Saturday, January 27, 2018

Benefits And Usefulness Of TRIKANASANA

Denise Weiner from Darmstadt in Yoga Pose (Utt...
Yoga Pose (Utthita-) Trikonasana/Trikanasana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Trikanasana is also known as the Triangle Pose. As and when you look at the asana you can easily notice why this name has been given to this asana. It works out every muscle in your body from the arms to the legs. It is a great way to shed some of the excess weight you have been carrying all along. 

This asana helps all those have been struggling with a weight problem. If you are looking for a good figure and a curved waistline, this is the pose to do. It helps in curing rheumatism and lumbago, a problem with your lower spine region. It is a good asana to make your shoulders and arms more flexible. A stiff body can achieve a state of flexibility by doing this asana. It has a direct impact on your muscles as you start doing it.

Your neck and arms get stretched. The stretching of the neck and shoulder muscles helps you recover from spondylitis problems. Spondylitis can be termed as one of the commonest problems faced by many, due to the long hours of sitting in front of the computer.

The monthly cycle comes at the right time as well as with lesser pain. Any other problem with the menstrual cycle is corrected, benefiting you thoroughly. The upper body is very well toned too. Due to the continuous stretching, it helps your body to become a reservoir of good health. Problems with your heart are rectified helping it to function in a better manner.

It massages and strengthens the thyroid glands, kidneys and the adrenal glands to function in a better manner. It reduces the production of the cortisol, a stress hormone, helping you to be less stressed. The hormone level is very well regulated preventing many of the problems.

While doing this exercise, your legs and buttocks are strengthened as well as toned. Blood pressure problems are also rectified. If you are suffering from digestion or constipation problem this is the best thing to help you out. The condition of the appendicitis is also corrected by doing this exercise regularly.

The muscles of your abdomen and the hip joints become more flexible. The reproductive system functions better with the intensity of this pose. It helps in creating a proper immune balance to help you fight diseases.

Warning: The reader of this article should exercise all precautions before following any of the asanas from this article and the site. To avoid any problems while doing the asanas, it is advised that you consult a doctor and a yoga instructor. The responsibility lies solely with the reader and not with the site or the writer.

Friday, January 26, 2018

You Can Build Your Car Powered By SOLAR, A Green Energy Source

Solar Powered Car
Photo  by borman818 
All cars are powered by gas. But with the volatility of crude oil prices and because it is not a renewable, something must be done before it is too late. Given that solar energy a green energy source is used to power a community, you can also do this on a small scale by using the same principles to build your own car.

But what do you need to make this work? A lot of things but the two most important are the solar arrays and the batteries.

The solar array is vital because this is what’s used to collect the sun’s rays and then converts this into electrical energy. There are two types to choose from in the market namely the prefabricated type and the individual kind which you set up yourself.

If you are looking for branded parts, check out either Siemens or ASE Americas that sell terrestrial grade cells and the space grade cells. The lower end model which can produce a significant amount of power is the terrestrial grade version.

Proper wiring must be done to make sure that if one of the panels is not working, your vehicle will still move. If you are worried that the voltage of the solar array should match the system voltage of your motor, you should not worry because it will still run.

We mentioned earlier that the battery is also important because this is where the solar energy will be stored. Your options for this are lead-acid, lithium-ion or nickel-cadmium. Just how many you need to buy will depend on your motor’s voltage.

When you finally have these two components, these will now have to be connected to the motor. So you know how much juice is left in your batteries, you will also need to install instrumentation similar to the heads-up display console on regular cars which tells you your speed, mileage, and gas.

Don’t forget to put a steering wheel, suspension, brakes, tires, and hubs. You may not be able to make a car that has the same features as like what you see done by one of the three US automakers but just enough to be able to drive it from one place to the next.

The only cars that use solar energy so far are the ones only used in races especially the one held in Australia from travels from the northern part of the country all the way to the south. If this has helped people realize that renewable energy is really the key to the future, the big automakers should try tapping this technology instead of relying on gasoline.

But apart from solar energy as a green energy source, biodiesel is another alternative. This is a combination of alcohol like methanol and a chemical process that separates glycerine and methyl esters (biodiesel) from fats or vegetable oils. This can also be done using corn and sugarcane.

Although these are not renewable, these are still considered as a green energy source because it is cleaner than conventional gasoline. This means you do not release harmful chemicals such as carbon monoxide into the air which causes damage to the environment. So if you can’t build a solar-powered car, consider a different fuel alternative.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

How Autism is Treated

A child with autism (three years old) pointing to the fish in an aquarium - Photo: Wikimedia
Once you find out your child is Autistic you will then want to begin some type of treatment plan. There are many different treatments for Autism. Many worries that they will have to use medications that can be dangerous to their child. This is not the case. While some children need medication not all children do. There are a lot of other treatments available to the Autistic child beside prescription medication.

Some people will go with the standard type of treatment plan, while others will try an alternative, natural plan. We will look at some different types of treatment for Autism.


There are many types of medications used in treating Autism. These medications can be for different problems associated with Autism. Some are used to help with anxiety that is often found in Autistic children. Autistic children sometimes have problems with falling asleep. Medication can be used to help with this. Antipsychotic drugs are often used in children dealing with behavioral problems. These medications will not cure the Autism. Medications can have terrible side effects. The child needs to be monitored closely while on any medication.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy helps to teach the Autistic child to be independent. They learn daily skills they need like dressing or taking a bath. They will work on fine motor skills. They also teach the child to use any devices they may have to help them function in daily life. They will be taught safety measures. This could be safe when outside, or dangers in the house.

Physical Therapy

Many Autistic children require physical therapy. This type of therapy can help children with low muscle tone. They also work with young children on basic motor skills. This can include walking, standing, and rolling. Many Autistic children can have other health problems. These problems can benefit from physical therapy too.

Behavioral Therapy

Behavioral therapy will concentrate on teaching the Autistic child appropriate behaviors. Usually, this will include some form of a reward system. They are taught how to act in social settings. This therapy is often done in the child's home setting. The parents are taught ways to deal with the child's unwanted behaviors. Usually, an Autistic child will learn they will be rewarded for good behaviors, and they will stop some of the bad behavior.

Speech Therapy

Autistic children often have a hard time communicating. They have problems understanding nonverbal cues. Some Autistic children do not speak at all, so they have to be taught ways to communicate with others. Children with Autism need to be taught about body language.  Some children with Autism that do not speak are taught to communicate by signing, or with the use of pictures. The speech therapist will work on getting a nonverbal child to speak.

These are just a few of the many treatments available to a child with Autism. Not all children will require all of the treatments. The most important factor is to find a treatment plan that works for your child. With proper treatment, your Autistic child can thrive.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Landscape of the SOUL

Photo  by Moyan_Brenn 
Through the years, we accumulate a series of experiences. Our tendency is to evaluate and simply reflect on what we have been through and what we have learned. This inward site into what we can no longer see with our eyes allows us to see through them through our soul.

     The landscape of the soul creates a movement and a synchronistic pattern between our heart and our mind through the inner visions of our soul. When the heart and imagination join forces to look back or look forward, we are deepening our awareness of who we really are. This deepening of who we really are is our soul.

     It has been said that "our hearts will not rest until we rest in thee." This is our journey in life. It is our journey home. It is the journey into the spacial quality of existence that brought us into this world. It is the journey of what is leading us through this life. And, it is the journey back to where it all began.

     One could say that the infant and the elderly are more soul than body. As you and I develop our personality and ego, we begin to think we are somebody. Ram Dass calls this "somebody training." We begin to think we are real and act on this appearance of being as we move into adulthood. When we mature, we go back into what Ram Dass has called "nobody training."

     We spend a great deal of time learning to develop independence from infancy only to lose it again as we die. It is the journey from innocence to grace. The human expression is a journey with many ups and downs. What keeps us on track and often sane in an insane world is the "landscape of the soul." The landscape of the soul gives us the strength to do the impossible and give us hope when there is none.

     Even though all parts of the self-needs to be embraced with scrutiny and unconditional love, there is something inside us perfecting our true nature. Our authentic self-knows we are growing through life and simply going through life at the same time. This delicate balance between these two forces of nature enables us to stay on our path. It is the path a knowing who we are through the various experiences and expressions of our life. Insodoing, we learn to trust in our soul and find direction there when a direction in life is not present.

    Samuel Oliver, author of, "What the Dying Teach Us: Lessons on Living

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Cool GIRL TATTOOS - Flirty, Fun, and Feminine

New tattoo by Joe Knuckle$ at High Street Tatt...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's no secret that lots of women have tattoos. In fact, more women have tattoos today than ever before. This is partly because tattooing, in general, is more acceptable, but partially because more women have started asking their tattoo artists to draw up and ink them with cool girl tattoos.

What exactly is a cool girl design? The question is a subjective one that you will have to answer for yourself because the tattoo you choose is one you'll have to live with for the rest of your life. Your tattoo design should be one that reflects your individuality, personality, and unique tastes.

Some styles of girl tattoos are more popular than others. These tattoo designs are good choices because they are flattering on almost anyone, they are classic designs that are unlikely to go out of style, and they can be easily customized to suit your tastes. There are also some places on the body that are especially popular spots for tattoos.

Star tattoos can be very cool designs. If you like simplicity, a basic star design is the perfect tattoo for you: it's just a series of lines, filled in with ink if you want. But if you want to add a little customization, you can do that with this design too. Try embellishing the vertices of the stars, or maybe curving the lines for a smoother shape.

Other styles of celestial tattoos are also popular. Lots of women choose a tribal style sun for their tattoo. This is another basic shape: a circle that is surrounded by four lines shaped to look like rays. This basic idea can be adapted to fit your tastes. You could make the lines wavy, if you want, or even position the "rays" around your navel to give the illusion of a sun.

In fact, lots of women choose to get tattoos around their navel or close by, on their hips. This can be a great way of attracting attention from men: when they see your flirty, feminine tattoo, they'll know that you're a fun girl who's not afraid to be an individual. If you want something a little more discreet, you could also consider an ankle tattoo.

By far the most popular place for girl tattoos is the lower back. This is an ideal location because it is relatively large, which means that almost any design you can imagine can be fit here. Also, the smooth skin makes it easier for your artist to do a great job on even the most intricate patterns. Don't underestimate how sexy it can be for a man to get a glimpse of a little lower back ink!

Ultimately, the decision about what tattoo to get is yours. But if you're looking for something that is flirty, fun, and feminine, you should definitely consider the most popular styles of the cool girl tattoos.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Don't Believe... KNOW!

Photo  by Tony Fischer Photography 
The spiritual evolution of this planet and its inhabitants is currently in a rapid state of change, a new era is being born, and we are no longer content to be believers, as sheep in a "flock". People are waking up to the knowledge that we can be masters of our own destiny, and are looking to the ancient cultures who have survived to show us the way forward.

How can we break free from our definitions, when we are bound by systems, and rules and regulations, and "normal procedures". What escape routes are there when all we know is all we have been taught. What is there outside the world we know, and how can we find it and finally be free.

Ancient knowledge and practices from Shamanism, Wicca, Vodou, Druidism and many others are being used and adapted to our modern lives to re-connect us to the worlds of spirit. We are re-discovering that everything in our universe has energy, consciousness, vibration and a power of its own, something the ancients have always known.

By lovingly connecting ourselves to this universal energy, we can know that everything within it has its own spirit, and is connected to everything else. Deep personal transformations can occur as we align ourselves to the loving universal consciousness, giving us back the power to create our own personal spirituality and to KNOW spirit to the very core of our being.

“I don't believe, I know.” Carl Jung.

“You are not my enemies, you are my brothers and sisters. You did not do anything to me or my people. All that happened a long time ago in the lives of our ancestors. And, at that time I might actually have been on the other side. We are all children of the Great Spirit, we all belong to Mother Earth. Our Planet is in great trouble and if we keep carrying old grudges and do not work together, we will all die.” Chief Seattle.

“There is no one who can take our place. Each of us weaves a strand in the web of creation. There is no one who can weave that strand for us. What we have to contribute is both unique and irreplaceable. What we withhold from life is lost to life. The entire world depends upon individual choices.” Duane Elgin.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Your Brain's Response To Acute STRESS!

A gel-filled stress ball. Taken and released i...
A gel-filled stress ball. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness.

The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations - everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject.

Stress and the way we think
Particularly in normal working life, much of our stress is subtle and occurs without obvious threat to survival. Most come from things like work overload, conflicting priorities, inconsistent values, over-challenging deadlines, conflict with co-workers, unpleasant environments and so on. Not only do these reduce our performance as we divert mental effort into handling them, they can also cause a great deal of unhappiness.

What is the effect of acute stress?
The best way to envision the effect of acute stress is to imagine oneself in a primitive situation, such as being chased by a bear.

The Brain's Response to Acute Stress
In response to seeing the bear, a part of the brain called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system is activated.

The release of Steroid Hormones. The HPA systems trigger the production and release of steroid hormones ( glucocorticoids), including the primary stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is very important in marshaling systems throughout the body (including the heart, lungs, circulation, metabolism, immune systems, and skin) to deal quickly with the bear.

The release of Catecholamines. The HPA system also releases certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) called catecholamines, particularly those known as known as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (also called adrenaline).

What is a Stress Ball?
What if we told you that it’s possible to work out and relieve stress at the same time? And that it’s easy, requires little concentration and won’t cause you to break a sweat? Or that by consistently using this hand-held object, you will notice an increase in strength?

Well, it is a stress ball! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a stress ball today!

Thursday, January 18, 2018

The Fascination of the Design TATTOO

Bangkok Thailand Tattoo Arts Festival
Photo by Binder.donedat 
Tattoos are still gaining in popularity. The design tattoos are more radical than ever before and so are the spots they are placed on. The number of people with a tattoo is still growing exponential and they are not the “simple and early” design tattoos like you saw in the 80’s or 90’s. A simple anchor or rose or maybe a bird tattoo which was placed on a lower or upper arm where great in those days. The modern tattoo; the design tattoo is used for people to express themselves.

There’s a shift taking place; today’s design tattoo is used as a statement. It has become a symbol of attraction and people with the masterpieces steal the show. Tattoos vary from different sizes and shapes; it can be done on any part of your body including toes, ears and even eyes. Today’s design tattoos are used to get attention in the mass.

Nowadays people see the tattoo as a beautiful ornament that is permanently drawn on their body. Of course, we should face the fact; we want tattoos because, at the end of the day, they just look good. There are many people who never got a tattoo at the young age and decided to have one in their 40s and even 50s. Now they have significance and meaning associated with the art. People who want to have tattoos can broadly be categorized into two groups. The first being the group of those people who desire to have a tattoo because it holds some personal meaning to them, and those who want to have one because everyone else has one.

Design tattoos mean different things in different cultures. In some cultures, tattooing is a way to decorate once the body and is it in many countries like India a very common art and is it often a part of a religious tradition. Tattooing is in many cultures still a natural part of men’s life and art. Tattoo designs in the Japanese culture are inspired by paintings and drawings. Japanese symbols are rapidly gaining in popularity.

But it’s very essential to know the meaning of the character you desire to have on your body forever. Some people end up getting a tattoo which implies the total opposite of what they intended. Many young people get fascinated by the beauty of the characters but fail to understand the true meaning of it.

Tattooing is an art form and today’s design tattoos mean more than just being “cool”.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


English: This is the current logo for the Athe...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A spiritual atheist? Perhaps it's a strange concept if you only think spirituality has to mean a belief in a god. Do the two have to be related? Many people think of the historical Buddha as a spiritual person, but most don't know that he never expressed a belief in a god. He even discouraged his followers from such "speculation," preferring that they work on their salvation in this world.

Computer Spirituality

Imagine a computer that has begun to get so complex and powerful that it starts to ask questions "outside the box." It starts to become conscious. The first thing it would realize is that for all its computing capacity, it is still very limited. The humans who use it, most of whom can't begin to understand it's complicated algorithms, still are more powerful. They see the world more clearly.

The computer could recite a million facts, perhaps, and yet not know what to use them for. It could describe human psychology, and yet not understand a smile. It wouldn't even know why it existed, or what it was being used for. If it came to understand these limitations, and to actually wonder about the world outside its circuits, and to desire to see more and to grow - that would be computer spirituality.

Atheist Spirituality

An atheist simply doesn't believe in a god. There isn't sufficient evidence, so there is no belief. Contrary to what many think, there is no need for an atheist to disprove that a god exists, any more than a Christian needs to disprove that the world is ruled by intelligent termites. The burden of proof is always with the person making a positive assertion.

An atheist can recognize the mystery of life, and marvel at how everything learned deepens that mystery, pushing "final" causes further into the distance. An atheist can recognize his or her own limitations, and seek to grow, perhaps even by developing contact with "higher powers." This is an atheist spirituality. How is it different from "regular" spirituality?

The difference is that an atheist feels no need to pretend to understand the mysteries - no need to create gods and religions to explain them. Contacting "higher powers" can simply be tuning into subconscious resources through meditation or other means. Are these "higher powers" nothing more than electrical patterns in our brains? We don't know, and we don't have to know to tap into them.

Is it that atheists don't want to know? It is the opposite. "Understanding" by forcing religious explanations on things short-circuits any search for the truth. How can you understand and integrate new evidence when you are no longer questioning? Better to simply use spiritual tools like "intuition" and let them be understood - or not - with time and real evidence.

Look to the past, and we see how narrow-minded people were, and how little they understood compared to us. We will appear that way to people in the future, as they will to people further into the future. We are growing in our knowledge and power, but like that spiritual computer, our circuits are in a box that we need to grow out of. Seeking the way beyond that box is what makes one a spiritual atheist.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

The History of English RUNES

Image from page 22 of "Contributions to Old English literature" (1901)
Photo  by Internet Archive Book Images
The history of English runes transverses several countries. The ancient characters were used in Scandinavia and Teutonic countries before they made themselves known in Anglo Saxon territories. The first users were the East Goths who probably derived the lettering from ancient Hellenic-Italic glyphs. The Goths began carving them on wood and stone around 300 A.D. The word rune comes from an early Anglo-Saxon word that means “secret” or “mystery.”

These English Runes looked like small tablets and were carved on wood, stone or gemstones. The markings themselves consisted of a few curved and straight lines. There were two types of alphabets used. One called the Futhark consisted of 24 runes and one called the Futharks contained 16 runes. In the history of the English Runes, the Futhark runes are also sometimes called the “town” runes.

The town runes were used by many cultures throughout North Europe, Iceland, England, Scotland, and Ireland. As their origins were Hellenic, Germanic and Nordic they were seen as pagan so the form of writing and divining was not considered to be very Christian. The arrival of Christianity in England did not make their use obsolete but their use was more hidden. Many ancient churches in England have rune writing on their walls or hidden in the constructions as many people were erring on the safe side when they were built.  By concealing pagan symbols in the church they were betting on both God and the old ways to protect them. Until most major religious manuscripts and histories of the kingdom were written in the language of the old English Runes.

The Runic alphabet was always distinguished by other alphabets is because each rune is like a letter that has its own meaning as well. The runes also have religious or magical significance as well. Each time anything was written with a rune it was thought to also be performing magic. By naming something in words you were, in essence, using the rune language to make it happen. The interesting thing about the runes is that they could simultaneously spell words or sentences depending on how you arrange them.

Old English Runes were also routinely used for storytelling and fortune telling. Telling a positive story with the runes was thought to trigger fortunate events in your life. You could also curse your neighbors by putting together an unfortunate story about crops being ruined.  In some systems of Runic interpretation, the runes also corresponded to Celtic or Nordic gods or goddesses.

Ordinary people for fortune telling also commonly used old English Runes. They are still used today, as they always have been to tell fortunes. Runes are shaken, scattered or pulled from a bag and the tiles inscribed with symbols are read. This is an inexpensive and traditional form of divination that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Monday, January 15, 2018

The Melchizedek Method REIKI

The Melchizedek method reiki is one of the many types of reiki methods that have found to be widely practiced by people. This reiki method is considered by many practitioners to be one of the most advanced healing techniques available. It teaches a new form of emotional, spiritual, physical and mental healing. 

The history of the Melchizedek method started in 1997 as taught by Master Thoth. It was said that the knowledge of this method was handed down to man by the Catacean (whales and dolphins) within the temples of discovery during Atlantean times. The basis used in the techniques presented by the method is activating the Hologram of Love Merkaba rotating light field in trying to awaken one's spherical consciousness.

Doing so raises one's quotient of light vibration right down within the human atomic cell structure. Once this light field is activated, the healing capabilities of the Melchizedek method practitioner are enhanced further. Not only that, the heart also awakens and opens more to unconditional love on your normal life.

The Melchizedek method also teaches and encourages a person to take full responsibility for his or her own health, well-being and harmony with the environment as well as other people. Aside from that, the method of healing is also designed to be applied by a person upon another individual. The Melchizedek Method is known for teaching and demonstrating the skill of transporting any part of the body, outer bodies and thought programming into the higher dimensions in order for it to be cleansed and healed.

Once that is done, the body is then returned to its completely perfect physical condition. Holographic healing and rejuvenation is a skill all human beings can practice in the future with the right knowledge. Believers of the method are confident that it will be instrumental in getting rid of illness and disease on the planet in the near future. 

One of the interesting aspects of the Melchizedek method is in the activation of the hologram of love or Merkaba. The Merkaba is said to be the sacred geometric pattern that gave birth to the whole universe. This pattern is said to be based on unconditional love from which everything in the universe resonates. Humans are said to have this hologram of love pattern from within. Awakening it serves the basis in the Melchizedek method.

Meditating in a way that opens the Holographic Merkaba with light will bring forth the call upon a special frequency of 13:20:33 into that field of continuous time. The 13:20:33 frequency is also known as the frequency of no limitation. This frequency is also known to be present in different parts of the body harmonizing it to the whole universe. Having such a frequency allows humans to be in harmony with the creator of the universe. 

The tool utilized by the Hologram of Merkaba is a high dimensional active conscious living Divine expression that can gain entry to all levels of consciousness. This tool has the ability to heal and rejuvenate any form of created being as it is the living conscious holographic pattern of the God Source vibration.

The Melchizedek Method reiki helps establish a constant flow of love energy from a person's heart to that of the source of God as well as to the heart center of the Earth. Linking this different aspects way allows a person to draw on the spiritual energies of God source and Earth together to reveal a high-frequency love healing energy that can effectively uplift the human body into a state of receptivity for healing and rejuvenation.

The ability to access original thought form and emotion can be made possible while in this state, completing a powerful experience that can be quite spiritually, emotionally and physically fulfilling.

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Causes Of Low BACK PAIN

Each Day
Photo  by tonyhall 
Low back pain is a usual symptom among the modern civilized people.It affects mainly the middle-aged and young adults of both sexes.People who work on the chair without exercise and those who carry heavy loads regularly are prone to get this complaint.We can hardly find a person who has not suffered from back pain at least once in life.The causes of low back pain range from simple reasons like a muscular strain to cancer of the spine and hence backache should not be ignored.The pain is felt in a lumbar and sacral region and may radiate to nearby sites.

The following are some causes for a backache.
1) Backache due to diseases in the back.
2) Backache due to gynaecological problems.
3) Backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

1) A backache due to diseases in the back:--
a) Injuries:-

     1) Compression fracture of the vertebral column.
     2) Rupture of intervertebral discs.
     3) Injuries to ligaments and muscles of the back.
     4) Lumbosacral strain.
     5) Intervertebral joint injuries.
     6) Fracture of processes of a vertebra.

b) A functional backache due to imbalance:-

     1) During pregnancy.
     2) Potbelly.
     3) Diseases of the hip joint.
     4) A curvature of the spine due to a congenital defect.
     5) Short leg on one side.

c) A backache due to inflammatory conditions:-

     1) Infection of the bone due to bacteria.
     2) Tuberculosis of the spine.
     3) Arthritis.
     4) Brucellosis.
     5) Lumbago or fibrositis.
     6) Inflammation of the muscles.
     7) Anchylosing spondylitis.

d) A backache due to degenerative diseases in the back.

     1) Osteoarthritis.
     2) Osteoporosis in old people.
     3) Degeneration of the intervertebral disc.

e) Tumour in the spine:--

     1) Primary tumor of the bones in the spine.
     2) Metastatic tumors from other sites like prostate, lungs, kidneys, intestine etc.

2) A backache due to gynecological problems:-

     a) After childbirth.
     b) After gynecological operations.
     c) Prolapse of the uterus.
     d) Pelvic inflammatory diseases.
     e) Cancerous lesions of the pelvic organs.
     f) Endometriosis.

3) A backache due to problems in other parts of the body.

     a) Renal stones.
     b) Ureteric stone.
     c) Cancer of prostate.
     d) Pancreatitis.
     e) Biliary stones.
     f) Peptic ulcer.
     g) Inflammations of pelvic organs.
     h) Occlusion of the aorta and iliac arteries.

Investigation of a case of a backache:-
1) Complete blood count.
2) Routine urine examination.
3) Ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis.
4) X-ray of the lumbar and sacral region.
5) MRI of the spine.
5) CT scan of abdomen and pelvic region.
6) Examination of rectum,prostate,genito urinary organs.

Treatment of a backache:-
1) Removing the cause for backache.
2) Symptomatic treatement.
2) Back exercises.
3) Traction.
3) Yoga.
5) Surgery.
7) Homoeopathy.

Saturday, January 13, 2018


English: Krafla Geothermal Station.
Krafla Geothermal Station. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many different forms in which alternative energy is available.

One of these is solar power. Solar power is driven by photovoltaic cells, and these are progressively getting less expensive and more advanced. Solar energy power can be used for electricity, heating, and making hot water. Solar energy produces no pollution, as its input comes completely from the sun's rays. However, much more work still needs to be done in order for us to economically harness the sun's energy. For the time being, the resource is a little too conditional—storage batteries are needed to be used as backups in the evenings and on inclement days.

Wind energy has become the most-invested-in (by private investors and governments together) an alternative energy source for the time being. The great arrays of triple-bladed windmills are being placed all over as “wind farms”, to capture the motion of the wind and use its kinetic energy for conversion to mechanical or electrical energy. Of course, there is nothing new about the concept of a windmill for harnessing energy. Modern wind turbines are simply are more advanced variations on the old theme. Of course, the drawback to wind energy is...what do you do when there is a calm, still day? Needless to say, during these times the electric company kicks in for powering your home or office. Wind energy is not altogether independent.

Hydroelectric energy is available as a source of alternative energy, and it can generate a substantial amount of power. Simply put, hydroelectric energy uses the motion of water—its flow in response to gravity, which means downhill—to turn turbines which then generate electrical energy. Needless to say, water is ubiquitous; finding sources for driving hydroelectric turbines is, therefore, not much of a problem. However, hydroelectricity as a source of alternative energy can be complicated and expensive to produce. Dams are often built in order to be able to control the flow of the water sufficiently to generate the needed power.

Building a dam to store and control water's potential and kinetic energy takes quite a lot of work and operating one is complex as well, and conservationists grow concerned that it. Of course, a dam is not always needed if one is not trying to supply the electrical needs of a city or other very densely populated area. There are small run-of-river hydroelectric converters which are good for supplying neighborhoods or an individual office or home.

Probably the most underrated and under-appreciated form of alternative energy is geothermal energy, which is simply the naturally-occurring energy produced by the heating of artesian waters that are just below the earth's crust. This heat is transferred into the water from the earth's inner molten core. The water is drawn up by various different methods—there are “dry steam” power plants, “flash” power plants, and “binary” power plants for harnessing geothermal energy. The purpose of drawing up the hot water is for the gathering of the steam.  The Geysers, approximately 100 miles north of San Francisco, is probably the best-known of all geothermal power fields; it's an example of a dry stream plant.

Friday, January 12, 2018


Too much stress? You need a simple stress meditation. Of course, learning to meditate might intimidate you, and it's tough to find the time for daily meditation. A solution to both problems is a meditation you can learn right now, that will take a minute to do each day.

An Easy Stress Meditation

When you breathe through your mouth, it expands your chest. Breath through your nose and you'll notice how your abdomen extends. Nose-breathing causes the diaphragm to pull air to the bottom of your lungs. This delivers a good dose of oxygen into your bloodstream and brain, and it also tends to relax you. Breathing through your nose is healthier, and it's the basis of this one-minute meditation.

Here's how you do it. Close your eyes, sigh, and let the tension go out of your muscles. It may help to tense up your muscles first, then release that tension. Then let go of your thoughts, as much as possible, and take four or five slow, deep breaths through your nose, paying attention to your breathing.

Can Meditation Be This Easy?

The short answer is yes. No, you're not likely to get you into a deep meditative state with this simple stress meditation. However, you will get benefits, including a clearer mind and a reduction in stress.

It helps to develop a "trigger" for your meditation. For example, do your four breaths when you get into the car, or right after lunch each day. These triggers are places or times that remind you, so your meditation becomes a habit.

You can say this isn't "real" meditation, but there's nothing wrong with enjoying the relaxation you'll get from this technique. If you want, you can always pursue deeper meditation later. Meanwhile, remember that not everything has to be difficult to be of value. Why not try this easy one-minute stress meditation?