Friday, December 29, 2017

WIND POWER as a Viable Solution to Meeting ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Needs

Although it is much less expensive to initially get hooked into the local electric company's grid than it is to set up and hook into wind turbines, in the long run, one saves money by utilizing the wind for one's energy needs—while also becoming more independent. Not receiving an electric bill while enjoying the advantages of the modern electrically-driven lifestyle is a wondrous feeling.

Electric bills and fuel bills are rising steadily—but the cost of wind turbine energy is zero, and the cost of installing and hooking up a turbine is steadily coming down as demand rises and more commercial success is realized by various companies producing the turbines and researching technologies to make them ever more efficient. In addition, people are moving away from the traditional electric grids and the fossil fuels for personal reasons including desire for greater independence, the desire to live remotely or rurally without having to “go primitive”, political concerns such as fears of terrorist strikes on oil fields or power grids, or concerns about the environment. 

Again, this motivation to get away from the traditional energy sources is the same one that causes people to seek the power of the wind for their energy, giving more business opportunities to profit from wind turbine production and maintenance, which drives their costs down for the consumers. In nearly thirty states at the time of this writing, homeowners who remain on the grid but who still choose to use wind energy (or other alternative forms) are eligible for rebates or tax breaks from the state governments that end up paying for as much as 50% of their total “green” energy systems' costs. In addition, there are 35 states at the time of this writing where these homeowners are allowed to sell their excess energy back to the power company under what is called “net metering laws”. The rates that they are being paid by the local power companies for this energy are standard retail rates—in other words, the homeowners are actually profiting from their own energy production.

Maker Workshop - Wind Power Generator on MAKE: television from Make: on Vimeo.

Some federal lawmakers are pushing to get the federal government to mandate these tax breaks and other wind power incentives in all 50 states. Japan and Germany already have national incentive programs in place. However, “A lot of this is handled regionally by state law. There wouldn't really be a role for the federal government,” the Energy Department's Craig Stevens says. And as might be imagined, there are power companies who feel that it's unfair that they should have to pay retail rates to private individuals. “We should [only have to] pay you the wholesale rate for ... your electricity,” according to Bruce Bowen, Pacific Gas & Electric's director of regulatory policy. However, the companies seem to be more worried about losing short-term profits than about the benefits, especially in the long run, of the increased use of wind turbines or wind farms. Head of the Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technologies of California V. John White points out, “It's quality power that strengthens the grid.”

Thursday, December 28, 2017


The healing potential of aloe vera has been known since times immemorial. Aloe exerts unmistakably soothing effects on the skin. Using aloe vera has rapidly become one of the best natural means to get relief from acne without having to visit the doctor.

Aloe vera is known to speed up the healing process, help relieve the pain, redness, and inflammation associated with acne outbreaks. Aloe vera also has antibacterial properties that help speed up the process of clearing up of the acne and also prevent infection from continuing. However, it is important to realize that it is never wise to use aloe vera to treat deeper lesions or severely infected lesions as the healing process is slower in these instances. And it is not wise to apply any topical preparations in these instances without medical recommendation. It is in these cases that Aloe vera capsules come in handy as they are taken orally and are not applied directly to the skin. It would always be wise to use an oral preparation of aloe vera for its systemic benefits beyond superficial effects.

Aloe vera is often available as a spray, liquid, gel, lotion, cream or capsule. These preparations can be availed without a doctor's prescription. Before buying an aloe preparation make sure that the ingredients contain the highest potency of aloe and are free from additives. Make sure that you do not accidentally get the creams, lotions or sprays into the eyes.

One more precaution to take when using a topical preparation of aloe is to test whether you are allergic to it. Just apply a small amount of the preparation to a small area of the skin and wait for 5-10 minutes. If there is no reaction then you are not allergic. If you develop any redness or itch then you might be allergic to the product (not necessarily the aloe but could be any of the additives). Wash off with warm water and then seek a medical opinion.

The bottom-line is that Aloe vera works wonderfully well for acne lesions and is an effective home remedy for acne sufferers. Oral Aloe vera is an attractive alternative to fight acne outbreaks and also prevent recurrences plus taking aloe orally offers a multitude of systemic benefits.

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

BUDDHISM MEDITATION and the Search for Life’s Meaning

"Gathering the Light" from the Taois...
"Gathering the Light" from the Taoist book The Secret of the Golden Flower
(Photo credit: 
Today's world, with all its excitements, its adventures, and its discoveries, is moving in a very fast pace. This can be very thrilling and fun-filled for the modern man, but this can also be exhausting to the soul. That is exactly the reason why many people try to find comfort and solitude amidst the changes taking place in their environment. And, it is also because of this that meditation is becoming popular among many.

Meditation can be defined in different ways, but this is really a broad concept that no measure of words can totally unveil its real sense. Meditation is best understood when experienced and felt rather than when explained. And although this cannot be measured by words, maybe you will be able to grasp it more easily in the light of its purpose. 

Why do people meditate? The prevailing reason is the search for inner peace, the peace of the soul. Peace, in this world of changes and in this race of life, is becoming more and more elusive. In the search for things and possessions, many live a life of materialism, always looking forward into the future and seldom looking within them to monitor the state of their inner self. And once they have finally decided to venture within, they find the various pieces of themselves in disarray. This is when meditation is often resorted to. Others meditate to contemplate the things around them, to look into the realities of their life, and to find the meaning of the world to which they belong.

The popularity of meditation varies among races, cultures, and religions. It may also be seen differently according to various people. Buddhism, a popular religion and philosophy that originated in Asia, places a great emphasis on Buddhism meditation as a way of discovering life's meaning. To the Buddhists, meditation is associated with enlightenment. 

Buddhists recognize the presence of sufferings in the world. But then, recognition is nothing without any intention to alleviate and free mankind from this plague. This is therefore the ultimate purpose of Buddhism meditation – to free man from pain and agony. 

To be able to do this, one must know what causes pain and suffering. This is basically brought about by man's endless desires and expectations from the world, from the people around him, and from life itself. Expectation usually breeds despair, and this is what man must conquer. He must stop expecting from the world.

To meditate is to be enlightened, to see things in the light of reality. Life is not a bed of roses; it is an ever-changing sphere. To live life fully and to enjoy the freedom of living, one must control his cravings and desires. Only when this is achieved will man be able to know that life is not actually as complicated as he has come to believe. 

Meditation, at its best, is a great tool to help you find inner peace, and to preserve it, no matter how frustrating the outside world can be. Given the right motivation and the right purpose, this activity is one that will keep you focused on the truth that you need to know about life to keep you living healthy and satisfied.

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Christmas Season Versus Holiday Season

Christmas - Photo: Pexels
In the United States, the month of December is the Christmas Season, not the Holiday Season. To the best of my knowledge, there is only one holiday in December recognized by our government. December 25 was made a legal holiday in order to celebrate the birth of Christ. There are no other legal holidays during the month of December. 

Chanukah, Hannukah, or Hanukah is a celebration and, some say, a Jewish Holiday but it is not a legal holiday. Kwanza is a celebration and not a legal holiday. Christmas Eve is not a day and New Year's Eve is not a day. We don't call the month of May, the Holiday Season, even though that's when Memorial Day is celebrated. On Martin Luther King Day we don't have holiday parades, we have Martin Luther King Day parades. We don't say happy holiday on the Fourth Of July, we say Happy Independence day or Happy Fourth Of July. Why then, do some people insist that we say happy holiday and holiday season when we are celebrating Christmas? 

I'll tell you why. It is because the organized religion of atheism (Yes atheism, is an organized religion, it is a religion of non-belief.) is waging war against Christianity as the first battle in a war against all other religions. If they can defeat Christianity in this country of Christians, then they can defeat all religions that believe in a God or higher power. 

I am a Christian. I don't, however, know for sure, if Christ is the son of God or if he was a teacher or what. I do know, that I believe in the teachings ascribed to him. I do know, that even though we are humans and therefore can not and do not always follow all of those teachings, that if we all tried to live by those teachings of love and kindness, the whole world would be a better place. I also know that I want Christ to be the Son of God because then it would mean that God did and does care about us and that there may very well be a Heaven. 

I disagree with the director of special projects for the American Family Association when he says, "Christmas is not a holiday" and that calling Christmas a holiday "devalues our nation's most holy day." Christmas is a holiday. In fact, I consider Christmas and the Fourth Of July to be this country's two most important and happiest holidays. The Fourth Of July celebrates the birth of our nation and Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ. Workers are given Christmas Day off with pay, school children are given several days off for Christmas vacation. Offices hold Christmas parties. Families get together, listen to Christmas music, stuff themselves with food and give each other gifts. Marines collect "Toys For Tots". The Salvation Army puts out its kettles and collects money which is used to help needy people all year long. Many family members who have been feuding all year round get together and forgive each other. Christmas is a holiday of love and forgiveness. 

Christmas is a holiday that everyone, not just Christians, should celebrate. Almost no one denies that Christ did exist at one time. The controversy is, whether or not he is the son of God. Putting that controversy aside, Christ preached or taught "peace on earth and goodwill towards men". If people bemoan the fact that John Lennon died because he was a fighter for peace, how can they not celebrate the fact that Christ was born? Christ was arguably the original teacher of peace, forgiveness, and goodness. He lived and died to promote peace. He not only promoted peace, he lived peace. He not only taught forgiveness, he lived forgiveness. Christ set an example that has lived for over two thousand years. If Martin Luther King can have a holiday if Presidents, Veterans, labor, and others can have their own holidays, why shouldn't Christ have a holiday? 

A note to other religions: You should support Christmas. If you allow the atheists to kill off Christmas, it could be your religion that they go after next. There is a war being fought today. I'm not talking about the war in Iraq. I'm talking about the war against religion being brought by atheists and certain hard-line fanatics on the far left. Right now, they are winning the war because religious groups are not fighting back in a cohesive manner. If religious groups don't help each other, someday they will all cease to exist and the United States will become another Soviet Union. Taking away our right to participate in religion and to celebrate our religion is a first step in taking away our other freedoms. 

One of the main reasons that the United States was able to become so great is that, contrary to what the atheists and some others tell you, we are not a secular country. Our whole method of government and our laws come in large part from our forefather's religious beliefs. 

It may not seem so, but I am not against all atheists. They have a right to believe in non-belief and I support that right. I am just against the activists that are trying to force their non-beliefs down my throat. I am willing to leave them alone if they are willing to leave me and mine alone. The problem is that they won't leave us alone. They don't want to allow us to believe as we wish. They want us to believe as they do. They don't believe in Christmas so they want to take Christmas away from us.

One final note to all you major retailers who want to sell me gifts for me to give as Christmas presents, if you won't acknowledge the Christmas Season in your advertising and in your stores, then don't expect me to shop in your stores. If you insist on saying holiday season and happy holidays instead of Christmas Season and Merry Christmas, then I will insist on not dealing with you. For the time being, at least, you are free to do as you wish and I'm free to do as I wish. My wish is to boycott you, not only during the Christmas Season but for a long time to come. Heck, I'm still boycotting everything French and I've been boycotting Jane Fonda and Shirley MacLaine since the Vietnam War.

David G. Hallstrom, Sr.

Friday, December 22, 2017

The Do’s and Don’t of ACUPUNCTURE

Photo  by psyberartist 
There are things that patients have to be aware of before, during and after surgery. The same goes for those who undergo acupuncture because, in order to enhance the value of the treatment, there are some do’s and don’ts that patients have to follow.

First, you should not eat a large meal before or after treatment.

You should also avoid over-exercising, engaging in a sexual activity or consume alcoholic beverages 6 hours before and after treatment.

Since the acupuncture session will last from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on how often you have to go to the clinic, you better fix your schedule so you have time to rest.

Chances are, you were consulting with a doctor prior to your visit to the acupuncturist. If there are any prescription medicines given, don’t forget to take them.

You will not feel any improvement after just one or two visits with the acupuncturist. Just the same, you should write this down so you can go back to the acupuncturist on your next visit and tell him or her how you felt during the previous session. Such feedback will let the specialist know what needs to be modified in the future to help you with your problem.

The acupuncturist might give you some herbs to take as part of your treatment. Since you don’t know if taking them will have any side effects with the medication you are taking, you should first consult with your doctor if it is safe to consume both.

Women who are pregnant are also advised not to undergo acupuncture treatment. However, they can engage in that once the baby is born.

How well the acupuncture treatment will go depends also on a specialist who will be performing it. You have to take into account their years of experience and skill so they are able to make the correct diagnosis, finding the acupoints in the body, the angle at which the needles will be inserted and the techniques they know as there are different types of acupuncture.

This brings us to ask ourselves how to find a skilled acupuncturist. For this to work, we have to do ask our doctor if they can refer anyone. It wouldn’t hurt to also do some research online. After all, there are about 3,000 acupuncturists all across the country so it won’t be that hard to find one.

Before you decide to have a session with them, talk to the acupuncturist to know their credentials. This will also give you the opportunity to find out how much do they charge as this can be from $45 to more than $100 per session.

You can probably ask for the name and contact number of a previous client so you can ask this person how everything went. Remember, if it doesn’t work out for you, don’t be afraid to find someone else who can do a better job.

The most important thing to do during the session is to relax. If you feel an itch or something, tell the acupuncturist. The same goes if you are nervous or experience a burning sensation so the specialist will take out the needles.

Now that you know the do’s and don’ts of acupuncture, you should ask yourself if this form of treatment is right for you. If conventional medication doesn’t work, it wouldn’t hurt to see how things turn out.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Philosophy of SAMURAI SWORDS

Traditional Samurai swords and fittings
Traditional Samurai swords and fittings (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Decorating your 21st-century interior in a Japanese manner has become very popular. The Japanese artifacts, like the samurai swords, are proof of great taste not only because of their eye-catching colors and shapes but because they hold a lot of meaning. They represent moral values like patience, discipline, honor, loyalty, and determination. The modern world has forgotten some very important codes, but their symbols still exist as a reminder in the Japanese works of art that distinguish some homes or offices.

The samurai swords, for example, are very used objects of decoration. People who appreciate martial arts or the Japanese lifestyle often hang them on walls. Owning samurai swords means you appreciate Japanese history and the virtues that this object stood for in an antique society. For those of you with a good idea of buying samurai swords here are some hints about these beautiful and meaningful objects and their philosophy. Knowing how they are made and their value will make them more treasured decorating objects.

The value of the samurai swords comes not only from their handcrafting but also from the fact that they are a symbol of the worrier. The samurai swords define power, duty, responsibility, self-defense, and ethics. The samurai swords were weapons used by a class of people who cherished their freedom above all and defended it with great skill. The samurai swords were used in hand to hand combat which was a very demanding perhaps the most, form of combat. Having to fight with a sharp weapon required the skill of body and mind, abilities, reflexes and technique. Only through a lot of practice, exercise and patience one could become able to handle the samurai swords in order to protect the code of honor.

The Samurai (knights-retainers) were also called Bushi (warriors) and their most treasured weapons were the samurai swords. They considered the swords a part of themselves and sometimes believed the swords were the soul of their worriers. They gave their samurai swords names and awarded them medals. Some samurai worriers even died trying to retrieve their treasured samurai swords for their Shogun (the most powerful samurai worrier for a period). Bushido means Way of the Warrior and the heart of the Bushido philosophy, which lead their beliefs and conduct, is freedom from fear. This meant they had no fear of dying. They were able to use their peace of mind to give themselves the power to serve their master faithfully to the death. Therefore, duty and loyalty were a great part of their philosophy. Their way of life ranked them at the top of the social hierarchy in Japan for hundreds of years until the 19th century. 

Artisans of ancient time put a lot of thought into the creation of samurai swords. They had to create weapons that were not too heavy to handle, nor too rigid to break off. They discovered sharp samurai swords, used against an armor, broke and that samurai sword made of soft steel were flexible and light. So, they considered the most appropriate weight for samurai swords would have been around 2-3 pounds. However, to create such samurai swords would have meant a lot of work. 

There were many methods used to handcraft samurai swords. Some used the repeated and tiring process of heating and folding of steel. The blades had to be polished afterward carefully and the smiths engraved their signature on their work of art. The samurai swords were proof of great handcrafting skills, which meant that the person who created them possessed some unique virtues. Like for any art object, to create samurai swords meant to put soul in your creation, to invest patience and will together with intelligence to obtain the best results possible. A lot of artists worked on their detailed ornaments of the hilt, on their handle bindings and sheaths and the results were samurai swords worth being worn by worriers. 

These virtues have been forgotten as the modern society no longer cares, respects or praise the military man as much as in the past. The samurai was (and still are) highly appreciated figures of history. The samurai swords were priceless and were identified with the worrier class. Made from the heat and pounding of skilled smiths, the samurai swords brought honor and the spirit of the true worrier to those who carried them. Because of this, many modern people buy samurai swords as a reminder of that time and those values. Samurai swords decorate today's homes, as symbols, for those who know what true beauty means virtue and honor.

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

High BLOOD PRESSURE (Hypertension)

For controlling your hypertension, there are two effective yoga exercises that help lower the blood pressure:

Inverted yoga reverses the action of gravity on the body. The most profound changes brought about by Inverted Yoga is in circulation. In inverted poses, legs and abdomen are placed higher than the heart.

Lengthening up through the legs and keep them very active so your spine opens and the entire body actively involved in the pose.

One of the reasons for this is simply because the force of gravity is reversed and venous return becomes significantly greater.

Normally, the muscles of the calf and other skeletal muscles in the lower extremities must contract in order to pump unoxygenated blood and waste back to the heart through the veins.

In inverted poses, gravity causes the blood to flow easily back through the veins and this brings the blood pressure in the feet to a minimum. This in effect gives skeletal muscles a chance to rest.

In Inverted poses, drainage of blood and waste from the lower body back to the heart is increased and disorders such as varicose veins and swollen ankles are relieved.

It's time to learn about breathing because inhaling and exhaling have the power to nourish the body and calm the mind.

Not just any old breathing will do. If you're like most people, you take shallow breaths, pull in your stomach when you inhale and never empty your lungs of carbon dioxide when you exhale.

Here's the physiological explanation: Long, slow breaths are more efficient than short, fast ones.

To take in a good breath, your lungs must first be basically empty. Thus the key to efficient breathing lies in exhaling completely. A full exhalation begins with the upper chest, proceeds to the middle chest and finishes with tightening the abdominal muscles.

Only after a good exhalation can you draw in a good lungful of the oxygen-rich air your blood needs for nourishing cells.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

7 Important Rules For Self Hypnosis Scripts That Really Work

Self-hypnosis is an effective way to re-program your mind by communicating directly with the emotion-based subconscious mind. You can change your behavior and alter your deep-set beliefs and habits by making direct suggestions to your subconscious mind while under a state of hypnosis.

However, to make self-hypnosis (or hypnotizing others) work, you must communicate using the language of the emotion-based subconscious mind.

The 7 critical rules for writing self-hypnosis scripts that really work are presented below:

1. Always word your self-hypnosis scripts for positive change. Saying you will stop, lose, or not do something is negative; your mind first has to visualize doing something and then take the negative to comprehend this kind of commands. This means the mind first reinforces doing the undesired activity before it can interpret not doing it. Instead of saying you will lose weight, eat less, or stop eating sweets, say you will become lean, eat healthily, or increase your metabolism.

2. Repeat suggestions frequently to maximize effect but avoid clichés. Find multiple ways to reiterate the same concept several times throughout your self-hypnosis scripts.

3. Personalize suggestions to deal specifically with current goals. In your recorded self-hypnosis scripts, do not say "you are"; instead say "I am". To increase effectiveness, direct the subconscious mind to repeat your suggestions quietly to itself in the first person.

4. Use a detailed, progressive approach that flows along a logical growth path when creating your self-hypnosis scripts. For example, - I am steadily losing weight every day to reach my ideal weight of 115 pounds - is better than saying - I will lose weight. The first case presents a progressive suggestion with a time factor and an end goal as a target. The second case is negative and has no definitive goal. This is one of the most important rules for self-hypnosis scripts that really work.

5. Ensure all suggestions are simple, clear, & in the present or progressive tense. Never refer to past conditions, and use progressive case (i.e., using action verbs ending in -ing-; becoming, growing, & getting are a few goods examples) to bypass the critical conscious mind.

6. Use visualizations; make the subject see himself or herself after the change has occurred (or as the change is occurring). Also use words that engage emotions such as vibrant, sparkling, thrilling, wonderful, powerful, radiant, loving, generous, exciting, delightful, and beautiful. The more vivid and dramatic the image, the more effective it will be since visualizations are suggestions.

7. Direct the subject to reflect on the results of the change after your self-hypnosis scripts have finished making all the suggestions. You can direct the subject to reflect while still in a hypnotic trance or immediately after waking up. Either way, the subject should sit quietly and envision himself or herself after the change while the hypnotist says nothing.

All 7 of these rules are not required to succeed with hypnosis, and you may find most self-hypnosis scripts commercially available do not contain all these elements. However, if you follow all 7 rules in the scripts you write for yourself, you will see dramatically improved results from your self-hypnosis scripts.

    By Dr. Bryan Stoker
    Now, you know how to write your own self-hypnosis scripts, but you still do not know if self-hypnosis will even work for you. If you want to reap the benefits of self-hypnosis, stop by my website and watch my free video. By the time you finish the FREE VIDEO, I promise you will know if you can be hypnotized. you can also join my free newsletter and get 3 self-hypnosis downloads for free. Click Here Now:

    Article Source: EzineArticles

Monday, December 18, 2017

WITCHCRAFT - The Witch of Today

For centuries, the practice of witchcraft was considered an evil and foul tradition, and witches were hunted and killed, often by cruel and painful methods, usually by being burnt alive at the stake. Fear of witches and witchcraft was widespread throughout several areas of Europe and in some areas of a newly settled America. The witchcraft delusion was an epidemic affecting everyone, and even a simple accusation of being a witch, despite the absence of any real evidence, was often enough to condemn an individual to torture and death.

Thankfully, modern society has moved beyond such superstition and insanity, and today, witches are free to practice varying traditions of witchcraft openly and without fear of persecution. The Wiccan religion is perhaps the most well-known form of modern witchcraft, thanks in part to movies and media attention. However, there are several forms of modern witchcraft being practiced today, though most have roots in ancient cultural traditions.

Modern witchcraft in western culture can be largely attributed to the influence and practices of three specific individuals. The first is Gerald Gardner, sometimes referred to as the Father of modern Witchcraft. In the late 1930s and during the 1940s, Gerald Gardner began establishing several covens throughout Britain in an attempt to revive the foundations of the old religion, which is closely related to modern Wicca.

Gerald Gardner was a public figure who wrote several books on the subject of witchcraft, helping to cast the old traditions in a new and positive light and reshape society's perspective of witchcraft.

Another individual of note is Margaret Murray, a British scholar who studied ancient witchcraft and also wrote of old religions, preceding Gerald Gardner's work by over 20 years. Her books are considered essential reference sources for practitioners of modern Wiccanism.

The third individual credited with influencing the contemporary witchcraft movement is Alexander Sanders. Alexander studied witchcraft as a young boy, as it was a family tradition passed down by his grandmother. Alexander also established several covens throughout Britain, and proclaimed himself the "king of witches."

While Wiccanism might be the most popular tradition of witchcraft studied and followed by modern society, other old traditions still exist. Native Americans and indigenous tribes located in Central and South America still practice shamanistic magic. Similarly, tribes in Africa and Australia look to their tribal witch doctors whenever tribal magic might be needed, whether it be asking the gods for a good hunt, or seeking to expel a sickness from a tribe member.

In Louisiana and Haiti, Voodoo is practiced, and similar traditions such as Santeria in the Spanish Islands, as well as other offshoots of voodoo such as Hoodoo and Macumba.

Most forms of witchcraft share common denominators -- rituals, spellcasting, and calling upon the gods for help or wisdom. Typically, most forms of witchcraft are also considered "white", or good, and are meant for healing and positive effects, rather than to induce harm, curses, or ill will towards an individual.

While many books and resources are available for those interested in Wicca and other forms of witchcraft, individuals should also take care not to treat witchcraft lightly or as a form of entertainment. Spells and rituals are best left to professional witches who have several years of experience and have studied extensively.

    Considered a Gythia (Asatru High Priestess) among her Coven, Julia Roslyn Antle is a master of divination and dream interpretation. Her wisdom is sought-after by her peers, her colleagues as well as the public.
    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Men and Women TATTOO Design Ideas

peacock writing tattoos folsom street fair, san francisco (2013)
Photo   by torbakhopper 
Do you find it hard to decipher which design is best for you? That is why it is highly advisable for one to ponder on the idea over and over again as well as to go over a collection of designs before finally deciding on anything. More so, the tattoo artists are also fond of presenting you with other choices.

Take note that you are the one who is having it inked on your skin and therefore, it is your own call. Hence, it follows that you look for your prospect tattoo design ideas, trims down your list, and then finalize your decision.

Men vs. Women's Ideas

It is but natural for the men to have a different choice over the women. Most of the men are likely to prefer the designs that spell masculinity whereas the women are more into the pretty and dainty concepts. After all, the choice of a tattoo design comes with the sense of expression.

As it goes, many men profess their undying love for their girlfriends or wives by employing a tattoo with their names on the heart designs. Some of them even extend their efforts of coming up with personalized and creative designs.

Many people agree at one point and that is to refrain from having these tattoo designs inked on their skin as there is a large possibility for the relationship to go on the rocks and then end up for nothing. A tattoo can only be removed by undergoing a surgical procedure, so to speak.

For the women, the most common choices include the tiny and interesting feminine designs of hearts, flowers, and butterflies, to name a few. They also love having them on their hips, leg, shoulder, lower back, and ankle. They are also easier to hide.

Paul Mitchell Fashion Event - 3063
Photo  by Parker Knight 

So much more, the tattoo is something that can be very personal. It is oftentimes thought of as a reflection of the person's personality and also a way of showing off something that is very dear to him or her.

It is necessary to take note that there is nothing such as a universal tattoo for men or for women. It all depends on the understanding, choice, and preference of the individual. What matters most is that you should take time to browse through the catalog either online or that which is owned by the tattoo artist so that you may understand which one will best suit you.

Suggestions for Tattoo Designs

Your preference highly depends on your gender plus your style. Making up your mind may be difficult but all that you should do is to look at several prospects and finally pick out one.

For the women, the most popular choice is the butterfly design. The cross and fairy tattoos are typically used as the symbols of a person's faith. They can also be used as dainty, attractive, discreet, and sensual signs of the body. Other common selections are the flowers and rose tattoo designs.

For the men, the tribal tattoos rank as the number one choice. They mainly spell the masculinity of a person. Other popular preferences include the sleeve designs, the dragon tattoos, the lion, Celtic, eagle, and those designs that spread over the shoulder blades.

Going over the tattoo design ideas is not that hard especially if you have a clear idea in mind.

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Skeptics View On REIKI

Many believe Reiki to be a pseudoscience.

Much medical personnel thinks it is a waste of time. Doctors express concern when people with serious diseases such as heart problems, stroke, and cancer choose Reiki over conventional treatment. The practitioners are playing on the patient's fear and just stealing their money, doing nothing in the process.

Sei He Ki - Reiki Symbol
Photo  by Nathaniel_U 
Reiki practitioners maintain that while you should still get the treatment your doctor has planned, you can use Reiki as a complement to that therapy. The Reiki community would never advocate causing harm to anyone.

There are also many controversies about the different Reiki schools and how they differ. Some use different symbols. Some use energy healing instead of laying on of hands. Some go through each degree in one year, whereas others can take up to ten years to get to Master.

The churches have issues with Reiki as well. The Catholics believe it opens the door to evil. Some religions don't even recognize it as a healing force. They believe that there is no way that a universal force could flow through one person at any given time. The best way to help these skeptical people understand Reiki is for them to have one treatment before they claim it as bunk. They would find that they are very wrong.

Treatments are very relaxing and very gentle with soft music playing in the background. They would lay on the table while the practitioner makes a circle of their entire body with the Reiki force. They would start at the patient's head chakra and go all the way down to the root chakra opening any that have closed. They do each knee chakra. Then you flip over, and they work on your back chakras. After that, they give you an affirmation and anchor it in with a symbol and you are done. It takes about an hour to go through the whole process.

Friday, December 15, 2017


As we grow older we, experience higher risks of heart disease, cholesterol increase, weaken joints, muscles, and so on. Most people who experience illnesses often feel frustrated and experience feelings of despair. People who suffer illnesses or tragedies unfortunately set themselves up, saying, “It can’t happen to me.” It can happen to any of us, which is why we should take the steps in our youth to prevent illnesses and tragedies. 

Many of us fail to take the steps in our youth. It hinders us to a large degree, yet we have options regardless of what we endure. 

According to experts in aging and heart disease is rising higher these days than ever. The aging progression alone slowly builds up through impulsive changes of the body and mind. The maturity phase carries on starting at childhood as the person works through puberty, teenage and so on. At this time the body and minds start to decline. As the person reaches mid-age or moves into advanced aging, the person starts to decline its natural physical functions. 

Aging alone starts as we are born and carries throughout our life. Through the process, the body has positive reflections on our bodily components and development, yet as we age negative effects take fold, which includes the declining phase. 

According to experts in medicine, no one can determine when our body becomes aged. At one time people 65 and older were considered the aged, yet today people are working further on than 65 years of age. In short, people are working in the 70s, 80s and even 90 years of age today, which returned a different view of the aged. 

Still, millions of American citizens are falling victim to heart disease, strokes, etc. What can they do? 

How to relieve emotional strikes after a heart attack: 
If you’ve experienced a heart attack, likely you feel frustrated, hopeless, etc. The emotions are common after any illnesses, yet you must take steps to control these negative emotions since it only causes stress on your body. The stress will wear you down and perhaps lead to another heart attack. Let’s stop it now. After illnesses, including heart attack learn to focus on the day, instead of yesterday and tomorrow. You only have control of each day you live. Instead of sweating weeks ahead, try doing something you enjoy. Walking is a great way to reduce the risks of heart attacks. You can also visit friends or family members that make you feel good about you. 

Support is essential. If you have support, you will have friends and family members who will open their minds to your feelings. You should never allow your feelings to linger in your own mind without expressing what you feel. Express your feelings to people you trust. Take time to listen to them and let these people know what you need. For instance, if you just need a friendly ear, then let them know. Holding back emotions leads to soaring complications. 

If you can find support groups in your area that is experiencing the same thing as you, then join the team. The support will help you to share information with people who understand what you are going through. It is frustrating to express feelings with people who have not experienced similar illnesses or experiences as you. Try to find someone that you can relate to and speak your feelings. 

Exercise is the leading element we have offered to us in life that helps to reduce any disease, emotional reactions and so on. When you sit around feeling anxious, depressed, or despaired, you are working toward worse health conditions. Reverse your actions and take the steps to live longer by exercising each day. 

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Hormones and All that Good Stuff in HEALTHY AGING

Members of Holyhead Youth Club entertaining the old people at a Christmas party
Photo  by LlGC ~ NLW
Stomach weight is associated with making the arteries age. Your arteries supply blood throughout your whole system and if these become blocked it can cause many problems for you. Obesity can lead to a heart attack, memory loss, the skin will wrinkle and strokes can occur too, which is all caused by the blocked arteries. Your diet plays an important role in helping to keep these arteries clear. You need to include a certain amount of goods fats in your diet if nothing else eating nuts for a snack.  

Keeping the mind busy and enjoying activity helps the brain and it will help prevent depression, anxiety, and stress. Everyone seems to get these three things as we age because we slow down and don’t get out enough. It is very important to be with people and get that exercise to keep your mind from thinking and worrying so much. 

Watch your diet keeping it under control and enjoy many activities. You’ll feel and look better as you age. We can consider all these aspects, yet to find a clear vision of what healthy aging means to you, we have to consider hormones. 

The glands produce several hormones, including the Human Growth Hormone. (HgH) Science shows the body produces enough but it doesn’t release all of it as we age. The low levels of human growth hormone cause wrinkling of skin, reduction of energy and sexual performance. Gray hair is incurred from hormonal deficiencies. The hormone will also cause increases in body fats and puts you at the risk of heart disease. You will lose muscle mass from deficient HgH, which can lead to shrinking of bodily organs. 

Studies were conducted that shown results from 26 men. These men were between the ages 61 and early 80s. The studies have shown that the supplement of Human Growth Hormone slowed the aging process 10-20 years total. After giving HgH, these men showed improvements, which enhanced muscle strength. The skin tone was enhanced as well as the memory. The overall of aging has not been stopped but important signs of maturity are improved.

Vitamin A is known to help the eyes but in recent studies, it was discovered that it also helps release the human growth hormone. Just remember when buying supplements in a health food store the labels are not always accurate. 

When taking any hormone replacement supplements make sure that you consult with your doctor, only he or she knows what is best for you. Since supplements, Vitamins, or replacement therapies may include side effects, you want your doctor's advice first before administering these remedies. 

Women rely on estrogen to maintain healthy bones. Women need these hormones to reduce the risks of shrinking in bone density. Women will often experience symptoms that form into osteoporosis when estrogen is deficient. Estrogen will often slow as a woman ages, and usually, after menopause, the woman’s lipid levels drop. 

This can cause high cholesterol also, since LDL increases. In addition, lipid levels when increased can lead to blocked arteries, or coronary blood vessel/artery disease. After a woman goes through menopause she, starts to age for the reason that the ovaries begin to slow the production of progesterone and estrogen. These major hormones control menstrual cycles, which stop at this point. 

Men rely on testosterone to maintain their youth. This hormone controls a male’s sex drive, facial hair growth and so on. We all have our hormones that perform many actions, yet in some instances, we need replacement, especially as we grow old. Sometimes replacing the hormones will slow the aging process, thus promoting healthy aging.