Friday, August 18, 2017

What Is Transcendental MEDITATION

English: Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Huntsville Ja...
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi - Huntsville January 1978 
(Photo credit: 
Meditation has been practiced for centuries. In the years that followed, various movements have evolved and one of them is called transcendental meditation.

Transcendental meditation was a movement founded in 1957 by a Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Today, it has over 6 million followers and some of them include Hollywood celebrities and singers.

The organization that practices Transcendental Meditation is better known as the Spiritual Regeneration Movement. What makes this form of meditation different from the others is the fact that you don’t just learn everything there is to know by reading a book but by learning from a transcendental meditation expert.

The ultimate goal of Transcendental Meditation is to make each member achieve pure consciousness. By doing so, the individual will be able to find peace with him or herself and also with the rest of the world.

The practice of transcendental meditation takes about 15 to 20 minutes each day. In order to be part of this organization, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi created a seven step process which everyone must go through that also includes two lectures, a personal interview with a trained instructor and four days of practice. Apart from that, you are required to pay a signup fee that is almost $2,500.

More than 500 clinical studies have been done on Transcendental Meditation. One study shows that members who are in their 50’s feel much younger. Another study shows that it improves your academic achievement, creativity, and intelligence.

Those who have been practicing it claim that it reduces problems such as anxiety, insomnia, and stress. Even those who have had addictions to alcohol or drugs in the past say that this has helped them kick the habit.

In short, Transcendental Meditation is able to improve your physical health. Probably the biggest surprise is that one study showed that members of this movement have had fewer medical problems than those who are not.

Given the benefits it can do to those who practice it, this is probably the reason why some companies in the US offer this program to their employees. This is because management knows that stress costs them more than 200 billion dollars annually which means a decrease in the worker’s productivity.

One example of such a company that offers this to their employees is General Motors. This car company has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for several years and results from a study showed that this increased the productivity in the workplace, improved morale and had a good impact on the physical health of their workers.

There are even some who have mistaken Transcendental Meditation and the organization itself to be part of the religious cult. This is because another name by which it is known as the “Science of Creative Intelligence” which in fact is a degree that you can get after you graduate at the Maharishi University of Management in Fairfield, Iowa.

It should also be pointed out that Transcendental Meditation is scientific so you don’t have to abandon your current religion. In fact, it can be done with little effort so it is possible for you to achieve pure consciousness regardless of your age, gender, educational background, culture or religion.

Transcendental Meditation makes you look inward so you are able to turn those dormant potentials into realities. Of course, this can only happen over time and with practice so you will soon be able to experience an endless world of possibilities.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Using AIKIDO Moves in Practice or in Combat

It only takes a split second whether someone comes out as a victor or a loser in combat. The person can try to remember it, later on, to see what errors were made in order to become a better fighter in the future.

Photo: Wikimedia

Such things also happen in a competition which is why it is best for the student to be familiar with the various Aikido moves at all times.

For instance, in Ai hanmi Iriminage a person grabs the attacker by the neck and forces the opponent to the ground. 

In Ai hanmi Kokyuho, this is similar to the first with the difference of extending the arm a little farther in order to achieve maximum effect.

Should the attacker have a knife, a good aikido move to use is called Katate Ryotemochi in which the individual uses both hands to block the weapon used by the attacker and disarming it before putting the person on the ground.

If the individual is able to get behind the attacker, perhaps doing Ushiro Ryokatatori will be a good idea. This will allow the student to grab both shoulders of the person. Should the individual be tough, perhaps applying Ushiro Kubishime, which will temporarily cut the air supply until the assailant is unconscious, is the best thing to do?

Not all the aikido moves being taught are just to block and the make the person fall to the ground. There are also striking moves such as Kata Menuchi in which the hand makes a slice to the middle of the forehead. Those who don’t want to inflict a concussion can try Mune Tsuki, which is a strike to the chest.

A good move for the leg is the Aiki Otoshi better known in English as a leg sweep. This will surely keep the person down especially when that attacker thinks that all the student can do is use the arms when defending.

Once the attacker has been subdued, it will be safer to keep the attacker locked in a Sankyo hold. This technique is used by police, which is very useful when the police are on the way to the location.  

There are more than 10 different moves in Aikido. The person should be able to distinguish one from the other especially when the terms are all in Japanese. It will be the choice of the individual which one to use when one is engaged in combat.

The first step in learning this martial art will be to enroll in a dojo. The person can look at the directory to find the nearest one to the home and then choose to sign up if the rates are affordable. 

The student will then be taught the rules, how to wear the uniform and then the proper moves in each stroke. The individual should not expect to get it right on the first day but eventually do better in the coming days. 

The person should remember that Aikido, unlike other martial arts, can only be used for defensive purposes. Usually, when the suspect has failed in the attack, this person will run so the individual should not give chase but rather get help.

It is only with practice sparring with a partner or even doing the same thing in a competition that both the mind and the body can be conditioned to engage an attacker in combat. 

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Home Remedies For Yeast Infections That Are All Natural - NATURAL CURE

Candidiasis is a fungal infection commonly know as thrush or yeast infection. It affects mouth and throat areas, genitals, intestinal tracts, and urinary systems. Mild infections mostly cause irritating discomfort and are often treated at home using traditional natural cures, rather than stronger prescription medicines. Natural treatments for yeast infection fall into two categories; those which actually fight the fungus, and those which bring some relief to the symptoms.

Amongst home cures for yeast infections, caprylic acid is a simple anti-fungal solution that may be taken to fight infections in the digestive tract. A similar cure is citrus seed extracts, sometimes known as Citricidal.

Another liquid with anti-fungal properties, as well as antiviral and antibacterial qualities, is Oil of Oregano. It can be taken orally with a few drops placed under the tongue, for mouth and throat infections. It can also be applied topically to infected areas.

Ozone Therapy is a simple natural remedy that can kill parasites. Ozone therapy may be self administered, but a more powerful and effective treatment may be given by a doctor, so it's worth talking to your health advisor.

English: Hydrastis canadensis in the garden of...
Hydrastis canadensis
(Photo credit: 

Goldenseal Tea (Hydrastis Canadensis) not only has anti-fungal properties, it encourages the growth of friendly bacteria due to the presence of berberine. It may be drunk as an ordinary tea, as well as be used for vaginal douching. Oregon Grape Root is another anti-fungal tea, but this is only applied as a vaginal douche.

Boric acid and hydrogen peroxide both kill vaginal yeast infections. Boric acid is supplied in capsules to be used as a suppository, hydrogen peroxide is used as a vaginal douche by mixing a teaspoon of 3% solution in a cup of water.

Yeast infections, even when mild, cause a lot of irritating discomfort, but there are plenty of traditional home medicine cures that can bring relief. Aloe vera gel can be placed on infected external areas, for both males and females, using a cotton ball. Aloe Vera Juice can be taken orally as well as used externally.

Calendula cream and flaxseed oil cream are both soothing agents that are useful for all yeast infection symptoms on external areas, such male and female private parts.

Slippery Elm Powder is mixed with a bit of water to make a paste that may be applied topically, it's effective for general skin irritation and penis yeast infections. Vitamin E oil can be applied for painful and burning infections on male and female genitalia, as well as being applied to itchy skin.

A solution particularly effective for a male yeast infection, but effective for women too, is a sitz bath. One kind of sitz bath is made by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a hip-level tub of warm water.

Another well known therapy for yeast infections is yogurt. This can provide some soothing effect to infected areas, but it also leaves the treated zone in a condition that is inhospitable to the yeast infection, so it prevents its spreading and can eliminate small infections. 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

The Most Common Food ALLERGIES

* Milk *

Being allergic to cow’s milk isn’t the same as being lactose intolerant.

* Eggs *

You can be allergic to either the whites of the yolk. This type of food allergy is more prevalent in
children, but does affect some adults.

English: Food types likely to cause allergic r...
Food types likely to cause allergic reactions in adults in Sweden: drupe, cheese, nuts, wine, apples, and shellfish.
 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
* Peanut *

Most people, adults, and children with food allergies, are allergic to peanuts too.

* Tree nut *

More children have nut allergies than adults. The symptoms of nut and peanut allergies are the same, but being allergic to one doesn’t necessarily mean you’re allergic to the other.

* Seafood *

This is more common in, but not limited, to children. The fish allergens can be passed through the air by people eating or cooking fish near you.

* Shellfish *

Similar to seafood allergies. But having one doesn’t mean being allergic to the other.

* Soy *

People allergic to soy need to be especially careful when eating Asian foods or using Asian sauces.

* Wheat *

This is most commonly a food allergy, but can also be a respiratory contact allergy.

In the United States these are referred to as "the big eight". Over 90% of U.S. food allergies consist of
these foods.

Allergens differ in other countries, but these 8 make the top 10 in many places through out the world.

Food allergies may be based on contact. In East Asia where rice makes up a large part of the diet, rice
allergies are more common, as are celery allergies in Central Europe.

Public Speaking HYPNOSIS

Public speaking hypnosis can help people with a presentation, talk, best man's speech or work meeting anxiety to feel confident and calmer. Speaking to a group of people of any size is one of the most common phobias and fears.
Public speaking is considered to be the act of communicating with a group of people whose number can range from two to tens of thousands. Some people relish the idea of giving a presentation, talk, leading a meeting, giving that wedding speech. These people like to be the center of attention and enjoy getting the chance to perform in front of others.

Speaking to groups for many people is a constant source of anxiety and dread. Public speaking for them it is something to be avoided at all costs.
Typically someone with a speaking phobia or fear will experience an adrenalin rush, heart palpitation, sweating, shaking, a voice that cracks and a loss of memory. A previous bad experience of speaking in public is usually found to be the cause of the current feelings of dread about giving a speech or presentation.
helps a person who suffers from these "fight or flight" feelings to feel calmer and more relaxed. Hypnosis helps to change how a person thinks about public speaking. It helps them to construct positive and successful images of themselves giving a speech to others that are attractive and encouraging rather than one of fear or failure.
It is more often the dread prior to giving the speech that makes it hard for someone to face up to give the presentation.
Some people will feign sickness or even resign from their job because the fear of having to speak in front of others is so overwhelming that they will literally do anything to get out of it. Others will not apply for that new job or promotion because they know the new role will involve taking meetings, giving training or speaking in front of groups. A public speaking phobia can, therefore, limit a persons' career progression.
Fortunately, it can be comforting to know that many people who have suffered from a public speaking fear do get over it. Indeed they can progress to well with feeling confident and calm about giving a speech that they not only look forward to doing it but also start to volunteer to do it.
If you are fed up with suffering from nerves, dread, fears and anxiety from even the thought of speaking in front of others at work, socially or on other occasions, you no longer need to suffer. One of the most effective methods for overcoming your fears and feeling confident is public speaking hypnosis.
Steven Harold
Public speaking hypnosis help
Hypnotherapy Shrewsbury

Monday, August 14, 2017

MYSTERIES: Temple of Jupiter – Optimus Maximus

City of Rome during time of republic. (Photo credit: Wikipedia
The Temple of Jupiter is the important temple from the Ancient Rome that was founded to honor the Arch-God Capitoline Triad, Juno, Minerva and Jupiter during 509 BC. This is situated in the peaks of Capitoline hill. Tarquinius Priscus who reigned during the 616 to 578 BC is said to have consecrated this temple of Jupiter, but according to traditions it is assumed that the major construction work of the Temple was done by Tarquinius Superbus.

Model - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Archaeologists have reconstructed this temple and given the rectangular Greek appearance with the few traces which remained. At some locations one can have a look at the remnants of the Roman feature (podium). On every year beginning that is on the 1st of January the new elected consuls take the offices with a colorful ceremony. The white sheep is sacrificed to the God Jupiter on every month of Ides. There will also be a special annual festival at the temple during the special ides in September. 

In this festival there will be a huge banquet for the Romans wherein the 3 Gods statues participate. It got burnt during the 83 BC and the remains can be seen even today over and across the Conservators palace.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

MEDICINE REIKI, A Perfect Union Of East And West

The bear and the eagle, Father Sun, and Mother Earth. Nope, this is not an animal or environmental write-up. But rather, this short write-up is about Native American medical practices and how it can be combined with another Eastern technique called Reiki to come up with a healing method that channels the life force energies of everything that surrounds us.

Mowaffaq-Eylon head Tantur 090607
Reiki - Photo by eylon 

Practitioners refer to this as Medicine Reiki, a technique which combines the medicinal approaches of Native Americans and the rather spiritual approaches of Japanese Reiki. 

But medicine Reiki was not created to surpass any other forms of Reiki but it was created because of a realization that there is a way to broaden and deepen the understanding of the energy that binds us all together. It can be seen as a natural course of action, from a general concept as Reiki, to more specialized forms like medicine Reiki. 

By integrating Native American concepts of healing, beliefs, and practices to the knowledge of channeling the life force energy of Reiki, healing takes place faster than when using regular Reiki or ordinary Native American medicines alone. How so, you might ask? The answer all lies on how these two elements work. 

We take medicines to heal our physical ailments. But because medicines heal only the physical aspects of our body, the possibility of the illness or disease striking twice is not that far off. Medicines offer merely temporary relief.  Reiki, on the other hand, is an encompassing discipline which targets the physical, mental, spiritual and mental aspects of our existence. Reiki practitioners use the infinite energy that surrounds us, channels that energy and allow it to flow to anyone or anything that needs healing.

By combining these two elements of healing, you"ll get medicine energy that heals beyond its normal capacity. The combination heals both the physical state and the inner dispositions of the body faster as well. 

The concept of medicine Reiki is relatively new. It was K'sitew who founded this branch of Reiki in the late 90s. From then on it grew and the practice expanded to include other energies. 

The good thing about medicine Reiki is that it can only be used for healing. Unlike when taken alone, medicines can be good and bad, a dualistic energy source. Reiki is a monadic energy which means it is only good energy thus cannot do any harm. When Reiki is integrated with medicine, the dualistic energy of the latter is converted into a monadic energy resulting to a positive form of energy whose only capacity is to heal and not damage or hurt someone.

What also makes medicine Reiki different is that the healing process is done in groups or in small communities. Participation of the community is necessary during the healing sessions creating a closer bond between individuals which is great for sharing energy. The closer the bonds between the members of the group, the greater the energy flows within the group, the better and faster the healing process. 

Since the founding of this Reiki technique, more healing methods have developed which draws its origins from Native American medicines.

And as long as practitioners exist, this Reiki healing technique will continue to grow and expand bringing forth new healing methods or techniques that will help people challenge their health and energy levels.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

MEDITATION technique for different environments

There are people who have good sense of focus and concentration. They have the ability to stabilize their mind no matter what kind of environment they are into. However, there are also people who seem to be always disturbed. They can hardly concentrate, thus, affecting their judgment and quality of work. Meditation is a good aid for these types of people. During meditation, mental space is created in order to achieve a certain degree of enlightenment. 

The effects of meditation to different people also vary. These could be affected by factors such as the mood, character and individuality. When a person hardly understands himself, his confusion reflects to his actions. That is why contemplation is necessary in order to achieve an enlightened consciousness.

A quiet space conducive for reflection, a mantra to be recited and absolute concentration are the essentials of meditation. While sitting meditation is considered the basic and most efficient form of meditation, there are other ways to modify the process. On the whole, you can only create other forms of meditation when you become habituated with the practice. When your mind had been set for meditation, it will be easy for you to stay tuned-up. Plus, you can integrate the spiritual essence and mental awareness with the physical and mental rhythms of life. 

As meditation becomes part of your routine, you will always find time to stop and make a connection with the process of meditation. Naturally, you will seek the blissful state that you can experience only when meditating.   

So what should you do when the place you are into is not conducive for meditation? There are ways to establish focus and concentration. You can capture your mind to be in the meditation state when you direct your attention to a spot in the room, or listen attentively to your breathing or focus on a small object. With the help of a relaxing music and tricky colors, you can employ meditation and extend such practice even beyond the meditation period. 

Active people such as athletes need to stay focused in their skill or art while staying grounded. However, their physical ability could be more enhanced if they are in touch with their higher consciousness. A famous female boxer revealed that in her violent and aggressive profession, she never fails to meditate and chant. 

She constructed her own way of escaping the gym atmosphere in order to find peace within. She listens to the sound of the speed bag as she hits it one way. There is a distinct sound for a one-way blow and the sound varies with the difference in the impact of glove. Then all she had to do is close her eyes and meditate on the sound of the speed bag. 

Even a basketball player can employ meditation at the free throw line if he is able to transcend the noise of the crowd and the pressure of the play. In this manner, he can manage stress and anxiety while connecting to his meditation process. 

Be creative in modifying your own way of meditation. Break your patterns and make your imagination work.

Friday, August 11, 2017

KUNG FU: History And Basic Principles

Shaolin kung fu
Shaolin kung fu (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The Term:
Historically, the term “Kung Fu” is not really featured in any ancient texts. It was first coined by a Frenchman named Jean Joseph Marie Amiot, a missionary who lived in the 18th Century, in reference to Chinese martial arts. Kung Fu is also called Gongfu, Wushu, or Kuoshu, and originally denotes expertise in any skill, and not exclusive to martial arts.

Brief History:
The practice, philosophy, and concept of Kung Fu can be traced back to ancient Chinese texts such as Zhuang Zi, Dao De Jing, and Sun Zi Bing Fa (Art of War written by Sun Zi), all written between 1111-255 BC. These texts contain passages related to the practice, propagation, and principles of Chinese martial arts, or Kung Fu as it is known today.

One theory regarding the first written history of Kung Fu suggests that the Yellow Emperor, who reigned from 2698 BC, wrote the first treatise on Chinese martial arts. Others give credit to Taoist monks for introducing an art form that resembles modern Tai Chi around 500 BC. Then in 39-92 AD, Pan Ku included "Six Chapters of Hand Fighting" in his discourse on the history of the Han dynasty (Han Shu). As the popularity of martial arts progressed, a physician named Hua Tuo also wrote his own treatise entitled, “Five Animals Play" in 220 AD.

Kung Fu had become a common word in the West beginning in the late 1960s, popularized by martial arts movies and TV series. The Western world today has also seen an immense upsurge in the creation and production of martial arts movies starring great actors/masters such as Jackie Chan and Jet Li.

Basic Principles:
The concept of Kung Fu revolves around three basic principles – Motivation, Self-discipline and Time.

According to experts, the real motivation behind learning Kung Fu is an inspiration and not force, which should come from an inner craving to learn and develop the mind and body. The motivation here is the fundamental driving force. There is no external or worldly gain for the learner, and the only reward is that of knowledge, skill, strength, and wisdom.

In Kung Fu, discipline is complementary to motivation. Discipline puts motivation into deed and action. A learner has to make an effort into what he has been motivated for, and self-discipline helps him get started and guides him to achieve that goal. Therefore, without discipline, motivation is just a dormant state of mind.

Time is the path to perfection in martial arts. Once motivation and self-discipline have set in, a learner has to spend a considerable amount of time putting mind and body into practice. A truly inspired learner does not have the privilege to waste time, stay idle or indulge in fruitless activities. Everything done by him/her should reflect real motivation and self-discipline.

Variants and Styles:
With the passage of time, numerous variants and styles have come up in martial arts, or Kung Fu. Some of the more popular ones include Karate, Escrima, Wing Chun, Jujitsu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, Shaolin, White Crane, T'ai Chi Ch'uan, and Bagua Zhang.

Types of Surgeries as Treatments for SNORING

Snoring is known to be the end result of the vibration happening in the upper airway which includes parts such as the throat, mouth and the nose. Due to blockages, turbulence is caused during respiration. While we breathe virtually the whole day, we only snore at night because our muscle tone is very much reduced at sleeping which encourages the collapse of these tissues. Plus, the relaxed muscles are incapable of preventing themselves from a collision.

A picture of my bifid uvula. Also sometimes ca...
A picture of my bifid uvula. Also sometimes called split or cleft uvula. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Snoring can basically originate anywhere from the nose down to the vocal chords. Recently, researchers found out that the tongue plays certain roles in causing and aggravating one's scores.

Snoring is involuntary, so there's no use of trying to control it at will. It cants also be cured using simple measures. However, it can be controlled by means of various devices and techniques.

However, when snoring becomes too difficult for a commonly applied method to handle, it could be the right idea to check on surgical methods to deal with it. There are various surgical procedures to correct this sleeping problem. But not all may be used in all cases.

Sometimes, the thorough evaluation of the physical and physiological factors must be rendered before an otolaryngologist would come up with the most effective measures. Otolaryngologists are the specialists on problems directly related to the throat, mouth and the nose.

Another known treatment for snoring is the Tongue Suspension Procedure or Repose. This works by inserting a small screw under the tongue into the jaw. This way, the tongue will be prevented from falling back during sleep. While many reports of its effectivity in controlling the cause of snores, most physicians agree that this is an irreversible option so careful thinking is an evaluation.

For snorers whose main cause of snoring is the nose, nasal surgery is most likely to find the solution. While it is considered, in general, as a cosmetic type of surgery too few can deny that it actually works for problematic snoring.

This method is also used for patients who are suffering from deviated nasal septum. This doesn't only help the snorer during his sleep but can also add comfort in breathing during the day.

The LAUP or Laser-Assisted Uvulopalatoplasty is the advanced modification of the traditional treatment called Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty or UPPP. This procedure works by cutting the uvula (which is the dangling part that most often than not causes the obstruction of the air passage) that is located at the rear part of the roof of the mouth. This procedure works best when the persistent problem lies on the uvula.

Radio Frequency Tissue Ablation, also known as Somnoplasty, is a relatively new technique approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This also basically removes parts of the uvula.

While there is not much data published in relation with Coblation-Channeling, we are for certain that this method employs the principle of removing any tissue that obstructs the air passage by means of radio frequency. On some cases, tissues are fully removed when the need arises.

Surgery as treatment for snoring must be taken as the last resort when everything else you've tried failed. Before diving into an option, be sure that you are completely evaluated of the actual causes of your condition. Ensure yourself also that you have the best doctor in your spectrum of choices.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nine Facts About FIBER

If you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what you need.  Even though research has shown fiber to be powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient seriously.

To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are 10 facts to help.

1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease.  High
fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of years, fiber has been used to stop constipation.

2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest, making you feel satisfied longer

3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber.  If you like the more popular foods, you probably need to increase your intake of fiber.

4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is actually plant matter that we cannot digest.  The best sources are whole grains and concentrated grain products.  

5.  Kids need fiber as well.  Children that are older than 2 years of age should consume a daily intake of fiber.  Kids are most receptive to fiber found in  fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast cereals.  

6.  More fiber needs more water.  In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll need to consume a lot of water.  With your diet of fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water every day.

7.  Fiber cannot be cooked out.  When you cook your fruits and vegetables, don't worry about cooking
the fiber out, as it stays.  The fiber found in fruits and vegetables aren't just in the skin or in the peel.

8.  You can get enough fiber.  If you eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day, you can get diarrhea and bloating, which can interfere with your body's absorption of other key minerals.

9.  Getting the right amount of fiber in your diet doesn't have to be hard.  Even though you may think so, getting the amount of fiber you need isn't very hard to do.  All you have to do is eat the right foods and you'll be well on your way to a fiber rich lifestyle.

As one of the key ingredients to healthy eating,  fiber is something you don't want to skip.  Fiber can
serve many different purposes, which were covered above.  If you aren't getting enough fiber in your 
diet - you should do something about now instead of waiting until it is too late.

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

A Brief Overview Of HYPNOSIS

Hypnosis is a state in which conscious sleep is induced. The process of hypnosis involves a hypnotist and a subject (a person on whom Hypnosis is performed). The primary requirement for Hypnosis is it must be accepted by the subject. And then under the effect of Hypnosis, the subject is allegedly more recipient to suggestions and has greater access to his or her memories and emotions.

Professor Jean-Martin Charcot teaching at the ...
Professor Jean-Martin Charcot teaching at the Salpêtrière in Paris, France: showing his students a woman ("Blanche" (Marie) Wittman) in an trance or shock.
(Photo credit: 

In a nutshell, hypnosis is the sleep of the nervous system. So there is a decrease in the rate of respiration, decrease in blood circulation thus sluggish brain waves. Under the normal consciousness, the brain waves are at Beta wave level. However, with hypnosis, brain waves slow down to alpha waves than to theta waves. Delta waves are brain waves possible in children, & generally, no adult can experience the slowing down to delta wave level.

Use of Hypnosis has been applied from the clinic to classroom and police station to any public place. The characteristics of Hypnosis are deep concentration and great relaxation. Hypnosis has a strange reputation. Freud, the father of repression, earlier used to practice hypnosis in therapy; he then stopped the use of hypnosis.

However, hypnosis is still popular. And it is safe.

The Hypnosis can be useful in addictions, pain relief, weight control, fear, quit smoking. However, the success of hypnosis depends greatly on acceptance of subject.

Under the effect of Hypnosis, the subject gets accessibility to his unconscious and subconscious mind, repressed memories even past life memories. There are lots of misconceptions regarding Hypnosis. It is considers as ‘Black Magic’ by some people. Science simply does not accept it. But Hypnosis exists.

What is Hypnosis?

It is a method that allows you to use your own inner power and hidden capabilities (the capabilities that you even don’t believe you possess). And:

• It can help you in getting freedom from phobias or anxieties.
• It can help you get rid of bad habits like eating unhealthy, smoking etc.

What Hypnosis is not?

• It is not possible even by any expert to take control of your mind using Hypnosis. Your permission- acceptance is a must.
• Hypnosis can not make you tell secrets.
• Hypnosis is not dangerous.
• It is not ‘Black-Magic’ or any magic!

You can relate Hypnosis with trance, dream. You can be in trance unconsciously. You can be in a trance while just lying on the bed or while traveling through familiar route while reading a book while seeing the movie. Hypnosis is similar trance so you need not fear of same. It brings you great relaxation.

Hypnosis can be used for:

1. Pin control
2. Weight control
3. Healthy eating
4. Helping you stop smoking or other habits
5. Overcoming phobias & anxieties
6. Suppressing pain during medical procedures
7. And more…

Hypnosis comes to your help in case some normal point of view or logical thinking becomes a barrier in solving any problem of yours. It frees you from problems you want to while in a conscious or subconscious state. Refer to this brief overview of Hypnosis for help to improve the quality of your life and the lives of your family, friends, and others.

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

RESTLESS LEG Syndrome and Supplements

Restless Legs Syndrome is a condition that affects about ten percent of the population. The disorder is characterized by an urge to move the legs, usually accompanied by or caused by uncomfortable leg sensations. People with RLS often have difficulty describing their symptoms. Common terms used to describe the sensations are aching, twitching, tingling, burning, creeping, crawling, itching, flowing, pulling, searing and painful. Many people experience these sensations in their legs, but the arms or other body regions also can be affected. The symptoms of RLS are generally worse at night, can be brought on by rest and are relieved by standing up or walking around. 

Photo: Wikimedia


I, too, suffer from RLS occasionally. I've had periods of my life where the condition seemed to worsen (probably stress-related). Some of the following suggestions may work for you, for others maybe not. For me, the lifestyle changes I made to help with my insomnia also helped with my RLS. I still have a sleepless night or a night with RLS, but they are far less frequent. Although does not endorse drug use, there are new drugs available for extreme cases of RLS when nothing else works. 


Treatment begins by dealing with any underlying medical condition that may be cause the symptoms. Many times the cause is unknown, but it can be associated with neurological disorders, diabetes, stress, and pregnancy. The serious sleep loss can not only lead to drowsiness but could lead to depression and accidental injuries as well. In recent years, researchers have discovered that iron, folate or vitamin E levels are often low in RLS sufferers and supplementation can frequently help. For example, when iron deficiency is the cause, taking iron supplements can significantly reduce the symptoms of RLS. 

"We know that iron deficiency is involved because every condition that produces iron deficiency, such as anemia or pregnancy, increases the risk of RLS dramatically," says Richard Allen, Ph.D., a diplomat on the American Board of Sleep Medicine and a founder of the Johns Hopkins Sleep Disorders Center. In fact, based on studies of hospital patients, about 40 percent of people with anemia had RLS and about 20 percent to 40 percent of pregnant women have RLS. 

Another way researchers know that iron plays a role is iron-deficient patients' response to iron supplementation. "Then when the iron deficiency is corrected, the RLS often remits," Dr. Allen says. 

Some people with RLS, however, have normal iron levels. Researchers say that's not a reason to discount iron as an underlying cause of their RLS. Studies indicate that the problem is the brains of RLS patients may not absorb iron normally. 

Some other treatment options which may relieve pain include leg massages, hot baths, heat or ice packs, aspirin or other over-the-counter pain relievers, and the elimination of caffeine. As well, regular sleep habits and exercise, especially earlier in the day, will help people enjoy more restful sleep. 


Cramps in the lower limbs, restless leg syndrome and sleeplessness can be eased by the addition of calcium and magnesium to the diet. Magnesium is more easily absorbed by the body in the form of dolomite, or with the addition of calcium.

Magnesium helps to support a strong immune system and maintains normal muscle and nerve function. It is also known to be involved in every metabolism and protein synthesis and is needed for over three hundred biochemical reactions in the body, so it is very important. 

One of the benefits of magnesium is its muscle relaxing properties. The heart is a muscle and high blood pressure is often caused by the heart not relaxing sufficiently on its outward (diastolic) beat. There is increasing interest in the role magnesium can play in managing hypertension and cardiovascular disease.


You should avoid things that can make symptoms of RLS worse: 

Caffeine—Chocolate, coffee, tea, and some soft drinks contain caffeine. Although it may seem to help overcome daytime sleepiness, caffeine usually only delays or masks RLS symptoms, and often makes them worse. 
Some types of over-the-counter and prescription medicines can also make RLS symptoms worse. These include: 
Anti-depressants (most of them) 
Anti-nausea medicines 
Antipsychotic medicines 
Good supplements to take are iron, folic acid, coenzyme Q10, extracts of gingko biloba and garlic tablets.

Acupuncture and magnet therapy are also worth trying to help with restless legs syndrome. 

 If you are taking prescription medication, always consult your health care professional before taking supplements.


Tattoos are a hot commodity these days, becoming more and more popular than they have ever been in the past. There are hundreds and thousands of different designs and styles of tattoos to choose from, giving you the chance to express yourself. Although tattoos are very popular, the new trend that is rapidly taking effect in the world of tattoos is known as tongue tattoos.

Although many aren’t familiar with tongue tattoos yet, they are just now starting to take shape. They resemble other designs and styles, although they cover the muscle known as the tongue. There are tattoos that cover the entire tongue, or just a single area. In most cases, those who already have them, chose to have their tongue tattooed a certain color. Whether it be purple, orange, black, or blue, the tongue can be tattooed a variety of different colors.

The designs that are poplar with tongue tattoos include stars, tribal work, and other shapes and designs that cover a region of the tongue. Stars are popular with the lower area of the tongue, near the tip. There are also designs that can be tattooed farther back on the tongue, near the middle of it. As tongue tattoos become more and more popular, more and more designs are implemented.

As far as the procedure goes, it’s very similar to getting a tattoo on any other part of your body. A tattoo involved needles puncturing the skin, depositing ink into the epidermis. The needles move extremely fast, breaking the skin and leaving the pigments of ink. The tongue, just like the skin, will swallow the pigments once the surface has been punctured by the needle. Once the pigments of ink are absorbed by the tongue, the color will remain there forever.

Those who have had tongue tattoos in the past say that they aren’t very painful. Unlike tattoos on the skin, the tongue is a giant muscle. A tattoo on the tongue is often described as a tickling sensation or the feeling of numbness in your mouth. When the tattoo artist does the tattoo, he will normally use a tool to hold the tongue out. If you’ve ever had a tongue piercing, you’ll know what it looks like. Once the tongue is out, the artist will begin work. The process normally does take very long, as long you hold still and don’t move around.

If a tongue tattoo sounds interesting to you, the first thing to do is find a tattoo artist in your area who is experienced with doing them. Not a lot of tattoo artists are familiar with tongue tattoos, as they are just now beginning to surface. A tongue tattoo is a bit on the creative side – something that you just don’t see in public everyday.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Abstract ART As Therapy

Abstract art is not just a mixture of colourful meaningless patterns and arbitrary shapes.

There is, I believe, a definate therapeutic value to be found in most of the enigmatic marks made by the very different styles available today. What appears to be the most important decision to make is a very careful consideration of the specific audience in conjunction with the choosing of the appropriate artwork. This is not something to be taken lightly or quickly. This can cover anybody within the wide spectrum of individual audiences: a busy boardroom environment or a single office or room where quick thinking, fast reactions, and serious decision making is required; or a worker who returns from a hard days work simply wanting to be visually massaged by an easily observed enigma; or even the space inwhich the desperate and mostly misunderstood person who is gradually loosing their tentative hold on the sense of reality. There is a tremendous variety of possibilities.

Henri Matisse, The Yellow Curtain, 1915. With ...
Henri Matisse, The Yellow Curtain, 1915.
With his Fauvist color and drawing Matisse comes very close to pure abstraction.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Here are some suggested associations from one artists point of view:

Colour plays an obvious healing and therapeutic role to be found in a carefully selected crafted piece, and so colour-field work, which is growing in popularity, first conceived by artists like Mark Rothko and Ellsworth Kelly with their vast areas of empty colour space, might add a general feeling of peace and quiet to an otherwise noisy and hectic environment. With there being very few variations within such a large image a gentle sense of immersion into abstract stillness can slow down any fretful or irratic thinking, and even assist with the adrenal challenge of a creative.

Indefinate shapes or patterns by the likes of Jackson Pollock, Peter Lanyon, and Howard Hodgkin (again, similar works inspired by these very different abstract styles can be seen in many exhibitions, shops and galleries), show a very positive association, and may perhaps persuade a mind filled with illogical thoughts to pause, simply take in the apparent spontenaiety, and then take a different direction. Hodgkin style works in particular can be seen as puzzle like canvases inwhich the observer has no real point of reference so is free to "start" anywhere upon the picture. And because there are very few defined areas sometimes the observer inevitably finds themself either regarding the piece with little emotion, and therefore can freely make a comment - positive or not.

Let us not deny, however, the fact that many an image that has the potential to provoke a negative response can also be of great value to the observer who might actually benefit from seeing such a challenging picture that bears such a bad association. Better there on the wall than here inside the head. In this case the classic associations of red for blood and danger, black for death and sin, brown for decay and illness, along with dramatic lines and movements found in a painting are equally valuable stimulii if revealed within the appropriate environment. This comes back to my point made at the beginning - when choosing a picture, very careful consideration must be taken in order to find that one work of art which speaks directly to the very deepest parts of the observer.

The Art Of Silence: MEDITATION Techniques

In today's fast-paced world, many people are seeking a way to get away from it all and relax. Meditation, which is essentially a method to obtain a level of deep thought and relaxation, is one way to find inner peace and tranquility. Many people think of monks or other spiritual types sitting in crossed-leg position and reaching states of bliss when they think of meditation, but there are many ways to meditate. While there are many ways to reach a meditative state, there really are no right or wrong ways to meditate (this would defeat the purpose), only practice and finding ways that feel right for you.

Meditation Ring
Meditation - Photo by geishaboy500 
Meditation is associated with many religions, but one does not need to be associated with any particular religion in order to meditate. You might want to investigate different methods, however, to find a form of meditation that feels most comfortable. One common method includes repeating a sound or word, called a mantra. Other forms of meditation involve focusing on a visual image, such as the flame of a candle or a symbol. Other meditative techniques involve breathing and physical movements, such as yoga or other breathing practices.

No matter what the method, the tools used in meditation are there to help users reach a state of mental relaxation. Many meditation techniques help you clear your mind of the constant thoughts that normally run through the mind. In reducing or eliminating these thoughts, one can reach a state of deep thought that is associated with meditation. 

There are two primary approaches to meditation, which are concentrative meditation and mindfulness meditation. In concentrative meditation, the practitioner focuses on breath, an object, or a sound (mantra). In mindfulness meditation, the practitioner sits quietly and "observes" everything in the environment, including thoughts, sounds, smells, and more. In this form of meditation, the practitioner practices not reacting to the environment (both internal and external), which can lead to a greater ability to act in a non-reactive way in daily life. Both forms of meditation are useful, and one is no better than the other is. Personal preference may determine which method you choose, and you can always try both. 

Both physical and mental benefits can result from meditation. This can include increased heart health through relaxation, lowered cholesterol and blood pressure, and a more youthful feeling. Mental benefits can be an increased sense of well-being, decreased anxiety and depression, and emotional stability. Meditation should not be used as a cure for physical or mental ailments, however, but it can be a powerful supplement. Those with physical or mental health conditions should consult with a health care professional before beginning a meditation practice.

Meditation can be quite physical, such as with some types of yoga, or seemingly passive, such as in mindfulness types of meditation. In addition to the types of meditation, there are different stages as well. Generally speaking, in early stages of meditation, the practitioner is more aware of the practice. He or she may have difficulty concentrating on the breath or not reacting to thought. With practice, this moves into a stage where one is much less aware. This is followed by a stage of bliss, which is followed by a very deep sense of self, followed by an ability to reach a stage of deep stillness. 

There are many resources available on meditation. Those new to the practice may opt to take part in a class or guide when beginning. Others may prefer to read up on the various options and practice on his or her own. Visit the local library for books and resources or visit a yoga or spiritual center. Meditation can be an enjoyable experience and provide balance to an otherwise hectic life.