Friday, June 29, 2018


"Hamatsa emerging from the woods--Koskimo...
"Hamatsa emerging from the woods--Koskimo" "Hamatsa shaman, three-quarter length portrait, seated on the ground in front of a tree, facing front, possessed by supernatural power after having spent several days in the woods as part of an initiation ritual."
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Some cultures retain shamanism longer than others. And some cultures retain some aspects of shamanism even as they transition from gardening to farming.

Reviving and Preserving Shamanism
It is hard to preserve animism and shamanism in modern life. The agricultural, dualistic worldview on which most world religions are based is incompatible with the animistic-shamanic reality.
The Foundation for Shamanic Studies uses proceeds from classes and memberships to help revive shamanism in cultures where it was stamped out by European conquerors,

In some countries, such as Tuva and Mongolia, shamans have come out of hiding, and shamanism has begun to flourish again after being brutally persecuted by the Soviet Union for decades.

Oneness vs Duality
The oneness, or nonduality, is very hard for modern people, whether religious or materialistic, to understand. Modern people, especially in Europe and North America, literally live in a different reality from traditional animists.

Duality is the belief that everything has an opposite: good/bad, black/white, up/down, yes/no. Nonduality, or oneness, is the reality that all things exist somewhere on a spectrum, a range from harmonious to less harmonious, like the continuous scale of grays from white to black. Nonduality also means that the same event can be harmonious or inharmonious, depending on the context.

Without an intuitive grasp of the oneness of animism, the reality of the spirit world, the world of the shaman, is unimaginable.

Yet the effort to break through, to be able to enter into the animist reality, is worthwhile. Shamanic practice is a road to health for individuals, for modern society, and for the survival of life on Earth.

Humans Need the Spirit World
Humans seem to have a deep inner need to sense and interact with the spirit world. Our mental and physical health seem to require it.

Without that interaction, people lose touch with themselves and become unhealthy. We see the results of that in horrendous wars and in the rape of the Earth.

Pitfalls of Calling Oneself a Shaman
Indigenous shamans almost never refer to themselves as shamans. That is not only because the word shaman is used only by the Tungus tribe in Siberia. Indigenous shamans tend to speak humbly about themselves because they don't want to offend the spirits or their own people (or cause envy). Shaman (in whatever language) is a title for others to confer. It is also because the spirits do not like bragging.

According to the book Fools Crow: Wisdom and Power, Lakota ceremonial chief Frank Fools Crow cautioned that if you brag about your powers, the spirits will take them away, and if you misuse your powers, the spirits will kill you. He said he had seen it happen several times over the years, and that while the death might look like a sudden illness or freak accident, it was, in those cases, the punishment of the spirits.

Always remember that spirits are real, and shamanism is serious business. We have to work at remembering that, because, generally speaking, in our culture only what is physical and provable is considered to be real.

Among people who have studied classic or core shamanism, it is also considered is considered inappropriate and pretentious to call yourself a shaman. Those who understand what shamanism is, and what real shamans are, do not award themselves the title of a shaman.

Without a community to serve, without a group of people who recognize us as shamans, we can't really be shamans. We call ourselves "students of shamanism" or "shamanic practitioners." So be aware that if you call yourself a shaman, people who have really studied shamanism will generally assume that you are not one.

And never, never brag about "your" powers. The spirits are listening.

Can We Understand Shamanism?
If we make the effort to understand the oneness of all that is, and the equality (not superiority) of humans with all other life, if we become humble, perhaps we can restore respect for all beings, including the Earth herself.

Perhaps we can save the elephants, tigers, wild orchids, orangutans, gorillas, bonobos, chimpanzees, redwoods, native peoples, plant medicines, and all our relations. Perhaps it is not too late after all. If we try.

    Want to know more about shamans, shamanism, spirit animals, shamanic healing, and soul retrieval? You'll find a wealth of resources for everything shamanic at White Cranes has taught and led shamanism groups since 1992 and is the Organizer of a 200-member Shamanism Meetup group. For more information on shamanism and animism, see and
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Leading Facts about REIKI HEALING

Mikao Usui 臼井甕男 (1865–1926)
Mikao Usui 臼井甕男 (1865–1926)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you have the fair interest in knowing Reiki and how it is practised, the best thing to start with is that of getting familiar with the healing procedure. Reiki imparts the knowledge on how the present life can be lived to the fullest and to let go of all the worries and stress. It is necessary to put away the concerns that bother the mind, the spirit, and the body because it is the only way on how a full life can be enjoyed. Reiki healing employs the force that opens the doors in our lives towards the most unexpected and positive things that can occur. As soon as we allow our hearts, minds, and spirits to open up to the wonders of its healing procedure, we can start to live in harmony with the rest of our brothers and sisters. 

The Healing and the Healer  
As per the believers of Reiki, they manifest the techniques as they abide by the Divine consecration and the sacred covenant that they share with the Creator. Others even have the faith that the ability to heal themselves and others by means of using Reiki is innate. The technique is both a therapy and a way of allowing one to live the present day at a given moment. The healing ability is empowered as the person decides to accept his responsibility in getting attuned to it. Apart from acting as a form of treatment, it is also a lifestyle that encourages an individual to do good deeds in their entire lifetime. 

The Early Beginnings  
The methods of healing through Reiki is said to have been rooted from the age-old Tibet and was actually rediscovered by no less than a Japanese man by the name Mikao Usui in the latter part of the 1800s. When Mikao Usui died, his loyal followers took over the responsibility and continued the practice. They established clubs and alliances which still exist to this day to teach the variations of the Reiki method. The teaching is basically based on the learner's level of spiritual maturity. In the early times, the club was exclusively for the Japanese so the foreigners were never allowed to partake in the course. However, one Japanese woman by the name Hawayo Takata introduced the same teachings in the western world in the 1970s. Nowadays, the knowledge of Reiki is known to all parts of the world. 

Using Reiki Methodology  
If there are some people who question the efficacy of Reiki, it is but necessary to believe that it truly works. The person has to be simply open to accept the healing energy which is always around. You don't necessarily have to feel anything during the healing process. If one fails to receive the energy, it means that the process is obstructed by the imbalanced chakras. In order to fully enjoy its effect, it has to be rebalanced. It may take a while but with the help of other Reiki healers, the process of recovery can be made faster. 

It is but important to do the Reiki healing procedure with all of your heart and mind. Your action has to be driven by your greatest emotion called love. It is by opening yourself up to the whole process that you will only be able to receive its rewarding effect. Good deeds are also going to be returned to you. 

Monday, June 25, 2018

13 Steps to RUNE POWER

Olaus Magnus shows here the rune alphabet used...
Olaus Magnus shows here the rune alphabet used in Sweden of the Geats and also of the Swedes. The author uses the designation “Alphabetum Gothicum”. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are 13 steps to be understood and practiced before you can use the full effects of Rune Power.

1. Runes are universal creative energies. Each rune is a key to a creative energy. Example: Rune FA = wealth, Rune Ur = Health, Rune Thorn = protection, etc.

2. We are now in the Age of Aquarius which means we are in an entirely new S.T.E.M. (space, time, energy, matter) continuum, in the galaxy.

3. This new age has given us a new paradigm to work with. This paradigm is based on the Laws of Quantum Physics.

4. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that there exists an infinite ocean of thinking, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean where everything that ever was, is or will exist.

5. The Runes and the gods/goddesses of the North exist there and have always existed there.

6. We can contact and transfer the energies of the Quantum ocean with our thoughts, symbols, and rituals.

7. Since thoughts are things we have literally 'thought' ourselves into our present reality. To change our present place we need to change our thoughts.

8. The purpose of the 21st century, Age of Aquarius Rune Shaman, Rune Wizard and Rune Sorcerer is to go to the Quantum Ocean and bring the energies of the Runes and the gods/goddesses into the now. Bring their energies and power into the present. Do not go back and live in the past with them.

9. The matrix of the playing field that the present day Rune Shaman, Sorcerers and Wizard must use is the Mind.

10. We are all in the Age of The Mind. All creations that we see all around us, religion, churches, politics, schools, technology, monuments, books, etc were first created in some one's mind.

11. Now you as a Rune Shaman, Wizard, Sorcerer can use your mind to bring the energies of the runes and god/goddess of the North out of the Quantum Ocean and create new structures for them. Modern-day structures.

12. The tools that you will use to do this are the power of the runes. Bring this Rune Power into your aura, life, and home. Protect your home by tiling it with runes.

13. Mentally contact the helpers you need, both physical and non-physical to aid you.

We can do this together. We can revitalize the energies of the Runes and our Northern European Culture, not by going back to the past, as many of the rune and Asatru books tell us, but by bringing the power of the past into the now.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A NATURAL CURE For Angular Cheilitis - Speedy Healing For Cracked Lip Corners

English: Angular cheilitis as marked by the oval
Angular cheilitis as marked by the oval (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The lack of effective over the counter remedies or prescription medication leads many to look for a natural cure for angular cheilitis. Having cracked lip corners can be painful, frustrating and embarrassing. For many people, once they have this condition, it can be difficult to eradicate. The cracks at the corner of the mouth never seem to heal, with everyday things such as laughing, speaking, eating and drinking sometimes causing excruciating pain.

We all have bacteria which naturally lives around the lips. Under normal circumstances, this causes no problems whatsoever. When something happens to cause the bacteria to reproduce, it can develop into a fungal infection It is primarily caused by a fungal bacterial infection, causing the typical symptoms of angular cheilitis which include cracked corners of lips which can bleed intermittently. Sore, red patches in the corners of the mouth which develop into painful lesions and some sufferers also have white swollen patches on the tongue.

The actual causes of angular cheilitis are varied but can include a deficiency in certain nutrients-particularly iron and the vitamin B group. One common cause is improper mouth closure often caused by ill-fitting dentures or braces. This is because the mouth can remain slightly open, causing small amounts of saliva to be trapped in small pockets of skin. The moist warm conditions are perfect to aid bacterial growth and as the bacteria within the saliva is effectively "trapped", it flourishes and then causes the symptoms of angular cheilitis. Similarly, people who gain large amounts of weight can develop small pockets of skin around the lip area and this can lead to the condition.

Although many people believe that angular cheilitis is caused by the cold virus, this is not the case, although it is known that extremes of temperature can increase the likelihood in susceptible individuals.

Other common causes include anything which results in saliva being in contact with the skin around the mouth-for example pen-biting, thumb-sucking and nail-biting. In addition, people with a generally weakened immune system can also suffer.

If your condition is mild, there are a couple of natural cures for angular cheilitis which can help give some relief and may in some cases provide a speedy cure. You could try putting a thick layer of petroleum jelly over the affected area. This will give some pain relief as it will temporarily ease cracked corners of lips. If you feel that dentures are the problem, then have the fit checked over and in the meantime, use a medicated mouthwash and ensure the dentures are kept scrupulously clean and sterilized overnight to avoid them harboring bacteria. If the problem is due to pen or nail biting or thumb sucking, it is worth using an anti-nail-biting solution on the fingers/thumb and even painting this on the end of pens to discourage the practice.

Friday, June 22, 2018

MEDITATE to Unlock Your Hidden Potential – Part 2

"Gathering the Light" from the Taois...
"Gathering the Light" from the Taoist book The Secret of the Golden Flower, translated by C. G. Jung and Richard Wilhelm (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You can be the creator of your own manifest destiny. Through daily meditation practice and focus on changing your life for the better. In fact, you have the ability to redefine yourself in any direction you desire. The power that you can cultivate is limited only by your own imagination.

As I have mentioned earlier, this will change the lives of people who you come into frequent contact with. Therefore, you must always be kind, trustworthy, and considerate of others. You should make a change in that direction at this very moment.

Why the sudden need for character improvement? It goes hand-in-hand with using power and influence wisely. Remember Lord Acton’s saying: “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." The power of your mind has the ability to alter reality. Therefore, this is a power that must be controlled.

How is this possible? Here is an example: If you had two identical twin boys, who haven’t eaten for two days, and you put an apple in front of them; what would they do?

Most likely, they would fight over it, and the winner would eat, most or, all of it. You and I know they should divide it equally, but each of them has really felt starvation, and that is a reality you and I do not feel at the moment. So we are not talking about imagination, but three legitimate points of view, that each becomes our own reality.

Meditation will allow your mind to see multiple points of view, without judgment. If you can see only one point of view, you haven’t meditated long enough. The best leaders, negotiators, and diplomats know that you have to understand the opposing viewpoint, to move forward, on any issue. There is always a justification, on both sides, in any conflict, but true compromise is meeting the opposition in a different reality than you both started from.

If you had the ability to travel in the space shuttle, your view of earth, from within your space vehicle, would be much different from the person living in poverty, within a refugee camp. You could not see, or feel that person’s pain, and each of you would have a vivid picture of life on earth.

You can meditate from a mountain top, but once you have seen the full picture, you have an obligation to help mankind, with acts of kindness. Once you have discovered how easy it is to help others, you are no longer struggling with; “who is right and who is wrong.”

Your new reality becomes, “how can I help?”

Thursday, June 21, 2018

MEDITATE to Unlock Your Hidden Potential – Part 1

Mahasati Meditation Basic Rhythmic Movements
Mahasati Meditation Basic Rhythmic Movements (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Meditation is often misunderstood by those who do not practice it. Very often, I hear meditation referred to as, “altered states of consciousness.” That sounds more like intoxicants, rather than bringing clarity to a cluttered mind.

Without going too deep into what meditation is, or is not, let’s focus on one of the many things a daily meditation practice can do for you.

Meditation is commonly seen in many Yoga classes, but it has been practiced by a variety of cultures, including Roman Catholic priests, as well as Japanese Samurai, who practiced a form of Zen meditation. I mention this so you can see the full spectrum of meditation and its many facets.

There are many varieties and types of meditation, but the easiest form to learn is, “breath awareness meditation.” Compared to many other meditation techniques, this will enable anyone to experience the benefits of meditation in much less time.

At this point, let’s consider that meditation and Yoga teachers often compare the mind to a monkey. Many thoughts are running through your brain, at the same time, and it is hard to control all of your impulses - let alone, sit still and meditate. So why go through all this trouble?

Meditation has many rewards, and we will now consider one of extreme value. Through daily practice of meditation, you will release the unlimited potential of your mind. The ability to change, or alter the universe, starts as a single thought within your mind.

One human decided to harness the power of fire, and did he/she foresee the global warming effect? How could he/she imagine where we are now? This is just one of many thousands of examples of Karma - the law of cause and effect. Therefore, one seemingly small change, of any kind, will have a ripple effect on the universe.

Some of the seeds to change the universe rests locked up in your mind, but you have the ability to shape the future by any small changes that you make.

Let’s say you have a friend, family member, or associate, who cares for you deeply, but, up to now, you have always taken it for granted. Can you imagine what would happen if you take the time to groom that relationship?

The answer is you would have a loyal ally and all you had to show was kindness or appreciation.

You have the ability to alter your own personality and affect the world around you. Hopefully, your personality will always continue to change for the better; if so, this will alter everyone around you for the best.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Training with Martial Arts Weapons - KARATE KUNG FU Weaponry

English: Martial arts weapon.
Martial arts weapon. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are opportunities in martial arts training to learn to use various martial arts weapons.  Many martial arts schools, especially those that teach Japanese karate and Chinese kung fu styles have weaponry as part of their overall curriculum.  Popular weapons from karate systems include the bo staff, kama, sai, sword, nunchaku, and tonfa.  Chinese kung fu styles have a broadsword, 3 section staff, kwan do, whip chain, butterfly knives as well as their own versions of staff.  Of course, there are many other types of weapons in martial arts but the above are the more common ones taught.  

Some of the more exotic weapons include the fan, rope dart, and the hook swords.  Martial arts weapons can be divided into short and long range.  An example of a short range weapon would be a pair of sai.  The bo staff would be a long range weapon because of the longer reach.  Weapons can also be divided into bladed and non-bladed.  Kamas and swords, of course, would be bladed weapons where staffs and nunchakus would be non-bladed.  In most training situations with bladed weapons, the blades are not live.  That is, the blades of swords and kamas are blunt rather than sharp.  This adds to the safety aspect of martial arts weapons training.  Weapons can also come in different weights from heavy traditional models down to ultra-lightweight versions for forms competition.  

Martial arts weapons are considered as extensions of a martial artist’s own body.  For example, strikes with a weapon are really extended hand strikes.  Blocks with weapons are modeled after traditional martial art blocking techniques.  Therefore, it is important for martial arts students to be relatively proficient with martial arts techniques using their own bodies first before learning to use any martial arts weapon.  This will help the students understand the applications behind each weapons technique much better.  In most Japanese karate schools, weapons training won’t be offered until students reach an intermediate level such as a green or blue belt.  There are martial arts that are strictly weapons oriented.  An example is a Japanese kendo which is modeled after samurai sword fighting.  Philipino arnis is stick fighting which was developed in the South Pacific islands.  

There are many benefits in training with martial arts weapons.  Because most weapons have some weight to them, their use will help develop muscle tone and strength.  Performing forms or katas with weapons will also develop coordination.  In today’s world, martial arts weapons may not be as practical as the days of the past when it was acceptable to carry weapons wherever one traveled.  However, with some understanding of weapons techniques, a martial artist today can turn almost any household item such as an umbrella, cane or even a set of keys into weapons of self-defense if required.  Another important point that shouldn’t be ignored is that most practitioners will claim that training with martial arts weapons is a lot of fun.  

However, not all martial arts clubs and studios will teach weapons.  Many tae kwon do schools, for example, do not include weapons in their overall training.  This is not to say that Korean martial arts do not have weapons.  The Korean martial art kuk sool won features the staff, sword, and cane.  So if a martial arts student wishes to learn the use of weapons, a school that includes them in their training should be sought after.  Another alternative for students who are otherwise happy with their martial arts club that doesn’t have weapons training is to get supplementary private instruction from instructors who can provide it.

Weapons training can open up a whole new dimension to overall martial arts training.  Even advanced tai chi practitioners use swords in some of their forms.  It doesn’t matter if sometimes the swords are made entirely of wood either since the actual weapons techniques will still be used in the forms.  For many martial arts competitors, weapons forms are their favorite divisions to compete in.  From a spectator point of view, weapons forms can be very exciting to watch especially when weapons such as whip chains or kamas with strings are used since their presentations are so dynamic and even somewhat dangerous to the user.   Such weapons have caused injuries to users when certain techniques were sloppy or mistimed.  But like other aspects of martial arts, proficiency with a martial art weapon after much hard training can bring a high sense of satisfaction to a martial artist.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

HYPNOSIS Can Effectively Help Cure DIABETES

English: Overview of the most significant poss...
Overview of the most significant possible symptoms of diabetes. See Wikipedia: Diabetes#Signs_and_symptoms for references.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Diabetes is now considered to be a worldwide epidemic, which has serious after effects like blindness, kidney failure, impotence that in turn makes the illness out of control. A Hypnotist can definitely help a person with diabetes, as a Hypnotist is considered a stress management consultant and a motivational coach. However, a Hypnotist can only be a part of your diabetes support group and medical approval is required before enlisting yourself for any hypnosis program.

A person with diabetes will be feeling stressed and it may be difficult for him or her to follow the doctor’s advice. They may want to reach out for something which will make them feel better instantly, for instance for a type of food which may not be a good and healthy choice of food. The hypnotist helps in reducing harmful stress. This stress can affect a person’s power to make choices, which are beneficial to their health. If a persons stress levels increase their blood sugar also increases. The body releases chemicals called ‘insulin-antagonists’ which block the insulin and release stored sugar in the liver and muscles.

Parents of children with diabetes create stress both for the parents and for the child. The parents are tense looking after a sick child and the child is stressed because they cannot deal with the overwhelming problem like an adult. For Child Diabetes Management it is essential that expert care should be provided.

As many as 95% of the persons with diabetes have Type-2 Diabetes and they are obese. Regular exercise and diet management for Type-2 Diabetic patients leads to competing for system reduction. There is a need for exercise motivation and weight management. Generally, exercise gives you a sense of well-being and positive in outlook. A Hypnotist can help a person with diabetes to reduce stress and help them commit to making better food choices.

Another personal problem that most diabetes patients face which they feel embarrassed to admit to is impotence. These people and their partners are feeling stressed. They may take medication for this problem, which may be inappropriate and actually may cause damage. As many as 60% of the males face this problem.

A Hypnotist can counsel and train the patients how to manage their diabetes and live a healthy life. Even a small reduction in a diabetic patients sugar level reduces their chances of having complications. There are millions of people who have undiagnosed diabetes. A Hypnotist can be an important part of a Diabetics health care system and help cure diabetes to a certain extent.

Monday, June 18, 2018


Spacefill model of the Cholesterol molecule
Spacefill model of the Cholesterol molecule (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A number of Americans have put their hearts into lowering their cholesterol. Yet a recent American Heart Association survey found that many adults with high cholesterol still don't realize that they have an increased risk of developing heart disease.

According to the survey, 50 percent of respondents with cholesterol levels of 200 or greater, and who had risk factors such as high blood pressure or diabetes, did not perceive themselves to be at high risk for cardiovascular disease. Fifteen percent believed they were at low risk. However, the American Heart Association and National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) data indicate that many of these respondents are in danger of having a heart attack within a decade.

Cholesterol guidelines established by both groups show that people with multiple risk factors-smoking, high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, etc.-and people with coronary heart disease and other conditions are at high risk of having a heart attack within 10 years. 

The findings are the focus of this year's American Heart Association's Cholesterol Low Down program, an effort meant to help teach people about their risk of heart disease. Anyone can join the program by calling 1-800-AHA-USA1 or visiting Participants receive a Healthy Heart Kit, which includes "The Cholesterol Low Down About Your Cholesterol" guide and a "Low-Fat Favorite Recipes" cookbook. The Cholesterol Low Down is sponsored by Pfizer.

"Patients know that cholesterol is important; however, they need to better understand that their high cholesterol and additional risk factors may lead to heart disease or a stroke," said Roger S. Blumenthal, M.D., associate professor of medicine in the Division of Cardiology at Johns Hopkins Hospital and School of Medicine in Baltimore. 

Words Of Wisdom

The survey also found that 72 percent of respondents strongly agree that their health care provider is a partner in managing their cholesterol. Those who frequently discuss cholesterol with their health care provider report being well-informed about issues such as setting personal cholesterol goals and the importance of following treatment plans. 

"Health care providers are an important and supportive resource for individuals at risk for heart disease and stroke because of their cholesterol and other risk factors, " said Lori Mosca, M.D., Director of Preventive Cardiology at New York-Presbyterian Hospital; Associate Professor of Medicine at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. "Patients should work with their doctor to learn if their cholesterol levels are healthy and to develop a plan that includes a healthy diet and physical activity to reduce their risk."

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Chart your Child's Accomplishments with a CHORE CHART

my formerly cluttered desk
Photo  by EvelynGiggles 
It can be very frustrating to ask your child over and over again to complete their chores without them ever getting done.  Sometimes it's the result of a child not knowing how to organize and prioritize their time.  Help your child develop these important skills by implementing a chore chart.

Chores might include taking out the garbage, doing the dishes, cleaning their room, yard work or putting laundry in the laundry room. After your child completes each chore, they can put a check mark on the chore chart. At the end of each week, it's very inspiring for both parent and child to look at the chore chart and easily see that each designated job was completed.  Just like our to-do lists, your child will find great satisfaction in being able to check off each chore as it's completed and take pride knowing they accomplished a set task or list of tasks.  Once the child is more adept at completing each task and learns to recognize which ones should be completed first, additional ones can be added to the list.

Once you've sat down with your child and discussed and designed a chore chart, it's time to discuss the rewards for accomplishing each task listed.  Perhaps at your home, you decide you will give a set sum for each task accomplished.  If you should decide to grant your child some sort of monetary allowance, make sure it's age-appropriate and granted on a regular basis. 

A good rule of thumb is 50 cents per year of age.  However, be firm about the allowance being an all or nothing reward.  No allowance is given if the items on the list are only partially completed or if they haven't been completed in a quality fashion.  Teach your child early to strive to do it right the first time, and learn to save time in the process.

By helping your child to develop a sense of organization early on, you'll equip them with an important skill that will help them succeed later in life.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tying Into Ancient Philosophies: Does CHINESE MEDICINE Work?

Yokohama Chinese Medicine Mussel
Yokohama Chinese Medicine Mussel (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
You have had a head cold for over a month.  No matter what type of medication you try, you simply can’t get rid of the problem.  It continues to linger, knocking you out of your ability to have the energy you want to and function at the level you want every day.  Getting desperate for an answer to get rid of the illness, you begin to look for alternatives.

A friend recommends an acupuncturist to you in order to help to cure the problem.  There happens to be someone that she has also gone to who could probably help you to be cured of your cold.  Even though you laugh at first, the cold has dragged on long enough, and you are willing to try the alternatives.  You schedule an appointment and get ready to try something a little different with some alternative.

For most, there is some cynicism on whether the ideas of Chinese medicine really work.  Even though it is an ancient practice that has been developed through both the physical and spiritual aspects, it doesn’t tie into much science that Western thought would give a second look at.

Chinese medicine, even though it is not a proven science, is a good alternative for those that are dealing with any type of illness.  For about 90% that use the method, they will say that there are positive results that come from the practice.  All you have to do to see if this is true is to look at the amount of time that it has lasted.  You can also look at the growing popularity of various holistic methods that are now being used.  Most of these come from Chinese medical philosophies.

If you are considering an alternative to your health, you can start to turn to ancient philosophies to better your energy.  Even though science hasn’t proven its validity, time and people have.  Chinese medicine, no matter what level of health you are working towards curing, can be effective if you walk in with the desire to finding the best healing alternatives.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

How to Inscribe and Anoint Your RITUAL CANDLES

An almost burnt-down lit candle on a candle ho...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The importance of charging and anointing your candles before you use them for spells and rituals cannot be overlooked.

If you wish for your rituals and spells to work to full effect, charging and anointing a candle with a particular oil, or inscribing symbols and words on them, will make the candle and its purpose all that more potent.

For example, if you are performing a love spell or attraction spell to try and find love or to strengthen love you already have, you would use a pink colored candle(pink represents love) and then inscribed love based symbols. After inscribing, you would then anoint that candle with a love based or attraction based oil.

The same could be said to prosperity or wealth based spells and rituals. A green candle would be used(to represent prosperity, wealth, and money) and then inscriptions towards prosperity and wealth would be drawn onto the candle. Afterword, an oil would be anointed that focuses on prosperity.

Inscribing Your Ritual Candle

After cleansing and blessing a spell candle, you should begin to inscribed the candle with symbols or words towards whatever it is your ritual or spell is on.

For example, if you are using a love spell and you wish to obtain the love of someone you know, you can be inscribed your initials and their initials onto the candle, or you can even use the full name of the quarent and yourself. You can add the names alongside with symbols that represent love as well, such as a heart or even ancient symbols of love such as the Reiki love symbol.

You will need something with a fine point to scratch the surface of the candle. It can be a pin, a specialist scribing tool, a cocktail stick or anything else your imagination can dream up. Once you have chosen your tool though, dedicate it properly, then tuck it away in your magical tool chest and reserve it for just this purpose.

As you are inscribing your candle, visualize the outcome. Make it a small ritual in its own right. Once you have inscribed your candle, you may wish to 'Dress' it. This is optional, your choice entirely, but it's easy and again adds to the potency of your spell.

Anointing Your Ritual Candle

Anointing your candle would be the next step to properly charged your ritual candles. As stated above, you should anoint with oils that are specific to your desired outcome. Therefore if you are looking for love and attraction, you would use those types of oils.

The method for anointing your candle is pretty specific. The most general method is to hold the ritual candle in one hand, dip the first two fingers of the other hand in oil and starting at the top (the end with the wick) run your oiled finger down toward the center of the ritual candle. Stop at the center, lift your finger off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until all the top half of the candle is covered. Then starting at the base of the candle, run the oiled fingers toward the center. Again stop at the center, lift the fingers off, turn the candle slightly and repeat the process until the entire bottom of the candle has been coated.

The whole time you are anointing the candle, concentrate on the outcome you wish to achieve with your spell. Experienced spell weavers often anoint the candle in a specific direction depending on the type of spell they are performing. For spells to attract something to the spell-weaver, the candle is anointed from top to middle, then from bottom to middle. For banishing or sending something away i.e... getting rid of bad habits, negative energy, breaking jinxes or hexes, the candle is dressed from the center out to the top, and then from the center out to the bottom.

Once the candle is coated in oil, it can be rolled in herbs relevant to the particular spell you are performing. For example, use Agrimony for breaking hexes and returning them to the sender, use Chamomile for attracting friendship, Hyssop for purification and cleansing, Patchouli for wealth and so on. Once you have lit your spell candle and performed your spell, allow the candle to burn itself out completely.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

CELTIC Tapestries

Viking ship, detail from the Överhogdal tapestries
Viking ship, detail from the Överhogdal tapestries
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The artistic designs from the Celtic period are very popular in various forms. People enjoy them in pictures and even in body tattoos. One way to decorate your home may be to add Celtic tapestries. They are available in many different sizes so you will be able to find what is the most appealing to you. They also feature various designs and colors so you won’t have to settle for anything less than what is a perfect match for the décor.

There are so many Celtic designs that you can choose from for a tapestry that you can allow your individual style shine through. Choose from intricately designed knots, dragons, dancers, the pentacle star, and even the Celtic tree of life. There are also plenty of other significant symbols from the Celtic period.

One of the most popular designs for a Celtic tapestry is the Phoenix. This is to celebrate the cycle of rebirth that connects the soul of each person to everything else in the world. Herne the Hunter is a symbol of strength and the circle of life. The Gateway tapestry shows the connection between Heaven and Earth. This is a great Celtic tapestry to have in memory of someone that has died. There is also the web of life design that reminds us how each action we take leads to a series of others.

The craftsmanship behind Celtic tapestries is unlike anything you have ever seen before. You can be sure people will give you plenty of compliments on them. Many people believe they are a symbol of good luck too. You can even give a Celtic tapestry to someone you know that has been having a rough time of things lately.

You will find the biggest selection of Celtic tapestries online. There are thousands of different ones to choose from. The largest sizes are 83 x 93 inches so you can definitely fill up a wall in a room with this type of design. The costs for them depend on the materials they are made from. Most Celtic tapestries are made from 100% cotton so they are very affordable. Those that are made from silk are going to be much more expensive.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Not just your ordinary newspaper HOROSCOPE & chinese ZODIACS

Photo  by Cali4beach 
Some definitions of the word astrology, depending on where you look, tend to sound like it wouldn't be out-of-place in a science fiction movie. While physical science (as in laboratories, chemicals, microscopes) differs from the science behind astrology (the stars, planets, your birth chart), it isn't completely ludicrous to think that getting one's horoscope isn't simply just plucking it out of nowhere.

The horoscope is basically the interpretation of a cosmic chart or map, which tells how the position of sun, moon, and planets relates to a particular person who was born on a certain day. Now the daily horoscope we get from the newspapers and websites are generalized readings of the Sun sign horoscope. It is an estimate of where the sun was located when you were born.

The "true" horoscope, however, is more specific. It takes into account not only the birth date but also the location and time (down to the hour and minute, even) of one's birth. A true horoscope is completely individual because no two people can have the exact same birthplace and birth time.

Now actually interpreting the horoscope requires a lot of knowledge, if one were to do it correctly. Like what was mentioned earlier, it makes use of a chart with symbols representing the cosmic beings such as the sun, moon, planets, and stars. Any astrologer worth his salt should be able to read this map correctly to learn how these cosmic influences affect a given space in time and how they will relate to a person born at another specific time and place.

It is very unlike psychic reading where one can be imbued with the psychic ability from the get-go, astrology and the horoscope involves some study and preparation from the one who intends to interpret a natal or birth chart. That is why lots of people do look for reliable personal horoscope readers online and are willing to hire their services.

Chinese Zodiac and Horoscopes

The Chinese zodiac is not simply relating the year you were born to an animal and its supposed attributes. While generally, this is the simplest approach to represent a person’s character or how a person perceives him or herself, e.g., those born Year of the Dog are thought to be loyal, emotional and friendly – there are also animal signs assigned by month and hours of the day. Apart from the year of birth, these represent a person’s inner animal and secret animal respectively.

Chinese Astrology Symbols
Photo  by GanMed64 

These attributes of inner and secret animal are also divided into 12 parts; each represented in the 12 months of the year and 12 hours of the day a person is born. Hence, a person may seem to be “dog” because he or she was born in the year of the dog; and can be at the same time, “snake” internally and “dragon” secretively.

In Chinese astrology, the month pillar, a.k.a. a person’s inner animal is said to determine the circumstances in an adult’s life. You need to note though, that the Chinese lunar calendar begins in the Spring Festival and not January first in the Gregorian calendar.

Finally, the secret animal, determined by one’s exact time of birth is said to be a person’s truest representation. This hour pillar is said to determine circumstances in the early child and late age life of a person.

Only after these attributes are determined clearly can one proceed with checking compatibility. Animal personalities may match well in adult stages of life, e.g., a dog-horse couple; and may also be incompatible during old age, e.g., tiger and rooster.

Like any other relationship counselor, a Chinese horoscope expert can help prevent or lessen problems between couples. With help on zodiac signs love, a couple can be lead to a proper channel to which incompatibility or disagreement can be avoided at any stage of their lives

Monday, June 11, 2018

Make A Blend Of AROMATHERAPY Oils For Effective Skin Care

A specially created massage combining techniqu...
A specially created massage combining technique and aromatherapy oils. The essential oils are absorbed through the skin and carried to the muscle tissues, joints and organs to relieve tension and relax your mind. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Most of the skin care products which are known to benefit contain essential oils. A wide range of aromatherapy oils are known to cure a variety of ailments, specified numbers are good for enriching the skin. Some beneficial essential oils are known to rejuvenate tissue and enhance metabolic functions of the skin. Blending therapeutic oils according to skin type has yielded good results.

You can easily blend some extracts at home for better results, but how do these oils help your skin? These aromatic liquid derivatives are nature's treasure chest of healing wonders. All you need to do is mix a few drops in pure oils like almond, olive and even avocado oil for your personalized home remedy to be ready.

These base or carrier oils are cold pressed from seeds, nuts, and fruits, while essential oils are called 'active ingredients'. Foraging mature skin, essential oils that are enhanced with estrogen, have shown good results in reducing aging signs and wrinkles. Fennel and Clary Sage are known to have anti-aging symptoms. Some effective ones are Sea Buckthorn and Cistus, which have a concentrated Vitamin A and astringent qualities that help firm up the skin.

The quality and purity of base liquids are essential as they should be able to moisturize and nourish the skin. Apricot derivative is excellent carrier oil for dry to normal skin and is nonirritant, even on sensitive skin. Hazelnut, Walnut extracts are slightly astringent and work well on oily skin but can be used on all skin types. Almond oil is full of ketones that help in cell rejuvenation and rebuilding of tissues, leading to increased elasticity.

It is fun creating your own blends that suit your skin. Just take the essential oils that you require and the base oil, add equal amounts of base oil with aromatic oils, mix them well and use it the way you desire- spas, face mask or even a diluted direct application on your body.

However, as these are highly potent, it is best to mix only 30 drops per ounce of base oil.
These tips are not restricted to use but works well for both men and women. Some essential oils can make the skin extra sensitive to sunlight, so avoid using them on the face- lemon, orange, clove, thyme, and cinnamon. Generally, these are safe for all types of skins.