, hypnosis sessions or even as an aid to visualization, with dramatic effects. Using this type of 21st Century technology means you can, therefore, alter limiting or negative beliefs, heal emotional issues or create new positive behaviours in a fraction of the time it would take you using conventional means and with a much higher success rate.

Here are some of the benefits of transcendental meditation:
1. Creates a deep relaxing feeling throughout the body which stays with you for hours afterwards.
2. Boosts your creativity.
3. Slows aging.
4. Removes emotional blocks, old traumas and creates profound emotional changes at an extremely deep level.
5. Eliminates Stress & anxiety.
Now with all the benefits that transcendental meditation brings and the fact that Holosync produces the same internal states as this meditation, it would be extremely prudent to try it. The real power of the binaural beats behind the Holosync recordings is that they can be used to induce a meditative state and thus create these changes with no effort whatsoever. All that you need to do is wear stereo headphones, sit or lie down in a relaxing position, close your eyes and allow the audio to do all the work. You only need the discipline to listen to the recordings every day!

The Binaural Beat market is filling up with manufacturer's who offer some great titles. It is also possible to create your own with the proper software. Unfortunately, here lies the danger! You need an in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their effect on the mind and body in order to create the correct frequencies. There are several forum postings that state the improper use of binaural beat technologies has created negative and even damaging results on some people. For this reason, I would not recommend creating your own binaural recordings. Likewise, you should be very careful about where you get your recordings. Seek professional, qualified people who know what they are doing so that you know you are getting a quality product.

The Centerpointe Research Institute and the Holosync Solution which it produces are the brainchildren of Bill Harris. He created Holosync in 1989, is trained in hypnosis and as well as being a qualified trainer of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming). He has studied contemporary psychology, quantum mechanical physics, the evolution of non-linear systems and the effects of a wide range of neuro-technologies on human behavioural change, evolution and healing. Holosync has also been endorsed by some top personal development trainers such as James Arthur Ray and Jack Canfield (chicken soup for the soul author) both of whom appeared in the movie The Secret.

The downside of the Holosync technology is that you need to listen to it every day to get maximum benefit and it also comes in stages as a course. However, Bill Harris insists that you do not need to continue using it and can stop after each stage of the course is complete while permanently retaining all the changes you've made. You can of course continue and go deeper into the 'meditations' if you wish. The Holosync solution does create deep states akin to meditation and it does remove emotional traumas that are hidden deep in the subconscious mind. To sum up - Holosync does exactly what it says it will do if you follow the instructions.

Friday, October 19, 2018

When the World Turns VIOLENT!

Art of Shaolin Kung Fu
Photo  by kevinpoh 

It is dangerous out there and especially for you.

The enemy may be next door and you don't know it but you got to have the guts to look. What can you really do once you see some violence or get scared or worse because you receive a bashing or king hit - do you hide in your house?

The danger today is maybe not too obvious to you but you better hone your sensors or you'll get hit without seeing it coming. 

You know that given a situation to be a hero and stop a crime, terrorism or violence you'll be able to step up or chase after them etc - or maybe you'll cower or be the victim. 

TV today scares the shiit out of many people as it promotes violence and turns the meek yellow and nervous. 

Were are you on the scared meter of life? Are you out there amongst it or a bit of a shy body or house mummy's boy? 


Have you ever seen raw bloodlust or someone getting 'owned'? Just search google for "martial street fights" - "martial owned" Watch those movies and cringe!!!

Kung Fu, Boxing, dancing, ballet, incompetence? What will you display to your attacker?

Today we are lazy, probably fat too. Go look in the mirror and skip for ten minutes, then check your image again and what do you see?

I can judge I am probably half the strength and endurance form 10 years ago, how about you?

Can you throw a punch or even stand steady on one leg? can you do a round-house or even give a kick to the knee? Ever heard of a combination?


a martial art is defined as - 
1 : of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior
2 : relating to an army or to military life
3 : experienced in or inclined to war : WARLIKE

a martial art is defined as: 
various forms of self-defense,
usually weaponless,
based on techniques developed in ancient China, India, and Tibet.

If you’ve never studied a martial art, your awareness of the most likely starts at Bruce Lee movies and ends with the stylized theatrics of The Matrix. If that’s the case, you may not realize from what you’ve gleaned onscreen that there are an estimated 200 unique kinds of martial arts, and within these, thousands of different styles. Karate, judo, kung fu, and tae kwon do are among the most popular and well-known of the martial arts in the U.S., but there are numerous others.

Despite the array of martial arts and styles, most of them share common techniques, and so they can be organized into broad categories that facilitate understanding. The primary way of classifying martial arts is by the basic physical technique they use: striking or grappling.

Do you even know the difference between kung fu and karate? Do you think wing chun is a Chinese dish?

Or a combination of triangles with small circles as can be seen in Chinese trapping, wrist locks or Aikido entry and endings.

Because karate, judo, kung fu, and tae kwon do have been more prominent than other forms in popular culture, from film to sporting events, many people mistakenly believe that all martial arts are Asian in origin. In fact, diverse cultures throughout history from Europe, Africa, the Americas, and the Middle East have also given birth to their own martial art forms.

The different styles can even be related to shapes or geometry - squares, triangles and circles.


Training is hard..really hard. The hardest is to get started and its down-hill easy from there. What you need is a martial arts machine - something new and exciting to get you off your fat ass.

Everyone knows someone who knows how to fight - with fists, knives, weapons, guns, tactical, senseless, whatever but START!

What's important now is to do something, start with brief exercise, get into stretching, shadow box, then step up and train hard.

GO to the local phone book and look up kung fu or karate. Then give them a call, go along or take your kid.


Life is not scary but maybe your lack of skill, self-confidence and personal competence is making you afraid.

Be pro-active and look, then choose and participate in action whether alone with a martial arts training machine or go to a dojo.

If you are not liking what you see in the mirror, afraid to go down a dark street, scared of a potential confrontation then train now.

We can't all be Bruce Lee but you also don't want to be an emotional and physical punching bag do you?

Be pro-active and look, then choose and participate in action whether alone with a martial arts training machine or go to a dojo.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions About SELF HYPNOSIS

doors of perception
Photo  by new 1lluminati 
The number of people who want to learn more about self-hypnosis is constantly increasing and from my experience, I can tell that most of them are more interested in this than in hypnotherapy. This is why I am frequently asked a series of questions regarding this, the five most frequent of these being the following:

1. What is self-hypnosis useful for? - This work as a type of hypnosis mostly, the difference being that you are doing it to you yourself. Thus, self-hypnosis can help you change some of the traits of your personality you are not so satisfied with. This is done by changing the mindset for that particular personality characteristic.

For example, you can hypnotize yourself to become calmer if you are too short tempered. Most of the self-hypnosis results come from students who used it in order to improve their grades at school by better and easier absorbing the information taught and by increasing their concentration capacity. It can be used to get rid of daily aches as such and even to treat different types of addiction to some point, like smoking for instance.

2. Can I get better athletic results with self-hypnosis? - Well, it works only on your mind, not on your body. Thus, it cannot change the way your body is build up. However, what it can do is help you concentrate better during such an event and rid you of the eventual fear or shyness during the athletic competition. With self-hypnosis, you will gain more courage during the competition and thus your performance will be better.

3. Is self-hypnosis efficient in better knowing myself? - No doubt about this! Self-hypnosis deals with your subconscious, the place in your mind that can store things about yourself you were not aware of before. There you can even find out things you have been denying or even hiding from yourself, such as repressed feelings, motivations. Dealing with these can help you become a better person.

4. Does it take long to learn self-hypnosis? - No one can get to hypnotize themselves the first time. But you can get there if you practice it on a daily basis, which is the key to this technique. After three weeks you will see the results and you will find out that fighting for your goals has become easier. In the beginning, you will have to start with a half an hour practice a day, but the duration of the self-hypnosis session will decrease in time.

5. Does self-hypnosis practice render you more easily influenced in everyday life? - With time and practice, the sessions will become easier and more fruitful. This practice will only increase your response to hypnosis and not to the influence of others; thus your mind will be easily influenced only during self-hypnotism because your brain will be trained and used to such practice. You will be able to better distinguish and fight those trying to manipulate you in any way.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Socializing to Continue HEALTHY AGING

Bob, Marge, Mrs Cooper, Nora, Eric and Mr Cooper

It is always a good thing to have friends, which you can socialize with. There are so many good things about being around people. It is difficult living alone without someone there to lend you an ear when needed. Unfortunately, we live in a world filled with consuming souls, which rarely take the time to share and listen to others. Still, you can find someone in the billions of people in the world who will listen. When you are alone you, feel lonely. At this time your body and mind endure unwarranted stress from lack of socialization. Experts tell us all the time to get out and enjoy life since withering away, locked behind the walls of your home will affect your health.

What problems can non-socializing cause?
Non-socialization can affect your mind and body. Usually, a person who refuses to socialize will sit around dawdling in self-pity. The mind starts to stress out, which leads to depression. While you may enjoy being alone away from stressful relationships, you need balance since sometimes you need company. You need to be active so you stay healthy you need to socialize with people like you need the sunshine. Without socialism, you will feel tired and sick all the time.

Why is socializing well for me?
Socializing is good for you since it gets you out to meet other people. As well, you keep active, which great for building and strengthening the bones, joints and muscles. Studies were conducted with proven results stating that those who stay active can live to healthy aging.

What can I do to meet more people?
There are many ways to meet people. You can visit your local stores and meet new people. Taking a walk is a great way to say hi to passers-by. You never know you might find a friend for life.  Maybe you would like to go to a local church. The church is a great way to meet people. Perhaps you can get involved with church groups and join in group activities. Give your time to a local shelter for people in need that would be a wonderful way to meet people. Maybe at your place of place of employment, you can become familiar with one of your fellow workers. Getting out to enjoy the world is a great way to live a healthy aging life. If you just sit home, you are waiting for something to happen. You are missing all the things the world has to offer you.

When you sit home, alone your health will slowly fade away. At what time your health diminishes you will feel sickly. You have to get out and enjoy life this way you will stay healthier and enjoy life to the fullest. Staying active will make you happy and you will have more of a healthier life.

One thing you want to keep in mind, as you age your bodily functions starts to change. You will notice these changes.

One of the first things that start to decline is the musculoskeletal system. This system is designed to give you strength and energy. When this system starts to degenerate, you have less time to spend in the world. To keep the system healthy one must exercise, eat right and socialize.

When you socialize, activities will follow. As you see socialism provides you a means to carry forward in life without weakening the musculoskeletal system, more than aging alone will cause it to degenerate.

You have options. On this note, take action now to live your healthy aging life with success following your every path.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


Image from page 598 of "Lectures on operative surgery of the eye, or, An historical and critical inquiry into the methods recommended for the cure of the cataract for the formation of an artificial pupil, &c. &c. &c. : containing a new method of operating

The term cataracts refer to a clouding of the eye's lens that is located behind the iris and pupil.  This particular lens operates by focusing light on to the retina, much in the same way as a camera lens.  The lens affected by cataracts is also involved in the eye's focus.

This lens consists of protein and water.  This protein is precisely arranged for optimum functioning.  However, during the natural aging process, these proteins can become clumped together and cause the eye to a cloud.  This cloud is what is known as a cataract and will most likely get larger as time progresses if left untreated.  Your eye doctor will probably want to wait until the cataract interferes with your eyesight before opting to remove it.

There are three different types of cataracts you should know about:  

Cortical Cataracts:  This type of cataract is formed in the cortex of the lens.  Over time, a cortical cataract will extend from the outside of the lens to the center.  This type of cataract is common to diabetes sufferers. 

Nuclear Cataracts: Nuclear cataracts are the most common type of cataracts. Forming in the center of the lens, this type of cataract is caused by the normal aging process. When this cataract first forms, you may even experience improved vision.  However, this effect will not last long.  

Subcapsular Cataracts: This kind of cataract starts at the back of the lens. If you take steroids, have diabetes, or suffer from farsightedness, you may be susceptible to subcapsular cataracts. 

Fortunately, all three types of cataracts can be removed with eye surgery.  Today's surgeons implement the use of lasers and other innovative technology to remove a patient's cataracts with a minimum of risk or discomfort.  Some cataract surgeries will involve removing the clouded lens and replacing it with a clear plastic lens called an intraocular lens. 

While cataract removal surgery is relatively safe, you may experience a few side effects such as swelling, bleeding or discomfort.  Your eye doctor will advise you on the steps to take during recovery to aid proper healing. 

Nutritionists are currently studying the role diet plays in the prevention of cataracts.   Research has shown a favorable link between antioxidants and the prevention of cataracts.  Antioxidants are vitamins such as Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E that work to fight harmful free radicals in the body.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Witches, Wiccans, Warlocks and WITCHCRAFT

Witchcraft symbol
Witchcraft Symbol - Photo  by   quinet
Witchcraft and its origins can be traced back as far as 2000BC in Ancient Egypt and Babylonia were in existing records of the code of Hammurabi it says

If a man has put a spell upon another man and has not justified himself, he upon whom the spell is laid shall go to the holy river.

Persons who engage in witchcraft and who are male are called wizard, sorcerer and sometimes a warlock if they indulge in black magic. Females who indulge in witchcraft are called Wiccan or witches.

Witches are thought to worship the devil. They are portrayed to cast spells and use supernatural forces to cause havoc within the community.

In Britain during the late medieval / Early modern period, many women were killed during witch-hunts. They were accused of being witches and would be strapped to a dunking stool, and submerged in the local river or lake. If the woman dies, she was then proved not to be a witch. If she survived, it proved her guilt and she would be burned at the stake alive.

Of course, most of the alleged witches were, in fact, destitute old women with no family. They plagued the communities begging door to door for food and milk. They would often curse the households who wouldn't give them any food, to make them more generous when she next visited. But of course, this gave the local folk cause to try the old women for witchcraft.

The Wiccans, on the other hand, were herbalists of their time. They used plants to cure people and animals. However, the Wiccan was misunderstood and would often be accused of being a dark witch when patients under their care worsened or died. Sometimes they were also called witches when they healed the very sick.

The spell casting evilness traits of witches have always been used to scare young children, just look at the classic children's fairy tales. In Snowhite the wicked witch tries to kill her stepdaughter. She uses a spell to put Snowhite in a death like sleep. In the story of Hansel and Gretel, the evil witch likes to eat children. The mysteriousness of witches lends itself to creating chilling stories, and not just for children but adults too in the case of the Blare Witch Project.

Our fascination for witches and witchcraft is highlighted each Halloween when many people like to dress up as witches. Luckily they no longer try witches on dunking stools. But curiously, 'witches' do still go begging for food door to door 'Trick or Treating'.

    S. Roberts is a ghost hunter and medium extraordinaire. 
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Saturday, October 13, 2018

THINK GREEN when you Clean

Where is the Vim? Project 3665(2) Day 50
Photo  by Keith Williamson 
We all want to do our part in ensuring our environment stays as safe and healthy as possible for our children and future generations to come.  Many people don't stop to think how their household cleaners can affect the environment, and how toxic they can make the immediate environment of your home.  With some careful forethought, planning and effort, your home can be cleaned safely and effectively, sparing the environment, your home, family and pets from toxic chemicals and fumes.

Most people firmly believe that surfaces in their homes must be disinfected on a continual basis to prevent illness and the spread of disease.  But the truth is most areas of your home don't need to be disinfected to prevent the spread of germs.  This includes your bathroom. Mild detergents, hot water, and some elbow grease can generally do the trick.  

The exception to this rule is the kitchen.  Anything involved in food preparation should be completely scrubbed down and disinfected with each use.  This includes food preparation surfaces, utensils, cleaning clothes, and sponges. 

When shopping for cleaning products, pay special attention to those with the words poison or danger on the label. These words indicate the highest level of hazard, under federal law. Products labeled with the words caution or warning can present a moderate hazard and should be regarded with care.  Always read labels and follow the directions. 
Never mix cleaning products, such as those containing chlorine with those containing ammonia.

Consider using products such as vinegar, baking soda, and mild detergent when cleaning your home.  If you have questions about how to properly dispose of toxic household cleaning chemicals, contact your local health department or county sanitation office for advice and assistance. Most areas provide a household hazardous waste collection site for residents to properly dispose of such items.  

Friday, October 12, 2018

Control your DIABETES by Vitamin C and Vitamin E

A kit used by a woman with gestational diabetes.
A kit used by a woman with gestational diabetes.
(Photo credit: 
Many of the vitamins like Vitamin B complex, Thiamine or Vitamin B1 and Pyridoxine or Vitamin B6 are a great controller of diabetes. Other vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin E also works great in controlling diabetes. Have a look at the benefits of how they can help you control your diabetes.

Vitamin C - Vitamin C is considered highly beneficial in treating diabetes. Because of stress, urinary losses and destruction by artificial sweeteners, the vitamin C requirement is usually high in diabetics. Large amounts of this vitamin sometimes bring very good results. Dr. George V Mann in Perspective in Biology and Medicine recommended extra vitamin C for diabetics. Natural insulin output increases in diabetics with supplementary doses of vitamin C.

The intake of vitamin C in the form of dried Indian gooseberry (amla), the richest known source of vitamin C, or tablets of 500 mg or from natural sources of vitamin C besides amla, are citrus fruits, green leafy vegetables, sprouted Bengal gram and green grams.

Vitamin E - This vitamin reduces considerably the devastating vascular damage accompanying diabetes. Dr. Willard Shute in The Complete Book of Vitamins recommends 800-1600 IU of vitamin E a day to prevent arterial degeneration in diabetes.

A Swedish study also supports vitamin E therapy for treating diabetes. Vitamin E helps diabetics decrease their insulin requirements. It would be advisable for a diabetes patient to take a daily dose of 200 IU of this vitamin for a fortnight at a time.

Rich Sources of Vitamin E. Valuable natural foods sources of this vitamin are wheat or cereal germ, whole grain products, fruits and green leafy vegetables, milk and all whole raw or sprouted seeds.

Other rich sources of vitamin E are cold pressed crude vegetable oils, especially sunflower seeds, safflower, and Soya beans oils, raw and sprouted seeds and grains, alfalfa, lettuce, almond, human milk etc.

Vitamin A - Diabetics are unable to convert beta-carotene to vitamin A.  A supplement of this vitamin, therefore, becomes necessary. A dose of 15000 IU on alternate days is considered adequate by some authorities.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Making Votive CANDLES

Votive candles at a homemade altar.
Votive candles at a homemade altar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Votive candles are simple, yet beautiful. These candles are often used to accent a centerpiece or design. Often it entails more than one votive candle, but not always. Votives are very cost effective because they burn for about fifteen hours. Votives must have a holder as they are not safe to use as a free standing candle. 

Many individuals choose to use votive candles in their jack-o-lanterns at Halloween because they burn for a long time and illuminate the entire face of the jack-o-lantern. They are also one of the easiest types of candles to make. For beginners in the area of candle making votives provide a great learning experience to learn the basics of the candle making process.

To get started, you will need to gather your votive candle items. This includes wax, molds, a double boiler, and a thermometer. You will need to have wick and wick tabs for votive candles. The wick tabs serve as a base for the candle. You can choose to purchase dye and fragrance if you wish for your votive candles. To ensure your candles will form properly in the molds, consider investing in mold spray to keep them clean and lubricated.

Once the wax has melted, add in any colors and fragrances. Immediately pour the melted wax into the molds, filling them to the lip of the mold. For easy cleanup, place old newspaper under the wax molds before you pour the wax into them. You will need to save about 20% of the melted wax for the next pouring process.

While the wax is cooling in the molds, prepare your wicks. Attack a wick several inches longer than the mold to a wick tab. Dip the wicks into the hot wax. Keep an eye on the votive molds as they won’t take as long to cool as other types of candles. Once you can tell the wax is starting to harden, insert a wick with the tab into each mold through the bottom. As the wax continues to cool, it will meld to the metal tab, ensuring it stays in place at the base of the candle. As the candles cool, make sure your wick is staying in the center of the votive. 

Once the wax has completely cooled, you will notice a sinkhole in it due to shrinkage. You will want to pour melted wax into the molds again to remedy this. Make the wax about fifteen degrees hotter than the original wax you used to fill the votives. After the candles have completely cooled again, they will slide out of the molds easily. Trim the wick to about ½ an inch from the top of the candle. For safety, you will want to use a votive holder that is an inch or two taller than the candle itself. 

Votive candles add class and charm to any home or special occasion. They are fun and simple to make. You can add any color or scent to your votive candles to add a personal touch to them. Votive candles burn for a long time, making them a worthwhile candle to use. They also make excellent gifts. To make the process even less expensive, look for votive candle holders at thrift shops and yard sales. You can further personalize your votive candles by applying pretty ribbon with a hot glue gun around the rim of the votive candle holder. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Inducting RASAYANA THERAPY in Our Daily Routine

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Ayurveda, the oldest health science has eight branches. Rasayana (rejuvenation) is one of them. Rasa has different meanings like ”juice”, "taste “, “essence," "flavor”, or “emotion", but is not limited to any of these in itself. In the therapeutic process, Rasa is concerned with the conservation, transformation, and revitalization of energy. Rasa nourishes our body, boosts immunity and helps to keep the body and mind in best of health.

The Aim Of Rasayana :
The Rasayana therapy enhances the qualities of rasa, enriches it with nutrients. With such enriched excellent Rasa, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorder, youthfulness, an excellence of luster, complexion & voice, optimum development of physique and sense organs, mastery over phonetics, respectability and brilliance.

Types of Rasayana:  

1. Types of rasayana preparations which can be consumed according to the needs.

A. Kamya Rasayanas : Kamya rasayanas are promoters of normal health. These boost body energy levels, immunity and general health.

Pranakamya –  Promoter  of vitality and longevity
Medhakamya – Promoter of intelligence.
Srikamya -   – Promoter of complexion.

B. Naimittika Rasayana-: Naimittika rasayanas help to fight a specific disease.

2. Types of Rasayanas on the basis of place of Therapy

A. Kuti  Praveshika Rasayana – Indoor rasayanaTherapy. 
B. Vatatapika Rasayana – Out door rasayana  Therapy.

3. Types of Rasayanas On the basis diet and life styles.

A. Aushdha  Rasayana – Drug based Rasayana.
B. Ahara Rasayana – Dietary Rasayana.
C. Achara Rasayana – Life style Rasayana.

Preparation for Rasayana therapy :

It is very essential for a person who wishes to undergo rasayana therapy to undergo samshodhana (detoxification) as a preparatory procedure. The samshodhana process detoxifies both body and mind. A detoxified body and mind is a like a clean cloth which readily absorbs the color in which it has been dipped, unlike a soiled cloth which looks soiled even after coloring with best colors.

But when a person is not eligible for samshodhana or is not able to get samshodhana then he can also consume Rasayana preparations which still boost the qualities of rasa in his body.

Effect of rasayana therapy:

Rasayana therapy  enriches the nutritional quality of Rasa, enhances digestion and metabolism by normalizing agni or body fire, and promoting the competence of  channels 
Benefits of rasayana: The main purpose of Rasayana   therapy is to retard the aging process and to delay the degenerative process in the body

It enhances the intelligence, memory, body strength, luster of the skin, and modulation of voice
It nourishes the blood, lymph, muscles, tissues, semen, and thus prevents Chronic degenerative disorders like Arthritis.
Improves metabolic process and quality of body tissues and eradicates diseases of old age.
Helps to attain optimal physical strength and sharpness of sense organs.
Rasayana has marked action on reproductive organs and also nourishes shukra dhatu (semen)
Rasayana nourishes the whole body and improves the Immune system and hence the natural resistance to infection will be more.
By following Achara Rasayana one can be more Satwik and surge ahead in the spiritual field by his pure daily routines like speaking truth, not getting angry, by having control over his sense organs and calmness,.

Natural foods which act as Rasayanas 

Haritaki: (Embelica officinalis)
It is called as Haritaki because it cures all the diseases. It has been alternatively named as  Abhaya with appreciation on its activities since it bestows permanent long life to those who use it always. It is also known as Vijaya since it is a conqueror of all the diseases. 

A fresh, round and heavy fruits of haritaki are always best. It should sink in water and also devoid of any diseases. Such fruits are rich in taste and potency. 

The fruit should be split into two or three pieces and seed is removed. Such fruit pieces are cooked with four parts of water till they soften. Then they should be removed and allowed to cool. One part of ghee and one part of honey is added to this and kept aside for three days. It should be consumed later taking care of digestion power. After this Rasayana is digested shstika Sahli rice with cow’s milk is consumed. By using this Rasayana one will be free from wrinkles, baldness and premature greying of hair. This gives very good memory power, eyesight and a long healthy life... 

Ghee ( Clarified butter):
is the best-known Rasayana which is a very good rejuvenator and Longevity promoter,.   It also improves digestion, has soothing effects on the nervous system, Improves the glow of skin, enhances memory power, helps to retain the grasped matters and increases ojus. Ghee has a very good rate of absorption and it is a very good medium for transporting the nutrients of the food to the tissue So make sure that you use a spoon of to your daily food which is very easily and readily available to one and all. (This is not applicable to people who have high blood cholesterol).

These are the very rich source of Vitamin C and are known for there unique action like improving the resistance to cold, controlling the bleeding of gums, healing wounds and the formation of scar tissue. The lemon acts as a purifier and nourishing agent. 

Squeeze half lime in a glass of luke warm water and add two tea spoons of honey to it. This helps to reduce weight when consumed in empty stomach at early hours of the day.

Ginger improves digestion, removes ama (body toxin which causes diseases). Hence it is accepted worldwide as medicine. Always use dry ground ginger which is more concentrated in its effects and flavor. 
Sprinkle little dry ginger powder on a spoon of lemon juice and add a little salt. This should be consumed forty-five minutes before meals to have a very good appetite and digestion.

Cumin Seeds: 
Cumin seeds help in digestion, digests and expel ama and balances doshas. To expel body toxins start the day with drinking Luke warm water with powdered cumin and ginger. 

Green Gram :
Green gram is very light to digest and is the best for people who have digestion problems. They are among the best legumes for there supreme digestibility and health giving qualities. Those who prefer light food can opt for this food.

 Dates and figs: 
These are known as an excellent source of energy. They also help to build the body tissues and improve the hemoglobin percentage. Hence eat two to three dates or figs a day.

These are nourishing and life – supporting. Eat five to six Almonds a day to build energy and strength. It is proved that Almonds helps in reducing blood Cholesterol levels.

Lassi :
It is a beverage prepared by mixing two part of water and one part of yogurt. It can be made a sweet beverage by adding little sugar or honey and little ground cardamom. For people who do not like the sweet taste, it can be made as a delicious salt and sour beverage by adding roasted cumin seeds and a little salt. It is an excellent nutritive, digestive beverage and can be used during meals or taken as a dessert after a meal.

Seasonal Fruits: 
Always use the juicy fresh fruits which are available in the season. They are of high nutritive value and are body purifiers also.

Along with all these food and medicinal Rasyana, one should follow Achara Rasayana to have very good effects of rasayana.

Refs:.  Charaka  su sthana. Shu. Su .Sthana.  Astanga sangraha uttar stahna

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


A specially created massage combining techniqu...
A specially created massage combining technique and aromatherapy oils. The essential oils are absorbed through the skin and carried to the muscle tissues, joints and organs to relieve tension and relax your mind.
(Photo credit: 

As we are all aware Aromatherapy is nothing new to civilization. However, it is unlikely that you will find the word man and aromatherapy in the same sentence. In fact, if you ask most guys what they know of Aromatherapy for men you would receive a vacant stare in return as they draw blanks in the mental index. The truth of the matter is many properties of Aromatherapy for men will benefit in today’s society. We are not living in the days of hunter-gathers so the types of stress a man faces today are different compared to tribal days.  Not to say that the amount of stress is not similar to hunting or being hunted. I guess it can be summed up that today’s stress is a battle of the mind. When I think of how Aromatherapy has changed my life I reflect on three major benefits that have taken place in my life. This article will address the benefits of Aromatherapy for men in today’s modern culture. 

I think it would be appropriate to start from the beginning and briefly go over what Aromatherapy actually is, in case any of you guys don’t know. Believe it or not, modern Aromatherapy was actually identified in France by a man named Rene Maurice Gattefosse in the 1920’s. Mr. Gattefosse was a chemist and apparently so prone to getting burned in his lab he became somewhat of an authority on burns from his own personal experience. One day as Mr. Gattefosse lit his arm on fire in a panic he doused the flames in a vat of lavender oil. Gattefosse experienced immediate relief from the pain and additionally in the days to come the recovery process was extremely short with minimal scarring. Compared to the previous burns he had experienced he could not deny he was on to something. After the incident, Gattefosse dedicated his life to the study of Aromatherapy. So guys there you go nothing to be shy about Aromatherapy for men is totally natural.

The number one benefit that I have seen happen in my life is the ability to deal with the stress in modern life. Previously to my experiments with Basil Oil my depression what at an all-time high. It’s difficult to describe the properties of Basil Oil without smelling them in person. It is important to note that you should never use the exotic variety of basil it could possibly be a source of cancer. However, Basil oil is amazing at giving me a second wind at the end of the day. I have more quality time with my daughter and strangely am able to let go of the stress I have had during the day. My focus is sharper so I can think clearly about the positive aspects of life and bring my self to a place that is pleasant. I have also used Lemon oil but I tend to favor Basil but you should try both.

When thinking about Aromatherapy for men think about what it can do for us when we are sick. Let’s face it most men turn to kittens when a cold strikes. Believe it or not, Aromatherapy can get you back to the testosterone injected beefcake you once believed yourself to be. Let me introduce you to my little friend…..Eucalyptus oil and mint. During a cold or flu, this little combo delivers a knockout in clearing the nasal passages. Give it a shot the next time you a feeling sick. Also, another amazing essential oil is Yarrow oil it can get rid of most cold and flu symptoms. Obviously again this is treating the symptoms and not the cause but again it should be enough to get yourself positive enough to fight back mentally.

Aromatherapy for men is also important in the area of skin burns. Let's face it guys are prone to skin burns. A nasty header burn on the leg can be a real bummer for the weekend. Skin burns are no bueno and as previously mentioned lavender oil is a great way to get some relief. You may also want to try Bergamot for cold sores combined with Eucalyptus oil provides amazing relief.

Aromatherapy for men in the future will more than likely be more commonplace than it is today. I know from personal experience that it has had a tremendous effect on my relationship at home after a stressful day. I get through sickness with less misery and if by chance when I’m out playing I should get some sort of skin damage well I’m covered there as well. Aromatherapy for men in all has many uses. Just remember it’s making your life easier if you are having trouble getting over the stereotype. You are facing some risks with aromatherapy and in turn, you will need to become informed about the techniques involved in producing the results you are looking for.

Monday, October 8, 2018

ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES For Asthma Treatment -- Biofeedback Holds Promise

biofeedback graphics Respiration rate biofeedb...
biofeedback graphics Respiration rate biofeedback display. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are there effective alternative therapies for asthma? Many researchers believe biofeedback holds promise as a way to help asthma patients. 

What is biofeedback all about? It involves measuring a person's body processes like heart rate, blood pressure, galvanic skin response, etc and providing this information to the person in real time. This creates awareness of these processes and in turn, can help the person gain conscious control over related body functions. 

For instance, scientists have shown that a person can consciously influence his heartbeat. In fact, some studies at the National Institutes for Health have indicated that patients can be trained even to lower their blood pressure. 

Biofeedback training is part of what is called complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It was Dr. Neal Miller, a neuroscientist at Yale who first said that it is possible to exert conscious control over automatic body functions. The scientific and medical establishment of the time scoffed at his statement and held that such things are impossible. 

However, subsequent research by several groups has shown that control over unconscious body functions is indeed possible. Many patients have found relief from migraine using biofeedback training. Some researchers are studying the possibility of using biofeedback as the main treatment for high blood pressure problems. 

How does biofeedback apply to asthma?

During an asthma attack, the muscles around the airways are inflamed and contracted. If these muscles can be relaxed, air would flow more freely into the lungs and the distressing symptoms of asthma would be alleviated. Biofeedback systems train the patient to accomplish just that. 

In addition, asthma patients often have abnormal breathing patterns. The Society for Applied Psychotherapy and Biofeedback says that 'barrel breathing' is one such pattern. This is when the asthmatic takes in a deep breath and then doesn't fully breathe out. Instead, they take several shallow in and out breaths without emptying their lungs completely. 

As a result, their lungs can't be refilled with fresh air since they never empty fully when breathing out. 

Using a process called pneumographic biofeedback, asthma patients learn to recognize their altered heart rates that occur during barrel breathing. And they learn to change their breathing pattern to lower their heart rate as well as improve oxygen intake. 

Some studies have concluded that this type of biofeedback treatment not only reduced the symptoms of asthma but also brought down lung inflammation and resistance to normal breathing. The heart beat variability biorhythm treatment has also resulted in lowered medication use and better pulmonary function. 

The National Institutes of Health advices asthma patients who wish to use biofeedback training to work with a competent trainer and to keep their doctor fully informed. The latter is important because asthma patients should be monitored regularly and medication may need to be adjusted from time to time. 

Overall, biofeedback treatment is one of the more promising alternative therapies for asthma.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

How to Manage and Treat Seasonal Allergy Symptoms

Photo: Pixabay
Do you find yourself feeling miserable, coughing, or sneezing at about the same time each and every year?  If you do, it is important to note that you may be suffering from seasonal allergies.  Although it is possible to suffer from seasonal allergies all year round, many individuals find that their symptoms are worst during the spring and fall.

As for how you can go about seeking relief from your seasonal allergy symptoms or at least how you can manage them, there are a number of important steps that you will want to take.  These steps, a few of which are actually recommended by those in the medical field, are outlined below for your convenience.

One of the first things that you will want to do when looking to manage or treat your seasonal allergy symptoms is known what your trigger factors are...  When you experience a runny nose, stuffy nose, a cough, or chest congestion, there is likely something, in particular, that is triggering it.  For many, the culprit is pollen, ragweed, as well as mold.  As far as a mold is concerned, many believe that it is only found inside homes and other buildings, but mold is actually quite common outdoors, especially after rainfall.

Another one of the many ways that you can go about seeking relief from seasonal allergies is by seeking the proper treatment.  Although some individuals are able to manage their symptoms on their own, many more need to seek relief from prescription medications or at least over-the-counter products.  This is where visiting a doctor may be a good idea, especially if your seasonal allergy symptoms cause you pain or discomfort.  As previously stated, your doctor will likely prescribe allergy relief medication to you, especially if he or she thinks that your allergy symptoms are severe enough.

If you decide to seek relief from your seasonal allergies without the use of a doctor, but still with medication, you will likely turn to over-the-counter products.  Before taking an over the counter product, be sure to read all warning labels and all information that is provided to you.  Some over-the-counter medications can react with others or have side effects.  If you want reassurance that you will be trying a safe product and one that is known to produce results, you may want to speak to any other seasonal allergy sufferers that you know, a pharmacist, or you can read reviews on over-the-counter products online.

In addition to the above-mentioned steps, which all involve the use of some form of medicine, it is also important to know that many individuals are able to seek relief from their seasonal allergies with natural steps or other small easy steps.  For example, The Weather Channel is known for outlining high pollen counts in certain areas. They often do so on live broadcasts as well as on their website.  If your area is impacted by high levels of pollen, it may be a wise idea to stay indoors or at least wear a protective mask.  Checking any pets that you may have is another great tip that many do not think of.  Longhaired cats and dogs can get pollen and ragweed stuck on their hair, which can later result in it making its way into your home.

As highlighted above, there are a number of steps that you can take to seek relief from your allergy symptoms.  The good news is that most of these steps are all easy to implement.

Saturday, October 6, 2018


English: mechanical energy is converted into a...
Mechanical energy is converted into an electrical energy using water (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is possible to have a portfolio which profitably (that's the key word, is it not?) invests in alternative energy funds. “Green” energy production is expected to be a multi-billion (in today's dollars) industry by 2013. 

The most recently developed wind-turbine technologies have brought us wind-produced energy which is more cost efficient as well as more widespread. More state-of-the-art wind energy technologies are typically more market competitive with conventional energy technologies. The newer wind-power technologies don't even kill birds like in days of old! Wind energy production is a growing technology, and companies engaged in it would make up an excellent part of a growth or aggressive growth portfolio.

Next to consider is a solar cell, or photovoltaic cell, technologies. These are to be found implemented in pocket calculators, private property lights, US Coast Guard buoys, and other areas. More and more they find their way onto the roofs of housing and commercial buildings and building complexes. Cost is falling. Their energy efficiency (the ratio of the amount of work needed to cause their energy production versus the actual energy production) is steadily on the rise. As an example, the conversion efficiency of silicon cells has increased from a mere four percent in 1982 to over 20% for the latest technologies. Photovoltaic cells create absolute zero pollution as they are generating electrical power. However, photovoltaic cells are not presently as cost-effective as “utility produced” electricity. “PV” cells are not [capable at present for producing industrial-production amounts of electricity due to their present constraints on space. However, areas, where photovoltaic cell arrays could be implemented, are increasingly available. In sum, costs are going down while efficiency is rising for this alternative fuel technology.

Many alternative energy investment portfolio advisors are confident that alternative energies derived from currents, tidal movement, and temperature differentials are poised to become a new and predominant form of clean energy. The French are actually fairly advanced at hydropower generation, and numerous studies are being made in Scotland and the US along these same lines. Some concerns center around the problems with the deterioration of metals in salt water, marine growth such as barnacles, and violent storms which have all been disruptions to energy production in the past. However, these problems, for the most part, seem to be cured through the use of different, better materials. Ocean-produced energy has a huge advantage because the timing of ocean currents and waves are well understood and reliable.

Investments in hydro-electric technology have grown in the last two decades. Hydro-electric power is clean; however, it's also limited by geography. While already prominent as power generation, the large, older dams have had problems with disturbing marine life. Improvements have been made on those dams in order to protect marine life, but these improvements have been expensive. Consequently, more attention is now being paid to low-impact "run-of-the-river" hydro-power plants, which do not have these ecological problems. 

The reality is, the energy future is green, and investors would do well to put their money out wisely, with that advice in their minds.