Monday, March 26, 2018

Natural Remedies for Depression - ESSENTIAL OILS and Thought Processes

Depression (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's always best to look for the most gentle yet effective way to treat any disorder or disease. The fewer side effects, the better and we've all probably heard of enough stories of the volatile side effects that tend to result from prescription medications, especially those of anti-depressant medications. There are many natural remedies for depression and a number of self-help techniques that you can turn to. Depression is a disorder of your thoughts and if you keep focused on that fact, you can overcome depression by taking back control of your mind.

In writing, it does sound like an easy task to just change your thoughts to more uplifting and empowering things and leave all those negative and joy-stealing thoughts behind, but our mind is a mysterious thing. Our thoughts came from a variety of experiences and influences that we don't even realize, as well as being a result of the chemical make-up of our body. Not an easy thing to control, especially if you've spent most of your life not realizing that you can control your thoughts. The easy part is getting lost in thoughts and letting your mind control your feelings.

Since depression can be attributed to a chemical imbalance in the body, it is helpful to find some natural remedies that will alter your chemical processes to produce more serene, uplifting and calm thoughts. Essential oils are a gentle and effective way to treat a variety of your body's ailments. They can be used with a carrier oil for a massage, a few drops can be added to a bath or they can be used in a diffuser. There are quite a lot of impure essential oils being marketed today that may still have some aroma but will not have the potency to aid in the re-balancing of the body. Check your local health store as well as a variety of online sources to locate reputable essential oil manufacturers. Young Living Essential Oils is a quality manufacturer and has an excellent website with valuable information about essential oils and company practices. Some essential oils used for depression are lavender, bergamot, clary sage, orange, and ylang-ylang.

Along with various other natural substances, you can treat depression by changing your thought processes. Whether you use prescription drugs or natural therapies, you will eventually have to use this method to avoid falling into the "depression trap" again. There are a number of different ways to change the way your mind thinks and depending on your personality, some will work better than others. Try out all that you can to see what resonates the most with you, and then stick with one or more as part of your daily routine. Some examples of resources to change your thought patterns are subliminal audio, meditation, affirmations, hypnotherapy, reading resources and spiritual nourishment. These are just some resources that you can look for to give yourself that paradigm shift to get rid of depressed thoughts for good.

Medications are not a necessity to treat depression. Perhaps in some situations, it may be necessary to take medications, at least for a period of time, but I believe from my own experience and of hearing the victories from others, that we all have the power to alter our own minds and have them work for us instead of against us. Check out the natural remedies for depression and don't ever give up on empowering yourself to live the life you were meant to live - depression free!

Sunday, March 25, 2018

Colored Diamonds

Heart - Photo: Pixabay
Color Treated Diamonds

Many people are starting to favor the fancy, vivid colored diamond gemstones over the traditional transparent, or white, diamond. Some diamonds are found in their natural colors when they are mined, others become colored by gemologists and jewelers during a treatment process. In order to make them more affordable to the average consumer, companies have begun color treating diamonds of lower grades in order to take a less desirable yellow or brownish tinted diamond and make it into a beautiful, brightly colored diamond.

Colored diamonds can be treated by a process called irradiation, which uses a high heat system to alter the color of a diamond. Other diamonds are treated by painting.

Fancy Colored Diamonds

While many diamonds are inspected and valued based on their colorless qualities, there are people who prefer the fancy colored diamonds that come in vivid hues of greens, yellows, reds, pinks and all the different colors in between.

Some colored diamonds are that way naturally. If a diamond has nitrogen in it, it often has a yellow tint to the stone. If the gemstone has been affected by radiation, the gem may turn green.

Other colored diamonds have been treated to obtain their color, and this allows people with lower budgets to purchase the fancy colored diamonds. Gemologists have found ways to alter the colors of diamonds to get any shade or hue desired.

The grading process for colored diamonds is slightly different than that of the transparent diamond. First, a colored diamond is graded based on the primary hue, the blue or pink or red color that makes up the majority of the color of the diamond. Second, they are graded based on the intensity of that color. A very intense, naturally colored diamond is rarer than a less intense diamond, and therefore more expensive. A treated diamond will cost less than a naturally colored diamond in most instances.

Synthetic Diamonds

Most diamonds are found and mined by miners, but more recently, scientists have come up with ways to create synthetic diamonds. While a synthetic diamond is still a “real diamond”, they are created within a laboratory instead of by nature in a mine.

Colored Diamond Names

Because fancy colored diamonds come in so many different shades, it can sometimes be difficult to interpret the name of the color of the diamond. Often, you'll find two colors labeling the shade of a diamond, such as greenish blue. Each name has a primary color description, and some have a secondary color description. If a diamond is called “blue diamond”, you can tell it will be a blue shaded diamond gemstone. If the diamond is called “greenish blue”, you may wonder what that means. Is the diamond blue, or is it green? The color that is described with the “ish” at the end is considered the secondary color, and the other color, in this case, blue, becomes the primary color. So a greenish blue diamond is mostly blue, with specks of green seen throughout the stone. If you come upon a diamond labeled “brown-red”, then the diamond will have equal amounts of both colors seen through the stone.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Best LOW SUGAR Fruits for Healthier Juicing

Friday, March 23, 2018

Geothermal Power as ALTERNATIVE ENERGY

Geothermal power technologies
Geothermal power technologies (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We should be doing everything possible to develop geothermal energy technologies. This is a largely untapped area of tremendous alternative energy potential, as it simply taps the energy being naturally produced by the Earth herself. Vast amounts of power are present below the surface crust on which we move and have our being. All we need do is tap into it and harness it.

At the Earths' core, the temperature is 60 times greater than that of water being boiled. The tremendous heat creates pressures that exert themselves only a couple of miles below us, and these pressures contain huge amounts of energy. Superheated fluids in the form of magma, which we see the power and energy of whenever there is a volcanic eruption, await our tapping. These fluids also trickle to the surface as steam and emerge from vents. We can create our own vents, and we can create our own containment chambers for the magma and convert all of this energy into electricity to light and heat our homes. In the creation of a geothermal power plant, a well would be dug where there is a good source of magma or heated fluid. Piping would be fitted down into the source, and the fluids forced to the surface to produce the needed steam. The steam would turn a turbine engine, which would generate the electricity.

There are criticisms of geothermal energy tapping which prevent it's being implemented on the large scale which it should be. Critics say that study and research to find a resourceful area is too costly and takes up too much time. Then there is more great expense needed to build a geothermal power plant, and there is no promise of the plant turning a profit. Some geothermal sites, once tapped, might be found to not produce a large enough amount of steam for the power plant to be viable or reliable. And we hear from the environmentalists who worry that bringing up magma can bring up potentially harmful materials along with it.

However, the great benefits of geothermal energy would subsume these criticisms if only we would explore it more. The fact that geothermal energy is merely the energy of the Earth herself means it does not produce any pollutants. Geothermal energy is extremely efficient—the efforts needed to channel it are minimal after a site is found and a plant is set up. Geothermal plants, furthermore, do not need to be as large as electrical plants, giant dams, or atomic energy facilities—the environment would thus be less disrupted. And, needless to say, it is an alternative form of energy—using it would mean we become that much less dependent on oil and coal. Perhaps most importantly of all—we are never, ever going to run out of geothermal energy, and it is not a commodity that would continuously become more expensive in terms of real dollars as time passes since it is ubiquitous. Geothermal energy would be, in the end, very cheap, after investigation and power plant building costs are recouped.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

BRAINWAVE MEDITATION - The New Way Of Meditating

English: How binaural beats would sound after ...
How binaural beats would sound after being processed within the brain
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Meditation has been practiced since ancient times, but today, in the busy and dynamic, even agitated modern world, meditation or taking time for ourselves is almost a must. And since more and more people are interested to benefit from the positive effects of relaxation and meditation, scientists and specialists have become more interested in studying all the aspects of meditation, how it works and how it can have maximum efficiency. And one of the most recent results of these researchers is the brainwave meditation.

How Can You Benefit from the Brainwave Meditation?

The results of the brainwave meditation are the same as in the case of other forms of meditation, but some might say that they are even more intense and specific. There is a great selection of products on today’s market, products that you can use in order to test this new meditation technology and discover its results. The most popular products are "psychoacoustic" CDs with a wide range of relaxation and meditation messages that are mainly based on the concept of visualization.

The brainwave sessions can vary in length, but users mention the fact that longer sessions lead to faster results and a better general relaxation – these sessions can last up to 45 minutes. There are very specialized CD’s or audio formats that are focused on various ranges, such as alpha, beta or delta or there are some which are destined to stimulate all these at the same time.

Basically, the role of these brainwave meditation sessions is to travel with your thought and mind, to improve your perception to various stimulants, to develop your awareness, and to be able to conduct an accurate introspection.

Besides the music CD’s with relaxing audio signals, there are various audio formats that are focused on breathing patterns that are meant to relax the listener, based on the same frequency principle. Basically, these breathing sessions that are assisted by an audio format have the purpose to relax the body, the muscles and to slow down the heartbeats, together with releasing the tension.

How Does the Brainwave Meditation Actually Work?

What is the scientific concept that this type of meditating is based on? It all starts with the binaural beats. But what are these binaural beats? Basically, the brainwave meditation or, also called, brainwave entertainment, presupposes the fact that the brain receives various audio stimulants or signals with a certain frequency and reacts, responds to these signals. The binaural beats have more roles besides the role they play in brainwave meditation – they are used in the treatment of certain mental disorders and other medical conditions. 

Brainwave meditation is gaining more and more supporters. Until its appearance and until the appearance of the wide range of products that promote this type of meditation, there were many skeptics that doubted the positive effects of meditation upon one’s mind, psychological life, spirituality and general health. But nowadays, these effects can be maximized and measured, they can be scientifically proven – and this explains the fact that meditation is gaining more and more supporters.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

ALOE VERA and Women

Aloe vera with shoots 4
Aloe vera (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Here are some reasons why aloe vera is beneficial to the female species:

1. Digestion. Aloe vera improves digestion and absorption of nutrients. It helps in elimination of toxins without causing diarrhea. It also reduces yeast content subsequently enhancing growth of good bacteria in the digestive tract. Packed with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants, enzymes and more - aloe is hailed as one of nature's super food to fight against debilitating modern gastro-intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome which affects mostly women.
2. Constipation remedy. Generally speaking, females are prone to constipation. Yes, a woman is constipated easily just because she is a woman. For instance, women are often constipated before menstruation. This is due to higher level of female hormones estrogen and progesterone. Also fluids that flow to the colon to soften the stools are retained in other parts of the body. The aforementioned hormones also increase during pregnancy. It is important especially for pregnant women to know that the yellow bitter sap is the power laxative and should be avoided. The transparent gel should be used for a gentler constipation relief. Due to lack of medical research, pregnant women and young children are generally advised against using aloe. However, there are many quality stabilized aloe gel products that claim to ward off constipation during pregnancy plus supplying folic acid to prevent birth defect.
3. Natural skin care ingredient. The aloe gel can be used as a cleanser, toner, moisturizer, mask; treat acne, wrinkles, rashes and a range of skin problems. If a woman could put up with the unflattering smell of the plant, she got to take care of almost all the needs of her skin and she doesn't have to buy too many bottles of skin care products.
4. Teeth and gum care. Dentists who use aloe gel in their practice find that it disinfects, reduces pain and inflammation after surgery. In fact, it is better than some anti-inflammatory drugs as it does not become toxic to cell tissues after a period of time unlike drugs. Open wounds in the mouth that usually take three days to heal, got healed in one day when aloe is used. Fresh aloe gel as toothpaste may taste bitter, however it does cleanse the teeth, fight plaque formation and reportedly stop gum diseases.
5. Heal cuts and infections. Aloe gel penetrates beneath the skin, replacing fluids without stopping oxygen from reaching the injured location. This way, the cut heals faster and chances of scarring reduced. This wonderful healing property of aloe is widely acknowledged as it is used as a base for wound dressing even for cancer patients in the hospitals. A woman should stand by aloe in case of injury to her face or, her children.

In conclusion: Aloe vera provides nutrients fundamental to a woman's health. Aloe vera gives a woman glowing skin and radiant smile. It is also a handy home remedy for her family. So blessed are women whose circumstances allow them to grow aloe and who take the effort to do so.

    Copyright 2009 - Wan Yi. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Article Directory: EzineArticles

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


Students of Shaolin Kung Fu school perform ren...
Students of Shaolin Kung Fu school perform renowned shaolin kungfu (martial art).
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The martial art of Kung Fu is an exchange of culture, a type of exercise, and also a way of defending yourself.  The art is very popular throughout the world, also being known as Gung Fu, Wu Shu, and even Kuo Shu.  It shares some common traits with Karate, such as using both hand and foot techniques.  Kung Fu is one of the most popular forms of martial arts - and also one of the oldest.

Within Kung Fu, there are several styles and variances, although the most popular are those that have their roots in the well known Shaolin Temple.  What most people aren’t aware of however, is the fact that Kung Fu was practiced in China years before the first Shaolin temple was even though of.

A majority of martial arts enthusiasts think of self defense as being the ultimate goal of any martial art, including Kung Fu.  While self defense is involved with Kung Fu, the martial is so much more than just fighting and defense - it is a true art, one that develops the mind, body, and the soul.

Kung Fu doesn’t teach students to overcome others, as it teaches students to look within themselves and learn to have complete and total control over their emotions.  Kung Fu is an art of harmony, that teaches to students to remain at peace and avoid confrontations.  If a situation threatens bodily harm to the student, then he must rise to the occasion - becoming the warrior and defending himself.

Just like other types of martial arts, Kung Fun teaches the balance that is crucial for executing techniques and the proper movement.  The basic concept behind the balance is that same balance that the Chinese believe keeps the balance between heaven and earth.  This concept of balance can be achieved by students if they completely focus their thoughts and empty their minds free from any type of distractions.

Kung Fu is a martial art that can be learned by anyone.  It does take a strong desire, just like any other martial art.  It has a rich heritage, and a proud legacy.  Kung Fu is indeed a deadly martial art, if used in the wrong ways.  There are variations of Kung Fu as well, which include the infamous five animals - Tiger, Dragon, Eagle Claw, Crane, and the Snake. 

Adapted by the animals in which they are named after, the five animals style is some of the most impressive in martial arts.  Tiger Claw is by far the deadliest of the five animals, teaching students to strike just like the dreaded tiger.  This style teaches the student power in his hands, so that when he strikes, he tears the flesh.  Tiger Claw is very deadly, although it is very hard to find instructors that teach this style now days.

Unlike other martial arts, there really are no competitions for Kung Fu.  Stylists can compete it other competitions, although there really aren’t any that are for only Kung Fu.  It is an ancient martial art, that is to be used only in instances were there is no other option than to fight back.  When provoked, the stylist should try everything he or she can to avoid confrontations.

Kung Fu aims to teach the lessons of respect, fairness to others, harmony of the spirit, and total self control no matter what.  These characteristics, when paired together, allow students to achieve success in a hard to deal with society.  Kung Fu is all about developing the student’s overall well being - and following the straight path to mental and physical toughness.

Monday, March 19, 2018

ACUPUNCTURE - an Old Cure with a New Twist

Old Chinese medical chart on acupuncture meridians
Old Chinese medical chart on acupuncture meridians (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are so many different ways that you can take care of your health and many of them can be taken care of naturally.  One method that has been used for thousands of years and originally came from China is that of acupuncture.  Although acupuncture is gaining in popularity in Western cultures, it is still basically misunderstood by many people who have never been through the process.
If you are considering having some treatments done, here are some things that you may want to know before your first visit and what you can expect from your treatment by an acupuncturist.

More than likely, you will have to go through a series of visits whenever you visit the acupuncturist. The first visit may not actually have any treatments involved at all unless the problem that you are trying to deal with is fairly routine.  The doctor will take a lot of time to ask you questions about your personal circumstances, what it is that you're trying to have healed and just generally trying to find out about your overall health.  This will give him an idea of the type of treatment that he will give to you as well as any problems that may need to be taken into consideration.

Many people that are not familiar with acupuncture are very nervous about problems that may come up during the treatment.  Let me put your mind at ease.  Acupuncture is one natural treatment that rarely ever causes any problems for the individual undergoing the treatment.  In fact, the only real problems that occur as a result of acupuncture, typically occur because of the acupuncturist not taking care with the needles that he uses.  As long as they use clean, prepackaged needles and are careful to clean the area where they are inserted, there is little for you to worry about at all.

Acupuncture has been proven to work on a number of different problems that you may be dealing with that range from a wide variety of pain problems to a difficulty in getting pregnant.  Some people even use acupuncture in order to lose weight!  Although it is still not accepted as widely as modern medical practices, it still has a place as far as natural medicine is concerned.  It has also proven to work in many cases by studies done in the scientific community.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Develop Unlimited Creativity Through SELF-HYPNOSIS

Artistic and creative talent is not limited to select individuals - everyone has infinite creative potential. Though everyone has "the gift", few people naturally tap into their vast reservoir of creative energy naturally, without being "taught" how to do so.

If you want to increase your creativity, then you will be excited to learn that one of the leading hypnotherapists in the world today has focused his creative energy on helping you increase your creative energy. Steve G. Jones has dedicated his life to understanding how people learn and bringing them the tools to bring about positive change in their life. He is also one of the leading hypnotherapists in the world with impeccable credentials. And the reason he has chosen to focus on hypnosis as his primary tool to help people learn is that it can be used by anyone, nearly anywhere, with very little effort, for incredible results!

That's because our mind controls nearly every facet of our lives, whether we realize it or not. Though many of us have convinced ourselves that we are not talented or "creative", that is a fallacy. Everyone, including you, can be more creative, and hypnosis recordings are the easiest way ever discovered to tap into your creative energy.

Perhaps you have a project due for school, or work, or just a labor of love, such as a painting, book, or musical composition that you have undertaken, but for whatever reason, you seem to be stuck? Steve's new "Power Your Mind to Discover Unlimited Creativity" is a powerful new program created specifically by Steve to help you express your natural creativity.

It was recorded in Steve's state of the art recording facility built specifically to provide you with the highest quality, lowest cost, most effective self-hypnosis recordings ever developed specifically to improve creativity. Steve himself has increased his own creativity immensely through hypnosis, and he has created Mp3 recordings that you listen to at night before bed to help you unlock your dormant potential, or help you "unblock" the creativity that may naturally flow for you. Either way, the benefits are fully guaranteed, and his program is like no other.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

DAHN YOGA for the soul

Dahn Yoga Center
Dahn Yoga Center - Photo  by networker 
Yoga is widespread and is continuously being developed today. Millions of people around the world are into this activity. Its influence is vast and is constantly increasing. Of the so many forms of Yoga, hatha yoga is by far the most common form.

It involves both the breathing control mechanism and the physical exercise and postures combined. This exercise allows optimized blood circulation and improves one’s flexibility, stamina, strength, and vitality.

Moreover, it is also a form of peaceful mediation that contributes to self-awareness and gives an extra energy that makes you have a warm perspective on life. Various centers are located and established in cities to promote awareness.

However, one may not need a tutor or a teacher in order to learn or perform Yoga. One can simply look for a book or find an appropriate DVD or video to suit your need. Aside from Hatha Yoga, there exists another kind of Yoga. it is known as Dhan Yoga.

It is also referred to as Dahn Hak or Dahnak. It started as an early form of Korean instruction program that aims to teach the people on how to expand and widen both the body and mind. For a certain period of time, it has been discovered that it had vanished but was later on rediscovered and its first center was established on Korea.

It was in 1991 that Dahn Yoga was brought into the United States. There are also existing centers there that have been established as time went by. Dahn Yoga does not only focus on the fitness aspects of Yoga.

It also educates the person on the principles and concepts on how the energy acts or moves in the body. It also teaches that aging and weakening of the body is caused by stress. And removing stress will definitely improve one’s health and prolong his life. They believe that one should know how to improve and develop that energy flow inside the body.

Through this, health is efficiently monitored and safeguarded. With Dahn Yoga, one must know how to communicate and correspond to his physical body.

They also believe that our body has its natural healing power. And this natural healing ability can only be achieved when one has stimulated that certain energy that connects the body to the conscious mind.

Through deep stretching, breathing methods and meditation, Dhan Yoga promotes physical, mental, and spiritual healing and to connect us into our spiritual selves. It promotes body relaxation and the discovery of inner consciousness.

It gives a life away and frees from stress and anxiety and a life which has self-control and enhanced concentration.

Through meditation and breath work, energy is accumulated in the body. As a result, the functioning of the internal organs and systems in the body is enhanced.

Moreover, the toxins and possible threats of the disorder is hindered in a way. Then the feeling of better physique and well-being is achieved. This, in turn, boosts self-confidence and positive thinking. A new self is realized and released from addictive behaviors.

By the integration of the body and mind, latent abilities are realized and goals are set.  In addition, Dahn Yoga practitioners sometimes volunteer teaching and training without payment. Dahn Yoga is altogether a group that is willing to promote healthy well-being, a happy mind, and a peaceful community.

Friday, March 16, 2018

A Remedy For Seasonal ALLERGIES

Allergy skin testing
Allergy skin testing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Are you one of the millions that suffer from allergies? Are you looking for information on allergy remedies? If you are a chronic victim of the distressing effects of allergies then it’s high time you found an effective allergy remedy. There are several allergy remedy medications available on the market.

In order to effectively treat your allergies, you need to find the allergy remedy most aligned with your symptoms and needs. You have several avenues to choose from when searching for an allergy remedy. These avenues include home remedies, allergy medication, environmental modifications, and a consultation with an Allergist.

Let’s start with home remedies. Home allergy remedies were used before allergy medications surfaced on the medical scene. Be wary of many home remedies. Many of these remedies are based on “old wives tales”.

However, there are some steps you can take at home that do work. For example, if you have an allergy to pollen you can minimize its effects by washing your clothing and hair when coming home. Make sure to do this before you go to bed so that you won’t spread any of the pollen onto your bedding.

Allergy medications are a wonderful allergy remedy. You can use over the counter antihistamine pills, lotions, and ointments. If you have a chronic allergy you can consult your physician for a stronger prescription allergy remedy. Nasal sprays are also a great tool against allergies. They act as a direct allergy remedy to your nasal passageways.

There are a few environmental modifications you can make as an allergy remedy. Wash bedding in hot water to remove dust mites. Use mattress and pillow covers to fight against dust mites. Keep your home clean and carpets vacuumed. 

If you have severe allergies that can’t be managed with basic allergy remedies then head to your physician or allergist. They can take you through a series of allergy testing and provide the best treatment options for your situation. This may involve removing the allergy culprit from your environment, food plate, or clothing drawer. They can provide prescription allergy medication to knock your allergy out cold.

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Witchcraft symbol
Photo  by quinet 
There are hundreds of different witchcraft symbols and each one has it's own use and meaning. Some of these witchcraft symbols are already well known, and even used in modern Christianity. Here are just a few of the major witchcraft symbols and their meaning.

The Pentagram, or the five-pointed star. Though the exact meaning of this witchcraft symbol differs from one form of paganism to another, the basic meaning remains the same. This symbol represents the five natural elements of nature. Earth, water, fire, wind, and spirit or akasha.

The Pentagram is used for rituals as well as a symbol of protection and balance. It is a physical representation of the spirit being in balance with all of nature and the world around it. Wear a pentagram if you need protection or wish to ward off evil.

The Cross. That's right ladies and gentlemen, the cross is actually one of many witchcraft symbols. It became a Christian symbol when Christ was crucified on it. But we are talking about the pagan and witchcraft meaning. The cross has been used across many cultures throughout history including the Egyptians, the Japanese, the Sumerians, and many others.

The most widely used representation of the cross is to represent the sun and as a sign of life-giving power. It is also a symbol of life and fertility. The horizontal bar represents the physical existence. Our body and our life in essence. The vertical bar represents knowledge and understanding. To hang on the cross is a sign of having overcome the physical and to have entered the realm of understanding.

The triple goddess is another of witchcraft symbols. This symbol is a crescent moon on the left with the points facing to the left, a circle in the middle, and another crescent moon facing to the right on the right side of the circle. As the phases of the moon are very closely followed and used in witchcraft, this symbol represents three of the four phases of the moon. The first quarter, the full moon, and the last quarter.

The triple goddess symbol is a representation of the maiden, the mother, and the crone. The Maiden represents enchantment, inception, expansion, and the promise of new beginnings. The mother represents fertility, sexuality, nurturing, fulfillment, and stability. The Crone represents wisdom, death, and endings. Like the meaning of this witchcraft symbols, you have the maiden which is the waxing moon, the mother which is the full moon, and the crone with is the waning moon.

These are just a few of the many witchcraft symbols. Do some research and you will begin to find many more and their meanings. The key is to learn how to use these symbols in the ritual to your advantage and to understand each key energy that the symbol represents.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Avoid the Avoiding Habit and Find More Time and Less STRESS

Procrastination can creep in and easily become a habit. Once it does, it erodes your capacity to function effectively. But it can be a hard habit to break. However, with some honest self-assessment and an organized and attainable plan of attack, it can be overcome successfully.

Be gentle with yourself when you decide to try and kick the procrastination habit. It may be so ingrained that you don't fully recognize all the ways you actually procrastinate. Start out by taking a large or complicated task and breaking it down into smaller parts that you can accomplish easier. It's important to bear in mind that the most difficult or complex tasks are simply just a series of smaller jobs.

Make a verbal commitment to someone else about improving your time management skills and your desire to avoid procrastinating. Allow others to become involved in your efforts by reviewing your progress, helping you set deadlines or evaluating your results can be very helpful. This will most likely create a commitment on your part to fulfill the expectations they've set for you.

Sit down and map out a plan to manage your time more effectively. When a deadline is looming, make sure you allow time each day to work on the project so it doesn't sneak up on you in the final hours or days. Learn to ask for help when you're feeling overwhelmed or overworked.

Reward yourself for good behavior and accomplished goals. Don't wait until you've accomplished the ultimate goal, but reward yourself for your successes along the way. Make sure the reward is something you like to do. Treat yourself to the newest book by your favorite author and take the time to read it. Indulge in bubble baths or relaxing music. If you've gotten into the habit of working late, make sure you develop a new habit of going home on time each night.

By making a commitment to avoid the avoiding habit, you'll soon be well on your way to finding more time and find yourself more relaxed and productive and less stressed in the process.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Psychology And TATTOOS

Bangkok Thailand Tattoo Arts Festival
Photo by Binder.donedat 
In today’s society, a lot of people tend to misjudge tattoos.  A lot of people who see someone with a lot of tattoos will automatically think negative thoughts.  Those who have tattoos are just like anyone else – except for the fact that they wish to stand out and broadcast who they are, simply because they have a strong sense of who they are.  Those with tattoos aren’t afraid to show them, as they put them on their body to let others know who they are and what they are about.

Most who decide to look into the psychology of those with tattoos seem to associate them with criminals and study them like they are common rats in the cage.  Contrary to this opinion that many experts have, those who have tattoos aren’t in any type of cage.  Instead, they are out there expressing their freedom.  Whether they are going by what they believe, showing that they belong to a certain group or clan, or paying homage to the dearly departed – there are always meanings behind tattoos.

The psychologist who studies those with tattoos will normally try to get into their frame of mind, which is hard to do.  For hundreds of years, tattoos have always been a question from a psychological standpoint, with most people associating tattoos in the past with criminals.  Even though criminals may have tattoos, there are just as many if not more people out there who are some of the friendliest people in the world who have them as well.

To look at tattoos from a psychological standpoint can sometimes be hypocritical.  Although those who don’t have tattoos will try and figure out why someone would want them, it can still be considered a psychological point of view.  Those who have tattoos had a reason for getting them, or they wouldn’t have got them in the first place.

No matter where you look these days it’s a common thing to see someone with at least one tattoo.  This doesn’t mean that society is dwindling in any way, nor does it mean that mankind is becoming a bunch of clones following after one leader.  Tattoos have built their own reputation over the years, gaining in popularity.  Over the years more and more people have decided to get them – which only goes to show the phenomenon that is tattoos.

When you decide to look at the psychology of tattoos, you must first understand some of the meanings.  A tattoo can tell you a lot about the individual and his past.  Although some tattoos may be a bit frightening, that individual may have got the tattoos in his past and turn out to be nothing like that now.  Like others out there – the tattoos that were obtained in the past may be left as a reminder for the future.

Monday, March 12, 2018

Seeing Red and Other AURA COLORS

Floral Auras
Floral Auras - Photo  by   qthomasbower 
Colors are an important aspect of aura reading. However, when non-physical energy combines with our body, it is confined to the limitations of density, light, and form.Note areas where colors are dull, do you see holes in the colors? Trust your intuition.


This is a confusing color. There is nothing wrong with black in one’s aura. Black generally means one is shielding oneself from outside energies. This can also mean being unbalanced; one is hiding something or keeping secrets.

A black ring around a child usually indicates some form of abuse, adults who have not dealt with early abuse will carry this black ring till they are healed.


This comes in different shades. Gifted people have shades of blue in their aura. Intuitive people will show pale blue coloration within the purple bursting out like rays of sunshine, emanating from the heart outwards. 

A deeper blue can indicate loneliness. A very deep blue shows devotion, honesty and good judgment.

Not all blues are positive- a muddier shade of blue indicates a domineering person, a tendency towards depression, or oversensitivity.


This color can indicate growth in a person. Seen around the head and with other colors emanating in combination, it indicates a person who is developing mentally, intuitively and organizing within.
Brown by itself can indicate lack of energy or one who has become "stagnant".


Indicates lots of spiritual energy, in tune with oneself. Muddy gold means one has not really come to terms with one’s higher levels.


Usually seen around a thinker, an analytical person. Could indicate a "balanced" person. Intelligent people show this color around their heads.


Sympathetic to others, dependable and has healing abilities.Muddier shade could indicate jealousy- like "green with envy".


Can indicate intuition and creativity. Silvery gray shows femininity while darker gray can mean secretiveness or physical imbalance. Gay men can show shades of gray in their aura.


Bright orange means one is growing emotionally and paranormally.A dull shade means a person is unsure how to accept this growth. Muddy orange shows in a person with too much pride.


The color of love, and honesty. It also depicts the quieter side of an artistic and creative person. Dark pink may indicate immaturity or changes in one’s love life.

Dull pink, however, watch out; Someone is lying.


The color of intuition, a deeper purple hue shows a strong-willed and passionate person. It can also reflect intense erotic imagination and be over-bearing.


A color of love or hate, strong emotions and a lot of energy. An intense red color, however, may indicate a person ready to fly off the handle.

Saturday, March 10, 2018


Metaphysics on a wall
Photo  by brewbooks 
Metaphysics involves concepts that go beyond physics, in other words, examining areas of reality that can not be perceived through the five senses. When a person looks at the study of metaphysics, one recognizes that there are many levels of mind that need to be coordinated in order to bring about a physical materialization in the material world. Metaphysics recognizes that the mind is a field of energy and that whatever is physically manifested in life is also a field of energy.

In addition, metaphysics recognizes there is no separation of energy fields between the energy of the mind and all other energy fields that materialize in the physical universe.

Metaphysics further recognizes the energy field of the mind can connect with other energy fields to alter or change the energy of already existing materializations. Metaphysics perceives that the mind on a surface level projects forth from itself into physical manifestation what it believes and focuses on over a period of time. In other words, the practice of metaphysics recognizes a magnetic draw--that whatever is filled in consciousness on a daily basis be it positive or negative is attracting more of the same by drawing from the unseen energies at work beyond the five senses.

Like attracts like according to the principles of metaphysics, so the key is to focus upon what it is that you want to manifest in life, not on what you want to avoid. Realize that through your application of metaphysics, the higher power within will assist you in physical materialization if you are tuned into your higher powers soul's purpose in this lifetime.

When applying the concepts of metaphysics, accept that all levels and energies of your mind are in a working process for physical materialization.

Realize this truth, although we can not see various sources of energy like electricity, radio and cellular waves, we use these every day in our lives. The energy associated with metaphysics is the original source of all energy and similarly, can be used for physical manifestation.