Monday, May 15, 2017

NORSE RUNE Thorn Has Power to Protect You From Cell Tower Vibrations

Cell phone tower in Oregon.
Cell phone tower in Oregon.
(Photo credit: 
Rune Power of Thorn

In our high technological, politically correct society that we live in, not only have we lost our spirituality, but we have lost faith in anything we cannot measure. If we cannot see it, feel it, touch it or smell it then for this spiritually dead society it does not exist.

How woefully wrong! There are unseen powers in the Universe that put the childish machines of man to shame.

One of these powers is the power of the runes. Runes are keys to the universal creative powers. They are truly infinite in power and only when they are harnessed through one of the runic symbols can they be used by man for his betterment and protection.

Each rune is a key to a individual functional energy. One of the most powerful of all the runes is Thorn. It is the rune of Protection.

The person who wears of invokes the Rune Thorn is protected from any energy that would be harmful to his well being. It is the Rune of Protection from all harm.

Another side effect of this highly technological society, is that a lot of it is dangerous and harmful to man. The Cell Phone Towers at the present time leads the list of harmful technological inventions.

There are screams from thousands of people all over the country, "Don't put that Cell tower HERE!"

But the government as well as the powers that be steam roll over them saying there is no proof that radio frequency emissions are harmful to humans. But there are many studies that prove otherwise.

Doctors in Australia and New Zealand have found that children living near cell towers have twice the rate of Leukemia. Biomedical engineers say exposure to cell phone towers leads to vibroacousitc diseases. These low levels of radiation lead to damaged cell tissue and DNA, depression etc.

ENOUGH! We do not need any more proof. What is one answer? Answer! The Rune Thorn. Rune Thorn is one of those mystical creative energies that blocks out the vibration of Cell Tower frequencies.

A friend of mine, a professional Kineseologist, and his friend went up to a big Cell tower. He asked his friend to point at the tower, which he did. He easily forced his friend's arm down to his side with his muscle testing technique. Cell towers weaken humans.

Then he handed his friend the wood rune Thorn, which was hand made. His friend held it in his left hand and pointed once again at the Cell tower.

This time, the kineseologist could not budge his friend's arm down one inch, using all his strength. This is the muscle testing technique that tells you whether a substance or an object held in one hand makes the body stronger or weaker.

Don't believe what He did? He was using the Power of the rune Thorn. Then try his muscle testing technique with the Rune Thorn yourself. I always carry the rune Thorn on me now and I have four Thorn Runes attached to the North, South, East and Western sides of my house.

Did you ever hear about this following story? If you did not it is because the Media won't write about it. It is the story of an Aborigine Shaman in Australia who caused a passenger jet to change it's course and force land because it was flying over a sacred ground. He did it with the power of his mind.

What did Shakespeare say about there being more things on Heaven and Earth? The invisible power of the Runes is Awesome. Use them for protection.

    Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his wife Lory and dog Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He is the inventor of the simple radionics device called "The Nordic Ond Orgone Generator".

    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Chase away the Blahs with YOGA

Yoga is a great disposition enhancer and it does it naturally.  Any kind of exercise releases hormones that help ease the stress that often leads to the blahs, blues, or outright depression.  Activity keeps your mind far from negative thoughts and allows you to gain insight on dilemmas in your life.  People who are depressed or “down” often lack the stimulus to exercise.  It doesn’t take near as much effort to do a Yoga routine as it does to work out to a video or drive to the gym.  A word of warning; if you experience more than just the occasional bout of the blahs and feel down for more than two weeks at a time, you should seek professional help.  They may feel that you need treatment or therapy, and proper exercise.  

A yoga class.
A yoga class. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Very often people who are depressed frequently lack the concentration to stop and try to disconnect themselves from their thoughts.  Yoga is meditation in movement so it is easier to move your mind away from depressing thoughts.  Yoga’s focus on balance can also help you bring back your mental strength.

Yoga has a clear-cut connection between mind, body, and spirit that no other form of exercise or meditation can attain on its own.  Negative thoughts can keep us from experiencing our vital inner nature.  Doubt, hopelessness, despair, apathy and either sleeping too much or not enough are all signs of depression.  Yoga is designed to bring you closer to your inner self; it then is only natural that it can help with some of the symptoms of depression.  

Certain postures can influence your mood and allow depression to end.  One special Asana can’t cure depression or the blahs.  The Asanas assist in increasing your lung capacity allowing more oxygen to reach all the affected parts of your body including your mood.  Asana postures can help depleted energy levels, and sluggishness.  You should ask your Yoga instructor to help you and suggest postures that would best assist you balance your moods.

The practice of yoga calms the nervous system, and allows you to comprehend the link between your mind and emotions. They can both be used to help each other.  As breathing is an important part of Yoga, it can also help you to limit anxiety, calm your thoughts, and help you concentrate on positive energy rather than negative.

Any style of Yoga can help you exile the blahs.   It may not be physically demanding but you will feel so much better at the end of your session.  Remember, if you have a severe depressive episode; seek advice from with a professional.  Consult with your Doctor before starting to practice yoga to be sure there is no conflict with any treatment you may be undergoing.  If you want to try a Yoga routine specifically for depression, find a teacher who can create a personal routine for you.  Yoga teachers have been extensively trained for this purpose and know which positions that are the most suitable for remedial purposes.

Saturday, May 13, 2017


Stress can cause many changes to our lives. It is known as the number one cause for many health issues. Relaxation is something we all need in our lives. Yet, stress can cause us many problems, making it difficult to find relaxation.  

With all the things going on around us, relaxation is hard to find at times. When we do not have resources that guide us to relaxation the body feels stressed and tense. The muscles tense, which the elastic joints feel weak and these joints cannot do its intended job.

The meditating monk
The meditating monk
(Photo credit: 

We lose the much, needed sleep that we all need to be able to get up the next morning and go about another day of activities. Without a good restful sleep, we have a hard time making good decisions and judgments.

There are many ways to help relieve stress but it takes time to teach our minds and bodies to learn the techniques. The brain has to be taught new things before they will help us.  Learning to relieve stress means to teach the brain by practicing everyday.

Candles are a good way to relax. Just setting candles out and lighting the throughout the house is very soothing and does a good job decorating the home as well. Light candles in the bathroom when you go in to take a bath and soak in the tub while you meditate.  Dream about things you’ve always wanted to do or places you’d like to go.

Herbs are another good way to relax. Many different herbs out will help you with many health issues including relieving stress to succeed to relaxation. Be sure you know what herbs your taking and if not sure talk to a professional before starting to take herbs supplements.

Meditation is good to practice learning in order to get the relaxation that we need.  Meditating is a learning process and has to be practiced everyday. When meditating you will need to be off somewhere, you can be alone and in a quiet area.  Materials to learn how to meditate can be bought anywhere that videos, books and CD’s are sold.

Writing a journal is helpful when your trying to relieve stress and when the stress lets up relaxation will come easier. Keep a journal for each day on all the things that has stressed you out that day.  Once your finished reread it and look for changes that you can make your days look brighter. Sometimes when you’ve reread your journal for the day it will look funny and silly to you the second time around.

Get involved in an exercise class. We all can use a little exercise 2 or 3 times a week.  Exercising is good for our health as well as relaxing. If you don’t want to join a class, find you a partner to walk with for 20 or 30 minutes a couple of time a week.  You will notice that having a partner makes it more fun and relaxing to you. You’ll begin to look forward to socializing with your friend and getting out of the house.

Try out a massage mat with sound effects. These come in different sizes from a pillow to a body size. They vibrate, have heaters in them to relieve the joint pains you might be having, some have MP3’s with speakers in them to help relax just make sure that it is soft quiet music. By using the remote, you can turn it on, off, or make whatever adjustments you feel you want.

Try of the relaxation guides you might find one that works for you.  Have fun and enjoy.  

Friday, May 12, 2017


Preceptos de Reiki
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Healing for most people requires a lot of energy use. You will need to have a clear mind free of any worries or problems that are going on in your life. You can use meditation or visual imagery to help you relax. Breathing is always the best way to help you relax. Have a steady rhythmical breathing. On the inhale, imagine a pure white light coming into your body. On the exhale, visualize all negativity leaving your body. Send this negative energy into the ground so it can be neutralized. 

Washing your hands and visualizing negative energy going down the drain helps. You can also use bells or chimes to help cleanse the auric field. Many other ways to clean an aura are burning incense, ask for protection and cleansing, rub Frankincense on your hands and wipe it around the auric field, and call for the Universal Energy to help you. You can use these suggestions or in your practice, you may find something else that works equally well. Use that. There is no wrong in Reiki.

If you follow your intuition, that is all you need. No matter how much you want to help someone else, always take care of yourself first. Empathic people use their own energies and end up feeling drained and weak afterwards. This also makes you vulnerable to illness and any negative energies that are floating around out there. Direct the Reiki with your mind an use your hands as vessels to carry the energy to the other person. Let your intent be to help heal the person or to take away some of their pain. Intent is the most important thing in Reiki. Always have good intentions concerning yourself or your patients. Most importantly, practice the Reiki daily to keep yourself strong so you can help others.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Mathematics of ORIGAMI

English: This illustrates Maekawa's Theorem in...
This illustrates Maekawa's Theorem in
the mathematics of paper folding.
(Photo credit: 
If you have ever held a piece of origami in your hand you have in all probability been at least tempted to open it just to see how the folding was done. The geometry involved in the piece is something you could easily see in the creases displayed on the opened paper.

Scientists and artists have studied these geometric aspects as well as origamists and mathematicians. Mathematicians throughout time have developed ways to use geometry to define origami; they have designed highly sophisticated models using fundamental theorems. They have studied and found amazing similarities between tessellations and origami (tessellations is the name for a figure comprised of a shape that is repeated over and over again with no gaps or overlap when fitted to a flat surface).  Teachers around the world have used origami to teach different concepts in chemistry, physics and architecture as well as math.

Origami construction is defined as the folding of paper using the raw edges, points of the paper and any creases or points subsequently created by those folds.  The folded paper is seen as both an art piece and a geometric form.  The folds produce varying sizes of triangles, rectangles and other shapes.  A single fold can bisect and angle twice or as in the case of a reverse fold, make 4 triangles at once.

When the first steps to making a figure are applied to other figures, resulting in a number of figures having common shapes, the common shapes are called bases.  There are several established bases such as the bird, the kite, the windmill and the water-bomb to name a few.   Modern origami relies heavily on these existing bases alone and in combination when designing new figures.  As an example the kite base is used to make quite a few of the different zoo animals.

Studying the creases of existing models has led to the creation of many new models.  These creases show definite patterns of triangles, rectangles and other shapes.  The geometric study of the crease lines over the last twenty-five years has paved the way for the discovery of new bases.  Not all designs are combinations or parts of other bases; some like the box pleat are completely original.

Some origamists saw the base as a set of areas each independent of the other differing only in their length and arrangement.  With this in mind they went on to develop computer programs that are capable of doing all the math necessary to generate crease patterns for any base from a given length and area arrangement.   With the aid of computer programs using intricate mathematical theorems origami has become as much a puzzle as a piece of art.

Mathematical origamists are now designing more and more complex, realistic models still sticking to the simple rule of one sheet of paper with no cuts.  These programs are also used to solve problems involving getting large pieces of paper folded to fit a specific sized flat surface.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

NATURAL CURE For Toenail Fungus

Fungus Toenail 0086
Fungus Toenail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a real slow process for finding a natural cure for toenail fungus. As a matter of fact a lot of people have had to suffer with the fungus and were left to try and find some type of home remedy to treat toenail fungus. Even though there are pills you can take for treatment there are some side effects that can take place such as liver damage. It really doesn't make any sense to take medication for one thing and have it to cause you other problems you never had. No wander so many people are willing to try home remedies and over the counter products.

The truth is no one nor has any company ever taken the time to try and find a cure for nail fungus. Simply because it is not considered to be life threatening. People are not willing nor should they risk liver damage to rid themselves of the problem. Even though it is a unpleasant sight to see it is just not worth the risk. There are some companies who saw a need for people with fungus problem and decided to do something to help these people out by finding a treatment for toe nail fungus. Yet, people still find it hard to put their trust in such companies.

When you are searching for a treatment be sure the product has the essential oils and extracts that come from plants. The reason you want oils from plants is the plants already have the potential to fight off fungus. Applying the oils directly to the infected area will help you get rid of toe nail fungus. A good natural cure for toe nail fungus that is extracted from plants is called tea tree oil. 

You apply the tea tree oil directly to the nail, then it gets in under your nail and kill toenail fungus. This will allow you to re grow those healthy nails you once had. You may be wandering if this treatment will work for you. Since there are know known cures for it, you will never know unless you try.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017


Remember those Chinese martial art movies that feature monks with their heads shaved off? Well, those folks practice Buddhism which is a spiritual movement designed to make the person find the true nature of life. At the heart of this is meditation which is the means of making this possible. 

But to understand Buddhist Meditation, you have to know the Buddhism itself is centered on the Four Noble Truths. First, we have to realize that there is suffering in the world which happens because of our ignorance and our desires. When we do understand ourselves, we can finally find a way to end this suffering. Those who find the answer have reached a state of Nirvana.

English: Wood block print illustration of Budd...
Illustration of Buddhacinga, also known as Fotudeng (佛圖澄),
a monk who came to China to propagate the teachings of
Buddhism and Buddhist meditation.
(Photo credit: 

This then leads us to the core of Buddhist meditation which is the practice of the eight fold path. These virtues namely are the right action, right concentration, right effort, right livelihood, right mindfulness, right speech, right thought, and right view.

The proceedings of Buddhist Meditation are based on two things. The first is called “Samatha” which means tranquility and the second is called “Vipassana” which means mindfulness.

Let’s talk about this a little further. “Samatha” meditation involves a lot of breathing which is designed to develop concentration, detachment, equanimity and happiness. There are 40 samatha meditations and each teaches the mind to focus on a single object to produce various states of tranquility.

Vipassana meditation on the other hand develops self understanding by being able to comprehend the things that are going inside one’s head. By practicing this regularly, you will soon develop wisdom which makes you free from all suffering.

But do you have to be a follower of Buddhism in order to practice this kind of meditation? The answer is no even if this technique is based on the doctrines of this religion and revolves around concentration and mind control.

For those who would like to get into Buddhist meditation, the first thing you have to do is find a quiet place where you can do this without being disturbed. Next, get a nice soft pillow or cushion to sit on if the floor is not that comfortable for you.

Now, let your hands rest on your lap with the palms facing upward. It’s hard to stay in this position for 5 minutes or more so don’t be afraid to make a few slight adjustments. The important thing is that you are comfortable the way you are.

Then it is time to close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. Anybody can do this but there are 4 proper ways of doing it. You can inhale and exhale long, inhale and exhale short, inhale short and exhale long or inhale long and exhale short.

It will take some time before you get the hang of things. Don’t forget to relax all your muscles so your mind and body is able to act as one.

Buddhist meditation is just one of the many techniques around that can help relieve you from stress, make you think better to have a better outlook in life and do all sorts of things that will improve your overall physical health.

If you appreciate what Buddhist Meditation can do, you can already invest in cushions, prayer beads, incense and a few other accessories. It is optional so don’t think that just because they are not around that your experience is not a fruitful one.


Monday, May 8, 2017

Keys Of HUNG GAR KUNG FU Mastering

1. While polishing your technique you should never stick out your chest or stomach either when fighting or practicing. It stiffens your body and makes your movements awkward. As a result, you are losing control over your body. While practicing always make sure to keep your back bent outward and chest incurved. This is the right sign to distinguish between Kung Fu masters and Kung Fu athletes.

2. Despite the fact that the back should be a bit bent outward, you have to maintain the body centrality; by no means should the body be bent too much. Otherwise it will lose the balance, which can result in loss of equilibrium and steadiness, and make the outgoing energy weak. The back and pelvis must be in the same plane.

Championnat national du 13 & 14 juin 2009
Photo by kungfulyon

3. Bending your head down in fight is like blindfolding yourself, since with your head down you cannot fully control all the actions of your enemy. Moreover, it can lead you to losing the balance.

4. During the fight, your waist should be down. If it is not, it makes Qi to go upward and accumulate in the chest. This accumulation of Qi in the chest causes you to lose the steadiness; your movements will immediately become clumsy and awkward. A man with his Qi in lower Dan Tian can be compared to a weeble wobble, since it is virtually impossible to throw him down on the ground. Now, consider moving the load in the lower part of the weeble wobble upward; the slightest push would overturn the weeble wobble.

5. The hand is rounded in elbow and wrist.

6. Practicing, always make sure to perform movements correctly. Otherwise, you would get bad habits, which is rather harmful than advantageous. Mastering new techniques, you should always act without haste; only when you have repeated movements correctly many times, you can consider increasing speed and strength.

7. It is not good performing already learnt techniques with negligence, so-so, since it is hardly of any use. Performing already mastered techniques you need to fully use your consciousness, i.e., using consciousness (Yi) send your energy Qi to the section of the body engaged in this technique. For example, kicking with your heel the moment the heel touches the enemy (target) you need to fully focus on throwing the energy through the heel.

8. Inside yourself, you should work out your mind, spirit, consciousness and Qi until they join together. Only when this happens you will be able to send your Qi anywhere at your wish.

9. The key to mastering is in everyday work at the thing neither master not disciple can do without, namely polishing the basic technique.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

The Importance of the Moon in ASTROLOGY

Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois)....
Full Moon view from earth In Belgium (Hamois). Français : Pleine Lune vue de la Terre en Belgique à Hamois. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Many people believe that astrology only concerns the sun. This is due to the Western world view of astrology, which has taken on the form of Zodiac horoscopes. However, in truth the study of astrology goes well beyond sun signs.

In the Eastern world, such as in China and India, the moon is actually the primary consideration in studies of astrology. The moon signs and cycles are used to determine the best time for activities, and is a part of daily life. This may seem backward to some, but actually results in more accurate predictions in many cases than Western astrology can ascertain.

The moon plays a large role in astrology and astrological phenomena. The position and phase of the moon influences the other aspects of astrology, including sun signs and planetary movements. In fact, the moon influences other aspects of astrology as a whole.

Envision that astrology is made up of the study of all of the planets and the sun. The astrological birth chart and the study of how planetary alignments affect sun signs are based on these aspects of astrology. The moon actually influences this overall picture, and can cause certain aspects of astrological phenomena to influence our lives differently than was otherwise predicted.

The moon, for the most part, influences our emotions. In certain phases of the moon, the predictions made through the study of astrological phenomena that would otherwise occur fail to happen, because our emotions do not produce the reactions to the astrological phenomena that would normally be expected. In other phases of the moon, astrological phenomena of planetary alignments and their effect on the Zodiac sun signs are not altered from their original reading.

The influence of the moon on the Zodiac is a study in and of itself. When you are aware of your sun sign, you can use information about the cycles of the moon and the moon signs to determine the best time to make decisions or avoid certain activities. The moon signs are named the same as the Zodiac, but do not coincide with them.

The signs of the moon cycle each month rather than each year. Each sign has three phases: ascending, true, and descending. Each sign influences our emotions differently, depending on our sun sign and natural tendencies. The phases of the moon also affect our emotions and other aspects of astrology.

When we learn these influences that the moon holds over us and astrological phenomena, we can use this information to our advantage. For example, during the new moon most people are not capable of rational thought. Knowing this can help you to avoid major decision making during the time of the full moon.

There are many books and websites that provide detailed explanations of the moon and its effects on the study of astrology. There are also many books that explain the signs of the moon and their effects on sun signs and our emotions. You can generally find these books by searching your local book store, new age shop, or

3 Secrets Of MAGICIANS

English: Magician Martin Eisele with a deck of...
Magician Martin Eisele with a deck of Cards (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Magicians have their secrets but they won’t tell. It’s a sworn oath for magicians not to tell the audience how a trick is done. There are 3 secrets though that they’ve shared all throughout the years. Here are their 3 secrets.

The first secret is that some tricks are done through sleight of hand. These are ways with which they skillfully hide an object and make it reappear on another hand. New magicians hide things up their sleeves. Those are old tricks and very few used them now.

Sleights of hand require a lot of practice to master. Beginners of magic use specially created gimmicks to create the illusion. Professional magicians make use of their impressive sleight of hand. It requires a lot of time, patience and hand coordination to fully understand and do.

Another secret is the art of misdirection. See this blank paper? And as audience looks at the blank paper, he is carefully getting another piece with his other hand. This is misdirection. Another type of misdirection is the kind that doesn’t let the audience see what’s really causing the tricks. You might have seen that a magician has a lot of assistants who also do incredible stuff, but what you didn’t know is that they are helping the magician perform the magic just with their presence.

Another kind of misdirection is the appropriate use of words. For example, a magician will tell you to look at the ‘empty’ box. We tend to look at the box as empty just because he said it. This causes our mind to wonder when the magician gets a rabbit out of it.

Misdirection takes a lot of practice and lots of time in planning. It requires body coordination (one body doing something while the other is doing another thing) and quick thinking. Misdirection is an art and magicians are proud of it.

Another secret is their patter or a magician’s constant talk. Misdirection is achieved mostly because of patter. The magician will ask you to look at his right hand and as you are looking, you won’t notice what his left hand is doing. This is a really clever way to achieve the illusion that what happens next becomes so magical with the wink of an eye.

Patter usually takes the form of a story, where a magician will tell you of something that happened to him someday. Sometimes it’s so funny that we actually forget to look at what their hands are doing or what their assistants are giving them.

Click here to get Learn Easy Magic

Friday, May 5, 2017

Can HYPNOSIS Help You Gain Control of ANXIETY?

Hypnosis at Schrenck-Notzing's
Hypnosis at Schrenck-Notzing's (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Stress - Physically and emotionally our bodies change to adapt to our surrounding environment. These changes may not always be positive and result in health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, rashes, insomnia, ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Adjusting to stress in a positive way is essential for emotional and physical well being. How we deal with such issues as the death of a loved one, the birth of a child, a job promotion or loss of a job, a new or ending relationship will be very important to maintain health.

No one sets out to make his or her life stressful, so chances are you aren't aware of how you put yourself under stress. No situation creates stress by itself, it is how you think about the situation that makes it stressful... in other words your own perception makes it stressful.

But there are several ways to get your stress in check. Meditation, Yoga, Counseling, Aroma therapy, Medication or herbal supplements. All are effective. But today we want to bring to light home hypnosis. A self hypnosis audio session will guide you through exercises that help you learn how to adapt to stressful situations, resolve existing anxieties, and create new ways of looking at the world.

Self Hypnosis can effectively help you deal appropriately with the stress that causes you anxiety. A heightened state of focused concentration that helps your mind accept helpful ideas that enable you to adapt to change in a positive way, help you relax and increase your tolerance to frustration during difficult circumstances.

It is important to keep in mind that hypnosis can offer major benefits to some patients with some problems, and it is helpful with many other patients. But it can fail, just like any other clinical method. Your eagerness to succeed is essential.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

ANXIETY - Naturally Of Course

English: An anxious person
An anxious person (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What causes anxiety? Well if we all knew that wouldnt life be a bed of roses. Being able to nip it in the bud (excuse the pun) before it causes the damage it is capable of like interfering and preventing a person from leading a normal life There are many different theories behind the cause but because each of us differ it makes it more difficult to pin point the specific reason behind its beginning. 

Losing control of your thoughts and actions to an extent that no matter what you say or do is out of your jurisdiction, it is then medical help is strongly advised.
There is evidence that anxiety concerns develop from physical means like an over active thyroid gland which controls different body functions. Anxiety and drugs (types of medication) is sometimes not a match made in heaven so it is important to talk to your doctor before taking any tablets/pills from over the counter that you are not familiar with. 

Stressful events past or present are main factors also queried behind a persons anxious moments. If depression/anxiety runs in the family then there is an increased risk or possibility that history may repeat itself.
We all have anxious moments but it is how we deal with these upsets which is the important thing. Anxiety can be brought on by the least little thing but common factors like losing a job, moving house, and parting of the ways from a partner are just a few to mention. To deal with these depressing events we have to learn to cope. By conquering the coping process you will notice your depression/anxiety symptoms easing.

 Relaxation classes like yoga have a great effect on patients who suffer from emotional disturbances in their mind body and soul. 

Anxiety does affect people in diverse ways. Many patients experience anxiety chiefly through emotional /psychological symptoms, while others suffer from physical effects. Either way both are powerful enough to destroy.  

Anyone at anytime can become affected by anxiety. Anxiety is diagnosed as a mental health disorder. Five per cent of the population at some stage in their lives have had an anxiety or depressive bout where it has left them feeling agitated and concerned for their health. Irregular pace of the heartbeat speeding up has given some people reason to believe that their experience of anxiety or a panic session is that of a heart attack.

Reclaim your mind body and soul naturally if modern science is not your way of dealing with such health matters of which I hasten to add has proven to be very successful in the healing process for anxiety. Natural courses of herbal remedies are readily available but first and foremost consider Yoga. 

To relief stress that comes with everyday commitments then why not follow the millions of people who have chosen yoga to seek peace of mind. This form of exercise is a proven way in getting results. (Thus depending on the patients requirements or severity of his/her condition)
 Does yoga help?  Yes naturally of course.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Feng shui Luopan compass
Feng shui Luopan compass
(Photo credit: 
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of utilizing certain so called laws governing the heavens and earth that can improve through what is called having positive Qi. Feng Shui history is an ancient one and covers over 3,500 years. It is even older than the invention of the magnetic compass. A main portion of its origins may stem from ancient astronomy.

The astronomical history of Feng Shui is evident in the ancient instruments that were developed in its practice. The earliest known Feng Shui instrument may have been what is known as the gnomon. This instrument was used along with trying to circumpolar the stars in order to determine the north and south axis. This was basically used in laying down early Chinese settlements.

The ancient Yangshao and Hongshan cultures in China provide the earliest evidences of the practice of feng shui. As early as 4000 BCE, doors from Banpo dwellings were aligned to the star called Yingshi just right after the winter solstice. This allowed the homes to be sited for better solar gain. During the Zhou era, the star Yingshi was known as Ding and had a great influence in trying to determine the appropriate time to build their capital city. This is according to records on the Shijing.

Another example of the practice of ancient feng shui can also be found from the grave at Puyang that dates back to about 3000 BCE. This particular grave contains mosaics of the stars called Dragon and Tiger along with the Beidou, known in the Western world as the Big Dipper constellation. The mosaics seem to be oriented along the north to south axis. The presence of round and square shapes were also found at the Puyang tomb as well as at the Hongshan cultural ceremonial centers and the former Longshan settlement. These evidences suggest that the practice of gaitian astronomy (belief in a round earth and a square earth) was already present in the ancient Chinese society.

One of the oldest instruments used in ancient feng shui were the liuren astrolabes. These ancient instruments consist of a lacquered, two-sided board equipped with astronomical sightlines. The oldest of the liuren astrolabes have been found and discovered from tombs dating from 278 BCE and 209 BCE. These ancient astrolabes show the cord-hook diagram and some those found even include the magic square of three. The markings on these instruments remained unchanged, from the ancient astrolabe down to the first magnetic compasses.

The practice of astronomy that bears a striking resemblance to many modern feng shui devices and theories were also discovered on a jade artifact found in Hanshan that dated at around 3000 BCE. Ancient structures in China which included its palaces in the capital cities are all influenced by feng shui in their design and layout. The rules that were followed were written during the Zhou era on the "Kaogong ji", or the "Manual of Crafts".

The magnetic compass was initially invented for the practice of feng shui and has been in use since its invention. Traditional feng shui instruments include the Luopan or the earlier south-pointing spoon or the zhinan zhen. This shows the extent of feng shui history and its long standing practice in ancient Chinese history.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Could You Have DIABETES And Not Even Know It?

Almost one third of all people with diabetes don't know they have it. The symptoms seem so harmless, like symptoms of just getting older. This article goes into the different types of diabetes and some of the common symptoms of each to help you understand diabetes a little better.

In this article we'll go over the three main types of diabetes. They are Type 1, Type 2, Gestational diabetes.

English: Overview of the most significant poss...
Overview of the most significant possible symptoms of diabetes.
(Photo credit: 

Type 1 Diabetes

This type of diabetes has also been called insulin-dependent and immune-mediated diabetes. It occurs when your body can't produce insulin. The immune system attacks insulin producing cells in the pancreas. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults, and was previously known as juvenile diabetes.

Type 1 diabetes increases the risk of other serious complications such as heart disease, nerve damage, blindness, and kidney damage.

Some of the symptoms include increased thirst, increased urination, weight loss even with increased appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, fatigue, and absence of menstruation

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is the most common type that fails to be diagnosed. It progress slowly and causes symptoms such as skin infections, poor healing, kidney problems, and vision problems. It is ordinary that neither these complications nor the diabetes is diagnosed after years of mild symptoms.

The problem is usually that people have no severe symptoms and do not seek medical care at all. They just think of the symptoms as simply getting older. For this reason it is important to get regularly tested for diabetes in the most common age group (over 40's). Less commonly a doctor may treat other diseases, without realizing to test for diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes occurs during a woman’s pregnancy. Pregnant women who have never had diabetes before but have high blood sugar levels during pregnancy are said to have it. It affects 4 percent of all women during pregnancy.

Symptoms include Increased thirst Increased urination Weight loss in spite of increased appetite Fatigue Nausea and vomiting Frequent infections including those of the bladder, vagina, and skin Blurred vision.

Gestational diabetes can be missed in pregnancy. It usually starts with mild symptoms that often can be attributed to other things. It’s important to get tested during pregnancy because the high blood sugars from gestational diabetes can do harm to the baby and sometimes lead to other complications.

Even if you’re not pregnant, you should make it a priority to get tested. Many women have gestational diabetes and think about their symptoms as being usual during pregnancy. You never know, maybe it is, but it’s always a good idea to get tested.

If you’re having any of the symptoms for diabetes, it’s important to see your doctor. Even if you think it’s absolutely nothing. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

Monday, May 1, 2017

TINNITUS: Don´t Feed the Trolls

Is worrying a possible cause for Tinnitus

"Don’t feed the trolls" is a common synonym for someone who likes to create havoc on the internet. Trolls normally use chat rooms, posting boards or Forums to provoke and intimidate people by sending confrontational messages.  People who feel harrassed and provoked and find the time to argue with these people are “Feeding the Trolls”.

Tinnitus (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It’s just a theory, but it can be said that once the mind is infected by worry, you are opening the doors for the trolls.
Learning how to come to terms with worry is like having to learn to fly a jet. You have to be a pilot to fly it. To be a pilot you have to learn. Sounds kind of immature to comment that anyone can learn to fly a jet if they are really set on doing so. It’s just a matter of being educated. 

You may disagree with me on this matter but I am certain you could learn to fly a jet if you really had to. It may take hundreds of hours of instruction and countless tests and exams but theoretically, you could fly a jumbo jet if someone taught you how to.

Using the information above it can be said that everyone can learn to cope with worry. Like learning to fly, you have to be taught how. 
Worry can have great power and influence if it finds a suitable candidate to feed from. Worry is an emotion which means it can be manipulated.  

Being worried is normal. It’s a way of protecting ourselves. People who do nothing BUT worry are feeding the trolls! I still catch myself feeding my own trolls but I’ve learned to keep it to a minimum. The worse thing about worry is that you can’t change the outcome of a certain situation by simply worrying about it. 
What are you worrying about at the moment? Maybe your company isn’t doing too well and the sales figures are down and people are being told to find new jobs. That’s something to worry about though isn’t it? In fact it’s not. It’s perfectly normal to be concerned about something ( or someone ), but that is as far as it should go. 

Deep rooted worrying can and will ruin your life. It will control you. 

Okay, let’s imagine for a minute you’re worried sick about losing your job. There are good reasons to worry about losing a job. No one likes to be unemployed. The reasons are obvious and don’t have to be repeated.  In fact, you can’t sleep, you can’t eat, you are nervous, aggressive…in fact you become physically sick. If you look at this from the outside, there are only two things that will happen: 
A: you lose your job. 
B: you keep your job.    
Let’s say you do lose your job. Ask yourself if your pain, anguish and apprehension could have possibly altered the outcome of the situation I will answer this for you…….NO.  No worrying in the world could have influenced the outcome of you keeping your job or not. All you did was feed the trolls. Be honest, would it have really been worth worrying yourself sick about something you couldn’t change anyway?  Let’s say you didn’t lose your job. Did your worrying have any effect on the outcome ? Let me answer this too…….…NO
In other words, you can’t trade your worries for a change in destiny. No one is going to re-write the books just because you like to worry.  I found the best way to deal with worry is to obtain the basic facts and determine what the core of my worry is. 
If you are worrying about losing your job, what is it exactly you are worrying about? If worst comes to worst, what is the nastiest thing that is going to happen to you ? The answer is: You will be without a job and have less money. There is nothing ecstatic about loosing your job, but it NOT the end of the world. 

Please don’t get me wrong and please don’t think I am ignorant ( I am facing the same dilemma ), I don’t know anyone on the Earth who dreams about being unemployed. 

But if I can accept that it’s not the end of the world then I can learn to come to terms with this situation when it arises. If I can learn in advance to prepare myself for the worst, then it will be easier for me to accept the worst when and if the time ever comes. 

I use to worry myself sick about my loss of hearing and tinnitus until it dawned on me that worrying is part of the cause. 

In fact, I fed THOUSENDS of trolls until I realized what I was doing wrong. It took me 18 months of suffering to finally wake up and realize that it was I that was causing the stress.  

I allowed tinnitus to rob me of my identity and place a firm grip on my life. Had I only known!  Everyone knows that you just can’t stop worrying at the drop of a hat or because people advise you to. You may require hours and hours of therapy. 

But you can learn to come to grips with a "chronic worrying syndrome.”  I can only speak for myself here and I know that medical world won’t agree with me on this one but I want to recap on the title of this book. I called it "Tinnitus my best friend." 

“How can tinnitus be my best friend” you say.
I used its power to create a new person in myself. I am using its power to create this very Article I am writing. Nothing has ever compelled me to sit down for hundreds of hours and write a book. Nothing has ever been worth  the effort. 
I learned how to register a domain, set up my own homepage and promote an e-book with the sole purpose of trying to help other people overcome their fear of having to live with tinnitus for the rest of their lives.  
Where else did I use it?.  I managed to stop smoking, I lost weight, and I taught myself to start caring for myself. I know how to keep myself fit. I know what to eat ad what not to eat.  I used its energy and made something of it. 

You can do the same. 

Looking back, it took me a long time to accept that tinnitus actually helped me change my life. Once I realized that tinnitus was nothing but a warning signal, I found ways of coming to terms with it and used its energy to help me out of this pitfall. Tinnitus helped me get my life back on track and for that I’m thankful. In fact I would probably feel lonely without it ( just kidding ). 

But I am still aware of it because I have accepted that the noise won’t disappear.  I just learned to take no notice of it. That’s the key to success. Learning to ignore. It’s a learning process that needs time and patience. 
Maybe it’s hard to explain how to ignore sounds you think you can’t escape but the trick is retraining your brain to distract your attention away from the tinnitus thus making the sounds obsolete. This mechanism is still present regardless of how long you have been suffering from tinnitus. It’s kind of hard to explain how it works but it really is very easy to demonstrate.

You will be bluffed how easy it is to ignore Tinnitus. I will explain this in my next article.