Saturday, May 20, 2017


By Stinkie Pinkie from Lakewood .
New Jersey, USA (World Bodypainting Festival Asia)
CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Body painting is one of the most unique kinds of art. People from all over the world paint their bodies to express their thoughts and feelings. People paint their bodies when they are cheering for their team. They also paint their bodies for specific events. Just like a clown paints his face to make people laugh similarly people get their body painted for many reason. The painted body represents creativity and imagination. There are certain tips one can follow while painting their body. A certain procedure is followed for painting the body to ensure that the paint looks beautiful and portrays a sharp image.

Before painting the body it is a good idea to wash and dry your body so that the dust particles are removed. This will help in creating a uniform layer of paint. There are several methods for painting your body. Select the one that best suits you for the following: tempra, markers, liquid latex, airbrush makeup, PAX makeup and textile acrylics. Each technique has its own pros and cons. Using markers are safe and they are cheap but it takes a lot of time to paint the body with markers. Also these markers have to be frequently replaced as they finish up quickly. Using tempra is a bad choice as it flakes off when it dries and makes quite a mess. Although it is cheap but when the paint dries up it becomes powdery.

The use of airbrush makeup to paint the body is a very good choice and highly recommended by professional. Unfortunately it is expensive but the quality is wonderful. Painting with the help of airbrush makeup is flexible and provides excellence in the quality of work. Another good choice for painting body is the use of textile acrylics which are cheap, easy to use, good looking and safe to use. All these are the perfect methods for painting the body. Apart from this while painting the body one must keep certain things in mind. Use a sponge if a larger area is to be painted, it is quicker and easier. Visualizing the end result is a good idea as it will help in the perfect painting of the body. Add special effects by using glitter and other shiny cosmetics. Keep a bundle of tissues while painting so as to quickly remove the mistakes while painting and drawing. All these tips can help in painting the body perfectly.

Friday, May 19, 2017


Basically, arrogance is an inferior attitude masking as superiority. Inferiority or superiority complexes are both egoic expressions. The human ego often wishes the Self to appear what it is not. Even if we knew a lot, if we have read a thousand books, studied under countless Gurus, have permanent contact with a Cosmic Master, experienced a 1001 delights and terrors, meditate constantly, possess the world, or are powerful in some psychic way, it still does not give us a reason to egoically compare others with ourselves, or to judge them--by seeing others as inferior to us, by labelling them as bad, low, and vile.

Many so-called spiritual teachers still do this. They criticize and condemn others without realizing that, spiritually speaking, there is no separation between others and themselves. What we see in others also lies below the conscious threshold within ourselves; what we do to others, we also do to ourselves, what we think of others, we also think of ourselves. What another is doing in the present we may well have done so ourselves in the past or perhaps will do so in the future. There is no need for judgment but a lot of need of mercy, understanding, and tolerance. Essentially, a spiritual being will not indulge in the judgment of dualistic concepts and the relativistic opposites such as good and bad, right and wrong, rich and poor, strong and weak, etc. These things are reconciled or transcended by the mage. St. Paul once said that if we owned the world and all powers and gifts of the spirit but lack love we were nothing. This is felt by all true spiritual teachers and practitioners.

Metaphysics should not be confused with the paranormal nor with parapsychology. The paranormal and parapsychology are simply aspects of metaphysics--using the term in its broadest sense..

In regards to metaphysical experiences we should keep in mind that metaphysics encompasses the two basic divisions of psychicism and mysticism, thaumaturgy and theurgy. Experiences in both fields may be considered "metaphysical," however, a psychic experience is dissimilar to a mystical one, and vice versa. One relates to the perception of events occurring in the lower planes or dimensions, the other to spiritual Self-awareness and the expansion of the consciousness encompassing the Whole.

As can be understood from the above, metaphysics has a transcendent value. It caters to both the physical and spiritual aspects of man. Metaphysics begins where traditional psychology leaves off, it goes where dogmatic religion is afraid to go, it extents further than mainstream science is able to reach with its laboratory equipment--although we must admit that many technological advances have been made in this direction, most of which have not yet been made available to the general public for reasons of censure. The release of such technology would dethrone the powers that seek to enslave the world and the Dark forces are trying very hard to prevent humanity from being empowered.

One of the misconceptions regarding metaphysics is that it is unscientific and based upon superstitious ideas. This is not in our experience. Metaphysics is scientific, rational, empirical and pragmatic, or it could indeed well be "superstitious" depending on one's attitude, beliefs, and manner of approach, or how one would like it to be. This might seem as a paradox and yet it may be reconciled. We liberate our minds or impose limitations upon it by our beliefs and attitudes, and by those limitations we circumscribe our mental and spiritual growth. Our beliefs and attitudes form our basic interpretation of Reality. If a thing is of value, because of prejudice we will not see it. We will see what we want to see, and refuse to see what we refuse to see.

Metaphysics may be approached in various ways. If one has a background in mathematics, one's approach would be mathematical. If one has a psychological background one would naturally approach it from a psychological standpoint. And if one simply believes or disbelieves in metaphysical principles then the result would be in accordance to that mental condition. For instance, if we disbelieve that man may go to the moon we would not exert effort to putting him there. If we believe that we are doomed to failure we would never motivate ourselves to work for success. This concept relates to how we form our own personal experiences in life, our own personal reality. Intrinsically, however, personal opinions do not affect the natural laws operating in our universe. We may discount the reality of gravity, for instance, and yet the law still functions in our everyday experience. The same goes with the other natural laws like karma and reincarnation. Belief or disbelief in them will not affect their existence and operation. Just because these laws are not mentioned by prophets and written about in Holy Scriptures do not nullify their activity. Come to think of it, many scientific natural laws are not mentioned in Holy Writ, does this prove their non-existence?

Though certain aspects of metaphysics may be considered to be speculative, as it deals with the Ultimate Reality, the First Cause, creation, and ontology or the nature of being--what interests us is the application of its principles and direction of Cosmic laws in everyday life. The worth of a science lies in its value, relevancy, and applicability in everyday living. If it is inefficient in aiding humanity to create abundance, peace, health, etc., then it is impractical and worthless. Some people have this kind of misconception concerning metaphysics, they believe that metaphysics is impractical, too abstract, or that it violates natural law and hence, religion; however, the opposite is true. Metaphysics and its principles work in harmony with Cosmic laws and is extremely practical. Applied Metaphysics, as differentiated from Speculative Metaphysics, is wholly practical and essential to daily life. It empowers us with the tools and knowledge necessary to achieve a successful and fulfilled life.

Though the art and science of metaphysics is still in its infancy compared to what lies ahead, there is enough teachings, techniques and systems to assist us live a fruitful, productive and creative life in accord with the Divine Will. The more we know and understand, the more wisdom we possess, the more motivated, focused and confident we are--the more chances we have of fulfilling our mission in life.

There is an on-going electromagnetic regeneration occurring in our solar system in our present "time-period." The present interaction and interfacing of energy fields in the part of our galaxy that our solar system is entering are causing the transformation of worlds and all beings connected to them in an evolutionary manner. Electromagnetic energies radiating from power centers in multi-dimensional universes are affecting and transforming everything in its path or field of influence. These energies induce and impel all beings to rise in their awareness level. They stimulate Man and Nature to form a new relationship based on trust and healthy cooperation. St Francis of Assisi was a pioneer and a model for us in this regard. This friar considered all beings--trees and animals, included--as his brothers and sisters.

The transformations that are currently occurring politically and socially in the world are just a few of the physical effects of the cosmic bombardment of these energy rays. Changes will occur at every level lifting humanity to a new state of being, to a higher level of divine expression. The transmutational process currently operating is represented by the Water Bearer-the sign of Aquarius, and the Aquarian Age. The water flowing from the vessel represents the energies flowing from the Mental, Buddhic and Atmic realms. These are just some of the higher dimensions operating above the personality level. Collectively, these three dimensions are represented by the pail held by the Water Bearer from whence these energies flow, and the Water Bearer as the Higher Christ Self within each individual.

The New Age or the Aquarian Age can be interpreted as the "second-coming" of Christ, for His sign (Aquarius) shall appear or is appearing in the sky in an astronomical sense; he "appears" in the clouds or energies of the New Age, and every eye shall "see" him--that is, feel his influence.

How can we appreciate the value of metaphysics? It takes careful study and analysis with a non-prejudicial mind before a true evaluation can be made of any science or thing. Metaphysics is of no exception. The problem is that too many people have preconceived the nature of metaphysics without having investigated the matter. Some consider it as the science of Lucifer or other such nonsense. All knowledge is essentially neutral in nature. Nothing is good or bad in itself. We attribute a thing as good or bad, right or wrong from the standpoint of our own moral standards or preference and this is constantly changing in consonance with the level of our spiritual awareness.

Metaphysical teachings help us in various ways. It teaches us the existence of the many Cosmic laws operating in the universe and how these laws function in the world of beings. If understanding just a simple Cosmic law like karma helps one to correct misconceptions and alleviate our struggles, and relieve certain psychological pain, can you imagine how the awareness and understanding of a dozen Cosmic laws would help improve the quality and value of one's life? It should be realized that if a person were to cry out in pain to God for an explanation to all of her problems and excruciating experiences, and that if she were confused and at a loss of knowing how to react or respond to certain situations, then it should be known that there are possible errors in that person's philosophy of life, in that person's understanding of the functions and laws of the universe, and the purpose of life, or of the person's personal mission. Since one's philosophy of life is associated with one's cultural and religious beliefs, then those beliefs should be looked into for possible false notions and dogmatic errors that do not reflect the workings of Nature.

True religion brings joy, bliss, understanding and wisdom to the heart, and is scientifically inclined. If it does not do so, and if it simply causes one to believe a thing without offering personal determination of its truth through experience, knowledge and understanding then it may be seen as a diversion from the true spiritual path. We state emphatically here that to be religious is not synonymous to being spiritual. A spiritual person may be religious, but a religious person is not always spiritual. A spiritual person knows whereas a religious person simply possesses faith, which at times may be expressed blindly in the condition called fanaticism.

In metaphysics we develop power, intelligence and wisdom. Wisdom is a blend of knowledge, understanding, and experience directed by the buddhic principle of love--unconditional love. It is thinking with the heart and feeling with the mind. This distinguishes the higher metaphysical development of spirituality from the lower metaphysical unfoldment of psychicism. In a lower metaphysical development we may solely possess psychic ability or power but no wisdom and understanding to use it. We unfold in an unbalanced way. When power exceeds the wisdom to apply it, the seeds of self-destruction is inherent and might be the probable outcome. Advanced metaphysicians have all three aspects of divinity in full development or unfolding in a balanced and harmonious way, these three are: the aspects of love/wisdom, power/will, and intelligence/activity.

The more Cosmic laws and truths we apprehend with our souls and apply in our every day lives, the more spiritual, divine, and powerful we become. The more we purify ourselves from all the dross and toxins in our energy-structures, and the more we liberate ourselves from preconceived human mortal limitations, the more we are able to access divine energies and express our divinity, or our divine attributes. We are able to manifest our Christ Self. The term "Christ Self" should be understood as a component within the microcosm, or Man--both visible and invisible, and as the True Self functioning at a certain consciousness level beyond personality functions and expressions. In metaphysics Christ is not conceived as a historical person but rather understood from a mystical and mythical standpoint. Christ is often apprehended as a state of awareness of man functioning at a spiritual level. This is real power: the power derived from one's own spiritual knowing, awareness and being. Most of the so-called powers claimed by some psychics are borrowed from disembodied entities and are basically illusory and impermanent. Such temporal and borrowed powers in the end may seek to control and obsess the person using them. This is one reason that one should be aware of the dangers in psychicism before embarking upon its development. It is always safer to first develop true spirituality and the taming of the false ego. The injunction is to first seek the kingdom of God that all things shall be added unto us.

In metaphysics we come to learn of many teachings of Cosmic laws and principles that aid us to deal with life, to master our lower self and express all that is divine in us. This is true mastery. The word Master does not mean being able to control Nature or others, it is the ability to effectively work in cooperation with Her and with our fellow man in creating harmony, peace, and abundance in our world, in our shared reality, in our conjoined dream. Real Masters are those who have mastered the animalistic and humanistic elements of their being and are now expressing their god-hood. Cosmic or Ascended Masters do not generally consider themselves as Masters for they realize that they themselves are in a state of learning. Such is their humility.

    Copyright © 2006 Luxamore       

Thursday, May 18, 2017


What is metaphysics, and why should we bother studying it? What benefits does it have for humanity? What is its purpose? How will its teachings help advance society? How will it assist our civilization and culture to progress? How will our lives be re-created individually and collectively with the application of metaphysical principles? Questions abound concerning metaphysics, for people intuitively feel that it may have something precious to offer in terms of facilitating personal growth and self-empowerment.

Among those spiritually inclined, it has become a "prime directive" to understanding their lives in terms of metaphysical principles and concepts such as multi-dimensional realities, the Higher Self, love, karma, reincarnation, etheric energies, psychicism, oneness with all, cosmic beings, the ascension, etc., and some of the causes of this higher thinking and awareness is the thinning of the cosmic veil between dimensions; the increased contact with invisible forces; the influence of intense electromagnetic cosmic energies bombarding upon our planet and solar system at this time; the influx of higher spiritual beings incarnating in the physical realm; the discoveries of many ancient secrets left hidden in monumental structures and time capsules; scientific developments in hyper-space technologies, and shifts in its paradigms, etc.

All of these are occurring on a global scale, in every nation of this planet, and it is affecting every human being. So it would seem that humanity is awakening from its long sleep of forgetfulness and ignorance. The Tree of Life of immortality, enlightenment, and illumination will be found hidden in the seeds of the Tree of metaphysical knowledge--using the word "metaphysics" in its most spiritual, gnostic sense.

For thousands of years we have sought for truth, and most of the time from the wrong persons and in the wrong places--what we received were man-made opinions and beliefs which were forced upon our minds to be accepted as the "word of God," or the way that Nature had decreed, and that there is nothing that anyone can do to change it. While in our infancy, physically and spiritually speaking, we accepted everything told to us by organized religion, elders, and pedagogues as gospel and truth and we based our philosophy of life on the indoctrination imposed upon us and which subsequently formed our false sense of "conscience," and a poor understanding of spiritual values. This caused us great soulful sufferings and torment in succeeding years in our everyday life--an intense sense of shame, guilt, fear, and sin whenever we "violated" any so-called law of God formulated by theology; and it never occurred to us to question the systems, the mechanisms, and their origins that brought about our morbid condition. This naturally lowered our self-esteem. Conscience is not similar to the concept of the "still, small voice." The latter is the silent voice of the Spirit, whereas conscience in part, is simply the engrams or programs imprinted upon the subconscious mind. Conscience is also partially our memory of the negative consequences of our past actions impinging upon our conscious mind whenever we are about to act in a negative way resembling that of the past.

But to return from our digression: in past centuries we were told lies by false prophets and the ministers of religions that mediators between God and men were necessary; that theirs was the only way to God; that their race or sect were the chosen one of God; that everything that God would reveal to humanity lies in a single book; that God punishes us for sinning and perhaps in the afterlife casts us into hell; that illness, old-age, and death were a natural part of life; that one no longer receives any new revelation from God, etc. We were told to fear God, to see everything as separated from us, to believe that we were born in sin, that the sexual act is shameful, that we were simply mortals subjected to the whims of God for the determination of our fate, that we were inherently bad--and even more--that the world was flat! While at the same time heinous crimes against the Holy Human Spirit were being committed by those very same representatives of religions such as the crimes of persecution, torture, and murder of innocent human beings who simply were more spiritually and psychically inclined or conceived the universe from a different viewpoint--and all these atrocious acts were carried-out in the name of Religion, Love and God. The Crusades and the Inquisition are dark chapters in the history of man.

One of the points that we wish to put forth here is that since time began the dark, retrogressive forces have infiltrated or have tried infiltrating every institution that have sought to improve the condition of the soul, and the expression of the human spirit in our mundane lives. They have always opposed and attacked the true representatives of God and steered seekers of truth away from them. Their purpose is to stall human evolution and progression indefinitely, that human beings cringe and cower under their manipulative control, that humans be made into slaves and automatons answering to their every whim. They work openly and subtly, physically and psychically. They make us believe that we need them--their services and wares--and we are psychologically controlled to be dependent upon them and return to them again and again for their assistance--usually for a large fee or with some loss on our part. We will not be too specific here, we simply caution our readers to "be wary, be very, very wary!" Treading the spiritual metaphysical path will assist one to be more discerning as to the understanding of what is True and what is false, what is Real and what is illusory.

Generally speaking, a portion of humanity is now more experienced in the ways of men and the world than in bygone days, and they seek for that which will release them from all their mortal limitations and errors, from that Gorgon we call "the human ego," from concepts that bind one to personal illusions and glamour, and from that state of human mortality. Many of us are beginning to realize the existence of different dimensions and multifold realities. We seek ways for improving the human condition, for perfecting human expression, and the generation of a new type of Homo sapiens whose intelligence and heart matches those of the immortal gods.

Human beings are basically seekers. Some of us thirst for that which we know not what. The "curiosity instinct" impels every one of us to learn everything we can of our environment, of ourselves, of the universe, of Nature, and of God. What fascinates and intrigues us most are the phenomena caused by forces and powers that transcends the perceptual capacity of the physical senses and the apprehension of the human mind. Humanity is intensely interested in the Intelligence that shapes human destiny--whether this "Intelligence" be considered as a being, a force, a Universal Mind, an omnipresent energy, or a collective consciousness. People are seeking explanations to their "inexplicable" experiences in the field of psychicism and the paranormal. Such occurrences as coincidences or "synchronicity" also baffles the mind as it begs for enlightenment. Those of elderly years wonder what lies for them in the "after-life," as the youthful ones wonder of their place in this world. A questioning being is a thinking being and it denotes, whether consciously realized or not, as a desire to seek, to know, and to be aware of Truth. The curiosity instinct mentioned above could well be the primitive stirrings of the divine will of the highest aspect of Man seeking to be aware of Its essential nature. The teachings of the Ageless Wisdom as taught in metaphysical, esoteric, occult and arcane schools are filled with principles that would help us understand ourselves and our omniverse.

Humanity as a whole, is jaded and sickened by the constant wars and conflicts; with the materialistic and hedonistic life that do not offer any permanent peace and happiness or solutions to the various problems facing us as we approach a new millenium with its tremendous supernal and mundane challenges. Many seek for a more profound meaning in life, for they see through their mundane activities as a brittle illusory facade presenting itself as reality. We often ask "why am I here?" "why do I exist?" "where will I go from here?" Our present systems of religion, philosophy, and science offer no real solution, consolation, solace or comfort to our hearts and soul-search, instead they tend to mislead, confine, and circumscribe the soul and mind to a certain area of life; to a limited way of living and thinking; to a sense of separatism; to a dualistic judgmental attitude; to a sense of fear and helplessness; and to a state of external dependency--it especially confines man to a mortal sense of existence--and we say this not from a sense of judgment but from an observational standpoint.

Conversely, metaphysics as a repository of "New-Age" concepts, the Ageless Wisdom, divine energies, power-centers, and angelic and cosmic support, seek to liberate us from self-imposed limitations as it offers answers to questions that troubles the human soul. The soul loves freedom for freedom is ingrained in the soul. God gave man the liberty to choose, and this privilege should not be taken away from man by any being for it is a violation of the natural order of things.

Freedom may be considered as an instinct for it is to be found in animals as well. No creature enjoys being confined in a cage. Every creature love to be free and to express the genetic joy programmed in its DNA. Nature has granted all creatures their freedom of expression but some of us would impose our will upon Divine Will by creating cages of man-made laws and regulations that do not reflect the laws of Heaven. Man-made laws may easily be manipulated by the unscrupulous for their own heinous purposes. Crimes may be committed that are "lawful," that goes undisciplined in our courts of judgment. In the laws of our society, the innocents are often made to pay for the crimes of another. Where is the love (religion), and rationality (science), and justice (philosophy) in that?

We are writing intuitively here and our statements may be interpreted and applied in various ways. In fact, statements in our literary works may seem to lack any logical structure or sequence. They may appear to be non sequitur. Logic may appeal to the thinking mind, however it is more than conceptual reasoning that we have to develop. There are higher faculties of the soul that should be cultivated and made used of, such as intuition. The cliché "reading between the lines" may seem irrational to the scientific type and yet it is this particular mode of perception that has to be practiced as a spiritual stimulus to the Soul.

There are many scholarly definitions of metaphysics and they are all valid; however, for our purpose, without explaining metaphysics in an overly-academic way, let us say that metaphysics in its more modern connotation, deals with cosmic laws and principles, with unseen forces and powers influencing ourselves and the circumstances and conditions of our daily lives, and how we may take advantage of those laws and principles by re-directing them so as to improve our holistic lives for the better. Metaphysics teaches us how to harness and apply the cosmic power lying latent within us. In its most profound spiritual aspect metaphysics teaches us the nature of Reality and how we and Nature relate to it. Metaphysics instructs us how to harmonize ourselves with the Divine Plan of God, and it reveals the true purpose of life. Metaphysics, therefore, has a dual function: it helps us to improve our lives secularly now in this physical dimension, and it also prepares us for a glorious life in the higher cosmic realms. Actually, as seen from a spiritual perspective, life has no divisions: life is one, as it is continuous. There is no death only a constant change.

The application of certain metaphysical principles assists the acceleration of one's evolution and the quantum leap to a higher level of intelligence and spiritual awareness. We emphasize the word "application," for knowledge of principles or techniques alone is of no value. Knowledge of itself is not power, it is the application of knowledge that empowers one. Spiritually, it is not what we know or the psychic powers that we possess that counts, it is what we are. We know many people possessing a little knowledge or power feel themselves highly superior to their fellow men. This is arrogance and carries the seeds of peril. The saying that "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" is literally and evidently true; we can well understand how insufficient knowledge and a disregard for life may result in catastrophes. It was the cause of destruction of previous high-tech civilizations, historically unrecorded, as it is the cause of our present social, political, and ecological unrest.

To understand the above concept of incomplete knowledge, consider for instance the knowledge that we have to construct nuclear weapons--how much do we really know of the impact that it will have upon us and the universe should we choose to detonate one? We may presently believe that the effects of a nuclear blast be localized causing the exploded area to be radioactive for centuries to come. This is an obvious effect, but what about the not-so-obvious rippling, chain-reaction that it would cause in the physical and not-physical universes to the very end of our galaxy?

    Copyright © 2006 Luxamore        

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Harnessing the SUN for Your Home – Key Components

Using the power of the sun is becoming increasingly attractive from an economic and environmental aspect. If you’re going solar, you need to know the components.

Solar Components

While generally considered electric platforms, solar systems definitely have unique components. Here’s some of the jargon you are going to need to be familiar with before buying.

A photovoltaic (PV) module that is composed of...
A photovoltaic (PV) module that is composed of multiple PV cells. (
Photo credit: 

1. Photovoltaic Cell – This is the key piece of any solar platform. Known as a PV cell, it is typically a small cell containing a silicon substance under glass. When the sun hits the cell, the silicon undergoes an electrical reaction that creates a charge. The charge is collected by small wires. Depending on the nature of the cell, each should produce roughly half a volt.

2. Solar Panel – A collection of solar cells joined as a unit in a frame. A single panel typically is insufficient to produce enough energy to power anything of significance in your home.

3. Solar System – Also known as a photovoltaic system, a solar system is an interconnected set of solar panels. This is what you see on the roofs of home or other areas around homes and buildings. A solar system converts enough sunlight into electricity to provide most or all of the power required by a home.

4. Orientation – Before installing a panel system, one has to give some thought regarding where to put it. The sun tracks across a structure in a particular way. To maximize the energy production, the panels have to be oriented to receive the maximum amount of sunlight. This, of course, results in the maximum amount of electricity.

5. Direct Current – A type of electricity that flows in only one direction. Solar cells produce direct current electricity.

6. Alternating Current – Electricity that flows in both directions. AC power is used by utilities and in practically all appliances and machines in a home.

7. Inverter – A key component in a solar panel system. The inverter converts the direct current produced by the solar panels into AC power that can be used in the home or fed back into a utility power grid system.

Obviously, there are a wide variety of systems for converting sunlight into power. Making yourself familiar with the above components is a good place to start.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

SHAMANISM As a Path of Transformation

Traditionally, shamanic practices are rooted in small communities and tribal societies that lived a primarily pre-modern life. While all shamanic cultures are most likely not expressions of the idyllic state of oneness with nature that is commonly portrayed, it is at least safe to say that shamanic cultures were certainly much more in tune with and nature-based than typical modern society. 

Shamanistic elements also can be traced back to virtually every religious and spiritual tradition, including the more widely-practiced monotheistic traditions of today. This is not to say that every religion or spiritual tradition is shamanic, but that there are common elements and practices inherent to these traditions that have roots in these older ways of relating to and understanding the world.

Shamans from several cultures at Shamanic Teac...
Shamans from several cultures at Shamanic Teachings in the Netherlands. Shamans are (from left to right): Ayako Goh from Singapore, Haka-teacher Klaus Wintersteller, Maori matakite Wai Turoa Morgan, Jew Orna Ralston, Aztec indian Nopaltzin, Siberian shaman Ahamkara, Afro-Cuban sangoma Elliott Rivera, North-American chief and medicinman Dancing Thunder
(Photo credit: 

As small, earth-oriented societies began to condense, diversify, and eventually move towards more stationary, technologically-focused and complex systems, shamanism went through a similar transformation. The traditional role of the community's shaman was multifaceted: healer, sage, priest, ceremonialist; and sometimes political chief and war leader. These roles were not always held in concert by a single person or practitioner, but often the scope of the shaman's duties was to fulfill several of these various functions. The movement away from small communities to larger societies began to unravel these once unified roles into separate, specialized positions. Today we see these same needs being satisfied through a number of more refined roles: doctors, therapists, religious or spiritual leaders, and so on.

Shamanism has never truly been replaced or lost, however. It is a nicely packaged misapprehension that shamanistic practices and traditions are relics of the past. As already mentioned, there are traces of shamanism in the most widely recognized religions of today. In many places around the world there are active, historically rooted traditions that continue to serve communities and individuals. Moreover, and especially over the last several decades, shamanism has also seen a rise in popularity among traditionally non-shamanic, Western people. There are many avenues and expressions of shamanism still operating beyond the thin veneer of materialism upheld by modern Western culture. Some of them do exist in the far reaches of the world, and some are right smack in the backyard of this urban madness.

It would be more accurate to say that Western culture has gone through a process of losing its shamanic roots. The evidence that people are scrambling to get them back is apparent. There is an undercurrent of dissatisfaction and spiritual longing that seems to come hand-in-hand with the growth of modern society. Essentially, this is a crisis of meaning that points towards a deepening loss of identity, authenticity, and genuine spiritual connection. This meaninglessness could be acknowledged as both symptom and sickness -- a self-perpetuating, illusive and illusory spiritual emergency that leads its sufferers towards any number of possible outlets that promise answers and resolutions to the crisis.

One of these outlets is, or has become, shamanism. People come to shamanic practices looking for something that's missing. They are looking to solve the riddle of their life, to have the emptiness inside finally filled with something that makes sense, with something that makes them feel like they are alive again. They want purpose. Meaning. Or they come just as people have for millennia: to heal any and all illnesses sourced in any and all dimensions -- physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual.

People often look to shamanism as a way to help them live more fulfilled lives. But these needs and perceived deficiencies are not uniquely answered or sought after through shamanic means. Indeed, these questions are at the root of spiritual seeking itself. A devout Christian or Buddhist would undoubtedly find answers in their respective traditions. But for people who have no religious pedigree; or for those whose spiritual inheritance has proved to be arid, what choices do they have?

I know this path because I walked it. I still do. And the more people I see treading the shamanic current, the more I see how pervasive this longing for authenticity really is. How deeply people suffer for lack of meaning and purpose in life. How the fantasies of modernity have betrayed people. Sure, there are those that fit snugly into their seat, with seatback pockets nicely tucked, seatbelts on and tray tables secured. But there are many who just can't sit still. They stir. They writhe. They want to know. Is this real? Is there something more? Does magic exist? Where is Spirit?

Shamanism is not the answer to everybody's perils. It is not a panacea. But there is something that is peculiarly transformative about the shamanic path. This hearkens back to the role traditional shamans held. There were typically only one or a small number of practitioners that served a group or community. The training that was required of a young apprentice to grow into a fully functioning and capable shaman has been described in many ways, but it is usually said to be a path that brings you face to face with life and death. This is not just a metaphor; the student shaman went through the deepest trenches of darkness, death, hell, and sickness in order to ascend into realms of light, healing, medicine and knowledge. Usually this process took several years. Many times a student shaman would face a near-death experience at the beginning of or during their training.

Unlike the way that some contemporary people idealize shamans and shamanism, this was not necessarily a sought after vocation traditionally. There are many anthropological accounts describing the tremendous resistance and fear that new apprentices would cling to when their time came. They knew what was coming: a level of change and transformation that was going to require them to put everything on the line, leaving no stone, thought, fear, or desire unturned. Despite the gravity of the responsibility and sacrifice required, if undertaken with courage and determination, the outcome was inevitable transformation.

This kind of traditional training was very intense and all-encompassing. It required your entirety, and it changed your entirety. And it didn't and still doesn't necessarily change an initiate "for the better"; towing the line and having your integrity and duality tested is built into the path. There is no guarantee sainthood. There is no ingrained pedestal. Full-on shamanic training was and remains to be a serious and perilous path. But it is a path that changes you.

In physical and social environments that are already embedded with an active shamanic tradition, it wasn't necessary for everyone to go through the rigors of initiation and training. However, the services of the ones who did were not only available but an integral part of the social, spiritual, familial, mythological and personal lives of everyone who participated in society. The society itself was setup so that shamans were supported such that the mutual support from the shaman was offered to the society. All parties benefited.

Today, we don't have this kind of social structure that enables an apprentice or seeker to endure a traditional learning experience. Modern, urban society doesn't support it. The path isn't naturally lain. It has to be forged, the trail blazed. To go the traditional route, you would have to find yourself in the jungles of South America, somewhere in Central Asia, or amongst a tribe in North America. For most, this sort of committed pilgrimage isn't a very viable option either. For many, it feeds a deeply-rooted fantasy and longing that gets to the heart of what's really gone amiss. Hence, although intimately nostalgic, this "old path" may not be an option at all, and is certainly not the way it's imagined to be in storybooks. By definition, traditional training scenarios don't actually exist in the modern scene. Which brings us back full circle to the original impulse that craves some kind of return to the ancient and magical.

But this may not be what's needed. Perhaps ditching the modern world and life as you know it -- although it can certainly seem like a brilliant idea at times -- is not what's being appealed to. This is not what's really drawing seekers towards shamanism. Perhaps what draws people to the way of the shaman is the transformation that's offered. The power to change. To really change, and grow, and transform; not just fantasize about it while telling yourself you are going to do it. But to really harness the innate capacity for change that life offers you. Life is already a transformative experience. Your body changes. Your mind changes. How you think and what you know about the world changes. Life experience transforms you. You don't have to do anything special. You will change as you experience time. Shamanism can be looked at as a way to guide this process, to harmonize with the natural transformative flow of life.

So perhaps this calling is not to "become shamans" in the traditional sense, but to redefine what life means through shamanistic experience and practice. The way I like to see shamanism is not as a spiritual practice, but as a life practice. It is a way of being, a way of living life and exploring everything that life has to offer. Ultimately shamans are explorers and guides: of other realms, of consciousness, of the mind, body and spirit, and of the environment. And the environment around you is your life. You don't need a different life to deepen the experience of and find meaning in the one you already have. Shamanistic skills, tools, ceremonies and other forms of practice can provide you with a platform from which to engage your life that can ultimately solve the riddle. Not because you are going to get the answer, and live in a "New Age of Love and Light" fantasy -- but because there will be meaning in what you are doing. There will be clarity and consciousness in your thoughts and actions. There will be connection to your spirit and a world of spirit around you.

At the end of the big show, the quest for fulfillment is not found in the adoption of an identity attached to some external "thing". Fulfillment can't be consumed into being. It is not "shamanism" or "yoga" or "being spiritual" or "Burning Man" that fulfills you. Fulfillment is a mystical art, rooted within you that blossoms out into the world as you express what it is that you truly mean. Finding meaning is the true path, the calling for authenticity that hails you. This could manifest as anything. Being a gardener. An artist. A parent, friend, or teacher. It could be as healer. An athlete. A writer. Anything.

If it is a shamanistic calling -- then by all means, there are multitudes of transformational tools excitedly dancing their dance, waiting for you. Not because of anything else other than just: that is what they do. Spirits, journeys, other worlds, means of healing and purging and releasing, access to knowledge, access to spiritual resources, explorations of consciousness... But if it is not a shamanistic calling, and you find yourself groping into these realms because there is something missing, something that you are looking for... Then your true path awaits you not in the crafting of an illusory mesa or practice, but in the quest for authenticity and meaning. The quest to honestly discover what it is that lives you, as you live life.

But remember... this comes at a price. The price for meaning and authenticity is your delusion and fantasy. It gets really real... really, really real when you jump that ship and wander into the depths of who and what you truly are.

    By Matt Toussaint
    Matt Toussaint has been studying and training in shamanism for the last 12 years. He offers a unique blend of traditional and modern practices, incorporating the best of what he knows as a way share and explore the shamanistic path of healing, empowerment and transformation. For more information about Matt and what he offers, please visit:

    Or email him at:
    Article Source: EzineArticles

Monday, May 15, 2017

NORSE RUNE Thorn Has Power to Protect You From Cell Tower Vibrations

Cell phone tower in Oregon.
Cell phone tower in Oregon.
(Photo credit: 
Rune Power of Thorn

In our high technological, politically correct society that we live in, not only have we lost our spirituality, but we have lost faith in anything we cannot measure. If we cannot see it, feel it, touch it or smell it then for this spiritually dead society it does not exist.

How woefully wrong! There are unseen powers in the Universe that put the childish machines of man to shame.

One of these powers is the power of the runes. Runes are keys to the universal creative powers. They are truly infinite in power and only when they are harnessed through one of the runic symbols can they be used by man for his betterment and protection.

Each rune is a key to a individual functional energy. One of the most powerful of all the runes is Thorn. It is the rune of Protection.

The person who wears of invokes the Rune Thorn is protected from any energy that would be harmful to his well being. It is the Rune of Protection from all harm.

Another side effect of this highly technological society, is that a lot of it is dangerous and harmful to man. The Cell Phone Towers at the present time leads the list of harmful technological inventions.

There are screams from thousands of people all over the country, "Don't put that Cell tower HERE!"

But the government as well as the powers that be steam roll over them saying there is no proof that radio frequency emissions are harmful to humans. But there are many studies that prove otherwise.

Doctors in Australia and New Zealand have found that children living near cell towers have twice the rate of Leukemia. Biomedical engineers say exposure to cell phone towers leads to vibroacousitc diseases. These low levels of radiation lead to damaged cell tissue and DNA, depression etc.

ENOUGH! We do not need any more proof. What is one answer? Answer! The Rune Thorn. Rune Thorn is one of those mystical creative energies that blocks out the vibration of Cell Tower frequencies.

A friend of mine, a professional Kineseologist, and his friend went up to a big Cell tower. He asked his friend to point at the tower, which he did. He easily forced his friend's arm down to his side with his muscle testing technique. Cell towers weaken humans.

Then he handed his friend the wood rune Thorn, which was hand made. His friend held it in his left hand and pointed once again at the Cell tower.

This time, the kineseologist could not budge his friend's arm down one inch, using all his strength. This is the muscle testing technique that tells you whether a substance or an object held in one hand makes the body stronger or weaker.

Don't believe what He did? He was using the Power of the rune Thorn. Then try his muscle testing technique with the Rune Thorn yourself. I always carry the rune Thorn on me now and I have four Thorn Runes attached to the North, South, East and Western sides of my house.

Did you ever hear about this following story? If you did not it is because the Media won't write about it. It is the story of an Aborigine Shaman in Australia who caused a passenger jet to change it's course and force land because it was flying over a sacred ground. He did it with the power of his mind.

What did Shakespeare say about there being more things on Heaven and Earth? The invisible power of the Runes is Awesome. Use them for protection.

    Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator".

    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chase away the Blahs with YOGA

Yoga is a great disposition enhancer and it does it naturally.  Any kind of exercise releases hormones that help ease the stress that often leads to the blahs, blues, or outright depression.  Activity keeps your mind far from negative thoughts and allows you to gain insight on dilemmas in your life.  People who are depressed or “down” often lack the stimulus to exercise.  It doesn’t take near as much effort to do a Yoga routine as it does to work out to a video or drive to the gym.  A word of warning; if you experience more than just the occasional bout of the blahs and feel down for more than two weeks at a time, you should seek professional help.  They may feel that you need treatment or therapy, and proper exercise.  

A yoga class.
A yoga class. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Very often people who are depressed frequently lack the concentration to stop and try to disconnect themselves from their thoughts.  Yoga is meditation in movement so it is easier to move your mind away from depressing thoughts.  Yoga’s focus on balance can also help you bring back your mental strength.

Yoga has a clear-cut connection between mind, body, and spirit that no other form of exercise or meditation can attain on its own.  Negative thoughts can keep us from experiencing our vital inner nature.  Doubt, hopelessness, despair, apathy and either sleeping too much or not enough are all signs of depression.  Yoga is designed to bring you closer to your inner self; it then is only natural that it can help with some of the symptoms of depression.  

Certain postures can influence your mood and allow depression to end.  One special Asana can’t cure depression or the blahs.  The Asanas assist in increasing your lung capacity allowing more oxygen to reach all the affected parts of your body including your mood.  Asana postures can help depleted energy levels, and sluggishness.  You should ask your Yoga instructor to help you and suggest postures that would best assist you balance your moods.

The practice of yoga calms the nervous system, and allows you to comprehend the link between your mind and emotions. They can both be used to help each other.  As breathing is an important part of Yoga, it can also help you to limit anxiety, calm your thoughts, and help you concentrate on positive energy rather than negative.

Any style of Yoga can help you exile the blahs.   It may not be physically demanding but you will feel so much better at the end of your session.  Remember, if you have a severe depressive episode; seek advice from with a professional.  Consult with your Doctor before starting to practice yoga to be sure there is no conflict with any treatment you may be undergoing.  If you want to try a Yoga routine specifically for depression, find a teacher who can create a personal routine for you.  Yoga teachers have been extensively trained for this purpose and know which positions that are the most suitable for remedial purposes.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Stress can cause many changes to our lives. It is known as the number one cause for many health issues. Relaxation is something we all need in our lives. Yet, stress can cause us many problems, making it difficult to find relaxation.  

With all the things going on around us, relaxation is hard to find at times. When we do not have resources that guide us to relaxation the body feels stressed and tense. The muscles tense, which the elastic joints feel weak and these joints cannot do its intended job.

The meditating monk
The meditating monk
(Photo credit: 

We lose the much, needed sleep that we all need to be able to get up the next morning and go about another day of activities. Without a good restful sleep, we have a hard time making good decisions and judgments.

There are many ways to help relieve stress but it takes time to teach our minds and bodies to learn the techniques. The brain has to be taught new things before they will help us.  Learning to relieve stress means to teach the brain by practicing everyday.

Candles are a good way to relax. Just setting candles out and lighting the throughout the house is very soothing and does a good job decorating the home as well. Light candles in the bathroom when you go in to take a bath and soak in the tub while you meditate.  Dream about things you’ve always wanted to do or places you’d like to go.

Herbs are another good way to relax. Many different herbs out will help you with many health issues including relieving stress to succeed to relaxation. Be sure you know what herbs your taking and if not sure talk to a professional before starting to take herbs supplements.

Meditation is good to practice learning in order to get the relaxation that we need.  Meditating is a learning process and has to be practiced everyday. When meditating you will need to be off somewhere, you can be alone and in a quiet area.  Materials to learn how to meditate can be bought anywhere that videos, books and CD’s are sold.

Writing a journal is helpful when your trying to relieve stress and when the stress lets up relaxation will come easier. Keep a journal for each day on all the things that has stressed you out that day.  Once your finished reread it and look for changes that you can make your days look brighter. Sometimes when you’ve reread your journal for the day it will look funny and silly to you the second time around.

Get involved in an exercise class. We all can use a little exercise 2 or 3 times a week.  Exercising is good for our health as well as relaxing. If you don’t want to join a class, find you a partner to walk with for 20 or 30 minutes a couple of time a week.  You will notice that having a partner makes it more fun and relaxing to you. You’ll begin to look forward to socializing with your friend and getting out of the house.

Try out a massage mat with sound effects. These come in different sizes from a pillow to a body size. They vibrate, have heaters in them to relieve the joint pains you might be having, some have MP3’s with speakers in them to help relax just make sure that it is soft quiet music. By using the remote, you can turn it on, off, or make whatever adjustments you feel you want.

Try of the relaxation guides you might find one that works for you.  Have fun and enjoy.  

Friday, May 12, 2017


Preceptos de Reiki
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Healing for most people requires a lot of energy use. You will need to have a clear mind free of any worries or problems that are going on in your life. You can use meditation or visual imagery to help you relax. Breathing is always the best way to help you relax. Have a steady rhythmical breathing. On the inhale, imagine a pure white light coming into your body. On the exhale, visualize all negativity leaving your body. Send this negative energy into the ground so it can be neutralized. 

Washing your hands and visualizing negative energy going down the drain helps. You can also use bells or chimes to help cleanse the auric field. Many other ways to clean an aura are burning incense, ask for protection and cleansing, rub Frankincense on your hands and wipe it around the auric field, and call for the Universal Energy to help you. You can use these suggestions or in your practice, you may find something else that works equally well. Use that. There is no wrong in Reiki.

If you follow your intuition, that is all you need. No matter how much you want to help someone else, always take care of yourself first. Empathic people use their own energies and end up feeling drained and weak afterwards. This also makes you vulnerable to illness and any negative energies that are floating around out there. Direct the Reiki with your mind an use your hands as vessels to carry the energy to the other person. Let your intent be to help heal the person or to take away some of their pain. Intent is the most important thing in Reiki. Always have good intentions concerning yourself or your patients. Most importantly, practice the Reiki daily to keep yourself strong so you can help others.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Mathematics of ORIGAMI

English: This illustrates Maekawa's Theorem in...
This illustrates Maekawa's Theorem in
the mathematics of paper folding.
(Photo credit: 
If you have ever held a piece of origami in your hand you have in all probability been at least tempted to open it just to see how the folding was done. The geometry involved in the piece is something you could easily see in the creases displayed on the opened paper.

Scientists and artists have studied these geometric aspects as well as origamists and mathematicians. Mathematicians throughout time have developed ways to use geometry to define origami; they have designed highly sophisticated models using fundamental theorems. They have studied and found amazing similarities between tessellations and origami (tessellations is the name for a figure comprised of a shape that is repeated over and over again with no gaps or overlap when fitted to a flat surface).  Teachers around the world have used origami to teach different concepts in chemistry, physics and architecture as well as math.

Origami construction is defined as the folding of paper using the raw edges, points of the paper and any creases or points subsequently created by those folds.  The folded paper is seen as both an art piece and a geometric form.  The folds produce varying sizes of triangles, rectangles and other shapes.  A single fold can bisect and angle twice or as in the case of a reverse fold, make 4 triangles at once.

When the first steps to making a figure are applied to other figures, resulting in a number of figures having common shapes, the common shapes are called bases.  There are several established bases such as the bird, the kite, the windmill and the water-bomb to name a few.   Modern origami relies heavily on these existing bases alone and in combination when designing new figures.  As an example the kite base is used to make quite a few of the different zoo animals.

Studying the creases of existing models has led to the creation of many new models.  These creases show definite patterns of triangles, rectangles and other shapes.  The geometric study of the crease lines over the last twenty-five years has paved the way for the discovery of new bases.  Not all designs are combinations or parts of other bases; some like the box pleat are completely original.

Some origamists saw the base as a set of areas each independent of the other differing only in their length and arrangement.  With this in mind they went on to develop computer programs that are capable of doing all the math necessary to generate crease patterns for any base from a given length and area arrangement.   With the aid of computer programs using intricate mathematical theorems origami has become as much a puzzle as a piece of art.

Mathematical origamists are now designing more and more complex, realistic models still sticking to the simple rule of one sheet of paper with no cuts.  These programs are also used to solve problems involving getting large pieces of paper folded to fit a specific sized flat surface.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

NATURAL CURE For Toenail Fungus

Fungus Toenail 0086
Fungus Toenail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a real slow process for finding a natural cure for toenail fungus. As a matter of fact a lot of people have had to suffer with the fungus and were left to try and find some type of home remedy to treat toenail fungus. Even though there are pills you can take for treatment there are some side effects that can take place such as liver damage. It really doesn't make any sense to take medication for one thing and have it to cause you other problems you never had. No wander so many people are willing to try home remedies and over the counter products.

The truth is no one nor has any company ever taken the time to try and find a cure for nail fungus. Simply because it is not considered to be life threatening. People are not willing nor should they risk liver damage to rid themselves of the problem. Even though it is a unpleasant sight to see it is just not worth the risk. There are some companies who saw a need for people with fungus problem and decided to do something to help these people out by finding a treatment for toe nail fungus. Yet, people still find it hard to put their trust in such companies.

When you are searching for a treatment be sure the product has the essential oils and extracts that come from plants. The reason you want oils from plants is the plants already have the potential to fight off fungus. Applying the oils directly to the infected area will help you get rid of toe nail fungus. A good natural cure for toe nail fungus that is extracted from plants is called tea tree oil. 

You apply the tea tree oil directly to the nail, then it gets in under your nail and kill toenail fungus. This will allow you to re grow those healthy nails you once had. You may be wandering if this treatment will work for you. Since there are know known cures for it, you will never know unless you try.