Saturday, January 13, 2018


English: Krafla Geothermal Station.
Krafla Geothermal Station. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many different forms in which alternative energy is available.

One of these is solar power. Solar power is driven by photovoltaic cells, and these are progressively getting less expensive and more advanced. Solar energy power can be used for electricity, heating, and making hot water. Solar energy produces no pollution, as its input comes completely from the sun's rays. However, much more work still needs to be done in order for us to economically harness the sun's energy. For the time being, the resource is a little too conditional—storage batteries are needed to be used as backups in the evenings and on inclement days.

Wind energy has become the most-invested-in (by private investors and governments together) an alternative energy source for the time being. The great arrays of triple-bladed windmills are being placed all over as “wind farms”, to capture the motion of the wind and use its kinetic energy for conversion to mechanical or electrical energy. Of course, there is nothing new about the concept of a windmill for harnessing energy. Modern wind turbines are simply are more advanced variations on the old theme. Of course, the drawback to wind energy is...what do you do when there is a calm, still day? Needless to say, during these times the electric company kicks in for powering your home or office. Wind energy is not altogether independent.

Hydroelectric energy is available as a source of alternative energy, and it can generate a substantial amount of power. Simply put, hydroelectric energy uses the motion of water—its flow in response to gravity, which means downhill—to turn turbines which then generate electrical energy. Needless to say, water is ubiquitous; finding sources for driving hydroelectric turbines is, therefore, not much of a problem. However, hydroelectricity as a source of alternative energy can be complicated and expensive to produce. Dams are often built in order to be able to control the flow of the water sufficiently to generate the needed power.

Building a dam to store and control water's potential and kinetic energy takes quite a lot of work and operating one is complex as well, and conservationists grow concerned that it. Of course, a dam is not always needed if one is not trying to supply the electrical needs of a city or other very densely populated area. There are small run-of-river hydroelectric converters which are good for supplying neighborhoods or an individual office or home.

Probably the most underrated and under-appreciated form of alternative energy is geothermal energy, which is simply the naturally-occurring energy produced by the heating of artesian waters that are just below the earth's crust. This heat is transferred into the water from the earth's inner molten core. The water is drawn up by various different methods—there are “dry steam” power plants, “flash” power plants, and “binary” power plants for harnessing geothermal energy. The purpose of drawing up the hot water is for the gathering of the steam.  The Geysers, approximately 100 miles north of San Francisco, is probably the best-known of all geothermal power fields; it's an example of a dry stream plant.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Too much stress? You need a simple stress meditation. Of course, learning to meditate might intimidate you, and it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. A solution to both problems is a meditation you can learn right now, that will take a minute to do each day.

An Easy Stress Meditation

When you breathe through your mouth, it expands your chest. Breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen extends. Nose-breathing causes the diaphragm to pull air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream and brain, and it also tends to relax you. Breathing through your nose is healthier, and it's the basis of this one-minute meditation.

Here's how you do it. Close your eyes, sigh, and let the tension go out of your muscles. It may help to tense up your muscles first, then release that tension. Then let go of your thoughts, as much as possible, and take four or five slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

Can Meditation Be This Easy?

The short answer is yes. No, you're not likely to get you into a deep meditative state with this simple stress meditation. However, you will get benefits, including a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

It helps to develop a "trigger" for your meditation. For example, do your four breaths when you get into the car, or right after lunch each day. These triggers are places or times that remind you, so your meditation becomes a habit.

You can say this isn't "real" meditation, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the relaxation you'll get from this technique. If you want, you can always pursue deeper meditation later. Meanwhile, remember that not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not try this easy one-minute stress meditation?

Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Origins of KABBALAH

The Medieval era began esoteric circles of Kab...
The Medieval era began esoteric circles
 of Kabbalistic dissemination in French Provence,
 Andalusian Spain and Germany-Ashkenaz
(Photo credit: 
According to Kabbalah tradition, the first man was a Mekubal, as were Abraham, Issac, Jacob and many others. Among the more noted of the Kabbalah books, you can find the Book of the Angel Raziel, which belonged to Adam, and to the Book of Creation, which is ascribed to Abraham, followed by the Book of Zohar, which was written by Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. As a matter of fact, there is no way to determine the true author of these books.

Historical Development

You need to differentiate between Kabbalistic research and Kabbalistic faith. According to faith, Kabbalah began with Adam, the first Man. Research puts the origins of Kabbalah at around 1,000 years ago, with written material appearing at around the 12 century in Spain. By this division, the entire Ashkenazi lore isn't part of the Kabbalah. The Mekubalim don't recognize this distinction, and according to them, 'Kabbalah' contains all Jewish Mystic Lore.

The Kabbalah has roots in the Second Temple period, with various texts attributed to Chazal and the Gaonim. During this time, learning the Kabbalah was limited to Jews over the age of 40, with some stipulating that it shouldn't be taught at all.

Towards the end of the 10th century, with Greek and Arab philosophy influences, the Kabbalah withdrew from the limelight.

Towards the end of the 12th century, the first book of Kabbalah appeared in Provance, France. This book was attributed to the Chachami Mishna, and named 'The Bright Book'. This book is considered the cornerstone of Kabbalistic lore. The book contains a number of sermons, with the most important writing being The Book of Creation. The Book of Creation appears to be older, however, it is probable that the Book of Creation is a collection of stories and writings that predated The Bright Book. The Book of Creation is unique in that it describes the creation of the world and the souls by God. This book also serves as the base for Practical Kabbalah, as it is specifically mentioned that the soul is created by 22 letters, and from this, the use of amulets and name change to change a person's life began.

From Provance, the Kabbalah spread throughout the whole Jewish world.

After Provance, Italy became the world center for Kabbalah, and around that time appeared the first copies of the Book of Zohar. Again, academic research and belief differ here, as academics attribute this book to Moses Di Lion, whereas tradition attributes the book to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. The book wasn't widely known, but after the Jews were expelled from Spain it was re-discovered, and ever since then is the most influential book of the Kabbalah.

In the 15th century, the center of Kabbalah moved again, this time to Safed, where the Kabbalah began spreading to the common folk as well. The Kaballah influenced Rabbis and poets, and so became an inseparable part of the Jewish spirit.

As a result of the Kabbalah, all sorts of self-appointed doomsday prophets started up, however they didn't amount to very much. during this time, Israel became the spiritual center for the Jewish people, and the tradition of visiting the graves of Tsadikim was begun by Mekubalim, who came to Israel to visit the graves of the Mishna and Zohar scholars buried in Safed.

Students of the Kabbalah in general and specifically, the Ari Kabbalah, left Israel and spread the lore to everywhere there were Jews. The Kabbalah was a great influence on the Jews in the East and North Africa, where it became accessible to all, not just the learned and scholars. This led to Practical Kabbalah being developed to a far greater extent in North Africa, as opposed to Europe and Israel.

From the 17th century onwards, people dealt with the Kabbalah less and less, but there were still Talmudic students and Rabbis who continued studying the lore, which now, as then, is still based on two central books. The Book of Zohar, and the Talmud. Nowadays, Kabbalah is becoming popular again, with the influx of celebrities such as Madonna reviving the interest in the Jewish lore.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The Basics Of TAE KWON DO

Tae Kwon Do uniform
Photo  by Johnragai-Moment Catcher 
Tae Kwon Do is a modern martial art, well known all around the world for its lightning fast, often high, spectacular spin kicks.  Tae Kwon Do has been around for many years, originally founded in Korea.  It translates to “they are of punching and kicking”, or the “art of unarmed combat”.

The martial art Tae Kwon Do has four disciplines - patterns, self-defense, break test and sparring.  It isn’t just one of these disciplines that make up the art, but a combination of them.  All 4 of them are important, especially for those looking to advance in belt ranking.  To advance in a belt, there are certain tests that students need to pass.

One of the great things about Tae Kwon Do is the fact that there are no age limits, and it can easily be learned by young children.  Children of all ages will quickly learn fast reactions playing games, learn respect, and they will also learn their abilities as well as their disabilities.

The competitions, however, are a bit different for children than they are for the adults.  Even though the participants will wear full body protection, children can only kick and punch to the body, as no shots to the head are allowed.  The competitions in Tae Kwon Do is what makes the art so very dominating.  A majority of students that practice this martial art do so because of the competitions.

The competitions can be very exciting to watch, as they can get very competitive.  Contrary to what many may think, the competitions aren’t deadly, nor are they anywhere close to being as dangerous as Muay Thai fights.  Competitors will wear full protection, including headgear.  For adults, kicks to the head are allowed, although a majority of stylists can block them before they make an impact.

In order to participate in the competitions, stylists will need to have a certain level of experience.  It can take years to become good enough, especially for those who win.  Competitions are a great way to learn, especially if there are participating fighters from other areas of the world.  The skill of a stylist is a very important factor with the competitions and tournaments.  If you have a black belt fighter going against a white belt - the results will normally be quite obvious.

All things aside, the art of Tae Kwon Do is a great martial art.  Stylists can learn kicking, punching, blocking, and the spectacular movements the art is known for.  Tae Kwon Do is practiced all around the world, meaning that there are just as many places to learn this art as there is Karate.  For an art that won’t disappoint - Tae Kwon Do teaches self-defense and a whole lot more.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

How to Use RUNE SECRETS For Survival

Runic Survival

These are very difficult times for the culture of Northern European peoples. The world is being painted with a large brush and only one color. Everyone is being forced to wear a size 9 1/2 shoe, whether it fits or not.

But this idea is an idea that belongs to a past age. It belongs to the Age of Pisces, The Age of herding everyone into one belief system. But it cannot last because the destiny of mankind is being guided by higher laws, not man-made politically correct laws.

We have left the Age of Pisces which has controlled the minds and lives of mankind for the past 2000 years.

We have just entered the Age of Aquarius which will last for the next 2000 years. This is the Age of the Mind, the Age of Individualism, the Age of thinking and creating one's own reality.

But we have just entered this new age. We have been in it for less than 100 years. The power and wisdom of this new age are very young, and not powerful.

The dinosaur ideas of the Age of Pisces are still very powerful and like a dying dinosaur, it takes time for it to fall dead. But it will. It is the law. Just don't let it fall on you when it comes crashing down.

As a Northern European people, we have one of the most powerful tools on the planet to use for our survival during these difficult times. They are the secret of our runes. Runes are Universal Creative Energies. Each rune represents an individual kind of energy.

It is time to get the runic energies inside of our Auras, so they will not only act as protective shields against the modern society, but they will also attract a new reality to you.

The new paradigm of this Age of Aquarius is summed up in the Laws of Quantum Physics. These Laws tell us that there is an infinite Ocean of thinking energy that responds to our thoughts and symbols.

The runes exist and have always existed in the Quantum Ocean. Time to think them out of the Quantum Ocean and into your lives. Into your Auras to be more exact. This is one of the secrets of the runes. They are energies that you can attract and use in your daily lives. Not for divination but for protection and creation.

Rune Secret: What runic energies we carry in our Auras attracts our lives to us.

To survive these dangerous times, we need to attract the energies of the Runes FA, URAZ, and THORN out of the Quantum Ocean.

Rune FA is the energy of Prosperity. By attracting FA energy out of the Quantum Ocean, and into your Aura, you will start to attract prosperity into your life.

Rune URAZ is the rune of Health. We all need more money and better health to survive these times. The URAZ rune energies will enter your Aura and then imbue energy all through your body, slowly but surely bringing you to better health.

Rune THORN is the rune of protection. We need protection from all kinds of nasty people, places, and events. We also need protection from mental and electronic dangers.

The best way to get the energies of these three runes, health, wealth and protection out of the Quantum Ocean and into your life is to meditate on them and breathe them in.

Rune Secret: Every morning for 1/2 hour sit quietly in your favorite chair. Take one of the runes at a time. Meditate on it. Start to attract the runic energy for (health, wealth and protection) out of the Quantum Ocean into your Aura and your life.

Three times.

Then get up and go about your business with the assurance of knowing that you have just started the runic energies of (health, wealth, and protection) into your life.

Repetition is God's first law. Start your lifelong repetition tomorrow. Do it and you will survive this change in the ages.

    Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator". He has written over 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum physics, Viking history, orgone generators and alternative healing methods. Ragnar is 70+ but looks 50's thanks to his inventions.

    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Monday, January 8, 2018

Basic methods for SELF-HYPNOSIS

Photo  by Pdro (GF) 
As defined, self-hypnosis--also called "autohypnosis"--refers to a form of hypnosis where self-induction is used. Here, the person who practices self-hypnosis uses "autosuggestion" or self-suggestion to be able to adjust or overcome certain conditions or situations. In most cases, self-hypnosis is used as a therapeutic supplement along with hypnotherapy.

Before getting into self-hypnosis the best way to go is to research about it thoroughly first. Through research, you can get extensive information about the practice and you will have a better understanding how it would benefit you the most. You can do your research by getting online and surf websites that offer information aligned with the practice. Because of the easy access to information today, you can get almost anything you need to know about it in an instant. In fact, with so many pieces of information about it, you might be overwhelmed. It would be better to be specific on the topics that you really would want to know about so you won't be wasting your time searching for seeming list of sites. 

Aside from the Internet, you can also get information on various books as well as different magazines. Here, you can find interesting articles that can give you a better understanding of the practice especially on the methods that can be used according to the level of skills of the person. 

If you are planning to conduct self-hypnosis at home, it is best to ask people who have been practicing it for the basic methods that you can use. If you personally know people who are doing self-hypnosis, it is best to get first-hand information from them. Although you can get it also from the practitioners outside, it is still better if you get the facts straight from the people that you know. By doing this, you can get the best tips and advice on how to start with the practice and carry on with it for your personal as well as spiritual growth. Once enough information has been gathered, one can now start with self-hypnosis. 

Methods that are being used in self-hypnosis 

Experts in this field say that for self-hypnosis to be successful, one should rely on the basic methods and learn them well. A considerable amount of knowledge on the basic methods will somehow help him or she is more familiar with the process and eventually be able to do it easier.

Today, most of the self-hypnosis methods and techniques that are used may include induction procedures, methods for communicating with the subconscious part of the person's mind and suggestion formulation and application. Here are two of the most commonly used methods for self-hypnosis:

1. Self Hypnosis induction script. This refers to the induction talk for people who will be practicing self-hypnosis. For many people, they can use this as a guide to thinking their way down. In many instances, this is being recorded and can only be listened to during the practice itself.  

2. Autoquestioning. This refers to the set of methods and techniques that are used to get information right from the person's subconscious mind. Many people who practice self-hypnosis use its subset, ideomotor questioning the most because the information gathered here is primarily used for correcting suggestions to change as well as acceptance and confirming of the person's subconscious. 

Sunday, January 7, 2018


(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Relaxation is something everyone needs in his or her lives and sometimes we have to be guided to reach it. Learning and practicing relaxation is an everyday thing to help relieve unneeded daily stress that is a part of our life. It will take awhile to see and feel better in mind and body but once you get there, don’t give it up.

Everyone says yoga: 
Yoga is not an exercise it is a way to teach you how to relax and become a healthier you. Yoga will help teach you to relax and relieve some of that stress you don’t really need.  You have many different types of yoga practices to enjoy, starting with beginners to advance.

Beginners of yoga: 
It is smart to start with, beginner programs if you have spent too much time inactive. In addition, you should consult with your doctor before starting practices of yoga. The three most important things yoga will teach you are how to breathe, meditate, and exercise. The body has to be strong and in shape to feel healthy and dispose of some of the stress by teaching you to relax.

Learning to breathe with yoga: 
Learning breathing techniques before you can learn to meditate is helpful. Breathing properly will train your mind to relax. Once you are relaxed, meditation is easy. You then can move to control the body and mind. The movements of yoga are the exercises that strengthen the body, helping you to relax the mind. The focus of yoga includes inhale and exhale breathe while focusing on your inner powers.

In order to learn guided relaxation, you need to practice each day to rid some of your stress that could take over your mind and body. Yoga can help you learn and teach you to breathe into relaxation and moving your body to relieve the tension respectively.

Yoga means to practice and learning to put it into your everyday life. Yoga will help a person find the guided relaxation we all need every day to be a healthier and a better person. Yoga teaches us self-control and self-respect. You will learn how to think before you speak, clean your inner thoughts and attitude towards yourself and other. Clean our your outer self by keeping it in a clean environment.

Once you practice and learn to meditate and relax along with the movements, you’ll see yourself become a new you. As the new you come out in the open, you’ll feel it because you won’t be stressed.

The stress in your life will take over, which depression can set in. Try relieving some of the stress and learn to relax. You’ll find self, sleeping better and waking up looking forward to the new day ahead.
Because everyone has stress Yoga can be a practice for everyone from children to your grandparents. Classes are offered for many different age groups and capabilities.

Before taking a class, check it out and if need be to ask your doctor about whether or not it would be harmful to you. The library has a wide variety of books and video along with some CD’s that can guide you to the class and type of Yoga that would fit your needs.

When practicing at home you need to find an area where you can be alone and it is quiet to avoid distractions. It usually takes around 20 minutes to set aside each day for you to learn, meditate, and practice. Remember to stay with it; don’t give up, since you need this time for you to stay happy and healthy. Get your guided relaxation today.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

What You Need To Know About KUNDALINI REIKI

The Kundalini Target
The Kundalini Target (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
When it comes to spiritual healing, Kundalini Reiki is considered by many people as one of most basic yet effective means of today. This is because the practice involves simple and easily understood structures that anybody can practice.

Many people who are into spiritual healing-are into Kundalini Reiki because it is far easier than the practice of the traditional Reiki. Since Kundalini Reiki is derived from the traditional Reiki, the majority of its techniques means of treatments, and principles are pretty much the same. Only that Kundalini Reiki uses simpler methods to achieve spiritual healing in a faster and more convenient manner.

How Kundalini Reiki works

When we say Kundalini, it usually refers to the opening of various "healing channels" and "charkas" that gives people easy access to gaining the energy of the Earth. Here, the "root chakra" serves as the center of energy that paves the way for the Kundalini energy to enter.

Also referred to as the "Kundalini fire," Kundalini energy is said to flow all throughout the person's body and taps the body's 'main energy channel." Once it the energy has reached 'main energy channel," the Kundalini Reiki will now exit the "crown chakra," and comes back in a form of cycle.

In Kundalini Reiki, the energy that has been released from a person through a channel enters the "root chakra," passes through "crown chakra"-which is usually located on top of a person's head-and stay there for a period of time. During its stay in the "crown chakra," the Kundalini Reiki cleanses the "charkas" in the different parts of the body and channels it all throughout the system.

Here's the step-by-step procedure how Kundalini Reiki works:

1. The first step in making Kundalini Reiki work is by opening the channels where Reiki energy will flow. This step is called the "first attunement." This process also prepares the person for the second awakening of the Kundalini Reiki. Here, the person's chakras in the hand, crown, and hand are opened and strengthened at the same time to complete the first phase. This first step is said to be the equivalent of Usui's Reiki 1to 3 attunements which most people who practice traditional Reiki use.

2. The second step in making Kundalini Reiki work is the strengthening of channels. After the initial awakening of the Kundalini Reiki, the channels where the life force energy should be strengthened so it can accommodate the channeled energy. When the channels are strengthened, it ensures that receiving of energy in a gentle and sure manner. This process also paves that way for igniting the Kundalini energy and enables it to reach its minimum chakra.

3. The third step in making Kundalini Reiki work is strengthening the channels where the Kundalini fire will reach its maximum limit. Once this is done, the Kundalini Reiki will then perform its task of cleansing the person's spirituality while strengthening and nurturing it.

For the Kundalini Reiki to work more effectively, the person who's practicing it may also include extra attunements including "balance," and the use of 'diamond Reiki," "crystalline Reiki," "DNA Reiki," "birth trauma Reiki," "location Reiki," and the "past life Reiki."

Although Kundalini Reiki is a simple means of spiritual healing, people should be careful in using or practicing it because they can be grounded to the energy of the Earth if they don't have enough knowledge and guidance when doing it.

Friday, January 5, 2018

The Golden Ratio and FENG SHUI

Golden Ratio
Photo  by fdecomite 
Since Feng Shui deals with balance, it is not far off to discuss the matters about the Golden Ratio. The Golden ratio is one of the precepts that govern Feng Shui. This ratio is numerically described as 1.62. The Fibonacci numbers that we know today are also directly linked to the Golden Ratio. When you divide a certain term in a Fibonacci sequence with the number prior to it, you will find that it approaches the value of the Golden Ratio.

Beauty Equals Symmetry

The beauty of objects may be measured by its closeness to the golden ratio. The symmetry of objects is the attribute that tells if a thing is beautiful or not, for the most part. People naturally love the balance of elements, and for the chi to flow, the Golden Ratio must apply.

The Golden Ratio in History

The Golden Ratio is manifested in various works of art that have been lauded by the world as masterpieces. The genius in Da Vinci lies in the symmetry of his works that reflect the Golden Ratio. The drawing of the Vitruvian Man is a classic example of a man who had the ratio of 1.62 all over his body and was considered as a picture of perfection.

The Golden Ratio in Famous Places

Famous places such as the pyramids of Egypt also employ the Golden Ratio. The half of the bottom layer of the pyramids of Egypt is also a factor of 1.62.

The Golden Ratio of Plants

Even plants have distinct characteristics of Golden Ratio. They establish a Fibonacci sequence in the number of leaves. Even the eyes of a pineapple follow this golden ratio. Much of the things that are viewed as beautiful by the naked eye establish the factor that possesses the Golden Ratio in one way or another. The Fibonacci sequence can be more or less seen in the beauty of nature. Even human DNA has factors that are assimilative of the Golden Ratio.

The Golden Ratio of Facial Features

If the ratio of your nose to your chin to the horizontal space between your nose and one side of your cheek is more or less the same as the Golden Ratio, you will find that the face is judged as attractive. In some experimental studies done by scientists, where they showed pictures of women to infants, the ones which had an impact were the more symmetric faces.

Applying the Golden Ratio in Your Office Space

In your office space, it is quite easy to apply the Golden Ratio for establishing balance and good Feng Shui. Just make sure that the rectangular objects in your office follow the 1.62 golden ratio. You don’t need a ruler to measure it on the dot. Just by looking at relative sizes between objects that practice the Golden Ratio will already suffice for giving good balance and Feng Shui to your office space.

Applying the Golden Ratio in Your Home

The Golden Ration may be a bit trickier to apply at home than in your office. You might have to apply the ratio to different furniture in your home. Or, if at all possible, the actual room space must at least have the Golden Ratio in it if your furnishings are round or not viable for the Golden Ratio.

Good Feng Shui is actually possible if you already have the Golden Ratio in your home or office.

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The 6 External Pathogens: Finding New Flows in CHINESE MEDICINE

Toona sinensis 'Flamingo'
Photo  by wallygrom 
The idea of pathology in Chinese medicine is what determines the need for a change in energy flow.  If you are looking into finding better alternatives for your health, looking at possibilities for external pathology and how it relates to your Qi is one of the places to begin.  By doing this, you will have the ability to gain back your health through holistic means.

The external pathogens are one of the ways in which your energy flow can be affected.  There are six general pathogens that are examined when looking at external pathogens.  When these are flowing correctly, they allow the body to be balanced and have energy.  However, sometimes the external pathogens can stop their flow.

The characteristics of external pathogens are named after the weather patterns in the earth.  This is because all Chinese medicine takes environmental and universal laws and applies it to each individual.  These are divided into wind, heat, cold, summer heat, damp and dryness.  When one who is practicing Chinese medicine is able to define one of these in the body as not being aligned correctly than they can begin to move back the Qi to normal.

The external pathogens begin with the wind.  When looking at the human body, this is directly linked to the lungs and the air passageways.  When the ‘Wind Qi’ is off in a person, there will be coughing and often times aches in specific joints.  Because there is not a steady movement of air, passageways and other areas are unable to remain clear.

If you are looking at temperature, such as heat, cold or summer heat, you can simply look at how warm or cold your body temperature is.  If there is not a steady flow in specific areas, you can determine that your Qi in those areas is off.  If there is severe heat in one area, such as from a temperature, then this is where the flow of energy is, significant in the relation to summer heat.

The last two external pathogens are the damp or dryness that is related to Qi.  If there is dampness, you can expect that the Qi in that area is not flowing correctly.  Dampness is known for blocking Qi from its proper flow.  Dryness, the absence of moisture, is significant because it decreases flexibility.  This is because dryness is brittle and is known for taking off bits and pieces.

These various external pathogens all can tell what parts of a person’s energy are blocked.  By understanding the ‘symptoms’ that are taking place externally you can begin to change the flow of energy throughout your body.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

CELTIC REIKI, Drawing Energy from Nature

Energy flows from the hands of a practitioner towards the person being healed. This is how reiki healing is conducted. Using the life force energy that is present in and all around us to heal and re-establish balance in one’s being is one of the basic beliefs of Reiki.

And taking this life force energy a little further, practitioners have entered into realizations and developed several reiki techniques to promote healing faster. One of which is a version called Celtic Reiki.

Celtic Reiki utilizes the energy flows present on Earth and specific plants.  Practitioners of this reiki use not only the universal “life force” energy present in all things but also the specific energy found in nature to heal those who need healing.

This Reiki system comes from the religious beliefs of early Celts. To the early Celts, trees are important aspects of their religion believing that trees have their own spirits. They gave the trees such high regards that they even patterned their writing system based on the trees.

The Celts’ Ogham, which is the ancient writing of Celtic people, uses symbols or letters that are cut as a series of notches and symbolizes different kinds of trees. Each letter represents a different kind of tree, specifically chosen for qualities that can be linked to spiritual concepts.

Some of the trees that are represented in the Celtic alphabet include the silver fir, birch, hawthorn, heather, ash, oak, willow, alder, yew, grove, ivy, hazel, and honeysuckle. Practitioners of Celtic Reiki use the symbols from the Ogham.  This Reiki also follows the Celtic philosophy of bravery, honor, integrity, valor, and reverence.

But even though Celtic reiki draws influences from ancient Celtic religion, the practice itself is not a religious one.  But rather it is a therapy that aims to treat the mind, body, and spirit. It is not connected to any religion and as such can be passed down to everybody regardless of age, race, gender, and culture.

Celtic Reiki was created by Martyn Pentecost. It was developed further Julie Norman. Practitioners of this reiki see this technique as a beautiful and earthy form. Having foundations on earth energy, this reiki has to channel the energy vibrations from the earth, specific plants, trees and the ocean through the root chakra as opposed to the crown chakra that is where conventional reiki channels the energy.

The techniques developed by Pentecost between 1998 and 2000 are used for therapy and goal creations. Combining the concept of the original Reiki and the various Celtic beliefs and rituals, the Celtic reiki techniques were created to handle day to day activities like tackling issues of prosperity, finance, work, and building relationships.

People who are interested in plants, trees, and tree and plant legend or lore, are often drawn to the Celtic reiki belief. Men, in particular, are drawn closer to the Celtic reiki because it seems that this reiki has more masculine types of energy. But in reality, Celtic Reiki is regarded as an equal among the other kinds of reikis.

The Celtic Reiki treatment usually lasts for an hour and involves placing the hands in strategic locations and in specific sequences that will elicit a deep state of relaxation.

A student achieving attunement means having been open to the tree and plant energies, the ethics of stuff, the various Celtic symbols, hand placements, moon phases, and the various aspects of soul journeying, retrieval, and realization.

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

ASTROLOGY, How Old is it?

Bracken House - London
Photo   by Remko van Dokkum 
The practice of astrology is mainly based on the premise that the stars, planets, sun, moon, and the earth are all inter-related. Connected together as part of the great cosmic plan. The earth and the planetary bodies influencing each other in varying degrees.

Astrologists believe that everything that happens to everybody in the universe is in some way due to this influence between them. Consequently, the destiny of nations, races, and individuals on this planet earth cannot escape the influence of these cosmic forces.

From long before the days of the mighty Egyptian civilization, the stars and planets have been observed, and it was noted when certain aspects of the planets, sun, and stars coincided with certain conditions occurring on earth. So discovering the laws which produce the systematic, cyclical changes affecting mankind in general, and individuals in particular.

Using the knowledge gained over countless years the practice of astrology was formulated. And it's rules and teachings used to guide people in their daily lives so that they would live in harmony with this great cosmic plan.

So in those very early days astrology, and it may well have been called something else then, was both science and religion, inextricably entwined. The science had to be there in order to measure accurately the movements of the planets and stars. The natural wonder and mystery of the heavenly bodies easily leading to them being held in reverence and awe, becoming objects of worship, and there is the religion.

In fact, the most ancient symbol of God is a star, and the earliest form of religion was star worship. Proving the importance of stars, planets, and constellations from the very earliest times when the man was just becoming sentient.

In the legends and traditions of all peoples are enshrined the story of a great cataclysmic event, wiping out all but a chosen few of all races on the planet at that time, bringing to an end the first period of human existence (Christianity calls it the flood) during which the constellations were regarded as the mansions of God. This was the time when the teachings of astrology were formulated, taught, and practiced.

When astrology was first introduced amongst the eastern nations, the knowledge and science appealed strongly to the highly developed mysticism there and spread rapidly through the adjacent nations via the Egyptian and Babylonian priests and Persian Magi.

From the writings of the Greek writer Philostratus, we know that astrology was known and practiced in Greece twelve hundred years before the birth of Christ.

So it is well proven that astrology has existed for uncountable centuries, the birth of Christ being prophesied by an Egyptian priest called Chechepetresonbu almost two thousand years before the event, ("The ideal ruler for whose advent he longs --- he brings cooling to the flames. It is said that he is the shepherd of all men. There is no evil in his heart... Where is he today? Behold, his might is not seen.") There is no reason to think that it will not endure for uncountable more centuries.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Brief Idea About Piles (HEMORRHOIDS)

What is piles?
Dilatation of radicles of rectal veins within the anal canal is called piles.The medical term for piles is hemorrhoids.Compared to arteries veins are weak due to thin walls and hence any backpressure in the veins can make them tortuous.There are three rectal veins namely superior, middle and inferior rectal veins.Any obstructions or increase of pressure in these veins can predispose piles.

Depending on the situation there are two types of piles.

1) External piles:-

This type of piles is seen outside the anal opening and is covered by skin.It is black or brown in color.This type of piles is very painful due to rich nerve supply in this area.

2) Internal piles:-

It is inside the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice.It is covered by mucous membrane and is red or purple in color.These piles are painless.

Sometimes internal and external piles occur in the same individual.

Factors responsible for piles:--

1) This is a familial disease.
2) Piles is seen only in animals maintain an erect posture. This is due to congestion in the rectal veins due to the effect of gravity.
3) It is common in individuals having chronic constipation.Those who have a habit of visiting the toilet due to frequent urge for stool may develop piles in future.
4) Piles is common in those who take excess of chicken, prawns, spicy food ect.Those who take vegetables and fibrous food are rarely affected.
5) Some ladies get piles during pregnancy due to compression of rectal veins by the uterus.
6) Cancerous lesions in the rectum can obstruct blood flow and result in piles.

Signs and symptoms of piles:--

1) Pain:-
Pain is common in external piles which will be worse while straining at stool.
2) Bleeding:-
Bleeding comes in splashes while pressing for stool.Bleeding may be profuse in some cases.
3) Protruding mass:-
In external piles the swelling can be felt around the anal orifice.In case of internal piles initially it can not be felt.When the disease progresses the piles protrude during stool and will go inside automatically.When the condition becomes worse the protruded piles will not go back in to the anus.
4) In some cases there will be discharge of mucus with itching around the anal orifice. 

Complications of piles:--

1,Infection: The infection can spread to deep veins resulting in septicaemia.
2,Fibrosis: Here the piles become fibrosed with hardening of anal orifice.
3,Thrombosis: Here the blood inside the piles will form clots and can obstruct blood flow.
4,Gangrene: Here the tissues in the piles and nearby skin die due to lack of blood supply.
5,Suppuration: When the piles suppurate it can produce abscess with discharge of pus. 

Treatment of piles:--

Initially, it is treated on the basis of symptoms.Constipation should be treated.If there is anemia iron should be given.Homoeopathic medicines can give good results. If medicinal treatment is not giving any result the following can be tried.

1) The thrombosed external pile is excised under local anaesthesia.
2) Sclerosant injection therapy can reduce the size of piles.
3) Rubber band ligation around the neck of piles is useful in some cases.
4) Cryosurgery is very effective.
5) Anal dilatation can reduce constipation and pain.
6) Haemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of piles.

How to prevent piles?

1) Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
2) Take fibrous food.
3) Avoid excess intake of meat, prawns, crabs ect.
4) Keep a regular timing for food.
6) Drink sufficient quantity of water.
7) Keep a regularity in bowel habits.
8) Take treatment for constipation.