Thursday, August 2, 2018

Discover How YOGA Will Help You Reach Your Goals – Part 1

Yoga postures Catushpadapitham
Yoga postures Catushpadapitham (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Time is valuable and there are a number of successful methods for goal realization. Yoga will cross train your mind and body for maximum potential.

Imagine being able to optimize your attitude in one hour, per day, or less. 

Every day, people attend Yoga classes for physical or mental health, and walk away with the tools, to be masters of their own destiny.

How is this possible? Regular attendance to Yoga classes will result in a positive attitude adjustment for the student. Many of us walk around with a “perceived handicap.” We blame everything for our setbacks and lack of opportunities. Society, your boss, and your family are all easy targets to blame, for lack of opportunities.

It is true that age, financial status, gender, and ethnic background, are factors in success. However, these factors can all be overcome by working toward your goal on a daily basis and taking life one-step-at-a-time.

Remember, that if you think your situation is a disability, it will be.

How can Yoga do anything for you? For one thing, you will appreciate life to it’s fullest. You will stop wasting time, by letting daily opportunities go by. 

Many of us have opportunities, but we think it won’t work, we don’t have what it takes for success, or we lack the drive to carry a plan through.

Yoga and meditation teach you to supervise your mind. Your mind has been allowed to work against you. Much like a “backseat driver,” the mind is good at “second-guessing,” fearing, doubting, and discouraging new ideas. The mind would prefer to stay in one place and let the world go by. Leaving you in a deeper state of frustration, by worrying about making a mistake.

You have to cultivate a positive relationship with your mind, through practising Yoga postures (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation. You can find all this, and much more, in your local Yoga class. All you have to do is make it a regular routine. Yoga classes are everywhere, from corporate health clubs to senior centres. Whether you practice before, or after, work is not important, and you will start to feel the mental benefits, right away.

Many Yoga students walk away from their first class feeling guilty, that it took so long to start. They anguish over the fact they procrastinated so long. 

However, the important part is to start and continue your Yoga practice. 

There is also a common feeling of euphoria during and after Yoga classes. 

The group support, classroom atmosphere, and the endorphins will make your day a much better one.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Religion, WITCHCRAFT and Sex

Sorcery - Paramour with the devil
Sorcery - Paramour with the devil (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The word witch derives from an ancient variant of a Willow tree. The willow was the tree of the triple moon goddess (maiden, women, & hag). Willow worshipers (witches) were said to possess supernatural powers of divination. They were generally associated with venerating the Devil at nocturnal orgies. Witchcraft is a bizarre art that has been prevalent from immemorial times. 

The essence of this craft is an inane desire to possess additional powers to either enhance his youth or life. The epitome of this is the mystique of sex that is closely interwoven with witchcraft. Why sex? As Hegel and Adler have written, sex is a prime ordeal force and the sublime that everybody craves for. It does not die with old age or infirmness though one can crave and not be able to perform. At this stage, sexual fulfillment can only be prolonged by the black arts and its supreme the Devil. This is in sharp contrast to the religious doctrine which generally shuns sex. If God represents this doctrine than its antithesis the Devil represents sensual pleasure of which sex and all its variations are the main body.

The first stage of this art is the initiation and the ceremony involved with it. Initiation ceremonies are held the world over and vary from place to place. In England local initiation meetings were usually held once a week, but the "Sabbath of the Witches" held four times a year and usually on Thursday was the more important of the gatherings when a large no believer would be admitted to the fold. The person or Devil under whose superintendence it functioned was referred to as Beelzebub, Satan or Lucifer. The people who constituted this meeting called it the Coven. And to all such members of the Coven, the presiding person represented the GOD. He was worshiped and the greatest gift a disciple or a person being initiated could give was his or her body to the devil. In other words, the devil would copulate with the person and the person would receive the seed of the devil. This was and remains a major part of the initiation ceremony. So strong indeed was the covens belief in his power and so much was he adored, that the witches (persons attending the coven) dedicated their bodies and also of their daughters if any to the Devil,. The ritual was in early times quite queer, though by modern standards not all that bizarre. The ceremony would start with Devil undressing in front of the gathering and then would wear a long loose robe. A lady who had to be initiated into the cult would be led to the altar in the center of the room and laid on a raised platform. The Devil or the presiding deity would undress the lady in front of the congregation. She would be asked certain questions as to her willingness to be the Devil's disciple and whether she was ready to receive the seed of the devil. On her affirmative reply, the ceremony would proceed further.

The Devil would then begin the final part which was again played before the audience as the 'Devil' would position himself for the "Coup de Main", an entry into the initiator's body. The man would mate with the woman by making loud cries as if simulating the Devil. If the lady conceived the children were considered the Devils progeny and grew up "in the service". After the Devil had partaken of the woman she was kept on the altar and offered to other covens that also had sex with her. In fact, this ceremony is beautifully depicted in Roman Polanski in his film "Rosemary's Baby". In England, such ceremonies are still in existence and serve as a source of extreme sexual gratification.

Even in New Guiana in the Dutch East Indies, it was quite common to make love to the woman being initiated by a strong stud from the gathering, right out in the open air. Once in every 7 years there would be, what was called "Great Sabbath", at which all covens of a wide district would congregate, and tradition has it that on that occasion the Chief Witch or 'Devil" would sacrifice a young virgin after she had been deflowered and had mated with the Devil and his apostles. Thankfully this is now obsolete, but in some primitive cultures in India and Africa is still in vogue.

The actual initiation ceremony into the mysteries of witchcraft must have been an exciting experience. The aspirant to membership, after being duly recommended, would have to be introduced; and the manner of introduction would be kept secret until the actual event. Before the assembled covens there would be a renouncement on the part of the candidate of any former faith and then the person would give his or her body to the Devil. After the reception, the candidate would be baptized with a new name such as "Thief of Heaven" etc. The initiation ceremonies are an important part of the ritual of the black arts. Nothing can be complete until one gives his or her body to the "Devil". Also if there is a betrayal of confidence on the part of the member, then retribution is swift, sometimes with an iron rod.

There are also Demons, fiends and Specters known as Succubus and Incubus. Incubus is supposed to be a lascivious demon who appears to a woman at night and ravishes her body. While Succubus was somewhat similar Demon possessed of the power of assuming the form of a woman. This is itself a worldwide phenomenon and is persisted in modern times. Taylor in his work 'Primitive Culture (1873) says that these male and female nocturnal demons which consort lasciviously with men and women are indeed a fact. In the Islands of West Indies, there are Ghosts of the dead, vanishing when clutched at. In New Zealand ancestral deities form an attachment with females, paying them repeated visits. In the Samoan islands, such intercourse with inferior Gods was believed to bring about supernatural conception. In Hindu Tantra, formal rites are specified which enable a man to obtain a companion nymph by worshiping at night in any burial place. One of the aspects of witchcraft is the continuation of pagan ritual for fertility for barren women. In real terms, it is little more than absolute belief in the divine power of Satan. Many a barren woman has resorted to such rites for herself. But sex is the ultimate path in the Devils armor and leads to him. Like prayer leads to God.

The sexual act is known to release energy and is looked down by all religions, but for the Devil who is the Anti-thesis of God and goodness, it is an essential ritual. Perhaps this energy released in a sexual union does have something to do with black arts.

In Europe nocturnal intercourse with Incubi and Succubi are carried out in full belief by ecclesiastics and lawyers; priests and witches.

Nowadays the part of Incubus is usually played by the chief of witches Coven, in disguise and sometimes in semi-darkness to heighten the power and effect of the occult.

Bram Stoker in his famous work "Count Dracula" has vividly portrayed another facet of witchcraft. In this form a vampire (usually a man who remains alive after death with the help of sorcery) to remain 'alive' needs to have intercourse with a female and a woman vice versa i.e., cohabit with a man, with a peculiar ritual that makes such creatures live on by drinking the blood of their victims.

Like in prayer one gives himself up to God, so in this case, also there is a voluntary personal surrender of ones will and body to the Devil; and then only one can get something in return. The immortal tale of Dr. Faustus and the selling of his soul to the Devil in return for the immortal love of Helen, the most beautiful woman in history is a tragic example of this. Again the fundamental driving force for Dr. Faustus was sex and he craved of it with Helen.

Hence we may conclude that one of the essential ingredients of sorcery, witchcraft and black magic is the sexual act. Mans desire for the sublime pleasure of sex will ensure that the Black arts including witchcraft will survive for all time to come.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

What to Expect When You Get Your TATTOO

English: Marc Pinto drawing a design on a clie...
Marc Pinto drawing a design on a client at the Singapore Tattoo Show 2010.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
To many people, tattoos are exotic and daring things to get into.  It's such a huge decision as the design, whatever it may be, will be permanent.  Not only might this seem daunting but the actual process of getting a tattoo can be frightening to those who have never experienced it.

Most people know that tattoos are created with a needle that delivers ink into the skin through the use of a special tattoo gun or machine.  Beyond that, many are clueless as to how the procedure might actually carry on.  It is important to realize that every tattoo artist and parlor vary in their techniques.

The first thing to be prepared for is choosing a design.  If you have a copy of something, in particular, be prepared to discuss it with your tattoo artist.  He or she may be able to make recommendations to make the image look its best on your skin.

If you do not already have a design, the tattoo artist can assist you.  The design will depend on where you want the tattoo on your body and if you prefer all one color or multiple colors. The tattoo artist can assist with making decisions based on your personality, size preference for that tattoo and the aesthetics of the design.

Once the design has been decided upon, the tattoo artist creates a stencil.  This stencil is laid out on the skin and traced.  Some artists will draw the stencil straight on the skin freehanded.  The general design can be visualized at this point on the skin.

When the design is decided upon, the tattoo process begins.  This is where things can start to change a bit.  Depending on the location where the tattoo will end up, the customer is typically seated in a position as comfortable as possible to make for easy access to the skin by the tattoo artist.  Obviously, the sitting position will vary accordingly.

The time frame is another variance.  As is easily guessed extravagant, intricate and very large tattoos will take a longer amount of time than a smaller, simpler design.  Tattoos that are excessively large, such as designs covering the entire back often require repeat visits to the tattoo parlor.

Generally, for an easy and small tattoo of one color, one can typically expect it to take about an hour or less for the design.  Some can take as little as thirty minutes.  If there are a lot of color changes or intricacies the amount of time will increase.

Price can vary depending on the geographical location of the tattoo parlor.  Other factors that are reflected in the price include the size of the tattoo, difficulty and color variations.  Many parlors charge by the hour with a general range of between $40 - $150 per hour, again depending on location and the design.  For very large tattoos, prices might change accordingly switching from a per-hour fee to a set fee for the entire process.

Once the design is finished, expect to be taught how to care for the tattoo afterward.  It may be dressed in a bandage that will need proper care for the days following.  The tattoo artist will discuss all aftercare instructions with the customer prior to letting them leave the parlor.

Getting a tattoo can seem a lot less daunting when you know what to expect.  Getting to know your tattoo artist can help one feel more at ease with the whole procedure.  Meeting the staff beforehand might also go along way to ensure comfort with those working around you.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Learning and Growing

Khalil Gibran (April 1913)
Khalil Gibran (April 1913) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Greetings self-help readers,

I am amazed by the many opportunities that we have to learn on a daily basis. I am speaking of the chances we get every day to learn about ourselves. We can learn from the bad things that happen to us as well as the good things. I believe that everything and everyone can be a teacher. The Bible itself talks about how God works for the good of those who love Him in all things. 

I believe this. Mr. Kahlil Gibran talks about how we can learn kindness from the unkind and yet how we are ungrateful for this teacher. Yes, mean people can, in fact, teach us to be nicer. When we see how ugly mean words and actions look from a spiritual standpoint we can make a decision to be nice. No one wants to look ugly physically or spiritually.

When I focus on learning rather than reacting I will make much better decisions. You see when I simply react, my decisions are based on my emotions rather than my intellect and spirituality. I have learned that when I respond in a meaningful manner to a mean person, it is like matching fire with fire. In these cases, both people are likely to be burned. I can instead choose to match their fire of unkindness with the water of kindness. We all know that water puts out the fire. It is up to me as to how I will respond.

How do you respond when you are challenged to be spiritual? Do you match meanness with meanness or kindness? hate with love or hate? If we take the time to learn and not react we will grow into the people the creator of the universe has called us to be. We can grow quite tall spiritually and eventually dwarf the demons of unkindness just by not responding in kind and learn how to deal with situations. The same situations will most likely repeat themselves. Once we learn how to deal with them correctly we should be able to handle them better when they come around again. 

Much continued positive attitude success,

The creator of "Positive Attitude Secrets"

Saturday, July 28, 2018


Photo by nicolas.boullosa 
Green technology is currently on the rise, especially after the new stimulus plan in which the government is using its resources to enhance the use of renewable energy. With the effect of many conventional technology uses, the environment has been on planet Earth's radar, with many individuals taking action either installing green technology to their homes or spreading awareness of the positive effects of renewable energy. One of those individuals is Raphael Domjan a former ambulance driver who started a Swiss company PlanetSolar has created the worlds largest solar-powered boat to travel over the 34,000-mile journey.

Solar power technology is truly limitless, this is a hopeful story of the many uses of renewable energy being implemented in other area's of technology besides creating solar powered homes. The solar powered boat is named the Turanor, a word taken from J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings." It means "power of the sun." The boat was constructed by engineers and scientists from PlanetSolar, financed by private funds. Raphael has started this project to encourage other's to produce solar powered transpiration machines and to create a growing awareness of renewable energy.

Solar power is the technology for the future. This powerful technology brings you many advantages such as free energy, zero release of pollution or harmful chemicals, lightweight, and reliable. Generators can always go bust, but solar power is here to stay. However, with the many pros of renewable energy, it has it's share of cons as well such as expense, production, and implementation. Solar or renewable energy is very expensive to produce, also since it's such a new technology it is very complicated to implement and produce. But these are only barriers that will be overcome by our new research facilities all around the world, and new scientists spending their time developing and enhancing solar technology for the betterment of mother earth.

Friday, July 27, 2018

AYURVEDA NATURAL CURE for Diabetes Problems

Photo: Pixabay

In Ayurveda, diabetes is commonly seen as a metabolic Kapha type of disorder in which the Agni has a lowered functioning. It results in high blood sugar. Ayurveda identifies 24 types of the disease commonly classified under Prameha – 4 are due to Vata dosha, 6 are due to Pitta dosha, and 10 are caused by Kapha Dosha. The main causes of these diseases are fat, urine and Kapha formed due to foods, liquids, lifestyle, and others.

Ayurvedic treatment of diabetes patient depends upon the strength of the body and type of diabetes he/she has. The first task is to diagnose the type of dosha imbalance. In all types of urinary disorders, Kapha is deteriorated, but in madhumeha, vata is often aggravated as well. Therefore, Ayurveda nature cure for diabetes will be directed at both vata and Kapha simultaneously to restore the balance of the doshas.

After determining the causes of doshas imbalance, Ayurvedic therapy searches the root causes of diabetes which may be overeating and consequently obesity, Excessive intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates, an overdose of proteins and fats which get converted into sugar if taken excess, more tension, worry, anxiety & grief.

Ayurveda natural cure for diabetes indicates that a person should avoid foods that promote Kapha like potatoes, rice, sugar, fatty foods, and alcohol. Regular exercise for diabetic patients is necessary. One can do yoga asanas such as Halasan and Paschimottanasn to stay healthy during diabetes.

There is a most effective therapy known as Panchakarma Therapy. It helps in reducing the insulin resistance in the tissues in diabetics which is the major goal in treating diabetes.

Ayurveda also includes the diet modification by reducing sugar and refined carbohydrates. Protein is helpful for the body but an excessive intake can damage the kidneys. Fat should be taken in a limited amount as an excessive amount can lead to digestive problems and obesity. Ayurveda natural cure for diabetes starts with herbal massages, followed by fasting to cleanse the body.

Divine Wellness is an interactive online health portal providing online yoga classes for learning Kundalini Yoga. They also provide Ayurveda cure for diabetes through high definition video.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007)
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (2007) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It is not difficult to learn transcendental meditation. If you are looking to escape from the whirlwind of ringing cell phones, traffic snarls, and screaming kids, transcendental meditation can provide a peaceful getaway from the craziness of everyday life. 

In 1958, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi formally introduced his transcendental meditation technique. Since then, he has written several books, lectured and toured extensively all over the world and trained over 40,000 teachers. Transcendental meditation is now practiced in the workplace, at home, and in medical settings. In addition, doctors and health professionals are increasingly prescribing transcendental meditation as a means of combating anxiety disorders and stress. 

You may be wondering what is transcendental meditation and what makes it different from other forms of meditation? One of the most exciting elements of the transcendental meditation technique is that it so simple and easy to practice. With the right focus and dedication, you can learn transcendental meditation in a matter of moments. 

Basically, during the meditation session, your body enters a deep and peaceful state of relaxation, while maintaining alertness and clarity. First, the person chooses a word or image to focus on, perhaps a religious or cultural symbol that has special meaning. As the person replays this word or image over and over, the body descends into a deeper and deeper state of restfulness. The session can last anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour and should take place in a calm and relaxed setting, with minimal noise and distractions. 

No other meditation technique has been so extensively studied and researched. During transcendental meditation, the brain falls into a theta brain wave pattern (akin to sleep and deep relaxation), which then carries over to the state of wakefulness. Physical benefits include increased mental comprehension, focus, retention, and creativity. Another interesting benefit is the actual reversal of the aging process. In a study conducted by the International Journal of Neuroscience, the biological age of practitioners of transcendental meditation was, on average, twelve years younger than their chronological age. Transcendental meditation also has positive effects on age and stress-related conditions such as insomnia, high blood pressure, decreased visual acuity, hearing loss, and depressed cerebral blood flow. 

It is interesting to note that adherents from all religions choose to learn transcendental meditation. Although it has roots in Hinduism, the transcendental meditation technique can be applied to any cultural context. In fact, those who learn transcendental meditation are encouraged to adapt symbols that have meaning and depth for the individual. For example, a rabbi may choose to focus on a symbol or image rooted in Judaism to enhance the effectiveness of the session. In contrast, an agnostic may choose an image from nature such as a beautiful meadow or sunset to achieve relaxation. The beauty of transcendental meditation is its flexibility. 

Monday, July 23, 2018

ALOE VERA Products

Aloe Vera - Photo: Pixabay
Aloe Vera looks like a cactus but is really a member of the Lily family. Aloe Vera is a well known herbal preparation that has been in use for a long time. Aloe Vera products are broadly used in today’s globe. Aloe Vera can be used to heal both internally and externally. It greatly speeds the healing of many skin injuries, including ulcerations, burns, hives and poison ivy and also acts as a laxative. Aloe Vera products find main types such as creams and gels and internally digested via juices and tablets. Aloe vera health products assist rebuild your skin, hair and digestive health.

Aloe Vera Gels

Aloe is one of the most commonly used herbs in the United States. Aloe gel is commonly used for burns, bug stings, scratches, itches, acne, allergies, irritations, rashes, dermatitis and other skin troubles. It is found in a number of high-grade skin care products.

Aloe Vera Juices

Aloe Vera juice, extract, drink or concentrate is used by patients with gastritis and irritable bowel with very satisfying results. Aloe Vera Juices is consumed for restoring and maintaining the balance of stomach acids. It has proved that it promotes and maintains the right equilibrium of stomach acids.

Aloe Vera Sun Care

Aloe Vera Sun Care provides great, protection against both burning UVB and aging UVA rays. Sun Lotion contains a wide range of plant extracts to ensure they defend and hydrates the skin as well as antioxidants to aid protect the skin. Aloe Vera Sun Care provides active principles of synergy to soothe psoriasis, eczema, and areas where skin restoration is needed.

Aloe Vera Toiletries

Aloe Vera Toiletries alleviates the pain of arthritis, rheumatism, gout, aches, and sprains and aids poor circulation. Aloe Vera Toiletries also enhances the immune system, protecting against colds and flu.

Aloe Vera Powder

There are many different Aloe Powders available on the market today. Each of them is either freeze-dried, cryo-dry or spray dry. Aloe’s healing power comes from increasing the availability of oxygen to the skin, and by increasing the synthesis and strength of the tissue.

Juliet Cohen writes articles for Free Home Remedies. She also writes articles for beauty tips and women hairstyles.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Belt Colors Of TAEKWONDO

English: Rhee Tae Kwon-Do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Da...
Rhee Tae Kwon-Do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Dan black belts  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The belts and their colors that are used with Taekwondo aren't just a random assortment of colors that are used to separate the ranks in the martial art.  In Taekwondo, each belt color has a meaning that lets fighters known about their advancement and increasing knowledge.  Belts are also great for the stylist, as they let the stylist know just how far they have progressed.

The colors of the belts found in Taekwondo vary, as they represent the advancement of rank, as well as the growth of the student.  It can take a long time for students to move up the ranks, all depending on their knowledge and how quite they adapt to the techniques and forms of the art.

Below, are the colors and belts of Taekwondo, along with their meaning.

White belt
A white belt is the symbol of birth or the beginning for the stylist.  Students that wear white belts are just starting out, searching for the knowledge to continue Taekwondo.

Yellow belt
A yellow belt is the first ray of light that shines on the student, giving them new strength to the Taekwondo martial art.  Students that have yellow belts have taken a great step in learning, and have opened their mind to new techniques.

Green belt
A green belt is the symbol of growth or a seed as it sprouts from the ground and begins to grow into a plant.  Students with green belts are continuing along the path of Taekwondo, learning to develop further and redefine every technique they have been taught.

Blue belt
A blue belt represents a blue sky, with the plant continuing to grow upwards, heading for the sky.  Students with blue belts continue to move higher in ranks, as the plant continues to grow taller.  Students at this stage will also be given additional knowledge of Taekwondo so that their mind and body can continue to grow and develop.

Red belt
The red belt is the heat of the sun, with the plant continuing the path upwards toward the sun.  Students that possess red belts are higher in rank, as they have acquired a lot of the knowledge in the art of Taekwondo.  Red belts also tell the students to be cautious, as they gain more knowledge and their physical techniques increase.

Black belt
A black belt is the best of the best.  It symbolizes the darkness that is out there beyond the light of the sun.  Once the student is given a black belt and begins to train other students, he will teach all that has been taught to him.  Black belts recognize the best students, as they continue to teach others the art of Taekwondo, and continue the never-ending cycle of training.

Friday, July 20, 2018

HYPNOSIS Learning - Studying Under HYPNOSIS With Your Friend.

Flickr - …trialsanderrors - You dreamt you wer...
 You dreamt you were a hypnotist (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
This article is fully devoted to the topic of studying under hypnosis with your friend. You don't need a professional hypnotist to take advantage of the benefits of learning in trance, just ask your buddy for some help.

If you have a friend that knows how to hypnotize or at least, knows how to read the hypnotic script, you are golden. You can ask him if he would like to try studying under hypnosis with you. Learning with someone you like outside trance, can be very distracting and won't do much good for your education, however studying under hypnosis has only advantages. Presence of the other person allows you to enter trance faster and makes learning more flexible.

The hypnotist is observing progress studying person is making and is able to modify speed at which the studying material is passed. He is also able to use different media to pass the information (word, image, etc.). It is best if only one person is hypnotized at one time, so if you are hypnotized your buddy should get hypnotized another day. Switching roles between hypnotist and student can result in various effects. First, the student may be exhausted after acquiring knowledge, and won't do doo good job as a hypnotist.

It is important that the books are easily accessible and located at your fingertips. Playing recorded study material has one significant drawback, a situation may occur, in which a student will not be able to keep up with the recording. This will result in him not memorizing a lot of information. If this situation occurs and you won't check how much information you've absorbed(an additional loss of time), it may lead to many uncomfortable situations, because you don't posses knowledge you should have.

The part solution to this issue, is playing information slower than the speed at which you are able to absorb it. But in this scenario, you will lose a lot of time on playback. However, this situation is better than the previous case.

The biggest issue with using pre-recorder learning material is, that capability to absorb information by a person in trance can differ from a day or even time of the day. It depends on so many factors that it is nearly impossible to predict it. That is why, it is so important that the other person should observe the way a hypnotized individual reacts and control the speed of learning.

Something you should always do before entering hypnosis and starting to learn is, motivate yourself by repeating positive affirmations like:

- I am glad that I will be taught.

- I find studying pleasurable and I easily absorb new knowledge.

- Learning is easy and fun.

- I will gain a lot of useful information today. I will know more than others.

- Thinking about studying makes me excited.

As you can see studying with your friend is a very complicated process. There is a lot to look out for and you and your friend should plan everything ahead, before putting anything into practice. This should allow you to achieve better results much faster.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Depression and DRY MOUTH Connection

Photo: Wikimedia
There can be a lot of health complications that may arise as people get older. This fact is considered as a part of a person's natural aging process because a person's body tends to get weak as one grows older. Body organs and a person's body systems (digestive, nervous, circulatory, etc.) are more prone to illnesses, simply because of the length of time a person lives. At this stage, people should be extra careful with their diet, more aware of their everyday medications, and on their way of living.

Specifically, a common problem among older adults would be experiencing lack of saliva or dry mouth. Xerostomia, in medical terms, refers to a decrease in the amount of saliva in a person's mouth. Often ignored, this condition affects the mouth itself by not moistening the mouth as we all normally do. This health condition prevents saliva from continually secreting into our mouth, therefore making it hard to swallow and digest, speak, chew, kiss, make love, even sing. Saliva protects and nourishes a person's teeth, lips, mouth, and esophagus. Lacking saliva would do damage to these parts, and without adequate saliva to lubricate one's mouth, wash away food, and neutralize acids produced by plaque, extensive decay can arise. Dry mouth is encountered mostly by older people and mostly women.

Several factors are involved when a person has dry mouth. Certain prescription medications produce dry mouth as a side effect, such as for high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, weight loss, allergies, pain, muscle relaxants, urinary incontinence drugs, medications for Parkinson's disease, and antihistamines. Actually, over a thousand medications can cause dry mouth, and the more drugs a person takes, the more chances of having this kind of condition. Decreased saliva or dry mouth is also associated with a number of psychologic and medical conditions. A noticeable disease that causes oral dryness would be having Sjogren's Syndrome, a condition that is characterized by generalized dryness of the salivary and other similar glands. Other diseases that may result in dryness would be AIDS, dehydration, diabetes, and bone marrow transplants. Another cause for dry mouth would be through therapeutic irradiation. This treatment for certain cancers (head and neck) can include radiation that can damage the salivary glands, and eventually decrease the production of saliva. Depression also contributes to having a dry mouth. People who are clinically depressed or those who become overly anxious have a lower percentage of salivary flow. Other more natural causes would be aging (as mentioned earlier) and the decrease in a person's ability to chew.

If dryness is from the intake of certain medications, it would be good to seek advice from the doctor who can possibly change your medication and reduce the dryness. A simpler solution would be keeping the mouth moist. A person can do this by sipping water or any other sugar-free juices frequently. A person can also stimulate the flow of one's saliva by eating foods which require mastication, chewing sugarless gum, by using diabetic-type candies, or by sucking on a cherry, olive pit, or the rind of a lemon or lime. The dry mouth should be given attention, and a consultation with a physician is advised when one feels dryness in the mouth.

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Buying Discount VITAMINS

Dietary supplements, such as the vitamin B sup...
Dietary supplements, such as the vitamin B supplement show above, are typically sold in pill form. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are a number of ways that you can find discount vitamins.  The most common is to wait until your favorite vitamin store has a sale but this can be a rather difficult way to get a discount vitamin.  The problem is mainly due to the discount time.  Most discount vitamin offers only have a limited amount of stock available and it is a case of first-come, first-served.  The other issue with trying to get this discount vitamin offers is that they are strictly time-limited and again, you may miss out unless you find out about the sale in advance. 

A large number of stores produce coupons that offer discount vitamin purchases.  These coupons are often distributed in newspapers and magazines - the Sunday newspapers are so full of coupons that it may be time-consuming looking for the discount vitamin offers but it is worth the effort.  You may find that some of these coupons do not give an instant discount vitamin purchase but you can claim the appropriate money back through a rebate system.  Beware that some of these rebated discount vitamin offers require you to purchase additional equipment or accessories to qualify for them.

One extremely good source for discount vitamin offers is look for bulk purchases.  This is an extremely underestimated resource, as many people do not actually understand what a bulk purchase discount vitamin really is.  In all honesty, you are likely to get a better discount vitamin offer if you opt for a bulk purchase from your local outlet.  This is because the bulk purchases offer the best discount vitamin prices possible.  This is especially the case for vitamins that you may want to take on an ongoing basis.  Vitamin C, for example, is a great choice to buy in bulk and obtain a discount vitamin price.

It is extremely important, however, to ensure that the bulk discount vitamin purchases do not include vitamins that may have an expiration date that could be exceeded before they are all consumed.  Do not be tempted to purchase bulk amounts of vitamins simply to obtain a discount vitamin price unless you are sure that you can consume all of the vitamins within the expiration dates given.  One of the major mistakes that people make when looking for a discount vitamin is to overlook the expiration date.  There may not be any danger if the discount vitamins are a few days past their sell by date but it is not worth the risk just to save a few pennies.

Monday, July 16, 2018


Bagua, Tibetan symbol for protection and use w...
Bagua, Tibetan symbol for protection and use with Feng shui.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What is Feng Shui? Simply put, it is an ancient art and science that was developed by the Chinese more than 3,000 years ago. It is a complex body of knowledge that if practiced properly will assure the person good health and fortune.

Feng Shui is made of two words. The first is the wind while the second is earth. Its teachings are based on Taoist vision and understanding of nature on the belief that the land is alive and is filled with energy. This, in turn, could make a kingdom successful or bring it to its downfall.

Aside from the water and the wind, Feng Shui is influenced by the theory of 3 other elements namely wood, fire and metal. It is this that also guides Chinese astrological sciences including the times, dates of birth and years as well as colors, seasons, directions and the planets.

The main tools for Feng Shui are the compass and the Ba-Gua. The Ba-Gua is an octagonally shaped grid containing the symbols of the I Ching which is the ancient oracle on which this is based.

Those who believe in Feng Shui say that those who know the Bagua of their home will be able to understand specific areas of their life.

The feng shui compass is also called lo-pan. This is used to access deeper information about a site or a building. It consists of bands of concentric rings arranged around the magnetic needle. "Lo" means "everything" and "pan" means "bowl", which can be interpreted as the key to the mysteries of the universe.

Through the years, several different schools of feng shui have emerged. If you are able to master the basic level, it is said that you will start to see powerful results which could be to your advantage both at home and in business.

Those who practice Feng Shui see it as a double-edged sword because it can be mutually productive and also destructive.

In a productive cycle, fire produces earth which produces metal which produces water which produces wood and the fire again. In a destructive cycle, wood destroys earth which destroys water which destroys fire which destroys metal and then destroys wood.

To give you an idea what this all means, let’s say you were born on a fire year. Too much water in the home is not good because water destroys fire. On the other hand, if you put a lot of wooden décor into your home, then things will be good because wood produces fire. Aside from that, experts say that you will more likely prosper if you sleep on the south side of the house or apartment.

But the ordinary Joe does not have time to understand that. This is why many people these days consult Feng Shui experts when they are building an office or their home. By being able to have someone who understands these cycles, harmony, and productivity is achieved.

So what is Feng Shui? For those who don’t believe in it, simply one way of making sure that you will get good fortune. As for those who take it seriously, it is what creates the essence of life around us. There must always be a harmonious balance between these elements so that you can live a healthy and meaningful life.

Friday, July 13, 2018

The Search for CHINESE MEDICINE: How to Find Practitioners for Alternative Health

Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medi...
Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 3 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many who have had a few bottles of prescription drugs that haven’t worked are now trying to find alternatives to healing.  If you want to join the growing numbers of people who are working towards alternative medicine, you can look directly into Chinese medicine.  There are a variety of practitioners available, all of which understand the methods of helping you heal.

If you are familiar with Chinese medicine as an alternative, you may have also noticed that it doesn’t seem like there are a lot who are advertising the alternatives.  Just because this is true, you don’t have to give up hope to find your options with your health.  Through some simple searching, you can find the best way to optimize your health and energy.

The good news about Chinese medicine is that most practitioners that come from the orient are first trained in the ancient practices.  Even though it may say that they are specialized in a specific type of practice, you can suspect that they know a few things about the complete picture of Chinese medicine.  For example, if you know an acupuncture practitioner, you will be safe in asking about herbal alternatives as well.

Not only can you ask local practitioners about Chinese medicine practices, you can also find other resources that can help.  Because alternative medicine is becoming more popular, you can easily find national associations and organizations that are dedicated to promoting alternative methods of Chinese medicine.  By linking to these organizations as an alternative, you will be able to expand your possibilities and knowledge of holistic health.

Finding a way to link the mind, body and spirit also means finding examples of those who have been initiating alternative health.  There are a variety of possibilities that are available, all of which can link you to understanding and be practicing your flow of energy.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Zodiac Sign: CANCER

Français : Signe Zodiac Cancer
Zodiac Cancer (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The sign of Cancer (June 22 – July 22) has very little to do with that prickly crustacean, believe it or not. In fact, it’s hard to pin down exactly what constitutes the Cancer personality.  The ancient Egyptians perceived Cancer as the sacred scarab. It was a symbol of resurrection and immortality and they often placed a carving of a scarab in the body where the heart had been, as part of the mummification process.

Cancers are very imaginative and intuitive. They make great artists and musicians. They’re not risk takers and will take the time to contemplate all sorts of outcomes and probabilities before taking on a new venture. They’re very sympathetic and protective of those around them. They will help out in whatever way they can, although not impulsively and will temper their generosity by calculating all the risks first. They’re emotional and loving, and great family and pet people.

In the Zodiac Great Year, the Age of Cancer fell between 8600 and 6450 BCE. It was a time characterized by the worship of mother goddesses. During this period alcohol fermentation was discovered and people began to use copper.

Cancers make good journalists, writers or politicians because of their ability to think and judge independently what they’re told. They’re good in public service, perhaps in social service agencies. Cancers are good providers because they themselves love the comfort and a good life.  Cancers can procrastinate and can upset their families with this trait. They’re not too good at taking orders, so positions, where they’re required to be submissive or subordinate, may not suit them well.

Famous Cancers comprise an interesting mix of accomplishments. They include the Duke of Windsor and Bob Fosse, Sylvester Stallone, the Dalai Lama, Robin Williams and Ernest Hemingway.

The best partner for Cancer is Taurus, while the sign with the least potential for a harmonious relationship with Cancer is Aries.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Omega 3, 6, 9 Oils - ESSENTIAL OILS for a Healthy Body

Foreign seeds can be caught anywhere, includin...
Foreign seeds can be caught anywhere, including these harvested flax seeds (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We are being bombarded each day with information on omega 3 6 9 oils and supplements. Listening to so many facts and figures might get complicated for the common man. You need information about each of these but in a simpler and intelligible manner and this is exactly what we give you in this article.

Omega oils belong to the group of essential fatty acids or EFAs. The number against each of these fatty acids is representative of their chemical structure. However what is important is their role in our body and their health benefits.

The body needs these fats to perform important functions and prevent various diseases. Studies show that Omega fats or the essential fatty acids can help prevent cancer, mental disorders, arthritis and cardiovascular diseases.

However, these essential fatty acids or Omegas cannot be synthesized within our body which is why they need to be obtained through our diet. Let us discuss more these oils and other dietary sources of essential fatty acids.

Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats and comprise three fatty acids - Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA), Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The main dietary sources of omega 3 are Fish oils. Certain vegetable oils such as Flaxseed oil and Canola oil are also rich in omega 3.

Fish oils are extracted from the tissues of cold-water fatty fishes such as salmon, sardines, Hoki, tuna, and mackerel. They are rich in both EPA and DHA fats and can be instantly absorbed by our body.

Flaxseed oil is the richest vegetarian source of omega 3. Flaxseed oil contains ALA fats that need to be converted into EPA and DHA to be absorbed by our body. It contains both omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in a ratio of 4:1.

Canola oil is one of the healthiest and cheapest cooking oil available today. Developed by the hybridization of rapeseeds, canola oil is very rich in ALA content. It has a very low content of saturated fats which makes it heart-friendly.

Omega 6 Fatty acids are essential fatty acids and comprise of Linolenic acid, Gamma-linolenic acid, Dihomogamma linolenic acid and Arachidonic acid. Omega 6 is mainly obtained from vegetable oils, nuts, and baked goods.

Omega 6 sources include Safflower oil, Sunflower oil, Corn oil, Hemp oil, Evening primrose oil, Walnut oil, Wheatgerm oil and Soybean oil.

Safflower oil is the richest natural source of Omega 6 fatty acids. They are colorless, odorless and are ideal for cooking purposes. Safflower oil is rich in monosaturated as well as polyunsaturated fats.

Soybean Oil is extracted from soybeans and is a rich source of both omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids. To ensure maximum benefits of Soybean oil, it must be used in an unrefined state only since the refining process turns the unsaturated fats into hydrogenated fats.

Walnut Oil contains both omega 6 and omega 3 fatty acids in a ratio of 10:1 respectively. It is a rich source of unsaturated fats and is considered good for our cardiovascular health.

Omega 9 Fatty acids are monounsaturated fats. Omega 9 fats can be synthesized within our body. They contain Oleic acid which is beneficial for reducing inflammation throughout the body. Omega 9 fatty acids are mainly found in Olive oil and avocados.

Omega 3 6 9 oils should be a part of a healthy diet plan. Balanced and proper consumption of Omega 3 6 9 oils can keep your heart, mind, joints, and skin healthy.

Monday, July 9, 2018

A CONSTIPATION Remedy Using Potassium and Prunes

Fruits of Prunus domestica
Fruits of Prunus domestica (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Potassium and prunes are a natural constipation remedy that you can quickly use to help you get constipation relief.

Potassium is needed in your colon walls to ensure that peristaltic action occurs. Without potassium, colon walls are weak and unable to respond and contract properly when a fecal matter needs to be move.

Potassium in your colon wall tissues brings in more oxygen, which is required for good cell function and elimination of toxins. In addition, potassium creates an alkaline environment inside and outside the cell, which helps protect cell walls from bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens.

Potassium is a powerful source when it comes to cleaning, feeding and building your colon walls. Removing the thin layer of buildup – harden mucus, dried fecal matter, waste derby, heavy metals - against your colon wall can be accomplished by eating those foods that are high in potassium.

Excess buildup on your colon walls of fecal matter and toxins is a cause of continual constipation. This buildup prevents your colon walls from functioning properly.

Potassium is necessary for reducing anxiety and depression. These conditions can affect the peristaltic movements of your colon. Lack of it causes muscles and organs to sag and lack tone.

Potassium, also, draws water out of the body. So when potassium is in your colon it attracts water and pulls it into the fecal matter. This makes your fecal matter softer and easier to move along the colon.

To get more potassium into your diet make a constipation remedy drink by,

Pouring hot water over dried prunes and waiting 10 minutes. Then eat the prunes and drink the juice Do this on an empty stomach in the morning.

The high concentration of potassium and vitamin A, in prunes, stimulates enzymatic processes. These processes meltdown fecal wall wastes and dissolve blockages. They also activate peristaltic action to move this waste out through your rectum.

The foods to eat that are high in potassium are:

Kale, cabbage, yellow tomatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, alfalfa sprouts, goat milk, sesame seeds, wheat germ brewers yeast, flax seed, grapes, green peppers, pineapple, beets, potatoes with skin Blackstrap molasses

If you have any kidney disease, do not take potassium supplements unless directed by your doctor. If you are pregnant, take potassium only under a doctor’s direction.

If you are on any type of drugs, do not take potassium unless directed by your doctor.

When you have constipation it is best to take a potassium supplement. Once you have your constipation eliminated back off on the potassium you are taking and depend on your potassium dose from the foods you eat.

My recommended Potassium dose is 1000 – 3000 mg each day taken with meals.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

What Can I Expect from My ACUPUNCTURE Treatment?

English: Chinese uses her needles to treat a p...
Chinese uses her needles to treat a production brigade worker
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Although it is been done for thousands of years in Asia, some people are still very nervous about going to an acupuncturist for treatment.  As the practice becomes more accepted, however, and the use of acupuncture is becoming more prevalent, many individuals will find themselves getting this treatment for the first time.  If you are a little bit nervous about your acupuncture treatment, you are in good company but that doesn't mean that you have a need for alarm.  Here is what you can expect from your visit to the acupuncturist.

The first visit will actually be a question-and-answer session and may or may not include acupuncture at all.  Your doctor will want to know almost everything about your medical condition, and the underlying issues and anything else that may help him in his treatment of your condition.  Once the proper treatment is discerned, however, your treatments will start, perhaps even on the first visit.

This is where most people get nervous because they are unsure about the dangers that may exist from acupuncture.  Let me put your mind at ease.  It is very rare for there to be any problems from acupuncture treatment and, as long as you're acupuncturist is using clean needles and knows what they are doing, you have little to worry about at all.  It is possible for an infection to set in or for an organ to be punctured but this is very rare if you're acupuncturist is qualified.

Each session will last about one-half hour and your doctor will insert very tiny needles into the acupuncture points and may manipulate them somewhat with his hands, induce a very light electrical pulse or even warm them with moxa.  The needles will remain in your body for anywhere from five to 20 minutes.  Most people do not feel any discomfort at all from having these needles inserted and actually may feel invigorated in some cases or perhaps very relaxed.

After your first time of receiving acupuncture, you will find that it is not an unpleasant situation at all.  As a matter of fact, you may leave the acupuncturist feeling very good, relaxed and with an overall sense of well-being. In fact, once you begin with your acupuncture treatments you will probably wonder why you waited so long to begin them in the first place.  It's an ancient medical practice but it can still take care of many things for us today.