Saturday, July 1, 2017

AURA: Unravel the Mystery

English: Aura or etheric human bioenergy field
Aura or etheric human bioenergy field 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are there times when you feel uncomfortable in crowded places? Are there moments when you  feel as if your space is being invaded?Some people can only come so close to you. This is a reaction triggered by your aura.

It’s possible that someone else’s aura is intruding  upon yours.

At times, you feel uneasy in the presence of a certain person. You enter a room, you have this sense that something is wrong. The human aura  is a strong electro- magnetic field. We give off electrical energy and  absorb magnetic one.

You can feel this energy force in a room full of people, where varying energies, positive and  negative are being intercharged.

The aura is an extension of our energies, be it strong or weak, fair or otherwise, light and bright or dull and dense.

It is a band of energy that surrounds us, a life energy that can be sensed around every living thing, plants, trees, animals, birds and people.

There are seven layers of aura, but the most accessible to the human perception are the first three layers surrounding the human body.

Auras can be seen with the eyes wide open. It can also be seen psychically with the eyes closed. Auras can be best seen under a soft light. You can check your own aura by looking at a mirror against a light color background with dim lighting.

Look beyond the object and do not focus on it.Auras are observed more prominently around the hands, between the shoulders, neck and head area.

Those who can see aura mostly observe the mental and etheric layers or planes. These are the colorful layers of aura.

Physical Aura 

Closest to the body is the physical aura. It represents the body’s physical growth, strengths and weaknesses, physical sensations, pleasant and unpleasant. This band is very strong in athletes and people who are in touch with themselves- enjoy life’s pleasures like food, comfort , sex, etc.

Mental and Emotional Aura 

Moving away from the body is the second layer. This reflects the person’s  emotional moods and mental feelings, about how one feels about oneself. Any block in this area slows down the flow of energy. This part of the aura is changeable and fluctuates through the day,  depending on the mental and emotional stimulations one feels.

Spiritual Aura 

This part of the aura reflects the energy of the spirit  and its development. The color on this level is most distant. Mental sluggishness shows in this area.

Negative thoughts accumulated over time shows in this area. It is believed that yellow is predominant in at this level.


Reading the Aura 

These levels can be read separately or in conjunction with each other.The colors are not physically  separated by a line or space between them. They seem to fuse or change into one another. One color  may be more dominant than others. As one develops the ability to read auras, viable information can be derived from the different levels.

There is no hierarchy of judgement involving the colors and their placement in the aura. The colors are only indicators of the person’s current state, can be read to strengthen the positive and / or help alleviate problems .

Remember, as living things change, so do the energy fields. As we develop, as we solve our problems, as we work through inhibiting blocks, we continue to balance our energies.

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When reading an aura, do no stop yourself after sensing the colors. Recognizing the colors is the beginning of the aura reading. Verbalize what you see, this not  only defines what you see, it enhances  the flow of your intuition and helps with an insightful reading.

You could see one color, or a combination thereof. The colors may grow  stronger or brighter as the reading progresses. Rely on your ability to interpret responsibly with a clear mind what you see or sense.

When people are comfortable with one another,their aura tend to compliment each other in an attractive manner.

Learning about aura helps you to raise your intuitive faculties.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Essentials of a SOLAR GREENHOUSE

Plant breeding and plant production is a very productive hobby and livelihood. It is good way to earn some living by producing high-valued crops. It is also a good way of contributing to the environment. The best way to sustain this endeavor is to get a solar greenhouse. Read on to learn the basics of the solar greenhouse.

 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What Is a Solar Greenhouse?

The very purpose of any greenhouse is to collect solar energy whenever the sun shining high. However, solar greenhouses serve a more specific purpose. It is able to do more than collect the solar energy. The solar greenhouse is able to store heat that can be used during nighttime, cloudy days or the cold season. It provides adequate heat that the plants will need for their growth even during the night time or the cold seasons.

The good thing about solar greenhouses is that there are choices to choose from and to suit the needs of the owner.

They can stand alone. This is very ideal for big production greenhouses.  The freestanding ones are ideal for commercial production. These are used to produce ornamentals or vegetables. They have two primary designs, the shed type and the Quonset type.

The shed-type has a long axis running from the east to the west. It has a south-facing wall glazed to collect maximum amount of the energy from the sun. The north-facing wall on the other hand is very much insulated to avoid heat loss. These features are what contrast a solar greenhouse from the ordinary ones.

The Quonset type can sometimes look like an underground pit. This is a low-cost greenhouse. It has a Quonset-shaped frame and looks like a tunnel. It has a layer or two of plastic film. This can save as much as 40% of the heating fuel.

They can also be merely attached to the greenhouses, very ideal for backyard use. The attached solar greenhouses are structures that form some sort of a room protruding from a house. This is a good space for transplants or herbs.

Passive or Active

The solar greenhouse is classified into two. It can be the passive solar greenhouse or the active. These two makes use of different resources, but still serve a same purpose.

The Passive Solar Greenhouse

In some places, where colder seasons tend to endure longer, there may be a need to resort to passive solar greenhouse, using gas or electric heating system. This is the only way to protect the plants from getting too much cold.
This is very ideal for growers as it can still give way to so much productivity despite the conditions. The use of heating systems for greenhouses to be cost-effective is best utilized if there are high-value crops to be produced.

The Active Solar Greenhouse

The active solar greenhouse makes use of supplemental energy. It transfers the solar heated air from the storage area to the other parts of the greenhouse.

Designing a Solar Greenhouse

Most would claim that managing and maintaining an ordinary greenhouse does not differ much with the solar greenhouse. However, there are a number of ways that they differ. These are significant distinctions.

Solar greenhouses, unlike the ordinary ones, have oriented glazing to get utmost solar heat, even during winter. Its materials are designed to minimize loss of heat. It uses heat storing materials. It also has insulation especially useful when there is no sunlight. The solar greenhouse also depends heavily on natural ventilation for cooling during summer.

Solar Heat Storage

This is one main feature in designing a solar greenhouse. To remain warm even during cool nights, there must be sufficient amount of solar heat stored. One common method used to store this energy is to put rocks or concrete directly receiving the sunlight to absorb the heat.

Cinder block walls at the north side of a greenhouse are also used as good heat storage. Dark-colored ceramic floorings can also be used to store the heat. Any wall or flooring not used for heat absorption is supposed to be colored light. This should be designed to reflect the heat and light and distribute it to the plants.

The management of a greenhouse can also determine the amount of heat stored. A greenhouse that is full of plants and structures can store heat easier compared to an empty one. Composts can also complement the heat storage goal as they help produce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Furthermore, the microorganisms in the compost also contribute to the increase in plant production.

Some would rely on any structure that would resemble a greenhouse to accommodate the plants. However, to be efficient and cost-effective, aim for the optimum setting in your solar greenhouse.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

SHAMANS And Psychic Powers

Even though you find many people will scoff at the idea that people have psychic powers, there are a lot more believers than non-believers. This is the reason that psychics have always been part of our culture.

Mongol on Jurkie Shaman with drum, Central Asia - Photo:  Wikimedia Commons

There will always be skeptics and those who are simply terrified of the prospects of someone else knowing everything about them or having the ability to do amazing things, but for the most part people are accepting if not appreciative of what a psychic brings to society.

Some psychics have learned to be psychics, while many more were probably already born with this power inherently in them. Psychics themselves don't know where this power comes from, as they will freely state, and they don't understand everything about it. But they do know that the ability to see into the past or the future, or to discern more about the present than most people do, is very real and very established.

In technical terms, it is called ESP, or extra sensory perception. As you might expect, this simply means that a natural psychic, or a person who has undergone psychic training has the ability to see or know more than other can perceive with their five basic sense.

While it's unclear exactly how many individuals possess psychic abilities, it is probably safe to assume that the number is small. This likely has something to do with the fact that the majority of psychics have never undergone any psychic training and aren't really aware that they have a gift. Of course, these people are probably aware that they are different from others and realize that they have some unique insights, but they usually dismiss this as nothing more than intuition. They would never consider calling themselves a psychic.

Of course, there are even people who have absolutely no psychic powers but who put on the act in order to make a living. Some do readings over the phone or Internet while others read tarot cards for a living. Most people who go in for these readings are doing it in good humor, though some may really believe in a particular psychic's abilities.

On the other hand, there are more altruistic psychics who use their very real abilities to help other people. Probably the most respected of these psychics are those who help the police locate violent criminals. In the past, police psychic have given the authorities invaluable clues that have lead to the arrest of countless killers.

Now, about you. Do you think you are psychic? Before you simply say 'no,' let's take a look at one simple fact: many respected psychics do believe that everyone has at least some innate psychic ability. However, it's blocked because most people aren't willing to open themselves up to the possibility that they are psychic. It may also be true that they haven't received any formal training (but need to), such that psychic abilities continue to be dormant, for so many.

We do believe that this is often true, and that with some educational intervention and some effort, you can learn how to tap into your psychic gifts, too. This 'educational intervention' can take the form of psychic training.

For anyone interested in psychic training, the first step is to clear the mind of anything negative. You want to do deep meditation, stretching, and other forms of relaxation and train the mind to focus on positive things, removing the negative thoughts and attitudes prior to beginning psychic training.

Any real psychic will tell you that fear and negativity will cloud both your mind and your senses which make it impossible to tap into your true abilities. Meditation is used in more scenarios than just psychic training. Many people use meditation to get rid of stress and open themselves up to their psychic abilities without even knowing it.

Meditation should be a part of the psychic training, and you should do this for half and hour each session. You should meditate in a quite place where you will not be disturbed. Many of the advanced students also meditate outdoors.

This is going to be the first and most important thing you do with your psychic training, so do some meditation every day. If you happen to dispense with regular sessions, when you go back to meditation, you're probably going to notice that you've lost a lot of ground since your previous training.

During your meditation sessions, be sure you use deep breathing techniques. These special breathing techniques are perfect for releasing negative energy. They are also perfect for helping to reveal you hidden psychic talents.

One important note is that when you train to uncover your psychic abilities, there is no set timetable. Instead, this is a personal journey all your own. When you feel you are ready, then it's time to go onto the next step.

New psychics ultimately develop and strengthen their skills by practicing with tarot cards. These are a main staple in the psychic's arsenal, so it is only fitting that new students pick up their own deck and start practicing at some point.

Most of all, remain patient and have fun. Offer to give free reading to your family and friends. Get lots of practice. If you take these steps you will undoubtedly find that your abilities are rapidly becoming sharper, clearer, and a lot easier to control.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What Can Norse Mythology Teach You About RUNES?

In my eyes, it is not possible to understand the true nature of the runes without studying the Norse mythology. A common mistake made by New Age "runemasters" is that they study the runes from divination point of use, and not from the ancient tradition. But the people of the North were using the runes in many different way, the divination practices were only part of them.

It is important, for every runemaster wannabe to remember, that if you want to master the Norse runes, you must read the Norse mythology, explore Poetic Edda and Northern sagas. What can these teach you? Many things, I might say.

This romantic representation of the norns depi...
This romantic representation of the norns depicts one of them
(Verdandi according to the runes below) with wings, contrary to folklore.
(Photo credit: 

For example, I have learned many different runic spells and rituals that have not been described in any book about runes I have ever encountered; therefore, it is my belief that their authors never really studied the mythology behind runes. A lot of interesting uses of runes in spells and high magick can be found within the Poetic Edda itself. More information can be found in classic Sagas. For example, no book about runes I have read ever mentioned that the Thurisaz rune can be used to cause mental illness.

Another interesting thing that you can find with the help of Northern mythology is the correspondence between runes and Northern gods. For example, while most book about runes agrees that Thurisaz is the rune of the god Thor, I haven't found many books that mention that Heimdall was the god of Daguz and few more other runes. Or, that Nauthiz, Isa and Hagalaz are the runes "guarded" by the Nornes - Urd, Werdandi and Skuld. This leads to interesting interpretation that the Hagalaz guarded by Urd is the rune of the past; Nauthiz guarded by Skuld is the rune of the future; and Isa, guarded by Werdandi, is the rune of the present. This can be used in many different divination and magical practices.

Exploring the Norse mythology is not only fun, but also educating for everyone who is interested in the Runes. You can find explanations of each rune, descriptions of spells and rituals, and examples of uses for each rune, scripts and bindrunes. It is important to remember that mastering the subject of the runes require not only learning the runes themselves, but also the culture from which they originate - the culture of the Vikings, and people before them. Without this, no one can become a true runemaster.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Reiki Instruction - An Overview

You may really wonder why Reiki is such an in demand topic for many people. All over the world, it is being practiced for healing purposes. There are some concepts that surround it which you are required to understand most especially if you do manifest an interest in the methodology used in the practice of Reiki. Moreover, the latter is the conventional Japanese type of hands-on healing. Through time, the traditional sense of Reiki has been quite forgotten with the many variations that have already evolved. The system that is known to this contemporary world is no longer in its original state. Taking up a Reiki instruction will open your eyes to its many varieties. There are numerous branches that exist nowadays as well as different modes of instructions used. Those who practice Reiki therapy go through a system of instruction as divided into levels and they earn their degree and certification too. 

The Reiki practitioner can come from any part of the world, study at different institutions or Reiki clubs, and be under different Masters too. Generally, the very first form of Reiki was divided into three degrees or levels with an addition, that is the Master Level or Master Degree. After the completion of the latter, a practitioner qualifies to train others. 

Anyhow, there are multiple branches of the instruction. Take a look at their different forms by reading below. 

The Usui Shiki Ryoho. Originally pioneered by Mrs. Takata, several other solitaries like the Reiki Alliance Masters began to form. As a part of the oral tradition, this medium of instruction employs three degrees which are taught to the learners. The first degree covers four attunements including mythos and history, the hand positions, and the channeling of Reiki energy for self-healing and in healing others. The second degree impart more forms of attunements that cover the teaching of three among the four sacred symbols, healing of mental as well as emotional disorders, and the absentee or distance healing. The Master Degree involves only one attunement and that includes the fourth sacred symbol as well as the techniques for the channeling of more energy. 

The Raku Kei Reiki. Someone by the name of Iris Ishikuro who trained under Takata contributed much to this branch of the instructional system. The term Raku Kei Reiki is also called "the way of the Fire Dragon". It is comprised of the directional energy flow wherein Raku signifies the vertical flow while the term Kei means the horizontal energy flow. Both the first and the second degrees are discussed in a class that touches on the positions of the hand, the techniques in healing, the four traditional symbols, the distance healing, and the use of the Master Frequency plates. The third degree on the other hand promotes three attunement levels along with the two other additional symbols, the use of crystals, herbs and white light in healing. 

The Tera Mai or Tera Mei Seichem. A few changes have been made to this type of instruction which covers the energy activation of the Angelic light, Sakara, and Sophi-el. There are also symbols which have been added to the older ones. 

The Usui or Tibetan Reiki. This mode of instruction combines the traditional and the understandings expressed by Rand and Raku Kei. 

A learner has the option to choose which Reiki instruction he feels to study. The Masters are everywhere and one has to simply get in touch with them.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Cats, Vikings and WITCHCRAFT

The Vikings certainly loved cats. In Norway and Iceland cats were in high demand. Unfortunately for the cats, the people of Norway saw no value in a living cat; it was the fur they absolutely adored. Even the fox could not compete with the cat. The Norwegian king Magnus VI, the law-mender (1238 - 1280) passed a law declaring cat fur as legal currency. One piece of cat fur was equivalent to three pieces of fox fur.

Cat fur was quite valuable. Only the rich could afford this luxury. Now as it happens, the Volvas were among the upper classes. A Volva was a woman who was a master of prophecy and witchcraft. The Volvas were greatly respected and feared. Their services were in high demand, but extremely

In the Saga of Eric the Red, a Volva is described in great detail. She had been summoned to help the settles of Greenland during their hardship. She was called Lisevolve and she was treated like a queen. The clothes she wore are described down to the last detail in the saga. On her head she wore a hat trimmed with cat skin. Her gloves were made of cat skin which had fluffy white cat fur on the inside.

Now as it happens, the goddess of love was also a master of  magic and witchcraft. Her name was Freyja. No other god or goddess mastered witchcraft better than Freyja. She was the most beautiful goddess of the Viking world. The goddess of love and magic had a stunning carriage. Yes, you guessed it. The carriage was pulled by two cats.

Volvas of the human world, loved to dress up with clothes made from cat skin and cat fur. Freyja, the goddess of love and magic was associated with two cats. It seems the tendency to associate cats with witchcraft was well established in the Viking Age. Cats certainly have been unfairly prosecuted throughout the centuries in the Western World. Fortunately major parts of the human race have come
to their senses and are finally treating cats with the respect and love they deserve.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Should We Take End Of The World PREDICTIONS Seriously?

Considering the vast number of previous predictions which have all failed to materialise, surely we shouldn’t be too worried?

English: The carbon footprint.
The carbon footprint. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Yet for some of us fears seem hard to shake everyday we hear of new disasters, new threats with the world seemingly more and more out of control especially in relation to extreme weather events, global warming and the growing credit crisis.

So what if anything can I do?

Do your bit, no one can save the world single handedly but you can do your bit, here are a few suggestions.

- Cutting down your carbon footprint by using less electricity, gas, car fuel and water not only helps the environment but your pocket too by reducing bills. This doesn’t mean changing your lifestyle just simple measures such as ensuring you turn off items instead of leaving them on standby.

- Working to pay off debts, this benefits you, as you aren’t wasting money on interest payments. Being in control of your finances reduces stress and makes the banks more confident.

- Donate unwanted items or money to charity, simple measures which benefit those in need.

- Being a conscientious shopper by knowing where and how the items you buy are produced. Remember every item you buy has a carbon footprint. Buy local products where possible, make sure the product is produced sustainably, ethically and in an environmentally friendly way.

- Recycling, stops the world resources being unnecessarily used up and isn’t as difficult as it seems look out recycling symbols on packaging and familiarise yourself with your local areas recycling
system and facilities.


Has your feet ever been so tried that it hurt your whole body.  Like that, ole saying when your feet hurt your whole body hurts. Well this is mostly true, since the reason sets behind the fact that your entire nerve endings are in your feet. So when you are on your feet all day for whatever reason and they are hurting most of the time your whole body aches. What do most of us do when we get home? We sit down for a while or take a hot bath. One can indulge in foot relaxing baths or resting to take the weight off the feet. In fact, the first thing that hits the ground when you take a step is your heel, which is why many people experience heel pain. 

English: Photograph of a man massaging a woman...
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

How can I relieve my aching feet? 
You have recourses to test when your feet are aching.  Like maybe a hot bath if you have one. Foot soakers are available as well. The foot soakers allow you to soak your feet. Some of the foot soakers have massagers as well so you can get a foot massage while you are soaking your tried feet. You can let your feet rest as long as you want to or until they feel better. Once your feet feel better, you will also feel better.

Where can I get the foot massagers?
You can find food massagers nearly anywhere that sells items to relieve stress. Depending how much money you want to pay, however you can find Bubble Jet Foot Massagers at most department stores for around $20. It depends on the type you choose; yet, some have heating elements that helps massage your feet.

You will find foot massagers with tuning bars built inside of it to rest your feet on while the massagers works them. 

If you are having, problems with deciding what one to get for you so that you can pamper yourself, then check out the resources online. Go on the Internet, check out some web sites, and have them send you some information on these feet massagers.

 Most of the time, you will find CDs as well as videos to help you to decide what kind are the best for you. There are lotions and oils to get if you want to just have some one do it for you or even you do it for yourself. It will feel better if someone else does it for you. Just put a little lotion or oil on the feet and rub it. You will feel so much better.

 In addition, unbelievably once your feet stop hurting you will feel like a new person inside as well as out. Try it and see what you think and make sure you enjoy your foot massager. The massagers are great. It will make a big difference on the way your feet feel and that will make you feel better. 

There are all kinds of oils and lotion that you can get at your local stores like the family dollar or even Wal-Mart if you cant find nothing there you might want to try the bath and body works in the mall in your area. You will need to rub your feet down with lotion or something when you are finished with the foot soak. This will add the finish touch to the whole massage.

Some foot massagers have rub pads, which helps you to remove dead skin after massage. You have many options to choose from, so go online to check out the foot massagers that guide you to relaxation. 

Friday, June 23, 2017


English: A stylized Reiki symbol
A stylized Reiki symbol 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Does Reiki work for everyone?   

Reiki will only work to the degree that the person's higher self will let it work.  

If the person is open and willing, the Reiki will flow an go straight where it is needed.  If the person's higher self doesn't accept it, the Reiki cannot get in.  Sometimes when people are getting ready to die, Reiki can be a wonderful peaceful way to the spirit realm.  Healing doesn't just mean to cure, but the healing of the person's spirit and a return to wholeness.  

Who can give Reiki treatments?   

Any practitioners that are Reiki II and higher.  Reiki III and Reiki Master have more advanced techniques that they learn to help different groups of people.  If your practitioner is Reiki II, they will be able to help as good as a Reiki Master for general treatments.  What is distance treatment?  

These are treatments sent over long distances for healing when the practitioner cannot  travel to where the patient is.  For instance, an American practitioner may send healing to someone in Australia.  Again, all you need is the intent for it to be sent.  Draw your distance symbol and send the loving energy to whoever needs it.  

There are may Reiki groups that sent healing t the earth itself after the tornadoes and tsunamis hit the coast of many countries.  You can even send healing into the future for yourself or others.  There is no limit on the good you can accomplish.  

How do you get a treatment?   

Look in the phone book and locate a practitioner and ask about their credentials.  Treatments usually run between $35 and $60.  Some of the practitioners may do distance sessions if you cannot get to their office.  They will include a note to tell you anything they picked up while sending the treatment.

Thursday, June 22, 2017


Reiki written in Shinjitai Japanese.
Reiki written in Shinjitai Japanese. 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

What is Reiki energy?   Reiki energy is known as the Universal Life Force.  It is also know as Ki, Qi, or Chi in different parts of China.  It is taught to us by the Reki Masters.  We learn how to channel it after being attuned.  Then we go forth and share it with other people.  

What does the Reiki energy feel like?   For different people, it will feel like different things.  

Some have a spinning experience, some see bright colors, some have beautiful visions, and some feel nothing at all.  They may also experience a warmth or a tingle depending on where the practitioner is.  
How does a Reiki treatment work?   The practitioner starts the treatment at the crown chakra and go all the way down to the root chakra, opening any chakras that are blocked.  Then they do each elbow and knee and them you flip over and they work on your back chakras.  

After they have opened all of these, you will flip one more time onto your back while they anchor in your affirmation and give thanks to you for letting them treat you.  

How does Reiki energy know where to go?   If you have a specific pain, the practitioner will still treat the entire body.  

If the Reiki is needed in one certain place, it will flow to that area.  Your higher self knows where it needs healing and will direct the Reiki to go there.  If the higher self decides it doesn't want the Reiki, it will block it from entering the body.  

When is Reiki effective?   Reiki is good for almost any injury.  

While you are waiting for the ambulance, give the person some Reiki.  Before they go into surgery and when they come out, give some.  There are many instances where Reiki from the beginning of an injury or illness can really cut down on how much time it may take to heal.  But, even if start Reiki in the middle, the energy knows where it is needed and goes to work in that area.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

EXERCISE and Hypertension

English: a brief collage/ensemble on hypertension
A brief collage/ensemble on hypertension 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure.

The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels.

However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension.

Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles.

Heart and Exercise

The exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart.

The human heart basically, supply blood to an area of the heart damaged in a “myocardial infarction.” A heart attack is a condition, in which, the myocardium or the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients and so it begins to die.

For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.

Such information has led some people to think of exercise as a panacea for heart disorders, a fail-safe protection against hypertension or death. That is not so. Even marathon runners that have suffered hypertension, and exercise cannot overcome combination of other risk factor.

What Causes Hypertension?

Sometimes abnormalities of the kidney are responsible. There is also a study wherein the researchers identified more common contributing factors such as heredity, obesity, and lack of physical activity. And so, what can be done to lower blood pressure and avoid the risk of developing hypertension? Again, exercise seems to be just what the doctor might order.

If you think that is what he will do, then, try to contemplate on this list and find some ways how you can incorporate these things into your lifestyle and start to live a life free from the possibilities of developing hypertension. But before you start following the systematic instructions, it would be better to review them first before getting into action.

1. See your doctor

Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you make any significant changes in your level of physical activity — particularly if those changes could make large and sudden demands on your circulatory system — check with your doctors again.

2. Take it slow

Start at a low, comfortable level of exertion and progress gradually. The program is designed in two stages to allow for a progressive increase in activity.

3. Know your limit

Determine your safety limit for exertion. Use some clues such as sleep problems or fatigue the day after a workout to check on whether you are overdoing it. Once identified, stay within it. Over-exercising is both dangerous and unnecessary.

4. Exercise regularly 

You need to work out a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of five times a week to get the most benefit. Once you are in peak condition, a single workout a week can maintain the muscular benefits. However, cardiovascular fitness requires more frequent activity.

5. Exercise at a rate within your capacity

The optimum benefits for older exercisers are produced by exercise at 40% to 60% of capacity.

Indeed, weight loss through exercise is an excellent starting point if you wan tot prevent hypertension. Experts say that being overweight is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension, and losing weight decreases the risk.

Monday, June 19, 2017


You are sitting by a quietly flowing stream in the countryside. It is spring and life is green and moist? Sitting on a rock, the sights and sounds of the flowing water begin to work their mysterious way into your nervous system. 

Gradually, with the simple repetition of the water’s song and the harmonious beauty of the natural surroundings, the thousands of electronic impulses of your brain begin to discharge into the tension-absorbing air. 

All of the concerns, problems and projects, which had filled your mind to bursting capacity begin to disappear. 

There is nothing to try to figure out now, nothing to decide. 

The flowers silently console you with their perfect peace and harmony. 

The fresh air tingles in your lungs and your head becomes clear. 

You feel somehow sedated, as if the forces of nature have conspired to put you to sleep - to put you at ease. 

The wind massages your body with caresses of coolness as the sun unties your muscles with penetrating warmth. 

There is nothing to do, nowhere to go and nothing to think of. Just lie back and absorb the peaceful vibrations which flow into every part of your being, whispering, «be at peace, relax my friend, all is well now».

A delicious sleep falls upon you; not really sleep but a half-conscious-half-sleep state, in which the trees, sounds and breeze begin to come inside and mix with all of the thoughts and feelings. It is as if the door of your mind has been opened and all of those conversations, actions and perceptions lying unresolved, floating at various depths in the sea of the mind begin to float upwards and outwards. 

Reality now is a mixture of the inner and outer. 

The peace and security of being in the womb of nature allows us to surrender to the sun, water and wind, while the earth-draws out our stresses and frustrations. 

We swim semiconsciously at the level where the conscious blends into the unconscious. 

We dance in our sea of consciousness, sometimes floating up to the surface catching the sensation of the breeze, or the warmth of the sun. Then we dive downward into a stream of upward floating thoughts, images, sounds - all the dislodged refuse from nervous stresses and unresolved problems.

We watch them as they float by and then dive deeper sensing by now there is something at the bottom of the sea, which is attractive to us. 

Occasionally we get caught by an upward floating sensation of worry, resentment, an image or an attachment, and before we know it, we are at the surface again thinking, wondering, worrying, being rocked by the waves of attachment.

But the dance goes on, we begin to sink again, for by now we see that we cannot really dive because diving is too intense - there is too much effort - we get hooked too easily on upward floating garbage. 

We instinctively learn the dance of the water, sinking, watching, letting go, being carried on the vertical currents of fresh water from the depths of our consciousness, like a seagull with wings spread gliding the air currents flowing against it without a movement, without an effort, letting the air do all the work.

By this time, we are no longer concerned about where we are going. The water becomes clearer, free of debris. We have gone beyond the levels of stress release, past wreckage of old memories, relationships, failures and traumas. We have danced through the caverns of resentment and worry. 

The water becomes very clean, very still, very peaceful. 

We are coming to the source of our life current, the spring of pure consciousness. Here we may encounter pure light or energy. Only subtle vibrations exist here. Our bodies become recharged with life. Our consciousness is renewed as we have cleared the way for a burst of fresh energy to flow up purifying the sea of consciousness, regenerating the mind, giving new life to every cell of our brain.

If we do not become enamored by the sensation of light, by the bliss of this energy which charges through our system, then we may sink a little deeper into the vast nothingness from which the spring of life flows. 

Here there is not even energy; no body, no mind, no light, no sound - absolute nothingness - total vacuum - only tremendous potential unmanifest Divine Consciousness, from which all life and material creation flows. 


The sound of chirping birds greets you as you slowly float to the surface. The branches dancing in the wind wave «hello». The sounds of insects buzzing and water splashing salute you with a «welcome back friend, you are part of us now».

It takes a while to remember where you are. You were only gone 20 minutes, but it seems you have been in this spot all your life. The mind is clear, refreshed and in the present. 

There is nothing to do but take off your clothes and go swimming.

Have you ever been to this quiet stream in the countryside?

Most everyone has - either to a stream, river, mountain, sea, or forest. And how well and rejuvenated we feel when we return. Somehow everything is more alive, more harmonious.  

It may not take long, however, to discharge all that energy and clarity. Once again we become upset, nervous and bored. 

Can we go to the stream every day? It certainly would be nice, and life would be much less complicated. Of course for most of us it is completely impractical in terms of time, money and availability of such places - especially to those of us who live in the city.

Well, Mother Nature has a secret for us. We don’t have to go anywhere at all. The stream of life, that place of peace and source of strength, knowledge and harmony - lies right inside every one of us.

What is meditation? It is nothing more than visiting this stream on a daily basis. Simply it is the sinking dance into our sea of consciousness, releasing the submerged stresses and coming to the point of inner stillness where there is no object of consciousness - but consciousness itself. 

Done regularly, this inward dance leaves us fresh, more alert, relaxed, creative, healthy, and more in tune with ourselves and our environment. 

The truth of these statements has been proved both subjectively and objectively through experimentation. Studies have been made on meditators and non-meditators over the years with respect to blood pressure, pulse and reaction time as well as with states of fulfillment and creativity expressed subjectively by the participants. 

Hundreds of thousands of people today in all walks of life are finding that no matter what their goals, motivations, responsibilities or problems may be, they are able to act more clearly, more efficiently and more successfully with the aid of regular meditation. 

Ultimately, the only way to know if meditation will be useful for you is to give it a try. To spend some time each day in the «dance of the soul».

Adapted from the book "The Art of Meditation" by Robert Elias Najemy.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Benefits Of PILATES

Chances are, with the gain in popularity, you have heard of Pilates and the benefits that come from
performing them on a regular basis.

Curso de Instructor de Pilates
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many people at all different health levels and fitness levels who have started a Pilates program rave about the improvements they have in range of motion, circulation, posture and abdominal strength. They also claim a huge decrease in back pain as well as neck and joint pain.

The creator of Pilates, Joseph Pilates has now been dead for over 40 years and the demand for his exercise program has never been greater.

Pilates creates body awareness. The focus is on precise movements coupled with steady breathing. All of this required attention changes ones awareness. You learn to train your mind and build symmetry and coordination in the body.

Pilates teaches a person how to strengthen the core of their body and this core strength helps radiate
strength throughout the entire body and its extremities.

A stronger core does not necessarily mean flat abs. But the core strength will give your muscles the work they need to further your exercises and create those flatter abs.

You will definitely begin to trim the body down and that will in turn cause a flatter mid section. Pilates will shift your shape, but it ma not change your body without added exercises. A flexible muscle is a stronger muscle.

Another benefit of Pilates is body control. Pilates teaches you how to move and achieve the all important body symmetry. Pilates works the entire body into synergy and that is how we should be moving on a daily basis.