Monday, June 1, 2020

AYURVEDA approach to Genital Herpes

Herpes genitalis
Herpes genitalis (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Ayurveda approach to Genital Herpes

Dosha theory which helps in the diagnosis of the diseases

According to Ayurveda three doshas or three energetic forces control the activities of the body. These doshas are
1. Vata
2. Pitta
3. Kapha

VATA: The Vata dosha is the most important of the three doshas. It has been said in Ayurveda's classic books that “ pitta, Kapha and all other body tissues are considered lame without the assistance of VATA .” Vata dominates the lower part of the body, which is below the umbilicus. The movements of body fluid, metabolism, elimination of waste products, semen ejaculation, pushing the fetus out of the body, relaying stimulus to brain and response to organs and tissues, heartbeat, respiration, body movements, etc are assisted by VATA.

Vata dominated regions are intestines, lumbar region, ears, bones, and skin.  

Vata gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Controlling natural urges like urination, defecation, hunger, thirst, etc.
2. Late nights.
3. Irregular food habits.
4. Talking in a high pitch.
5. Over physical and mental exertion.
6. Consumption of spicy, dry, bitter foods.
7. Exposure to severe dry and cold climate.

The opposites of the above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated vata.

PITTA: The pitta dosha assists the body fire or Agni, which plays a major role in the body’s metabolic activities. The locations where pitta dominates are digestive system, skin, eyes, brain, and blood. Pitta maintains body temperature. The secretions like digestive juices pigments like melanin (bhrajaka pitta), hemoglobin (ranjaka pitta) are all types of pitta.

Pitta is dominant in regions of Umbilicus, stomach, sweat, lymph, blood, eyes, and skin.

PITTA   gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Excess consumption of spicy, sour, salty foods.
2. Consuming alcohol in excess.
3. Overexposure to a hot sunny climate.
4. Short temperedness.
5. Using dried vegetables.
6. Indigestion of food.

The opposites of the above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated pitta.

KAPHA: Kapha provides bulk to body, lubrications, moistness, fertility, stability, strength, and memory. It helps in the binding process wherever necessary. This is the heaviest of all doshas.

Kapha dominated regions are chest, neck, head, stomach, body fat, nose, and tongue

Kapha gets vitiated due to following reasons.
1. Sleeping in the daytime.
2. Consuming sweets, chilled food, in excess.
3. Consuming fish, sesame, sugarcane, milk, and milk products.

The opposites of the above-mentioned reason normalize the vitiated kapha.

When these doshas are in the balanced condition the body remains healthy. If these doshas get imbalanced the body succumbs to diseases. Doshas get imbalanced frequently due to change in climate, seasons, lifestyles, diet, etc. The treatment is to bring back the doshas to normalcy and expel the toxin or ama produced during the imbalanced condition.

Causes of Genital Herpes
Herpes is caused by a virus the herpes simplex virus (HSV), which belongs to the same family of viruses that cause chickenpox. There are two types of herpes simplex viruses

1. Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) and mostly causes oral herpes
2. Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2). And mostly causes genital herpes

However, both type-1 and type-2 can occur in the genitals, oral area, or both.
Due to unhealthy lifestyles and diet the delicate balance between doshas gets disturbed. This disturbs the body fire or Agni.

(Agni is the body fire, which is responsible for the transformation of one substance to another. It breaks down the food substances, eliminates toxins and wastes, maintains body temperature, and resists the invasion of microbes by maintaining strong body immunity.

The body fire, which is assisted by balanced doshas, digests the food completely to form Pakwa Anna rasa (the liquid form of food which is completely digested by digestive enzymes), which is ready to get absorbed by body tissues. According to Ayurveda Pakwa Anna Rasa nourishes the body and its components to keep the body devoid of diseases. But when body fire is impaired there will be an incomplete digestion of food forming Apakwa Rasa (indigested food). The indigested food fails to nourish the body components leading to lowered body resistance.)

The disturbed Agni fails to digest the food and toxins get accumulated in the body due to improper metabolism. Accumulation of toxins reduces the body immunity and paves the way for invasion by microbes.

When a person who has low immunity comes in contact with the HSV virus, he/she gets the genital or oral herpes.

Unhealthy lifestyle
1. Overeating
2. Sleeping in the afternoons.
3. Over physical exertion.
4. Over mental exertion
5. Consuming food frequently even when not hungry.
6. Constant exposure to hot sunny climates

Unhealthy diet 
Excessive consumption of
1. Salty, sour, hot, spicy food.
2. Sour curds
3. Alcohol.
4. Cheese
5. Charred and overcooked food.
6. Sesame, Bengal gram, horse gram, sesame oil, rice flour, garlic, fish.

1. Curds, salt, mushrooms, bamboo shoots, sour fruits, meat, prawn, pork, should not be consumed with milk. The above-mentioned foods should not be consumed by mixing one item with another.
2. Sprouts, honey, and milk should not be consumed with meat and fish.
3. Fish  & milk: fish &sugarcane juice; jaggery & pork; honey & pork; milk & mango; banana & milk; are opposite foods.

The Transmission Of Genital Herpes
A person can get genital herpes in the following conditions

1. If he is sexually active and when he performs sex (oral or genital) with infected partners.
2. A person who has oral herpes transmits herpes to genital organs of a partner during oral sex and a person who has genital herpes transmits this to his partner during coitus when they have a genital contact.
3. The disease gets transmitted when the mucous membrane comes in contact with the infected area.
The disease gets transmitted mostly during the active phase. But it may spread even during asymptomatic  (when a person is free of symptoms for a particular duration) phase. The virus needs a fluid media for its transportation. The body fluids like saliva, semen, vaginal tract secretions, etc. Mucous membranes in the mouth, vagina, urethra, or open wounds facilitate the virus invasion due to their moistness.

In Genital herpes, there is an imbalance of all three doshas  (VATA, PITTA, KAPHA), which in turn vitiate lasika (lymph), blood (rakta), muscle (mamsa) and skin (twacha).

The imbalanced doshas vitiate skin and the immunity of skin cells is lowered. The virus attacks these weak cells and starts exhibiting symptoms on the affected area.

Local symptoms
1. Pricking sensation
2. Edema
3. Pain
4. Feeling of constriction
5. A sensation of ant creeping
6. Many small eruptions gathering in a small area.
7. These eruptions or blisters burst soon with exudates.
8. These blisters will have different colors according to the involvement of doshas.  
(Blackish red or blue in vata, red, yellow, copper-colored in pitta, shades of white in kapha).

The weakened body immune system tries to resist the virus invasion but fails to achieve the goal. In this futile attempt the following systemic symptoms are exhibited.

Systemic symptoms

1. Fever
2. Weakness
3. Indigestion
4. Impaired bowels
5. Increased frequency of urination.
6. Body pain.
7. Increased thirst.

Imbalanced vata causes symptoms like pain, swelling, and body ache

The imbalanced pitta and vitiated blood and skin cause

1. Blisters,
2. Change the color of skin,
3. Cause burning sensation, and fever.

The imbalanced kapha and vitiated lymph cause itching, tingling sensation.

After the first attack, the virus moves from the skin through the nerve paths to base of the nerve and becomes inactive. Now herpes infected person will be devoid of all symptoms. But the imbalance of doshas still persists.

Reactivation of Virus to cause outbreaks
At unpredictable times, the virus becomes active. It multiplies and resurfaces on the skin by traveling through the nerve path and exhibits the symptoms locally. The severity of symptoms of the outbreak depends on the strength of body immunity.

The pelvis or shroni, nerves, and skin are dominated by vata. When vata gets vitiated due to precipitating factors, it reactivates the virus dormant in the base of the nerve end and the virus travels through nerve paths to reach the skin surface.

Precipitating Factors
As we know the outbreaks have few precipitating factors like

1. Excessive exposure to the sun.
2. Illness,
3. Poor diet,
4. Emotional stress
5. Physical stress,
6. Friction,
7. Steroids
8. Menstruation.
9. Emotional stress.
10. Genital trauma and intercourse.
11. Repeated infections such as a cold or pneumonia.

These factors increase vata and increased vata activates the virus, which is dormant.
Low Immunity The systemically imbalanced doshas interfere with body metabolism by vitiating the body fire (agni). This leads to indigestion and malassimilation of nutrients, which in turn causes poor immunity. Due to decreased immunity, the body fails to offer resistance to outbreaks.

Ayurveda Tips to avoid outbreaks

1. Spicy, sour, fried, and junk food, which aggravates vata.
2. Precipitating factors.
3. Sleeping in the afternoon.
4. Meat products over fried or deep-fried in oil or fat.
5. Charred and overcooked food.
6. Consuming opposite food like fish and milk etc
7. Physical exertion after a meal
8. Taking bath immediately after exercise or heavy outdoor work.

Include honey, pomegranate, and fruits of Emblica Officinalis, legumes, dates, and raisins in your diet.
Practice Yoga and Meditation to control emotional disturbances

Ayurveda References
1. Sushruta Samhita
2. Charaka Samhita
3. Madhava nidana
4. Ashtanga Sangraha
5. Yoga Ratnakara

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Home ENERGY Audit

English: A unique energy-efficient home built ...
A unique energy-efficient home built in place of a historic house in 2009 by BuildSense at 930 West Markham Avenue in Trinity Park, Durham, North Carolina.
(Photo credit: 
Home Energy Audit: Checking Out the Parts of the Home

Going about a home energy audit is one smart way of cutting the utility bills that you pay for at the end of every month. Many people tend to forget about the parts of their homes that might be causing the rise in home energy consumption. One fact that you must learn to take note of is that the home appliances that you possess, although they are switched off and not in use, still consume energy because of the phantom loads that they create. Examples of these are the VCRs, stereo components, microwave oven, toasters, and stoves. 

Although they are turned off, they still consume energy. How much more when you total their consumptions in a day and then for the entire month? Likewise, the remote-controlled devices are always put on a ready mode. Such a state of readiness also consumes home energy. Apart from these concerns, the parts of the home contribute to the escalating home energy consumptions. Among these are the attics, fireplaces, and the rest of the less obvious parts of the house.

The General Purpose of the Home Energy Audit

Why is a home energy audit recommended by the experts? What is this process devoted to? For everyone’s clear understanding, the ultimate purpose of the home energy audit is the making possible of the efficiency in the energy utilized in the home. When the home energy used is maximized and securely utilized, there will be the most possible reduction of the utility bills today and the succeeding years to come. 

A home energy audit will work best for homeowners who are confronted with very large electric bills. In fact, conducting the needed home energy audit will let you save thousands of dollars in the upcoming years. Stop dwelling on the windows and doors you have at home for they are obvious spots that let you lose much home energy. Why not look into the less obvious spots like the attic, the ceilings, and the fireplace?

Most homeowners put away their unused things and keep them in the attic. Sure, the attic is a great place to store your junked stuff. But then didn’t you ever glance at your attic and consider the renovation of it so that there will be proper insulation in there? You may indeed throw out big bucks for its improvement but it will do your attic good, so to speak. The attic must be installed with open-air vents so as to keep up good air circulation. When there is no proper air circulation in the attic, the utmost tendency is for the roofing and the stored stuff in the attic to get destroyed. 

Now take into consideration the ceiling you’ve got at home. It must have enough insulation so that the home energy will be kept from escaping from it and to go upwards to the attic. The easiest way for heat to transfer into the attic is through a hole in the ceiling. 

Also, take a good look at the fireplace. When the concern of regulating and controlling the temperature inside the home comes in, the fireplace is the most difficult spot to cover. As the design of the fireplace is concerned, it is particularly aimed at moving the smoke out of the interior environment of the home. 

The process is known as the propulsion of the heat. But then the main problem is that whenever the fireplace is not in use, it still goes on with the propulsion of the heat towards the exterior borders of your home. 

When dealing with a fireplace, you should bear in your mind that the flue must always be kept closed when it is not being used. But if you intend to have it open, simply turn off the heater inside your home since it will come out of the vents then cross the room, and then right into the fireplace the heat will be blown out. For some logical reasons, such situation will just cause you a nightmare in terms of the electrical bills that will confront you.

If you are serious with your intention of cutting back your home energy costs, a home energy audit will be best.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

ESSENTIAL OILS - What is the Role of Magic and Spirituality?

Essential Oils - Picture:
From the beginning, man has been preoccupied with the question of divinity-who is responsible for us being here and how do we relate to the Creator. All primitive peoples have developed some kind of world-view which they expressed through myths, legend, or stories. 

All life was viewed as dependent on a force that transcended the visible world. This force was honored through specific rites and rituals. How were illness and environmental disturbances or disasters interpreted in this world view?-as discord or disharmony between the human, environmental, and spiritual realms? The disease was viewed as disunity and so early on the art of healing was bound up with an ability to appease the spirit world, please the gods and counter curses.

The Role of Incense and Aromatics

In these world views, fragrant odors were thought to be favored by the gods and were a way of appeasing their anger and wrath and ensuring divine favor and attracting special attention to prayers. Since scent delighted the human senses, it was assumed that the deities found it very pleasing in fact it was considered the "food of the gods." 

These odors were thought to work like a drug on the minds of the gods as well as on the minds of men and thus the gods would look kindly on the misdeeds of man. In Syria and Mesopotamia, incense smoke was used as a form of divination to calm the wrath of the gods so they would be inclined to give positive oracles. It was also used as a means of purification-cleansing the human soul before the face of the god.

Many herbs and aromatics were also considered to have magical properties including healing. Temples erected to honor the gods had great urns for the burning of incense before the gods. Early on, burning incense in the sick room was a common way to cure. The Sumerians and Babylonians burned incense as a means of purification to please their gods, the Hebrews used burning incense (generally thought to be frankincense) to veil the presence of God in the holy tabernacle, the early Persians used incense in their worship which is depicted on their monuments at Persepolis, the Muslims still offer incense in the shrines of their saints today. The Roman Catholic Church, Anglican and Orthodox Christian churches still use frankincense and myrrh incense to honor God in their rituals.

Incense was absolutely indispensable in ancient Egyptian rituals. The ascending smoke was seen symbolically as a vehicle to carry one's prayers to the deities and to bridge the realm of human and spiritual. This is particularly true for their elaborate ceremonies surrounding the death.

The Hebrews also used incense to carry their prayers to God.
"Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice." Psalm 141:2.

The use of perfumed ornaments like necklaces made of saffron, orris, musk and Benjamin were used in black Africa and throughout Asia to appease the spirits. In India, the sacred plant of basil was made into sacred beads and rosaries.  In Tibet, dry incense is worn as a talisman to ward off evil spirits and in Mexico to this day, a clove of garlic is still hung around the neck of a newborn as protection.

Amulets are commonly used in magical rites in many cultures and often include aromatic plant materials. In today's world, many users of essential oils are now wearing "diffuser" jewelry to ward off germs from others and protect against bacteria and viruses. For travelers, especially on airplanes, this simply makes good sense. When enough people begin performing this action, a ritual will be established that says-this is how we ward off "evil spirits" like bacteria and viruses. Are you wearing diffuser jewelry

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Growing ALOE VERA Plants Indoors

Aloe vera with shoots 2
Aloe vera with shoots (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Long before aloe vera was a popular ingredient in over-the-counter cosmetics and medications it grew naturally out of doors or was cultivated indoors for its medicinal properties. Aloe vera is easy to grow indoors, and when you grow it yourself, you know you are getting the real, soothing, active ingredient that you want. The following are instructions for growing it indoors.

Home for Aloe vera plants is warm, humid, subtropical climates. If you live in such an environment you can grow these succulent plants outdoors. In the US that would include only zones 10 and 11, the warmest zones in the country. Even if you live in the other zones you can move your plants outdoors in the summer, however; just keep them out of direct sunlight.

Unless you live where you can leave your Aloe vera plants outside all year round, it's best to leave these succulents in their pots, even if they summer outside. It's very disruptive to the root system to plant it and dig it up every year, so just keep the plants potted, in containers with drainage holes.

As succulents, these plants store a lot of water in their leaves. In the summer when they are actively growing they will take a good deal of water. Water them thoroughly, and then wait until they dry out until you water again. These plants will grow slowly if at all during the winter, so they don't need much water. Let the soil get 100 percent dry before watering with a small amount of water. The worst thing to do is to overwater, so if you're not sure how much water to give, you are better off erring on the too little side.

When water runs right through the pot and you see roots coming out the bottom, it's time to repot. Spring is usually a good time for repotting. Because these plants have shallow, spreading root systems they need wider, rather than deeper, pots when their pots get too small. Aloe vera plants need well-drained soil. You can use a commercial potting mix if you add extra perlite or coarse sand to improve the drainage. Or you can you a cactus mix.

You can fertilize your plants in the spring when they start showing new growth. Use fish emulsion or half-strength houseplant fertilizer.

Of course, you will want to use the aloe juice for its soothing qualities, especially for delicate skin. It is a valuable addition to the first aid kit. (Just don't keep it in the medicine chest!!) To use it just cut off a piece of lower leaf, slice it open, and squeeze the juice onto the affected area of the skin. Aloe relieves much of the pain of burns and may even prevent or reduce blistering. It lessens the itching that results from bug bites and stings and from nasty plants like poison ivy, poison oak, and stinging nettles. Many people have even used Aloe vera to soothe rashes and stings on their pets with good results. Growing Aloe indoors is easy, and well worth it.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Your First ACUPUNCTURE Visit

Acupuncture needles
Acupuncture needles (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Even though acupuncture is becoming more prevalent in today's society, there are still many people that are nervous about the practice in general.  These people may have preconceived ideas that are inaccurate or maybe resting their ideas on the fact that it is actually a medical practice that was first done in ancient Asia thousands of years ago.  Regardless of why they are nervous or hesitant about going to an acupuncturist, however, they need to have their minds put at ease.  If you are facing your first visit to the acupuncturist, here are some things that you can expect.

First of all, you are not going to enter into your acupuncture session and immediately be stuck full of needles.  Not only that, but you are also entering into an environment that is not unlike an environment that is typically found in many doctors' offices.  Even though this is a form of natural medicine, it is still considered medicine and most acupuncturists hold to the medical profession's idea of what is expected in their practice.  Don't be overly worried about your first session because you may not actually end up getting acupuncture on your first visit at all.

The first visit is an introductory visit in which the doctor will ask you a lot of questions about your medical history, your particular problem in any surrounding issues that may also need to be taken into consideration.  It will also give you the opportunity to get to know your doctor a little bit and ask them any questions that you may have on your mind.  Depending on what your problem is, you may not even have an acupuncture treatment on your first visit.  If you do, by the time you actually have the treatment done, you will be more at ease because of having the time with your doctor before any treatment is actually administered.

The acupuncture itself is actually done by inserting hair-thin needles into the skin to various depths.  Most people do not feel uncomfortable whenever this is done other than a slight stinging in some instances.  The needles are much smaller than the needles that are typically used by a doctor so there really is not much pain if any involved.  These needles will remain in your skin for anywhere from five to 20 minutes until they are removed.  That's basically all that there is to your first acupuncture visit.  It's not much to worry about.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Unfolding The Mystery Of BLACK MAGIC

Magic is defined as a supposed natural prowess of making the impossible seem possible. It can give a person the power to control someone else.

In ancient times, a person who possessed the skills to perform magic tricks also used it for healing purposes. It was also used to keep away bad spirits, to seek the truth when injustice occurs, and lastly, used to seek revenge.

'In Black and White'

There are several types of magic but basically, it is subdivided into two categories: black and white magic.

You have seen a lot of movies that depict the good triumphing over evil. This is the same scenario between white and black magic.

White magic is done or performed on the "good" side. It is supposed to be used for the greater good and kindly or harmless methods are employed with this type of magic.

Black magic, on the other hand, is immediately associated with evil purposes. It is said that the evil spirits are called upon when a magician performs black magic.

'Sorcery and Witchcraft'

Because of the shady or not-so-good reputation of black magic, it is often referred to as sorcery. It is also known as witchcraft, though most of the individuals practicing black magic are actually harmless and they do not have evil intentions.

'Modern Black Magic'

Nowadays, supposedly there are several procedures and skills that one can learn through the art of black magic.

1. predicting the past and seeing the future through fortune-telling

2. searching for a person's innermost secrets through divination

3. casting a spell on a person by invocations

4. seeking revenge for an enemy through curses

5. having a spirit appear through evocations

6. creating procedures to sharpen one's wit and further enhance concentration

7. using black magic to heal diseases and end ailments

8. ceremonies and seals to call, evoke, command, or reward spirits

Modern witchcraft or black magic has a major misconception of being performed for evil purposes.

By learning about the history and development of black magic from the ancient era to modern times, one will eventually see that it is not something to be afraid of.

Believing in magic can leave you with a sense of wonder about the intricacies of black magic or modern witchcraft and finally put an end the ancient misconception that it is no different from Satanism.

Modern black magic actually teaches about the love of nature and harmony between opposite genders and love of nature and one's self.

At the same time, it still leaves us wondering about ceremonials, spells, and curses, which make us further appreciate the mysteries of the art of magic.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


English: Vrksasana, the tree position, a Yoga ...
Vrksasana, the tree position, a Yoga posture. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Vrksasana is a tree pose which means you are standing with your hand raised towards the sky. Adho Mukha Vrksasana can be termed as a tilted tree pose were in your hands are supporting the entire body weight. This asana when done by beginners has to be done very carefully as balancing yourself on your hand cannot be that easy.

To make it easier it would be better for you to take the support of a wall, helping you to overcome your fear of falling while doing this asana. There are many benefits to doing this asana as this helps in strengthening every part of your body helping you to create a more stable and calm body. Your shoulders and arms get stretched and in that process, all the bones in your body also get a good massage. Practicing this asana along with some teacher or friend would help you to do this asana without much hassle.

Even though this asana is very difficult but once you master it, the benefits you reap from this asana would be of great help. It can help each and every part of your body making them fit and fine for a better and healthier life. While doing this asana in the beginning you can use padding that would support your handstand. Your hands won't feel the direct coldness from the floor and would help in doing the asana properly. This stabilizes your pose and avoids the strain.

You can also change your hand position to improve your handstand. You can keep your hands either outward which will also be a key ingredient to help you. Use of props and by modifying this asana you can get full benefits without creating too much strain on yourself.

There is a fresh supply of blood due to this tilted pose. It stretched your arms, muscles, shoulder, and wrists making it more flexible and agile. This asana tests your strength and also at the same time helps in increasing your stamina. This balancing act helps you remain calm and cool due to the stability it provides. A sense of balance is achieved in your mind as well as your soul. There is a calming effect overall in your mind which helps the brain to relax.

You should take extra care of your back and shoulders while doing this asana. There are chances of neck injury and other problems if it is not done properly. Your spine, lungs and pituitary glands are also benefited in this process. With the straight back, your spine also gets straightened which helps immensely in the long run.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Research about Bad Habits

Lindner - Daumenlutscher (CC) Wikipedia
Bad habits plague many people in one form or another.  We want to know what causes us to fall into bad habits.  Questions arise about how are the best ways to quit.  New research gives new answers and confirms some of the old ones.  

Some research has been done to find out what motivates people to quit bad habits.  It turns out that the emotional reasons seem to be the most telling of all.  If a person does not have the desire to change, then that person is likely not to have any success with quitting.  

Knowledge is only helpful if you use it to influence your emotional well-being.  For example, if you work to set up a social network to help you when you quit smoking, you have used your mind to influence your emotions.  Penalties help drive people to quit bad habits by playing on their emotions and their intelligence together.  

Other research inquires into the effects of habitual activities on the brain.  Researchers studied the brain responses in rats.  The rats were sent through mazes at the end of which was chocolate.  Their basal ganglia (where habitual behavior is learned in the brain) responded to all the information in the maze when they were learning the maze.  

After a while, this area of the brain only responded to the beginning and end of the maze.  This would be like the response you have when you have developed bad habits.  You are focused on the reward.

Then, the chocolate was removed.  At that point, the basal ganglia again began to respond to every part of the maze again.  When this happens, it is like quitting bad habits and living moment to moment.  

When the chocolate was reintroduced, the area in the brain came alive during the beginning and the end, as before.  Finally, the brain is cued to become alert to your addiction again when the desired object or bad habits resurface.  

Another study evaluated the ability of people to replace old habits with new ones.  This was done by testing using memorization and word tests.  The researchers tried to see if subjects could learn new associations after learning similar ones first.  

The conclusions of the test were interesting.  First of all, the habits learned first were more automatic and below the conscious level.  Second, stress caused people to revert to old habits.  

Third, aging that affected the memory seemed to leave the subjects with more susceptibility to older habits.  All this information can be used by people who struggle against bad habits.  

One study took a look at the way people think about risky behavior.  Surveys were given out in two different parts of Canada to find out what these people thought was the most dangerous.  In the majority of cases, people thought that bad habits like smoking, overeating, and other health habits were riskier than non-habitual behaviors.  

It is important to study how we think and feel about and react to bad habits.  The more we know, the better chance people have of learning how to overcome them.  With good research being done, bad habits may be easier to break in the long run.  

PAGANISM - What is it and How do I become one?

Daychin Tengry - Turkic pagan god
Daychin Tengry - Turkic pagan god
(Photo credit: 
There are as many explanations of Paganism as there are Pagans but one good description I’ve found is from the Ohio Chapter Pagan Unity Campaign.  They say that “Paganism may be loosely defined as any of a group of positive, life-affirming, earth-honoring faiths usually based in ancient beliefs."

To go slightly further into the dangerous territory of describing beliefs, we can include animism -the belief that all life, animate or inanimate, has a spirit or soul.  Pagans have a deep reverence for the earth and every creature that inhabits the earth, believing that the divine resides in all things.  Many believe in multiple gods and goddesses (polytheists) but since Paganism is such an individualistic religion, you’ll find polytheists (many), monotheists (one), and even atheists (none)!

Even if the variety of beliefs within Paganism is manifold, one thing that you can be sure of is that they are NOT devil worshippers.  Abby Willowroot says it beautifully when answering the question of are Pagans devil worshippers?  “Most Devil worshipping groups are not Pagan, because they are centered on a Judeo-Christian supernatural being, namely Satan. These devil worshippers are a sect of Christianity, even though Christianity does not want to claim them.”

The Occult is also different from Paganism, although Pagans and members of any other religion can deal with the Occult.  Wikipedia defines “The word occult comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".   But for many people involved with the occult, they are simply studying a deeper spiritual reality than that which we can see with our human powers of reason and the physical sciences with which we measure and quantify things.

How Do I Become A Pagan?

When a person comes to the conclusion that the things they have always believed in now need a name different from that which their family or their community has given, they may want to somehow “become” a Pagan.  Here the dilemma begins.

Paganism is a very individual and personal journey of spiritual discovery and Pagans generally do not seek converts, nor do they feel a duty to share or guide the novice “into the faith” as many conventional religions do.  Finding a path to like-minded people can be difficult and will be different for each locality in which you may live.  The agreed starting point is to first gain knowledge.

Find out if you are truly in sympathy with Pagan beliefs, are you committed to living in harmony with the Earth and caring for and honoring all of her creatures?  Will you strengthen your understanding of your role in the whole scheme of things, no longer taking for granted all that the Earth offers you?  By reading the books and periodicals available and looking at websites that explain Pagan beliefs, you can explore your own beliefs so you really understand what they are and discover why you want to follow the Pagan path.

It is important you clarify things for yourself before trying to join a group.  Once you have answered these questions, you need to explore the various groups within Paganism to determine which group - Wicca, Druidry, Shamanism, Witchcraft, Asatru, Heathenry, Hedgewitchcraft, even Hinduism, among so many others - you wish to attach yourself to.

Once you have looked into your own heart, gained a greater knowledge of yourself, and found your connection with the natural world around you, you can look to join others.  In America, to find a group of like-minded people talk to people in new age or pagan bookstores, check their bulletin boards. Many books and periodicals give information on how you can find contacts in your area. Check out online groups, but be wary - there are many unsavory characters out there.  Alternatively, an updated guide to pagan groups is now available by mail-order from the Circle Network, based in Wisconsin.

If you are in Great Britain, some of these and other ways can be led to you finding like-minded people.  Look for “moots” - these are advertised, regular gatherings usually held in pubs or perhaps the organizers’ homes.  There is usually a contact number, so phone the organizer before the event and get enough information beforehand so you know what to expect.

You can also check out groups on Yahoo, other web-based forums, Pagan conferences or camps, and rituals that is open to the public and of course, contacts obtainable through the Pagan Federation and other reputable Pagan organizations.

However I do suggest a certain modicum of caution - although pubs and the web are public places, you must trust your intuition; don’t share more than you are comfortable revealing.  Please keep in mind not everyone is honest.

Although it may be frustrating, don’t be in too big a hurry to find a group or even a spiritual teacher.  Many Pagans will follow a solitary path to greater enlightenment, perhaps for a lifetime.  It can even be said that a time of studying on your own is far better because you will find what works for you without the potential confusion or pressure others’ beliefs may provide.  Knowing your own beliefs and the basics of rituals will show any group you may wish to join, that you are willing to learn and serious.  It is also a good idea to have explored what you want from the group you join.  Will you be able or willing to meet their expectations, etc.?

You may find that because Pagans are still so much in the minority, your spiritual path will continue to be a solitary one because there aren’t any folk living near you to physically guide or share Pagan rituals with.  In such a case, or as an adjunct to your own growth, joining organizations such as the British Pagan Federation or the Reformed Druids of North America, the Order of Bards or the Rowan Tree Church, among others, could be the best way to enlarge your training or contact opportunities.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Customize Your FLOWER TATTOO

Photo  by Shannon Archuleta
A flower tattoo is a common theme for women. Such a body art can be unique, colorful and can add an element of beauty to a woman's body.

Each of these factors contributes to the overwhelming majority of women who choose to get a flower for their skin design. There are many different color variations in tattoo ink, so the possibilities are endless.

Women typically prefer the flower tattoo since the flower is a decidedly feminine image. There are several different ways that the flower can be integrated into other tattoos, or it can stand alone as striking and meaningful body art.

The ability to have the skin design colored in exactly the way that you want really gives those who want such a body art the opportunity to express their individuality and personal tastes.

Many people find a great deal of satisfaction in creating their own tattoo design. A flower tattoo is a great centerpiece for a custom-designed body art because it has so many color possibilities and options.

If a new one is designed to be used as a memorial for someone who died, or as a reminder of an event like an anniversary, a specific flower within the context of the body art will serve to evoke the memory or emotion that you wish to recall.

A flower tattoo also provides many opportunities for people to make a statement about who they are. Some may decide that they want to design on their skin the flower of their birth month on themselves, while others may choose to tattoo the flowers that they carried in their wedding bouquet.

Every girl has a favorite flower, and some choose to have those tattooed just to make a statement about who they are and what they like. Since originality is important to many who choose to get tattoos, a flower is a great option since there is such a wide range of possibilities.

Recently, back tattoos have become very popular among women. A flower or a floral design is ideal to put on your lower back. A flower in this location can bring an air of femininity and can make a girl feel like she has something pretty on her back.

Many women state that they have a better self-image of their bodies when they have something pretty like a flower tattooed on it.

Regardless of where you have it, the flower tattoo will remain one of the most common tattoos. It is timeless, socially acceptable, and beautiful. Many women who get flower tattoos get them as their first.

Once they get comfortable with the idea of a skin design and they see the positive reactions that come from their flower tattoo, they become a little bolder with the designs and subject matter of their future tattoos.

Such a body art can be a great introductory skin design and serves as a stepping-stone for many people.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Some of the lines of the hand in Palmistry 1: ...
Some of the lines of the hand in Palmistry
1: Life line - 2: Head line - 3: Heart line - 4: Girdle of Venus -
5: Sun line - 6: Mercury line -
7: Fate line  - (Photo credit: 

The American Heritage Dictionary defines Palmistry as the practice of telling fortunes from the lines, marks, and patterns on the palms of the hands. Palmistry is also called as chiromancy, palm-reading, chirology, or hand-analysis. Palmistry originated in ancient India. It was said to be practiced by the Brahmins of Ancient India. Palmistry can be regarded as a part of Astrology. Records of the practice of Palmistry are also available in countries such as China, Tibet, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Ancient Greece.

Cheiro was the most famous practitioner of palmistry in modern times. He was born in Ireland and had predicted many incidents of his time. For example, he correctly foretold the Boer War, death of Queen Victoria, the assassination of King Umberto of Italy, a year or so before each of these incidents occurred. He also had predicted about the infamous “Great Depression” all over the world. He correctly predicted the outbreak and end of World War 1 before it happened. Cheiro wrote a number of valuable books on Palmistry. He had also successfully predicted the downfall of the Czar in Russian and the subsequent massacre of him and all his immediate family members. Palmistry is based on reading the lines on the hand of a person. Palmists say that by reading the lines of a person’s hand, it is quite possible to tell about the person's past, present and future. They say that positioning of the lines in the hand is a key to determining the subject's past, present, and future. 

The basics of Palmistry are said to be quite simple as opposed to the popular belief that it is something mysterious. The fleshy part of the hand and the structure of the fingers reveal a lot about the subject. Palmists claim that predictions through Palmistry have a scientific basis, even though the scientists worldwide have their own opinion regarding this topic. The scientists claim that Palmistry does not have any scientific basis. According to the Palmists, the dominant hand of a person reveals the current and future trends. On the other hand, the passive hand reveals a person’s childhood. Palmists see a definite pattern in the lines on the palm. These lines have been classified into heart line, head line, life line, fate line, etc. Each of these lines will interpret different aspects of one's life.

In this age of cutthroat competition, the people seem to have become more and more dependant on things beyond their normal powers. Palmistry is gaining popularity even among the western public as well. This is because human beings have become more concerned about their future than ever before. Palmistry is quite popular in India. It is a part of everyday life for many Indians. Life is unimaginable for them without Palmistry. They will consult the Palmist for almost every activity of their lives. For special occasions like marriage, setting up a new business, the birth of a child, starting a new profession, etc, a visit to a Palmist has become a must. A palmist will examine the hand carefully and advice the clients about their next activity. The palmists say that there is a relation between the lines in one's palm, the planetary motions, and one's life.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019


English: Green power. Footpath near Great Brid...
Green power. Footpath near Great Bridgeford. The path follows a green tunnel between the mature hedge and the crop of Miscanthus. Also called Elephant Grass it is grown as a fuel for a mini power station in the area. Eccleshall Biomass Farming for Energy is a 2-megawatt power plant that will generate electricity using energy crops and provides 2,000 homes with electricity.
(Photo credit: 
Is biomass a green energy source? According to experts, yes it is. In fact, it is one of the three main areas of bioenergy.

But what is bioenergy? Well, it is a process by which organic material such as animal waste, plants and wood are used to generate electricity, produce heat and also aid in the production of biofuels.

In the case of biomass, hot air or water is generated to produce electricity. This is done through direct combustion and is considered the simplest and most common method of generating energy from biomass.

Aside from generating electricity, biomass can be used for hot air production so you can keep a place warm. For this to work, biomass has to be combusted in a furnace where it heats either water or air. Speaking of water, this enables you to have warm water so you can take a shower. In short, biomass in itself can also be used on a small scale as a heating system.

Since you can generate electricity and heat, some people have been able to combine the two which is known as combined heat and power or CHP. Something that many consider being good as you use one energy source for two purposes.

If you are able to compare the amount of electricity generated between biomass and let’s say solar energy, you will notice that biomass produces more because the energy in plants is already captured and stored.

You don’t have to collect it first which is what happens with solar or even wind energy since this is manufactured technology. It is readily available unlike the other two which is totally dependent on the weather.

Another is the fact that you can even use organic waste to produce electricity. No other green energy source can do that and by using this extensively, any government can save money because you don’t have to spend money to dispose of the waste and you will no longer depend on foreign oil that much to power your plants.

The downside to biomass is that because you have to burn waste and other organic materials to produce power, you add to the pollution which is already in the atmosphere. But this can be offset of course by planting more crops which we know helps reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

You will also have to shell out a lot of money initially for the costs of labor, the transport of these fuels and how these should be stored.

Biomass uses renewable natural resources which is why it is considered a green energy source. This means that we have an endless supply of it around just like the power of the sun or the wind which flows from the ocean. The challenge is to find suitable land that has a sufficient water supply so these will be able to grow.

This means that in areas where water is not that abundant, you cannot rely on biomass technology to generate power. When that happens, you use other means and one good example given the right geographical location is wave energy which is the process of generating power from the water.

There is a way to generate power without causing harm to the environment. We have the technology and green energy sources. We just need to muster the will to make it happen.

Monday, April 22, 2019

Pagan Teutonic Magic and Medicine - Odin's 9 RUNE Twig Lay

Upplands Runinskrift 871
Upplands Runinskrift 871 - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Odin's Lay of the Nine Twig Runes 
(Used by the Vikings)

There is a big difference between Native Teutonic Magic and the Magic that came North from the Mediterranean Countries.

The Pagans believed that the four causes of disease are (1) The flying Venoms; (2) The Evil Ones; (3) The Worm as a cause of Disease; and (4) the Power of the Elves and especially "Elf-Shot."

Not only did the Northern peoples know of these causes, but they are also found in the ancient Indian Vedas.

The Lay of the the Nine Twigs,(Runes) of Odin tell us how Odin was at war against the "Worm" serpent. He cut it into nine fragments. From each fragment, a disease arose. These were: Death dealing diseases.

English: The Norse god Odin on his horse Sleip...
The Norse god Odin on his horse Sleipnir
(Photo credit: 
There is a native charm for protection against these diseases.
"Balder and Odin
Fared into the wood
There was Balder's Foal
His foot wrenched.
Then charmed Odin
As well he knew how,
As for the bone wrench
So for the blood wrench;
"Bone to bone,
Blood to blood,
Limb to limb,
As if they be glued."

Jacob Grimm demonstrated how this charm showed up in Norwegian, Swedish, Scottish and Danish Folklore.

It has also been rendered in Gaelic and in the Sanskrit Artharua Veda. Symbolically the "Nine Twigs" are Odin's Runes, which he cast for magical charms.

A little bough from a fruit bearing tree was cut into nine slips. Each distinguished with a certain mark (Rune.)

Odin's nine (Runic) twigs of Fate determine the lot of the sick man.

"Augury and Divination by Lot", wrote Tacitus (c55 - c120) of the Germanic tribes. "No people practice more diligently." he wrote.

There is an old saying, "Where there is smoke there is fire."

What happened to this wonderful "Narrative Charm" of Odin? A charm that was known about and written about, not only in Northern Europe and Scandinavia but also in Rome and the Vedic Eastern countries?

Have we buried ourselves so deeply in Materialism and technology, that we have no need for the magic of our ancestor

    Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson)  Directory: EzineArticles

Saturday, April 20, 2019


Bust of Zeus, Otricoli (Sala Rotonda, Museo Pi...
Bust of Zeus, Otricoli (Sala Rotonda, Museo Pio-Clementino, Vatican)
(Photo credit: 
Although they seem to be things of the past, reminders of ancient Greek deities are all around us. When you read the following names, more than a few will look familiar. 

Ancient Greek Deities

The Greek Pantheon was a polytheistic system of thought and religion that assumed its Greek deities existed independently and individually. Their role was to rule diverse aspects of the mortal's everyday life. Myth and culture are gathered in the Pantheon from where the deities leave toward their corresponding realm.

Due to the Hellenic polytheist beliefs in ancient times, deities formed relationships with each other on a more human scale. Compared to one-deity approaches in many modern religions, Greek deities had a surprising number of human limitations and weaknesses. Contrary to other religions, none of the ancient Greek deities was omniscient or omnipotent, although their power was beyond the mortals' limit.

All Greek deities had the same origin as minor deities ruled by the Titans. They later overthrew the Titans in an epic battle. Some of the most renowned are:

Aphrodite on a swan. Tondo from an Attic white...
Aphrodite on a swan.  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Aether - God of the upper air

Aphrodite - Goddess of love and beauty

Apollo - God of the light, music, prophecy, poetry, and healing

Ares - God of war, primarily violent war and bloodshed

Artemis - Goddess of the moon and the hunt

Athena - Goddess of war, wisdom, strategy

Chaos - Non-gendered deity of the nothingness

Chronos - God of eternal time

Demeter - Goddess of agriculture

Erebus - God of darkness

Eros - God of love

Gaia - Titan Goddess of the Earth

Hades - God of the underworld, the death and the earth wealth, his realm receives his name.

Hemera - Goddess of daylight

Hephaestus - God of fire and the forge

Hera - Goddess of marriage and the family, sister and wife of Zeus

Hermes - God of commerce, travel, and thieves. Messenger of the gods

Hestia - Goddess of the hearth and domestic life that gave her place in the Mount Olympus to Dionysus

Nyx - Goddess of night

Pontus - Titan God of the sea

Poseidon - God of the sea

Tartarus - Titan God of the depths of the underworld

Uranus - Titan God of the heavens

Zeus - King of the Gods and God of thunder and lightning

As you can see, the long list of Greek deities is rather amazing when compared to one-deity religions such as Christianity and Islam. Regardless of the religious connotations, the names of these figures are often found in modern civilization although Roman translations are often used. For instance, Ares has been translated in Roman to Mars, the God of War and name of the 4th planet from our sun.

Greek deities represent a unique view of religion held by ancient Greeks. If the opportunity presents itself, you should read the Greek classics to gain an understanding of the rather emotional actions of the deities.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Find Comfort in Guided RELAXATION

We need to find our own way of feeling at peace with our inner emotions toward relaxation. The guided comfort in relaxation is the key to finding ourselves. Once you have found the comfort, it will make you feel healthier and happier.

How to find your guided relaxation: 
Finding guided comfort in relaxation starts with the inner self, which has caused us not to feel the comfort we need. We have many ways to find the comfort in relaxation we just have to look for the right one and stick to it. Once you’ve found what you are looking for and start to feel better if you stop that old feeling will come back and you will have to start again. You want to focus on continuance.

Learning to find your guided comfort takes time. It takes work. Practice with learning to overcome the stress that got you where you are today is the key to guided relaxation. Stress stems from stressors, such as late bills so we have to sort out what is bothering us.

Taking the bull by the horns: 
One must face reality, realizing that stress is a part of life. The world is moving fast it takes us with it and we have to learn to just go with the flow. Riding the tides will help you make what changes you can to expel some of the stress and then learn to guide self-through the rest of it.

Resources to guided relaxation: 
Head off to the library and research the books available to you. You also have the Internet where you can research and find helpful guided relaxation tools. You will find help to assist you with learning how to manage your life to find the guided relaxation you are looking for. Look for books, videos or maybe CD’s that can help you learn the process of guided relaxation. These resources can teach you how to and what you can do to help yours.

You do need to take time-out for you every day if only for 20 minutes. Yoga is a good exercise that everyone needs to help teach us to meditate. Yoga gives you a movement to relax the body. Socializing and meeting new people is a great way to lessen stress. Find a class that teaches you to learn Yoga and you will perhaps meet new friends to build your socializing skills. Taking a class will get you out and away from everyday stress for a while, and it will give you support being with people who are there for the same reason you are. Yoga will teach you how to imagine Self-outside of problems by helping you to meditate. You reach a relaxation zone that guides you to comfort. Once you have found your guided comfort, you’ll look forward to a brighter future.

Learning how to relax your body will help you sleep a more peaceful and restful night.  Without sleep, a person can build stress and sometimes it can lead to depression.  Depression sometimes will take over your mind and body. Medical attention will be necessary to help get you back to your guided comfort zone that you’ve lost.

Listening to CD’s, reading, or watching videos can help from feeling depressed since the tools are designed to relax your mind and body.

Beginning to learn to relax, it is hard because of built-up stress that you have to get rid of. Hang on and your comfort zone will eventually come to you and you’ll look forward to your own time-out. You have alternatives; take advantage of them now to fight stress.