Friday, February 23, 2018

BINAURAL BEATS - The Holy Grail Of Self Improvement

Photo  by digitalbob8 
This article is designed to give you some insight into the relatively new technology of Binaural Beats. Binaural Beats are specific frequencies that can bring you into a profoundly deep state of meditation within minutes using the latest innovations in sound technology. They utilize a specific audio mixing technique designed to alter the listener's brain wave activity. By sitting or lying down in a quiet environment and wearing headphones these beats can be used to create Alpha, Theta, and Delta brainwave patterns. 

When brainwave patterns change it has been documented that there is also a change in chemical reactions within the body which can have a profound effect on your entire physical structure. In effect, these beats have the same impact and benefits of a deep meditative state akin to hypnologic trance or transcendental meditation. Now very few people can enter such deep states of hypnosis and transcendental meditation takes a lifetime to perfect. So the immediate benefits of using binaural beats are apparent. 

An added benefit of using such technology is that the states it creates allow you to access the subconscious parts of the mind. Those parts that are subliminal and just below the conscious threshold. Binaural beats can be used with many other self-improvement tools (such as subliminal recordings, affirmations or visualization etc.) to increase your personal development dramatically as it creates deep states of relaxation and can put you into Alpha and Theta states. Therefore they can be used as an aid to alter beliefs, heal emotional issues or create behavior changes. They can even be used for a quick energy boost. It is believed that by using binaural beats you can:

1. Create deep states of meditation.
2. Boost your intelligence and creativity. 
3. Slow aging. 
4. Create remarkable emotional changes at a very deep level.
5. Eliminate Stress & anxiety. 

The beauty of binaural beats is that they can be used to induce these states and create these changes with no effort on the part of the listener. You just wear a set of headphones and let the sound technology do the rest.

The discovery of binaural technology is mostly accredited to Dr. Gerald Oster. Oster first published research about binaural beats in 1973 in Scientific American after he had conducted extensive studies. 

However, this is not as well known, binaural beats were in fact first discovered as far back as 1839 by an Associate Professor, at the University of Berlin, called Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. Dove accidentally discovered that when two similar sounds, that are only slightly shifted in frequency, are given separately to the left and right ear they cause a pulsation or beat type effect within the brain. 

However, it was Dr. Oster who uncovered the full benefits of using this new technology when he discovered the effects that binaural beats have on the mind and body. 

There are many producers of binaural beat technology competing in the market today. It is possible to create your own with the proper software. However, an in-depth knowledge of brainwave patterns and their effect on the mind and body is advisable before ever trying to create your own. There are many forum threads on the web that claim binaural beats have had a negative or even damaging effect on certain listeners. For that reason, I believe it is safer to stick to the tried and tested pre-made recordings that are available for a reasonable fee. You can purchase separate binaural beat recordings to induce almost any emotional state or you can even enroll in a binaural beat program for self-improvement that takes several years to complete. 

I, myself, have no experience of any damaging effects due to the use of binaural beats. However, if you are using binaural beats for personal development purposes their use can be uncomfortable. All my experiences have been extremely positive, although not always pleasurable. Let me explain.

ECC machines have been used in the past to monitor the brain activity of life-long meditaters. While in a deep meditative state, these meditational experts, displayed alpha, theta and delta brainwave patterns. These are the very states that binaural beats create.

Alpha wave patterns in the brain occur in a relaxed state and during this time we are very susceptible to suggestion. This is the state that you enter during hypnosis. Theta brainwaves allow for the absorption of huge amounts of information while Delta brainwaves are most apparent when you enter a state of deep but dreamless sleep. It is the Delta state that is the main aim of such practices as transcendental meditation. Although for many entering the delta state while fully conscious can be very relaxing, for most it is not, for it is during such brain activity that internal change occurs.  

By bringing the listener into this extremely deep state of meditation, binaural technology can activate major positive changes in your emotional, mental and physical make-up. Now, this can be a profoundly life-altering experience. You will find past buried memories resurface as the beats direct your brain to restructure its neural network and raise your "comfort level" to a new high. After several listening session, you find yourself less stressed out than before and your reaction to situations, that in the past would have sent you screaming around the halls, much more composed. The technology literally eliminates negative emotional, mental and physical patterns. The discomfort I spoke of earlier comes from the restructuring of your brain’s neural network as old buried uncomfortable memories are triggered in the brain before the connecting emotional response is wiped away. You are still left with the memory of the event but you no longer have any emotional attachment to it. Don’t worry, for some reason, it doesn’t affect positive memories! It may be due to the natural state of the mind and body, for this system of mind/body is always seeking equilibrium and harmony, which tends to lead to feelings of joy and happiness.

Binaural beats is a proven technology that can create brainwave changes which alter your mood and changes the chemical reactions in your body to encourage faster healing and harmonious interaction between cells. However, there is currently research being conducted to determine if these beats can actually direct the brain to reformat DNA encoding. If this is possible the possibilities are almost limitless - decrease in illness, genetic disorders, a reversal of aging etc. 

If personal development and self-improvement isn’t your main aim for investigating binaural beats (and don’t want to get younger) then the single recordings designed to induce specific mind/body changes is enough. You can get recordings for an energy boost, meditation, to spark the creative areas of the brain, induce deep sleep and even one that acts like a digital drug! 

All these changes happen effortlessly and easily. All you need is a pair of stereo headphones and a comfortable chair. The recording does the rest.

Thursday, February 22, 2018


Although it can be a very provocative martial art, Shootfighting is still one of the most popular martial arts styles in the world.  The art of Shootfighting is very old, originating from Japan as a way of self-defense.  Even though it is great to use for self-defense purposes, this martial art is more popular as a ring sport in competitions such as the Vale Tudo and the professional Shootfighting leagues found throughout Japan.

Logo isfa.png
In Japan, Shootfighting is a sport that is very popular.  The bouts take place in a ring that is similar to wrestling, ropes and all intact.  There are normally rounds, as well as a referee who is there to call the bout and stop it if need be.  Fighters will wear gloves and go at it full contact.  Submission and grappling are legal as well, which makes the fights more interesting.  Fighters can test their skills in Shootfighting against some of the best Japan has to offer with these bouts.

Shootfighting is popular in the United States as well, although it is more popular throughout Japan.  There are American fighters such as Ken Shamrock and Bart Vale who are experts in Shootfighting and travel to Japan on a frequent basis to compete in tournaments and bouts.  The atmosphere in Japan is very high, as they show a lot of passion and desire for the matches over there.

In technique and form, Shootfighting is a mix of striking and grappling.  It teaches students to be prepared for anything, standing or on the ground.  There are a lot of bone breaking moves taught with this art, from arm locks to ankle locks.  Most of the techniques that are taught to the student use a mixture of strength and technique - bringing very drastic results.

Even though a lot of people classify Shootfighting as being a form of pit fighting, it is actually quite a bit more.  Shootfighting does incorporate a lot of stand up fighting, in the form of punches, elbows, and kicks.  On their feet or on the ground, stylists can execute moves that will end a fight quickly.  The submission locks are the deadliest forms of defense and attack with this martial art, as they target a specific limb and focus on breaking it in two.

As a martial art, Shootfighting is very hard to beat.  It teaches students to be aggressive in battle and end the fight as quickly as possible.  It also teaches students self-control and self-esteem as well.  There are no belt classes with Shootfighting, as it is more or less a self-defense system that was originally designed for the streets.  It has proven to be very effective over the years, both on the streets and in competition.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018


Subliminal Reviews & Subliminal Software Feature Image

Subliminal hypnosis (sometimes called covert hypnosis) talks straight to our sub-conscious mind. Our subconscious mind is always listening. It perceives everything around us. Subliminal hypnosis techniques can also be used for self- hypnosis but that is not the focus of this article.

Subliminal hypnosis talks directly to our subconscious minds. Subliminal hypnosis makes use of certain techniques in order to have this conversation with our subconscious. These elements are
* Intimacy
* Emotional appeal
* A direct and simple style
* Using images
* Repetition
You can use these five elements of subliminal hypnosis to influence those around you.

Create intimacy
This is sometimes called creating rapport. By creating intimacy, you create a sense of connection and trust. How do you create intimacy? You can do it by asking questions. Or you can tell someone a story. You can also use quotations in order to create a perception of dialogue.

Why make an emotional appeal?
If you ask someone why they did something or bought a product they will nearly always give you a rational reason based on the benefits of the action or the product. But that is not the reason that they did it. The real reason someone does something or buys a product is that of the way it makes them feel.

Use a direct, simple style
If someone understands you, they are more likely to listen to you. What's the first step to persuading someone about anything? It's getting them to listen to you, right? By using short and easy to understand words and sentences you are more likely to hold someone's attention and convince them.

Use images
People do not think in words. We think in pictures. If I say the word apple to you, you see a picture of an apple in your mind. You do not list the words that could describe the apple you immediately see the image of the apple. It is the same when you talk to someone. For every word that you say their subconscious is flashing an image associated with that word across their minds without them being aware of it.
How do you use images? The most common way is by making use of similes and metaphors. If I say John is as brave as a lion you immediately form a mental image of a strong and brave man.

Repeat yourself
The more someone hears or reads something the more inclined they are to believe it. (Perhaps that is why rumors survive for so long?) It does not matter if they hear or read it in the same place. Each time a fact is repeated more weight is attached to it. The trick here is to describe the same thing in a different way.

    Trisha Cornelius believes that your mind has the power to influence your reality and that there are various techniques that you can use to harness your mind power. 
    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Monday, February 19, 2018

The Stressful Actions behind HEALTHY AGING

Older women are like aging strudels - the crust may not be so lovely, but the filling has come at last into its own.
Photo  by legends2k 
Learning to manage stress can help you feel better about you since you will feel healthier. Stress can be a bad thing, yet you have the power to control stress. If you let stress control you, it will affect your health. You will likely feel sick all the time, or feel like there is no hope in your world even if there is hope. For this reason, you want to learn how to take control.

How can I take control of stress?
The first thing you need to do is to take a long look. Is your situation so demanding that it stresses you?  Get a view on life and decide if you want the positive or negative things offered to you. Figure out how stress will affect your health to see if it is worth hanging onto the negative. Next, ask do you eat right and do you get enough rest? How’s your diet? Is it a healthy diet or is it a junk food diet?

How do people learn to deal with stress?
People learn to deal with stress all the time. It will take time, yet if you want it bad enough you will do it. You have to learn how to cope with the stress before you can deal with it. However, if you do this it will make it easier for you and you will stay healthy. Therefore, the answer to your question is to learn new coping skills.

How can stress affect my health?
Stress can affect you in many ways.  Stress can make you feel sick more than normal. Stress can make it difficult for you to make decisions since it affects your concentration.  Your normal sleeping patterns can be affected by stress. Some people experience balance eating habits. Some people will eat more than normal and others will not eat at all. You might develop high blood pressure. You could also be affected to the point of living with heart disease. Stress causes anxiety and depression. Stress can affect your overall mental and physical character. You need to learn how to control stress before it takes over you and controls you. You cannot just jump in and take control, however, since it takes time to learn how to control stress. Still, the effort you put forth is the gain you get back.

How do I find the ways to control my stress?
You have many options. To learn how you can control stress, consider who you are and what you want from life. You can write down things that stress you the most. Keep in mind some things in life you have no control. For instance, you have children who will cause you stress. Perhaps you have a job, and sometimes it causes you stress. As you age, sometimes as a parent you feel helpless, since you have no control over your adult children. Remember, these children have rights to make their own choices, which may affect you, but you have no control. Let it go. Do not spend your time worrying or yelling at the children, since they are grown and will do what they please, just as you did in your youthful years. Work on you, not anyone else, since it is the key to finding ways to control your stress.

Learn how to say no and mean it

This is a great way to reduce stress. Do not be afraid of hurting someone’s feelings. If they cannot handle no, then the person likely feels rejection and needs help for self. Setting limits mean you have to do what has to be done first for you before someone.

Learning to manage your stress is not going to be easy but it can be done with some work and willpower.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

NASAL ALLERGIES - What They Are And What You Can Do

Photo: Flickr
Nasal allergies are better known by its common name, allergic rhinitis. This type of allergy is extremely common.

But, if these reactions only happen during specific periods of the year, then you have a seasonal allergy, usually caused by pollen grains being spread out in the air at about the same time as your allergies.

There are also perennial allergies that can happen no matter what day of the year. But the good part is that you and your doctor can work out a treatment for you that will minimize the occurrences and keep your allergy in check.

Nasal Allergy Manifestations

A nasal allergy reaction is a bit like getting a sudden bout of the colds. You’ll sneeze, have watery eyes, have a runny nose with a clear liquid discharge, and all the other unpleasant side effects coming in with colds like having a sore throat and cough. This may seem like just an irritation, but there’s more to your nasal allergies than just that.

Common Causes

All allergy attacks are triggered by an allergen, which is the substance that your body recognizes as an outside threat and will attempt to block it. A common allergen during the summer months when flowers are in bloom is pollen, which can float around in the air and end up entering your respiratory tract.

Mold also does the same thing, so you can really feel like you’re having a mix of irritants, which is probably also the case. The last common sources of nasal allergies are animals, whether it’s from dust
mites or pet dander from your dog. These can all trigger allergic reactions from your body.

Diagnosis of Allergies

A simple evaluation by your doctor of your nasal symptoms can define the best way on how to diagnose if you have a nasal allergy. Then you can undergo tests to determine the best method of treatment for your case.

It would also be very helpful to your doctor if you provide some medical background and history of your allergies, such as when it started, which periods of the year it occurs, and heredity factors.

A physical exam could also test your body parts for faults. Once it’s all finished, you and your doctor can plan a way on how to treat your allergies with medication, allergen avoidance, and possibly immunotherapy so that you won’t have to endure those allergies forever.

The most effective treatment for allergies, however, is to avoid being exposed to it as much as possible. If you’re allergic to pollen grains, then it might be a good idea to limit your time in parks during the summer, where there are lots of trees and other plants who spread pollen quite well.

Depending on the medical advice your doctor gives, you just have to follow it to make sure that your nasal allergies are minimized and possibly avoided entirely.

Animals are also good sources of nasal infection, so keep your surroundings clean of pet hair and other materials by cleaning and vacuuming often.

You won’t have to do so many complicated things just to avoid a simple allergen material, and common sense still applies. Wherever your allergen is bound to be grown or found, better keep yourself away from it.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Keep your Car ORGANIZED and Simplify Your Life on the Go - FENG SHUI for Cars

1959 Dodge
Photo  by Hugo90 
American driver spends on average about 15 hours in their car each and every week.  With busy hectic schedules, our cars are quickly becoming our home on wheels, so it should be no surprise that our cars can easily become infested with clutter.  And just as we have a system in place at home, so should we in our car.  An organized car keeps distractions at bay and essential items within easy reach.

Visor CD holders and passenger seat organizers are great items to have to keep your life in the front seat calm, cool and collected at all times.  Each of these organizing tools keeps important items within easy reaches, such as your water bottle, toll money, or map.

If a good portion of your time in the car involves hauling your children back and forth to daycare, on shopping excursions or to weekly activities, it's likely that your backseat is a toy box on wheels.  There are simple and affordable mesh nets that can be placed over the back of the front seats so that books, toys, and allowable snacks can be kept within easy reach.  Encourage your children to place their items in these organizers when they are getting out of the car, and you'll encourage them to learn how to pick up after themselves in your home as well.

Trunk organizers are a great storage tool for keeping those needed items from floating back and forth in the trunk during car rides and provide a safe haven for your groceries to travel home in.  Cargo nets can also be installed in the trunk to accomplish the same secure environment.

Lastly, keep your pooch safe and secure in the back by placing a dog divider in the back of your minivan or SUV.  This keeps them safely contained in one area during the commute, thereby decreasing the likelihood of him bounding onto your lap and getting in your way during the drive.  It also contains him in an enclosed area if he's dirty from playing in the mud or water.

Friday, February 16, 2018


Prior to the adoption of the Western solar calendar system, China exclusively followed a lunar calendar in determining the times of planting, harvesting, and festival occasions. Though today people in China use the western calendar for most practical matters of daily life, the old system still serves as the basis for determining numerous seasonal holidays. This coexistence of two calendar systems has long been accepted by the people of China.

A lunar month is determined by the period required for the moon to complete its full cycle of 29 and a half days, a standard that makes the lunar year a full 11 days shorter than its solar counterpart. This difference is made up every 19 years by the addition of seven lunar months. The 12 lunar months are further divided into 24 solar divisions distinguished by the four seasons and times of heat and cold, all bearing close relationship to the yearly cycle of agricultural work.

The Chinese calendar - like the Hebrew - is a combined solar/lunar calendar in that it strives to have its years coincide with the tropical year and its months coincide with the synodic months. It is not surprising that a few similarities exist between the Chinese and the Hebrew calendar: An ordinary year has 12 months, a leap year has 13 months. An ordinary year has 353, 354, or 355 days, a leap year has 383, 384, or 385 days. When determining what a Chinese year looks like, one must make a number of astronomical calculations:

First, determine the dates for the new moons. Here, a new moon is the completely black moon (that is when the moon is in conjunction with the sun), not the first visible crescent used in the Islamic and Hebrew calendars. The date of a new moon is the first day of a new month.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

The West Meets the East: Using Science to Prove CHINESE MEDICINE

drugstore filling prescription
Photo  by jimmiehomeschoolmom 
Even though Chinese medicine has been used as an effective method for over 5,000 years, Western scientific proof continues to debate whether this is a logical method to help with healing.  If you are interested in Chinese medicine but are not certain of its effectiveness, you can look at the various research studies that have helped others to reach conclusions about its effectiveness.

The most debated science between East and West is the use of acupuncture as a medicine.  At this point, the research studies have not led to any complete conclusions about whether acupuncture can be considered a science.  At the same time, research indicates that the use of meridians in acupuncture is effective in healing.  Scientists have also stated that because the treatment is harmless, it can be used, and simply needs to have more investigations related to it.

Another debate that has been studied by Western scientists is herbal medicines that are used in traditional Chinese medicine methods.  While some of these have not been studied, other parts of the herbs are used in pharmaceutical medications that are prescribed to patients.  Chinese wormwood, Ephedra, and artemisinin are some examples of ancient remedies that have moved into Western medicine from Chinese ideals.

One agreement that all Western research shows, with the various ideas of Chinese medicine, is that the treatments are safe.  All of the medical studies indicate that even if the medications are not scientifically proven, they are still not detrimental to one’s health and most have few side effects.  Because this is a proven point to the holistic methods, most scientists will also state that it is simply a lack of research from the medicine that is used in Chinese philosophies.

From the philosophy to the science, Chinese medication is a debated concept in Western society.  However, there is also a growth and a beginning to understanding the concepts that have been used and experimented with over time.  Through the various techniques of Chinese medicine to the continuous use by individuals who are looking for holistic health, Chinese medicine continues to become prominent in Western society.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

CELTIC Music - The Tin Whistle

Tin Whistle - Irish Trad Music
Photo  by 
The Tin Whistle (sometimes called a pennywhistle) is a simple and cheap instrument. It's simply a metal tube with six finger holes and a mouthpiece (much like a recorder); it has a range of about two octaves. Costs range from a few dollars to a few hundred dollars -- although some of the best players play only the cheaper brands.

The tin whistle is a simple instrument -- and it's simple to play, and simple to play easy tunes. But -- it's not simple to master! The instrument may be cheap, but you'll have to pay for mastery ... by practicing! The haunting whistle tunes from the movie "Titanic" illustrate the deep soul found in this instrument.

This instrument is commonly made from metal (usually brass) with a molded whistle mouthpiece. By playing it open (not covering any of the six fingerholes), then by covering each finger hole, in turn, you can play the 7 notes in a diatonic (a simple Do-Re-Mi scale -- essentially the white keys on a piano) scale. Blow a little bit harder and you'll play the same note, but an octave higher. While it is a diatonic instrument, you can achieve sharps and flats by half-covering fingerholes.

Since there are essentially only two open notes -- a note, then the note an octave higher when you blow harder -- each tin whistle is said to represent a certain Key signature. For instance, if the open note sounds a "D", then the whistle is considered to be in the key of D. Many players carry a small set of whistles in the most commonly used keys.

Some people don't realize you can actually tune a tin whistle! You do so by sliding the metal barrel of the whistle in and out of the mouthpiece head. Some whistles have the head glues securely to the barrel. You can usually loosen the glue by holding the joined portion under hot running water. Don't use boiling water -- this may melt the plastic whistle head!

Key signatures commonly found in Celtic Music are "D Major" and "G Major". By default, all tin whistles are in a Major key (since they play a diatonic scale). However, if you begin your scale with all the finger holes covered (instead of all fingerholes open), then you're beginning one step higher than a diatonic scale -- which results in a minor key signature! For instance, a tin whistle in "D" can play in E Minor if you begin your scale by covering all the fingerholes. Interestingly enough, the chord sequence "E Minor" and "D Major" is commonly found in Celtic Music. (This is the same chord sequence used in "What Would You Do with A Drunken Sailor".) A whistle in "G Major" could easily play in A Minor (A Minor and G being another commonly found chord sequence).

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

ASTROLOGY - Curiosity

Urania Zodiac Albrecht Durer
Where did the practice of astrology originate? Did it evolve in one part of the world and then become adopted by other civilizations.

When you study the ancient civilizations in the Middle East, Central America and in Asia, there are remarkable similarities in how they adapted their lives to be in harmony with the rhythms of the earth and the cosmos. Consider that there are pyramids in Mayan and Aztec cultures, as well as Egyptian ones. And that many pyramids are constructed around and point to key events in the solar system, such as equinoxes and solstices.

Similarly, astrology is thought to have developed independently in Babylon and Central America. The astrology systems in India and China most likely were derived from those in Babylon.

It’s curious that many fundamentalist religions reject the principles of astrology, because it was, in fact, an integral component of the religions of Babylon. It was part of the calling of priests in Babylon to predict the future and part of their methodology for doing so was to interpret events in the sky. Nothing was considered pure chance and any natural occurrence, no matter how mundane or mysterious, could be an omen of either good fortune or bad.

The part of Mesopotamia that is now Iraq once comprised Babylonia in the South and Assyria in the North. Before Alexander the Great conquered the area in 330 BC, the Assyrians were a military and administrative power, and Babylon was the center of culture. The underlying belief system in both cultures was that there was a spiritual force behind every act of nature. Heaven and Earth were complementary systems, with neither one having dominion over the other. But by the 4th century BCE, this belief system was influenced by the Greek view that the heavens, and its resident gods, determined events on earth.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Avoiding COLDS AND FLU Naturally

Ambersweet oranges, a new cold-resistant orang...
Ambersweet oranges
(Photo credit: 
This year it is of utmost importance that we pay attention to strengthening our immune systems naturally.  Using certain herbs, foods, supplements and homeopathic remedies can help you avoid catching a cold or flu and build your immune system.  If you do catch a virus, they can help relieve
the symptoms and shorten the duration and severity of the illness.

What most people don’t realize is how much your daily diet has an impact on the strength of your immune system.  If you or your child are eating sweets daily, processed foods, junk food, drinking soda or other sweetened beverages regularly, you are weakening your immunity and will be more likely to catch the virus. One teaspoon of sugar (soda has about 9-11 tbsp.) can weaken your immune system for 4 hours.  I believe that this is why so many people are now having an extreme difficulty fighting illnesses.  (Besides repeated antibiotic use)

Try eating more vegetables, at least 4-5 servings a day!  Along with eggs for breakfast, how about a few pieces of steamed asparagus, some spinach, squash or a few tomato slices.  Have a salad with lunch, and at least two vegetables with dinner.  Fresh fruit can also bolster vitamin C and help build resistance.
Eat berries daily!  Especially frozen - freezing berries break the cell wall and release more color pigments containing the beneficial bioflavonoids.   Avoid all white flour (eat only WHOLE grains), baked goods, sugary cereals, cookies, cakes, candy, and sweets.  You’ll feel so much stronger than you realize!

Good Natural Vitamins a MUST!
It is very important to take a good quality, plant-based not synthetic, multi-vitamin/ mineral supplement daily which supplies you with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, proanthocyanadines, bioflavonoids, green foods, enzymes and more.
Taking 2000-4000 mg. of  Vitamin C every day will help you fight infections.  Eating garlic regularly or taking odorless garlic capsules helps fight viral, bacterial, and yeast infections.  Bee propolis is known as Russian penicillin and is often found in natural vitamin
supplements.  It is collected by bees to protect the hives from infection.

Super Antioxidants
I HIGHLY recommend using Super Antioxidants daily!  Not only because they help reduce the signs of aging, along with aches and pains, but they can greatly increase your immune system, being 20 - 50 times more potent than Vitamin C and E!  

Using Echinacea (purple coneflower) herbal extract regularly can help you avoid or reduce the severity and duration of viral illnesses.  40 drops for an adult taken 4-6 times a day at the first sign of a cold can help you avoid it completely.  Olive Leaf extract is proven more powerful than penicillin in fighting upper respiratory infections, sinus, strep and throat infections!  Those with autoimmune diseases should consider using Astragalus instead of Echinacea to strengthen the spleen and immune system.  It is a safe, long-term immune system tonic.

Oil of Oregano
My favorite is a high-quality, full-strength Oil of Oregano.  It is a very powerful agent against bacterial, viral, parasitic, and fungal infections.  I recommend keeping some on hand!  It’s an excellent general tonic and immune stimulant.  You can take one or two capsules a day, or
place one or two drops of the oil under the tongue to go immediately into the blood and lymph system.  4-5 drops can also be placed in juice and taken several times a day.  This can be your best defense against the flu!

Therapeutic value of Colloidal Silver
Also, consider using Colloidal Silver for excellent anti-viral protection!  It works great to help avoid or reduce symptoms of colds and flu.  The body has an innate ability to rejuvenate and restore itself to optimum health. When taken daily, Colloidal Silver acts as an optimal immune system supporter by helping the body fight invaders. Medical tests indicate no known adverse effects from the use of properly prepared Colloidal Silver, and there has
never been a recorded case of drug interaction with any other medication.
The body does not develop a tolerance to Colloidal Silver and no allergic reaction has ever been recorded.

How Colloidal Silver Works
The presence of Colloidal Silver near an invader disables its oxygen metabolism enzyme, its chemical lung, so to say. Within a few minutes, the invader suffocates and dies, and is cleared out of our bodies by the immune, lymphatic and elimination systems. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics, which destroy beneficial enzymes, Colloidal Silver leaves these tissue-cell enzymes intact, as they are radically different than those enzymes of primitive
single-celled life. Thus, Colloidal Silver is absolutely safe for humans, reptiles, plants and all multi-celled living matter.

Not to be underestimated is the value of maintaining good colon health.  The Chinese have long equated respiratory problems with poor bowel function.  If waste product is not being removed in a timely fashion then toxins build up in the body, and particularly the respiratory system.  Be sure to take herbs which perform a good bowel detox, as well as keep the intestines in fighting shape with friendly bacteria, such as acidophilus or bifidophilus.  Enzymes are a must.  Take a broad spectrum enzyme combination,  both with meals and between meals.

Regular daily exercise and fresh air will also keep your lymph moving and your immune system strong.  Try rebounding (jumping on a mini-trampoline) every day, even if it's just 2-5 minutes, several times a day.
Be sure to wear a hat when out in the cold.  Getting plenty of sleep and daily relaxation to reduce stress will also help.  Keeping your self-strong and healthy not only protects you from the flu but many other ills as well.

Saturday, February 10, 2018

AROMATHERAPY Essential Oils: Seven Things You Should Know

Lavender Distillery
Photo  by markhillary 
Aromatherapy uses essential oils to treat medical conditions, to alleviate psychological ailments, for cosmetic purposes, and to reduce stress. The essential oils of aromatherapy have the power to enhance both your physical and mental state.

Essential oils are extracted from living plants and trees. When essential oils are used appropriately, most can be used at home safely, enjoyable, and with beneficial effects. Keep the following seven things in mind if you want to try aromatherapy at home.

(1) Most essential oils should never be applied directly without diluting them. Only lavender and tea tree oil are exceptions to this rule. 
(2) Essential oils are flammable, so use extreme caution around flames and heat sources. If you use a burner to diffuse the oil, put water in the burner first. The essential oil will enter the air as the water evaporates.
(3) Essential oils are for external use only. On very rare occasions, a qualified aromatherapist may prescribe essential oils by mouth. Some essential oils can be very toxic if swallowed. Even essential oils that have a therapeutic effect when diluted in certain oral treatments (like mouthwash) should not be swallowed.
(4) Keep all essential oils out of the reach of children.
(5) If you want to use essential oils during pregnancy, on babies, or with young children, please seek the advice of a trained, qualified aromatherapist first.
(6) If you are using essential oils as part of homeopathic or herbal medicine treatment, get advice from homeopathic or herbal medicine practitioners as well as from an aromatherapist.
(7) Some medical conditions require a doctor's care, and not all medical conditions benefit from aromatherapy. Always check with your doctor first before undertaking aromatherapy for the treatment of any medical condition.

Following these seven principles for safe aromatherapy will help your experience with aromatherapy to be both enjoyable and beneficial.

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Backup Power HOME ENERGY Generator and Sustainable

English: This is a generator.
This is a generator. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
How Well Do You Know Your Generator?

Back up power is important not only in business establishments but also in homes. This is especially so if people are experiencing man-made or natural calamities and have no way of preventing power shortage. 

During these unfortunate times, people need a source of energy to power up appliances or furniture that is important in running their household. Examples of these are heaters to warm the home in winter times, air conditioning for summer times and of course, oven and other cooking appliances for food support.

Generators are important because people have no way of determining how long the power will be down. If you want to make sure that your home will remain in a good and stable condition, you should have back up energy in order and ready to use at any time.

What are the two types of back up generators?

1. Portable generators.

This is the most economical generator that is capable of supplying back up energy. Portable generators are the most commonly used in homes or household. Appliances that needed power supply are plugged directly into this generator. This is done using wires and other cords that are applicable to the appliances.

Many of these types of generator already have advanced features like the stop or start button which people can use to be able to save up on the energy they might be needed for some time.

Portable generators also have different types depending on the volt specification that you are using in your home. You will be able to choose from 120 up to 240 volts capability. 

One of the widely used portable generators is the one that is gasoline-powered. People choose this type of generator because it costs less compared to the other type. There are even those that run on diesel or a combination of both. 

One of the downside to this is that it cannot be used for longer time. People need to refill and refuel this generator often to be able to extend its power support. In addition, diesel-powered generators are much more expensive. Although it is more efficient and with supplies that are easy to find, you may find it hard to start in cold seasons.

2. Permanent generators. 

Permanent generators are programmed to be turned on automatically within the specified time after power loss. These generators are connected to the wiring system inside the house. This is why it will start on its own whether there is nobody present in the house during a black out. It also has the capacity to shut down on its own once power is restored. 

This type of generator is powered by natural gases. The kind of gas that you are using to power some of the appliances at your home can also be used to power this generator. 

The choice of a permanent generator will depend upon how the homeowners plan to use it. If you need to power up more than the required appliances, then you can opt for permanent generators that have more than 17,000 watts capability. 

These types tend to be more expensive than portable generators. But with all its capacity, the initial money spent will be worth it once you see the kind of back up energy it will provide when you need it the most. 

Are generators hazardous? 

Portable generators are more hazardous than permanent generators. This is because they are making use of gasoline and diesel and is more capable of burning up when overheated.

This kind of generator is like your car. They tend to overheat when used extremely for a long period of time. This is why you need to check regularly and rest it for a while to prevent any damage to you, to the generator and the appliances that it is powering. 

Poisoning is also another hazard caused by portable generators. Since it is running on gas, carbon monoxide is being released into the air. According to studies, many people die of carbon monoxide poisoning. One of the reasons for this is that they are not aware that they are inhaling carbon monoxide. 

To prevent this from happening, the generator should be placed in locations where it is properly ventilated. Consider placing them outside your home where there are no chances of people to be suffocated from the carbon monoxide it gives off. 

Consider these things when you are in the process of buying a backup power for your home. Together with the necessary power supply is the need to make sure that you will encounter no health problems when you are using them already.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

ALLERGY and Mental Disease

Photo  by Care_SMC 
The following will come as a surprise to most people, including most medical doctors.

The most mental disease is caused by unsuspected brain allergies!

This fact was illuminated for me by Dr. Marshall Mandell in the early 80's.  He appeared on the Phil Donahue show and had videos of persons with mental problems caused or worsened by allergen testing.  He was the first to name such as "brain allergies".

In 1982, Dr. Von Hilsheimer introduced the first End-Point-Titration allergy testing into Florida, and I worked with him at an allergy clinic in Orlando.  We amazed several MD allergists in that clinic with depression and many other cases being solved.

During that time, I studied allergy/sensitivity extensively.  I found a list of mental diseases caused by allergens that surprised me.  None of my previous experience with psychology had prepared me for such.  If was the following:

Schizophrenia, depression, hyperactivity (ADD/ADHD), Emotional instability or hypersensitivity, Insomnia, Chronic fatigue, crying jags, stuttering, excessive daydreaming, anxiety, panic attacks, withdrawn, listless, seizures, aggressive behavior, anger, irritability, silly, tense, restless, excited, agitated, behavior problems in children, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, poor comprehension, confusion, impaired attention, obsessive thoughts, compulsive behavior, feelings of unreality, disorientation, false beliefs or delusions, hallucinations, suicidal, feel like hurting self.

While giving a 4-day orthomolecular seminar in Soviet Georgia in 2000, I was introduced to the latest EEG biofeedback therapy of raising the amplitude of the brain waves just above Alpha, in the range of 12-15 Hz.  In the discussion, I remembered that list of mental diseases caused by allergens and proposed the theory that raising that brainwave somehow changed the effect of allergens on the brain.

When I returned to the US, I started the first leasing of EEG BF equipment for home use.  As you can imagine this did not endear me to the clinicians who were charging up to $250 per half hour for the service.  The actual operation is so simple that anyone with a high school education can easily learn how to do it, although the learned clinicians will (as usual) protest the necessity of a professional approach.  (This in spite of no harm being done to anyone, and no license is required to practice this simple therapy.)

In 2001, Dr. Jiri Tyrl of the Czech Biofeedback Society listed papers about EEG biofeedback that showed the following mental diseases as being either cured or greatly improved by this feedback:

Epilepsy, ADD/ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Academic-Cognitive Enhancement; Anxiety Disorders, PTSD, Sleep Disorders, Depression, Hemispheric Asymmetry, Anger, Addictive Disorders, Brain Injury, Stroke, Coma, Spasticity, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, Autoimmune Dysfunctions, Headache and other Pain, Schizophrenia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Parkinson's Dystonia, Tourette's Syndrome, Autism; Cognitive Decline with Aging, Asthma Hypertension Dissociative Disorders, Creativity, Optimal Functioning, Criminal Recidivism.

This list was further proof (to me at least) that allergens were involved in much mental more mental disease that was suspected, and that this particular EEG biofeedback (now known as raising the SMR brain wave), DID somehow relieve this allergen susceptibility.

In 2004, one of those comic light bulbs went on above my head, and I realized that it should be possible to do the same thing - namely raise the SMR brain wave - by use of subliminal messaging.

I put out a call for volunteers and got over 20, who sent me weekly emails.  Most were various types of ADD/ADHD, with a few depressives and insomniacs mixed in.  The results definitely showed both that my allergen theory was correct, and my subliminal theory was also correct.

In 3 more volunteer tests since that time, we have shown that this therapy (named Neuroliminal Training) is at least as effective as EEG Biofeedback (aka Neurofeedback) for ADD/ADHD, depression, insomnia, autism, and epilepsy.

We're going even further with a current test that includes Alzheimer's cases, PTSD cases, OCD/anxiety and other severe depression cases, autism and epileptic (longer testing), and even some anaphylaxis cases.  Anyone interested in this test should contact me at the website below.

    Dr. Bate is the retired orthomolecular psychologist who invented Neuroliminal Training, the affordable way of changing brain wave amplitudes. -