Saturday, May 5, 2018

Esbats and Sabbats - The Holy Days of WITCHCRAFT

A photograph of a painted Wheel of the Year fr...
A photograph of a painted Wheel of the Year from the Museum of Witchcraft, Boscastle.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Every religion has its own days of power, reverence, and celebration. Wicca is no different in this regard. The holidays that Wiccans celebrate are referred to as Sabbats or the Eight High Holy days. They occur approximately every six weeks and denote the changing of the seasons. The sun, as a representation of the God, is revered during a sabbat, and the ceremony for a particular holiday is often performed at high noon. The other type of holy day that is more familiar to most people is the Esbat. The Esbat is a monthly occurrence that generally coincides with the moon being full. It is the night when witches gather to perform a ritual and magickal workings for the coming month.

This article will detail all of these holy days and hopefully shed a little light on what witches do throughout the year to honor their Deities.

The Esbat
As stated above, the Esbat is a ceremony that coincides with the cycles of the moon. Generally, the day that it is done occurs when the moon is full, though this is not necessary. The full moon is significant because witches firmly believe that the power of magickal workings wax and wane with the phases of the moon. When the moon is waxing or becoming fuller, it is good to perform rites that are drawing things to you or increasing positive influences in general. When the moon is waning or diminishing, it is good for banishing influences that are no longer wanted or getting rid of negativity. Yet when the moon is full, the magickal workings are at their peak, and it is good for nearly any rite that a witch may wish to perform. The new moon, or dark moon, occurs when the moon is not visible at all. During this time, the rites that are performed are either for extreme protection rites or negative magicks.

On whatever day the esbat is performed, it is done in the evening or at night. The reason behind this is that these rites are meant to be working with the Goddess, who represented by the moon.

The actual process of performing the esbat can be summed up very concisely. The witch or coven will gather at a designated ritual space. There, they will cast a circle, and perform rites that will raise their magickal and psychic power, and then direct that power at their desired goal. Since there are so many variables as to what a witch or group of witches may wish to direct their energy, it is difficult to offer up an example of what these rites may entail.

However, one of the things that is a common theme among esbats is that it is a time for connecting and communing with Deity. This is often done by the reciting of The Wiccan Rede and The Charge of the Goddess while in a circle. Afterward, time may be spent in either meditation or performing acts of divination with tarot cards, runes or other means. This is followed by a communion of cakes and wine, where the gathered witches will celebrate their coming together and catch up on the previous month and make plans for the coming one. Then the ritual circle is opened, the leftover cakes and wine are offered up to Nature, and the witches will go their separate ways.

The Eight High Holy Days
There are eight major holidays that Wiccans celebrate:

- Samhain (pronounce saw-vin or sow-en

- Yule 

- Candlemas 

- Ostara 

- Beltane 

- Midsummer 

- Lammas 

- and Mabon

Each of the Holy Days represents a different turning of the seasons, and a different phase of life. The common representation of these phases is the God, though many practitioners incorporate an aspect of the Goddess in some fashion as well. They are primarily Sun festivals, and, unlike esbats, the rituals are often performed when the sun is at its highest in the sky.

Sabbats are usually large gatherings where entire families will come together and celebrate with food and drink in addition to the religious rites.

Samhain is probably the most recognizable of all of the Wiccan Sabbats. It falls on October 31st and signifies the ending of one cycle of the year. While many view it as the beginning of the next yearly cycle, that does not actually occur until Yule in December.

The main symbolism behind this holiday is death and honoring loved ones that have passed on. It is commonly thought that on this night, the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, and witches take advantage of this opportunity to communicate with their family and friends who have passed on.

Samhain is also the last harvest festival of the year, and the last opportunity for the coven and their families to come together to share their resources before digging in for the winter. The period of time between Samhain and Yule is spent contemplating plans for the coming year and remembering the year that has passed.

Yule is generally thought to coincide with the Christian holiday of Christmas. This is not precisely so. Yule actually falls on the day of the winter solstice, which generally falls on or around December 21st.

The significance of this holiday is that of rebirth. This is the day where the days begin to grow longer, and the sun is making a comeback. The general representation of this is of Holly King, a Dark God, passing and being replaced by the Oak King, or Sun God. Though the sabbat that signifies the beginning of the year may vary from tradition to tradition, this is the one that is most popular in signifying the beginning of the year.

All of the sabbats represent a phase of life, and Yule falls into the fertility category. This is a time of conception, where the beginnings of life begin to stir. When covens and families come together on this holiday, plans begin to be made for the coming year, as well as preparations for the coming spring.

Candlemas is also known by the name of Imbolc. It is well and truly the first fertility festival of springtime. The specific date that this day falls on varies from tradition to tradition, but it can be anywhere from January 31st to February 2nd. At this time, we are beginning to see the very first signs of spring, and the renewal of life.

The festivities for Candlemas all center on clearing out the old and making way for the new. The Maiden aspect of the Goddess is honored at this time, as are any Gods and Goddesses that relate to love and fertility. This holiday is considered an especially auspicious time for a new marriage or relationship.

One of the traditional symbols of Candlemas is the plough. They are often decorated and incorporated into the festivities. Another tradition for the holiday is to create a besom, a simple broom constructed of twigs or straw, and use it to ritually cleanse the home. It is then placed near the front, symbolizing sweeping out the old and welcoming the new.

Also called Eostar, this High Holy Day falls on the spring equinox, on or near March 21st. This is the second of the three fertility festivals. Springtime is coming in full force at this time, and planting for the year's crops is well underway. New spring growth can be seen everywhere, and the Gods are petitioned for luck with the crops and the home.

Two of the traditional symbols for this holiday is the egg and the rabbit. The egg is an emblem of new life and new growth, and it is incorporated into many ritual workings and festivities at this time. The rabbit, known for its prolific mating habits, is also a symbol of growth and abundance. Both also symbolize change. The Christian faith has fully adopted both of these symbols into their celebrations that occur at near the same time.

Also known as May Day, this Holy Day falls on May first. It is the last of the fertility festivals for the year, and with it comes unabashed sexuality for many traditions. The May Pole is one symbol of this holiday that is found throughout many traditions. It is a tall pole set in the ground, symbolizing the Sun God uniting with Earth. It is decorated with long ribbons and fresh flowers, and, of course, maidens traditionally dance around the pole.

One of the traditional May Day activities for this holiday is to secretly leave baskets of flowers and goodies at the doors of your neighbors.

Generally, this is a holiday that celebrates and revels in the return of the sun.

This Holy Day celebrates the God, represented by the sun in all of his glory. It is celebrated on the summer solstice when the longest day of the year takes place. Midsummer is neither a fertility festival nor a harvest festival. In this way, it is similar to Yule. On this day, rites often center on protection for the home and family for the coming year, rites of divination, and celebrating the abundance of The Oak King in his prime of life.

For those who work with faerie energy in their rites, Midsummer is an ideal time to commune with them. It is a common tradition for witches to go out in the twilight and look for faerie folk in stands of oak, ash and thorn trees.

Another name for this holiday is Lughnassadh. It occurs on August 1st, and it is the first of the three harvest sabbats celebrated by witches. Attention turns now to harvest the crops and gardens, and preparations begin for the coming winter. The days are beginning to grow shorter, and the Sun God begins to lose his strength as the days grow shorter.

As this is the time of year when we first begin to reap the bounties of harvest, it is often a holiday accompanied with feasting and celebration. Decorations and dollies are often made from dried ears of corn, and used in rites and to decorate the home.

Mabon is the primary harvest festival, the counterpoint to Ostara, and it occurs on the Autumnal Equinox. On this day, witches pay homage to retreat daylight and prepare for the coming winter. This holiday symbolizes the God in old age and readying for his impending death and rebirth.
Though this holiday is a little more somber than the rest of them, it is also one where Wiccans are sure to give thanks for what they have received throughout the past year. It is a popular time of year for witches and pagans to give back to their communities and generally share their bountiful harvests.

With so many holidays to celebrate, Wiccans always have something to look forward to in their faith. As the seasons come and go, witches around the world celebrate the wheel of the year. Though traditions and names may be a little different from place to place, they are all basically the same at heart.

Friday, May 4, 2018

ASTHMA Treatment Ways

Asthma can be treated in many ways

1. Using conventional medicines and therapies
2. Using alternative medicines such as herbs or other traditional medicines
3. By using alternative therapies such as Yoga, Acupuncture, etc... 

Every type of therapy has its own scope and time span. The first and the most widely accepted therapy is the conventional medicines and procedures. In this procedure of asthma treatment, the patient is treated in two ways

1. Short-term treatment
2. Long-term treatment

Short term asthma treatment involves the instant relief of the patient from asthma attacks. Short-term treatment involves the administration of inhalers and orally administered drugs. Asthma cannot be cured, but the scope of asthma can be controlled with the help of a proper asthma management program.

Short-term treatment is done mainly by using Metered Dose Inhalers or MDIs. Dry powder inhalers are also gaining favor in the treatment of asthma.
For those patients who cannot use the MDI’s, nebulizer therapy is used.

Long-term asthma treatment involves more of Parallel treatment and lesser use of drugs.

In parallel asthma treatment, environmental components and surrounding analysis are done to minimize the factors that lead to Asthma attacks. In this type of treatment environment components such as pollen grains, allergens etc are minimized from the patient’s surroundings to minimize the chances of an asthma attack.

For this it is necessary that the patient’s place of residence be cleaned every week, the patient must be kept away from pets with fur or feather, weekly washing of the bedding of the patient in hot water.

Avoid using a synthetic material in the patient’s bedding, replace upholstery based furniture to vinyl or leather ones. 

Remove carpeted floors. They may contain dust particles that could cause problems to the asthma patient.

Use the Air conditioner to protect the patient from subtle temperature changes.

Keep the house dry. Humidity affects the asthma patient.

After the parallel asthma treatment is completed, lung functioning is monitored to look for effective changes. After this, medicines like corticosteroids and bronchodilators are administered. A periodic check-up is necessary to know about any changes in the condition of the patient.

For patients have persistent asthma attacks, an annual dose of influenza vaccine is necessary.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Hair Loss ALOE VERA Treatment And Other Natural Hair Loss Treatments

Deutsch: Echte Aloe (Aloe vera)
Aloe Vera - Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Many people feel that the problem of hair loss cannot be solved with the help of hair loss treatment products. They often get frustrated after spending too much money on ineffective hair loss remedies and their side effects with no positive results at all. In reality, hair loss treatment can be divided into two categories: Natural hair loss treatments and chemical treatments.

Here are some best hair natural hair loss treatments:

Aloe Vera

Indians, Native Americans, and Caribbeans have used Aloe Vera to promote healthy hair and prevent hair loss since ages. Aloe Vera balances the pH of the scalp and heals from within. It is also helpful in cleansing the pores. A general remedy of Aloe Vera gel with coconut milk and a small amount of wheat germ oil used as a shampoo has shown great benefits. Aloe Vera surely helps you stop hair loss.


If you are affected with hair problems like eczema, psoriasis, dandruff or seborrhea you are requested to use jojoba oil. Native Americans and Mexicans have used jojoba oil for centuries to prevent hair loss and to control dandruff. Jojoba oil works well for hypoallergenic skin, as is a good moisturizer. This is one of the best hair loss treatment products.


Henna is a traditional Indian herb, which is a good natural conditioner and works great as a hair loss treatment product. It heals hair shaft by sealing the cuticle and repairing, stops breakage and restores the silky-shiny effect of your hair.

Capsicum - It stimulates hair growth by 50% and increases the flow of blood to the scalp. This herb is effective in preventing hair loss.

Lemongrass - This herb helps to stabilize oil product in the scalp. It also provides nourishment to the hair. You can use oil of lemongrass for massage as well.

Dong Quai - Formation of DHT is the main cause of hair loss. Dong Quai contains phytoestrogens, which reduces the formation of DHT. Hence, Dong Quai is believed to be helpful in hair loss.

It is recommended that you consult an expert to know which hair loss treatment product is suitable for you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Pros And Cons Of TATTOOS

tattoo work by Keith Killingsworth
tattoo work by Keith Killingsworth (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
These days’ tattoos are more common than ever.  Tattoos have gained quite a bit in popularity over the years, giving people a chance to stand out and broadcast who they really are.  Men and women alike have tattoos, some covering their entire body.  The choice is entirely up to you though, as you can get a tattoo in virtually any size you want.

Even though there are many good things about tattoos, there are bad things as well.  Among the good things about tattoos include the chance to broadcast who you are, the chance to be you, and the chance to stand out.  Most people who get tattoos get them for the symbolic meaning.  Although there are some who get tattoos strictly for the look, many end up regretting getting the tattoo later on in life.

Tattoos are great for the show, although the design itself should hold some meaning.  There are a variety of designs and colors to choose from, which helps to add to the positive benefits of tattoos.  You can check out many designs at your local tattoo studio, in books and magazines, and on the Internet.  The Internet is a great resource for tattoo designs, as there are literally thousands to look at.  You can also look at pictures of those who have tattoos so you can get an idea as to what a certain style will look like once it has been finished.

The cons of tattoos are pretty straightforward.  Tattoos work by piercing the skin with a needle and injecting little gobs of ink.  With that being said the risk of infection when getting a tattoo is always there.  If the tattoo artist isn’t sanitary and doesn’t clean his equipment after every use, the risk of infection will be much higher.

Another thing to worry about with tattoos is removal.  If you later decide that you don’t want the tattoo, you’ll have to pay an expensive price to have it surgically removed.  Surgery carries risks and complications as well.  In some cases, those who have got tattoos have had to have the tattoo removed due to infection.  In these cases, the infection has gotten so bad that there really is no other choice than to get the tattoo removed.

No matter how you look at it, there will always be both pros and cons with tattoos.  Before you decide to get a tattoo, you should make sure that the design you have picked out is something that you can see yourself with for years to come.  If there is any doubt in your mind about the tattoo, you shouldn’t get it.  Even though it may seem cool at the time – the price for removal and the complications with surgery may not be worth it in the long run.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Expressions of SYMPATHY

Lady Vengeance accident
Photo  by Debs (ò‿ó)♪ 
Even the most talkative and eloquent among us are often at a loss for words when it comes to helping people deal with the death of someone close to them.  We want to express our sympathy, our sharing of their feelings, but we don't know how to do it.  Words can be comforting, but they're also fleeting.  So we turn to more tangible expressions of sympathy.

Sympathy gifts come in many forms.  A card with a thoughtful message is often the first thing we seek.  There is a surprising array of choices to be made when selecting a card.  The natural inclination is often to pick a card that reflects the giver's beliefs as opposed to focusing on those of the bereaved.  Some sympathy cards contain short generic messages and are appropriate for acquaintances such as co-workers with whom one does not have a close personal relationship.  Other cards reflect religious or spiritual themes, which may bring great comfort at such a difficult time.  The final type of card emphasizes the friendship between the giver and receiver.  These cards assure the receiver that a true friend will be ready to provide support in any way possible.

We shouldn't underestimate the long-lasting impact a sympathy gift will have on the recipient.  This point was driven home for me when I gave a plant to a co-worker.  (It was spring and I was transplanting recently rooted baby spider plants to share with friends and acquaintances.)  The next day she told me that she had cried when she brought it home and put it on her table.

It turned out that her father had died several years earlier.  At that time, someone gave her a plant as a sympathy gift.  Watching the plant grow and burst into life over the years always comforted her by reminding her of the energy and enthusiasm for life her father had displayed.  Did that gift giver have any idea of the power of that simple condolence gift  - that it would console her for years? 

Unbeknownst to me, a couple weeks before I offered her that new little plant, her old one had died and she had to dispose of it.  It upset her to see that empty place on the table every day.  She told me that when she brought home my plant and placed it in its spot, it was like that life and energy returned, once again reminding of her in a positive way of her father.

Though it may be difficult to express our sympathy at times, we should all take comfort in knowing that the gestures we make and tokens we give in sympathy are gifts that really will comfort the hearts and souls of the recipients.

Monday, April 30, 2018

A Key Element In SOLAR PANELS - Efficiency

A modern solar cell
A modern solar cell (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While solar energy is most often associated with the production of electricity, heating is also a major platform. While heating isn’t particularly difficult, efficiency in doing so is the key to saving wear and tear on your system.

A Key Element In Solar Panels - Efficiency

The sun produces a ton of energy, but solar panel systems have historically been very inefficient at converting it. With improving technology, efficiency has improved to the point where most panel systems can easily produce enough energy to heat water for the home and pools. There are efficient and inefficient ways to go about this process.

To save wear and tear on your panels, you need to consider a flow control system. Older panel systems tend to take a long time to heat up fluid because water more or less randomly circulates through the system. This is very inefficient because the panels are forced to heat up a much larger pool of water than you actually need. This results in wear and tear, not to mention lengthy waits for hot water.

A control flow system attacks the efficiency problem by reducing the amount of water that must be heated. Most are designed to work on temperature differential strategies. They work by using two sensors. The first is located close the panels being used to heat the water or liquid substitute. The second is located on or close to the liquid return valve into the panel system. Put in practical terms, one sensor measures the temperature of the liquid set to leave the panel while the other measures the temperature of liquid coming into the panel.

Flow systems work by waiting for the liquid to rise to a temperature determined by you. Once the liquid meets the temperature, the system turns on the circulation pump and moves the liquid to the desired location. Once the return valve sensor notes the temperature of the returning water is within a particular range of the liquid in the panel system, the pump is shut off. This process allows for faster heating times, more efficiency and less wasted energy.

Solar solutions are coming to the front of the energy debate for many residential energy needs. Countries like Germany are making huge investments in solar platforms and technologies. Solar can be a cost-effective solution for you as well. Just keep in mind that flow systems are a must if you are pursuing solar water heating.

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Meditation Techniques That Anybody Can Use

English: MeditationMeditation (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes those of us “regular people” get intimidated by the idea of learning meditation techniques even if they will do us a lot of good.  For a lot of us, when we think of meditation techniques, we get an image of a white-haired guru sitting on top of a mountain, not of an ordinary run of the mill person like you and I.

But we know that meditation techniques can do even everyday people like us some good.  That is because people that you know who use meditation techniques tend to be calmer, more at ease, relaxed and able to handle stress better than those that don’t.  So it makes you think, maybe there is something to meditation techniques worth looking into.

The good news is that most of those meditation techniques that those “gurus” use are based on some very practical and easy things that we can do, without special equipment and even without a huge amount of special training to get the simple results that a lot of people work hard to achieve.  So what we all need are meditation techniques that anybody can use.

Meditation Technique #1 – It’s all in the breathing.

It may seem ridiculously easy but much of the fuss about meditation technique is all about breathing.  You may have already noticed that as you get more upset or excited or agitated, your breathing becomes shorter and you breathe faster.  When that happens, you get less oxygen to your blood, your heart beats faster and your mind, with less blood, gets upset more easily. 

So by slowing down your breathing, you can reverse the effect.  You take the outcome and make it the cause.  Instead of letting your breathing react to how you feel, you control your breathing to change how you feel.  It is as simple as taking a few moments and closing your eyes and concentrating on breathing ten or so deep breaths in and out. 

As you do so, think about those breaths and nothing else for a moment.  Think about the air going in and then going out again.  It is as though you are breathing on purpose.  The outcome of this meditation technique will be your heart will slow down, your blood will get more oxygen and before long, you are calmer and able to react to things much more serenely.  You have taken control of the situation.

Meditation Technique #2 – A moment of peace and quiet.

Life has a way of taking over and running us instead of us running it.  Work gets hectic, a family life full of joys and challenges and you have days where everything seems to go crazy all at once.  There is another simple meditation technique you can use to return control of the day to you.

The gurus who use the advanced meditation techniques know that they should have a place where they can retreat to enter into a more contemplative state of mind.  So too, you can start to look around your various environments and select a place where you can get a moment of peace and quiet to do your breathing and gather yourself to get control over the chaos that sometimes your day turns into.  While in that quiet place, don’t just reflect on how bad things are, slow your breathing, use your ability to reflect and calm yourself and slowly get back to that inner tranquility that will give you control.  One meditation technique that people use is to imagine a quiet lake inside their soul.  You want that lake to be still, the surface quiet, the air pure and cool, the environment serene and at rest.  Then when the world around you is going mad, your tranquil lake is never disturbed.

Meditation Technique #3 – Self Talk

You are what you think.  And how you talk to yourself when you are using your meditation techniques can bring you up and calm you if you know what to say.  Now don’t panic at the idea of talking to yourself.  Self-talk is a long established meditation technique that you too can use to get your composure in the midst of your busy world. 

Again, as we mentioned above, you have to let that self-talk be positive and reassuring.  Remember the good of your life and your feelings when you were in control.  There are other key meditation techniques that you can use that fall under the category of self-talk that can calm you and put you in a serene state of mind fairly quickly.  Remember a time when you had perfect control and try to become that person.  Have a common location that is always serene for you and go to that place in your mind for a moment and gather your thoughts there.  Reflect on the things in your life that give you power and self-worth.  Let those things talk to you.  Slowly this positive self-talk can do its magic and lift you back to a stable place and give you peace.

Now, this is not to say that formal meditation techniques are not of value.  They certainly are.  As you take advantage of these down to earth meditation techniques we have talked about here today, you will start to feel the benefits in how you sleep, how you react to stress and even in your health. 

If you enjoy those benefits, then you are on your way to a lifetime of meditation.  Then you can start to look into some more formalized meditation techniques that will take the simple steps and take you to the next level.  Who knows, maybe one of these days you will be that white-haired guru on the mountaintop.  I bet the view is great from up there.

Saturday, April 28, 2018


Acupuncture chart from the Ming Dynasty: The P...

Acupuncture chart from the Ming Dynasty:
The Pericardium Meridian of Hand-Jueyin
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Practitioners of the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture rely on the acupuncture points map to free trapped energy in the body and restore health.

You might have spotted this type of chart of the human body on the wall of your holistic doctor’s office or during a visit to a natural health store. It depicts numerous points on the body where the body’s energy, also known as qi, often accumulates. In fact, there are over 2,000 points that conduct energy throughout the body!

Because of their direct connection to the flow of energy in the body, the acupuncture pressure points depicted on the acupuncture points map help to regulate body function, mood, emotional and spiritual well-being. You might find it surprising that acupuncture has been used for over two millennia to help relieve headaches, skin conditions, digestive disorders, and asthma. And, that’s just the beginning. Acupuncture has been known to help with depression, phobias, addictions, low self-esteem, eating disorders, and other ailments caused by energy imbalances in the body.

The traditional acupuncture points chart shows fourteen main channels, also known as meridians, which exist in the body – one meridian for each of the twelve organs, one along the spine and another along the abdomen. Acupuncture pressure points are located along these meridians, and some points have more than one function. This means that an acupuncturist might use them to cure more than one type of illness.

For example, there is a commonly-used point on the acupuncture points chart, which is located on the back side of the hand between the thumb and first finger. Acupuncturists use it mainly to relieve pain and to treat constipation or other intestinal disorders. This point, however, is also used to treat illnesses which cause inflammation and fever. Because the large intestine meridian runs from the hand to the face, these symptoms often manifest in the throat and head.

Another point on the acupuncture points map is located at the base of the skull along the gallbladder meridian. This is a valuable point to know around cold and flu season because it helps treat these annoying illnesses. It also helps relieve headaches, neck pain, and fever. Additionally, it may also lower blood pressure and relax tension in the region around the eyes. There is a multitude of points that may hold the key to better health for you.

How does an acupuncturist use these points on an acupuncture points map? He or she utilizes small needles and places them at the specific point on the patient’s body to help relieve illnesses caused by disrupted energy flow. By manipulating the flow of qi at these points, the two forms of energy in the body, yin and yang, are brought into proper alignment. It may require several visits to your acupuncturist to bring your body’s energy into harmony.

Encouraging the proper flow of life energy at specific acupuncture pressure points will help bring your body into physical and emotional harmony, in addition to proper diet, exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. Visit a licensed acupuncturist who has studied the acupuncture points map in detail to ensure a beneficial session.

Friday, April 27, 2018

How to Become a SHAMAN

Copper carving depicting a Sámi shaman with hi...
Copper carving depicting a Sámi shaman with his magic drum (meavrresgárri).
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are you called to be a shaman? If you are how do you know? If you aren't how do you know? If you don't want to be a shaman but would like to take advantages of some of the shamanic practices and techniques. Can you? Are you allowed to or not? Do you have to be initiated to be a shaman? These are all questions that I once had after I finally submitted and embarked upon this quest. And I will share what I have learned with you from my experience.

First, it is important to understand, that every world culture has an individual or group of individuals that has acted as a mediator between the spiritual and the physical. These eccentric individuals have been called medicine man/woman, viziers, spiritual healer, witch doctor, etc. but the most prevalent term used today is a shaman and the practice is called shamanism. Shamanism is the general term that has been used incorrectly to describe any person that feels that God, the Great Spirit, the ancestors, spirit guides and/or guardian spirits have called them to help others through spiritual means, which has contributed to the confusion of the term. So to clarify, it must be understood that a shaman can be a preacher, psychic, counselor, medicine man or woman, herbalists, priest or priestess, medical intuitive, psychic healer, etc. but a preacher, psychic, counselor, medicine man or woman, herbalists, priest or priestess, medical intuitive, psychic healer, doesn't necessarily have to be a shaman. The key difference being that a shaman usually has a unique perspective about life whereas the other healers do not.

The reason the shaman's viewpoint is so different from the other healers is that he or she have undergone either a formal initiation (e.g. apprenticeship, ceremonial rites, etc.) or informal initiation (e.g. life-transforming event via gross misfortune, illness, etc.). During this (formal or informal) initiation, the initiate is forced to overcome old traumatic issues, including their anger, fear, hatred, feelings of abandonment and other emotional wounds, in order to learn how not to be controlled by their emotions but rather guided by their intuition. During this transformative period, the initiate comes face to face with death, where they learn that death is not "the end" but simply a stage in the cycle of birth-life-death and rebirth. In this unique experience, which cannot accurately be intellectualized, but has to be experienced, the initiate usually meets her or his ancestors, spirit guides or spirits, which leads them to adopt a new perspective about life reflective of this experience. This new perspective on life that the shaman initiate adopts usually becomes the cosmology or cosmogram that the initiate follows.

It is through this cosmogram the shaman initiate is able to move beyond their personal preferences and societal imposed prejudices, which allows them to see everything (plants, animals, human beings, etc.) in the universe as an interdependent part of a whole. It is here the initiate begins to see him or herself as a microcosm of a greater Macrocosm and learns that all is composed of divine energy. The life cycle the initiate soon learns is based upon a natural exchange between the spiritual and the physical. It then becomes apparent that in order to implement any positive change. They have to learn how to petition the right the force that will bring about the type of change that they desire. The shaman learns about this exchange by observing these forces in nature and seeing that just like the right conditions are needed in order for a wild game to return to a particular area. The same conditions are needed to make an individual prosperous and so on.

It is this observation that makes the initiate take responsibility for her and his actions. This is how the true shamanic journey begins because the initiate is not perfect by any means, but is expected to perfect his or her character. This is the reason why shamans from all over the world may not profess to be Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, Muslim or any one religion. They will easily practice the tenets of major religions like loving their neighbor as themselves and acknowledge that seeing ourselves separate from one another will lead to our ultimate demise. Where shamanism differs from major religions, is that it is not governed by religious dogma but by the calling, which is dictated by the laws of nature.

These laws are taught to the shaman initiate by the same one(s) that called them per that individual's culture. Therefore, violation of these laws may not be punishable by man but they are punishable through God, the Great Spirit, ancestors, spirit guides, or the guardian spirits that called the individual to be a shaman, because the rapport that the initiate has developed with his or her guides through the initiation process is very strong and personal. So when a true shaman breaks a taboo they make amends as soon as possible, and try to live in harmony with others, because it will weaken their spiritual power, connection with their spirit guides and may result in them losing divine blessing or grace. No true shaman would risk jeopardizing this for a quick selfish, monetary thrill.

Because shamanism differs in every country, culture, region, etc. what may be the norm in one area may be completely different in another. For instance, in South America, Amerindian shamans use entheogens like peyote, whereas Amerindian shamans in North America do not. All shamans don't engage in "vision quest" just to get an answer nor do they have to use a drum and rattle to enter and maintain an ecstatic state of trance. Clearly, all shamans are not created equal but there are some general norms that exist about shamans. For one, they are not chauvinistic nor are they feminist either. They see the purpose of both natures. True shamans also do not have on their walls their list of accomplishments. They do not sit back and brag about their accomplishments or drop names to prove how strong and powerful they are to impress people. One look into their eyes and you will be able to see if they are for real or a charlatan.

Now, don't get me wrong, all shamans are not extremely humble or meek individuals, nor are they all eccentric individuals either. They do boast but their boasts, which may come off as arrogance is not meant to impress the living. It is to glorify their spirits, on one hand, cause negative spirits to tremble and flee on the other, and strengthen their own faith. Another thing, true shamans don't go looking for trouble or imbalances. Trouble or imbalances seem to find them (at least this has been my experience), and they use the situation to create balance.

Overall, I must admit that the shamanic journey is a wonderful and rewarding journey because a shaman helps him or herself by helping others. This is why it is said that shamans wounded healers because most shamans specialize in healing situations that they have or had to overcome themselves. This is what makes shamans exceptional over other healers because they are a reflection of what they have accomplished and believed. If a shaman will heal a relationship between a husband and wife, it is because they usually have done the same for their relationship and so on.

As your intuition develops, you will know when it is time to help others because you will find yourself (with no effort of your own) being asked to assist another in resolving a situation. You may be walking down the street to the park and get a hunch to say a prayer to bless and protect the children at the park from harm. Then, you may get an idea to solidify your prayer by building a small makeshift altar out of sticks and rocks. These are all signs that you have been called to put your skills to service.

The great thing about shamanism is that it is honest and a powerful universal practice full of wonder. True shamanism doesn't lie and tell you what you want to hear just to get your money, participation and membership. It is a real gut practice that presents to you the problem and helps you to find ways to resolve it so that the problem never occurs again. It tells you what you need to hear (in the gentle or harshest way possible). In order to get you to do what you have been called to do, which is fulfill your destiny or purpose in life. These are some of the things that I have learned in my own journey, which by the way is unique per individual. It is through this shamanic walk I also discovered that if you are called and ignore your calling. You will wish you hadn't, not because your spirit guides will punish you, but because the next stage of your development requires that you accept your calling in order to advance forward. Another thing I learned that just because you accept your calling, it will not eliminate humiliation, misery, pain and suffering out of your life. Shamanism will, however, help you to develop the peace and power needed to navigate right through it, thus making you a more resilient and strong individual.

But, the shamanic journey is not an easy path to follow because it can be very challenging at times. Not to mention that finding a true spiritual teacher in these contemporary times can be painstakingly difficult. And, if you have been called to become a shaman or just to partake in the practice. It can be a bit confusing especially when there is no one to help you. So to help ease a headache, here are some recommendations I have compiled based on my experience.

Instead of wasting your time and money, borrowing and imitating another's cultural practices without being sure if you have been called or not. I suggest that you begin by investigating your own spiritual heritage. For instance, if you come from a Christian tradition, try to understand how you or your family got into that tradition and why you are or are not in that tradition today. Ask yourself the hard questions like are you involved in the religion because you were raised in it and know nothing else? Are you not in this religion because you don't agree with their political or social views? In other words, you don't like what they said, etc. This will help you to clarify your purpose of embarking on the shamanic path. Far too often, many of us jump around from faith to faith because we don't know what we are looking for.

Once you have done that, then I would recommend that you research and learn about traditional practices of your ancestors. If you cannot do this then learn about the traditional practices of your distant ancestors. For instance, I being of African and Native American descent in the United States, was not able to learn about my ancestral path due to slavery. I was, however, able to learn about the Kamitic (ancient Egyptians) civilization, which was the greatest, longest standing and most influential African civilization that has existed. That many scholars have culturally tied to Sub-Saharan Africa. It was through my research, Kamit became a gateway that led me to discover that my family has a heavy Kongo influence. Through this, I discovered the shamanic path that I walk today, which is why I refer to it as Kamitic shamanism.

So, research your distant ancestral path because through it you will discover your Way and find if you have been called to be a shaman or a "keeper of the flame" sort-of-speak, which is someone meant to help their family, friends, and others they come in contact versus being a shaman who services an entire community. When you have honestly completely these two steps. If you have been called you will have a stronger conviction of your calling because you will find yourself being initiated (formally or informally).

Thursday, April 26, 2018


B.K.S. Iyengar
B.K.S. Iyengar
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many different forms of yoga, some ancient, some modern, and often a combination of the two.

The Principles of Iyengar

Iyengar yoga is a form of Hatha yoga. This school of yoga was founded by B. K. S. Iyengar in the 1970s in India. It uses Hatha poses, but with an emphasis on detail, precision and perfect alignment in the performance of asanas (poses) and breath work. In this way, the student will develop strength, mobility, and stability through all of the poses they work on.

Who Was Iyengar?

Before his death in 2014 at the age of 95, Iyengar was said to have perfected approximately 200 Hatha yoga poses. This is a small number of the many that are available in Hatha, but if you enjoy seeking perfection in all you do, this could be the right yoga for you.

Iyengar taught yoga for more than 70 years and was the author of 40 books, including Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika. It is considered to be a definitive work on the power of yoga and its philosophy.

His impact on popularizing yoga in the West led Time magazine to name Iyengar as one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World in 2004. He was awarded three of the four top honors for civilians in India in 1991, for positively affecting so many lives through yoga. Iyengar taught many celebrities around the world yoga, including the world-renowned violinist and conductor Yehudi Menuhin, helping to make it more fashionable in the West.

Yoga for Healing

Iyengar did not just teach yoga as a physical exercise, but as a treatment and even cure for illness as part of a holistic practice, known in India as Ayurvedic medicine. He also taught about the spirituality of yoga, thus caring for his students in terms of body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga is not just about what you do when you are on your mat, but about the eight limbs of yoga, which include physical work, breath work, and meditation. He illustrated the asanas he perfected in this works. He also went into great detail about breath work, cleanliness, times of the day to practice, what to eat and when, and so on. If you enjoy discipline and routine, you will also enjoy Iyengar.

A Detailed Yoga Program for Life

As with all Hatha yoga, there are different levels. Beginners start out with easy poses and then work their way up to more challenging ones. The proper technique is emphasized with each pose and the instructions are given for each.

As with Hatha, there are also a number of breathing techniques to learn depending on what effects you wish to achieve in the body, such as boosting energy or getting rid of toxins from the body.

For those who wish to study on their own rather than attend class all the time, his book Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika gives as an appendix a 300-week yoga course mapped out for the "intense practitioner," nearly six years of guided yoga lessons. 

You can also learn different poses for different health benefits. Some will relieve back pain and give you a solid set of core muscles. Others will help you lose weight, improve digestion, or lift depression.

Iyengar sought to be the definitive yoga teacher to heal body, mind, and spirit through Hatha. If you like to exercise in a very structured way, look for an Iyengar studio near you or follow his guides to perfect your poses and breath work.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Rune Mysteries Show Vikings in America in 1010 AD

English: An illustration of Vikings on a boat.
An illustration of Vikings on a boat.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Rune Mysteries America's Nordic Heritage

There exists an encyclopedia of Norse anti-facts, locations of Archaeological sites, Historical accounts, maps and testimonials that document the existence of vast Viking Settlements in North American Colonies prior to Columbus.

The elitist Academicians and satirizing editors of the Smithsonian Institute, as well as the bureaucrats at the National Endowment of the Humanities, have hidden them from us. The National Geographic is also guilty of false publications regarding the discovery of America.

Where ever the Vikings went, they left the Rune Mysteries. The records of Viking explorations from Iceland and Greenland penetrating far into America is clearly remarkable. The Vikings imported furs, lumber, ivory, oil, wine and fish back to the European markets.

Those Viking Colonies are clearly marked on medieval maps. Vineland, Norvera, Greenland Province, Venteland, Wineland and Suinlandia!. In the 16th Century, the land of Vinland extended from the Gulf of the St. Lawrence to Florida. It was known as Norumbega, the "Northern Settlement."

Norse artifacts extended far into the interior to Minnesota and the Dakotas.

W.R. Anderson, president of the Leif Ericson Society, and editor - in chief of "Vikingship Journal" lives in Evanston, IL. Look him up on the net, to read more about our "Forgotten History."

Anderson does not own a PHD nor is he recognized as a Historian or an Anthropologist. Just dedication to the perseverance of our Nordic-Viking heritage.

Who were the first Americans and where did they come from? Answers to this question have taken us back to 100,000 B. C.?

But we do know that Eric, The Red, Thornaldson, born in Norway was banished to Iceland. In 982. He discovered Greenland. There were no Jails in Norway or Iceland, Punishment for manslaughter was banishment.

Eric followed in the wake of his cousin, Gunnbjorn Ulfson, who found Islands west of Iceland. Eric sailed further and found a large island and called it Greenland to attract other Vikings.

One of the later Greenlanders, Bjarni Herjulfson was blown off course and saw the American continent. He reported back to Eric.

In 1003, Lief Ericson recalled Bjanni's tale of land to the west and brought his ship.

Eric did not go because of his superstitious nature. On the way to the ship, his horse stumbled throwing Eric to the ground. He viewed it as a 'Bad Omen' and stayed home. Leif sailed to what is now known as Cape Cod on September 1, 1003. The Vikings landed and discovered America.

Lief's brother arrived in 1005 and explored as far south as Florida. He stopped near Savannah GA. and wanted to establish a colony. But he was killed by Indians by the Savannah River. Where ever the Vikings went, you can find artefacts of Rune Mysteries. More to follow.

    Ellis Peterson AKA Ragnar Storyteller is a retired math professor and electronics engineer. He has been studying astrology, runes, radionics, metaphysics and alternative healing treatments for over 30 years. He is 70+, in very good health and lives in the boonies of the Pocono mountains with his wife Lory. His writings are unique and refreshing.

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