Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Your Best Life Awaits You, Be Involved in Scripture MEDITATION Now

Are you not satisfied with your present life? Are you dreaming that someday you will be able to live a rewarding life? Perhaps you're aspiring for a stronger marriage or a better job, gratifying relationships, and a happier family life; whatever your wishes and intentions are, all those things are realizable.

Most people would write down their dreams and goals hoping that someday all their dreams will eventually come true. Although all those things are important, it's not easy to pursue such dreams. This is because your everyday life is always crowded with routine demands from work, family, community, and etc. Oftentimes, you focus on other priorities and that's why you can't easily break away from all those things.

Scriptures AS
Scriptures AS (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
If you want to experience and break out and see what God has intended for you, it's really very simple. Try reading the scriptures and you can learn a lot. In fact there's the so-called scripture meditation. You can even find sites about it and by reading the scriptures or the Holy Bible you can greatly improve your way of life.

You can learn a lot from the scriptures. A simple verse from the bible can give a lot of meaning, and by meditating on it you can actually apply the words from the bible into real life situations.

Take for example Proverbs 12:11; it's about food and fantasies. Many people are easily tempted of fantasies because real life is sometimes uninteresting. The verse is indeed true and is applicable to real life. If only a person works faithfully on his land, then he will have food for his table. Whereas, persons who chase their unending fantasies and don’t plant crops, then they have nothing to harvest.

The important point in that verse is that people should stick to reality, and that each person should take risks not blindly. There are risks involved when you're pursuing your dreams, and if you lack knowledge, in can be very expensive in life's terms.

Different religions have different beliefs, but one thing that's common among them is that they trust one God although the name varies from one religion to another. They also have different bibles where the scriptures are written. These things are considered as food for the soul, and so one must not forget to live by what the scriptures say in order to live the best days of his life.

Power of Meditation

If you want, you can join certain organizations that read the scriptures, and reflect on them. By meditating on the scriptures, you will understand what God has planned for you. Your mind will be clearer and you can set your priorities straight. No more dreaming because you now know ways to achieve such dreams through God. If you only focus on your dreams and live by what the scriptures say, then perhaps you can have a rewarding and fruitful life. The best times of your life are waiting for you.

So don’t be left behind. Many people are also into scripture meditation. Try to find someone who can help you out. It's never too late, and who knows, the best times are just around the corner waiting for you. You have to start meditation now, and don’t postpone it for tomorrow.

Monday, April 3, 2017

MARTIAL ARTS and Childhood ADHD: Overcoming Symptoms

Hapkido holds many throwing techniques in comm...
Hapkido holds many throwing techniques in
common with judo.
(Photo credit: 
The symptoms of ADHD can be devastating for children.  It is especially hard for school-age children who feel isolated and don’t know how to express what they are feeling.  They can become quickly behind academically and socially, which leads to lack of self-confidence and depression.  Symptoms of childhood ADHD can include inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity.  One way parents are helping their children is by having them train martial arts.  It is a great way to alleviate these symptoms and overcome the stress they cause.


1. Inattention.

The first symptom of childhood ADHD is the inability to focus and lack of attention.  This includes not being able to follow through on tasks, not being able to focus on what other people are saying and not being able to organize thoughts, tasks and activities.

2. Hyperactivity.

The second symptom of childhood ADHD is hyperactivity.  Children who suffer from this symptom feel the need to fidget with their hands and feet.  They also tend to get up out of their seat often (even when it’s not an appropriate time) or simply feel an urge to move around.  They also tend to talk excessively and are always “on the go”.

3. Impulsivity.

The third symptom of childhood ADHD is impulsivity.  Children who have difficulty waiting their turns, who often interrupt and who answer questions before they’ve been completed may suffer from this symptom.


Training martial arts may help alleviate many symptoms of ADHD.  Through martial arts children learn physical and mental self-control through practice and self-discipline.  This ability to control their body also helps them to discipline their mind.  These two skills feed off of one another and carry over to other parts of your life.  The more they learn to control their body, the more they can control their mind.   The more they can control their mind, the more they’ll be able to control their body.  This control carries over to other parts of their life as well:  Once they can control their body while training, they’ll be able to start controlling their urges to move and fidget.  The same goes for their mind.  As they become more self-disciplined, they’ll be able to concentrate and focus on their daily activities, school and relationships.

Even if your child hasn’t been officially diagnosed with ADHD, they may suffer from some or even many of the symptoms.  If so, you owe it to yourself to start alleviating the stress in their life.  The self-discipline and self-awareness needed to train martial arts helps you stay in control of your environment and life.  The best place to find these skills is at a fine martial arts school.  Why not give it a try?  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  To make it even easier, I’ll help you get started.  Just contact me and I’ll send you my free report on how to pick a martial arts school.

    If you are interested in learning more about how martial arts can help you and your children, please contact one of my three locations in Bellevue, Lynnwood or Kent, Washington at 800-508-6141 or to set up a free 2 week trail orientation.

    Also, please see our web page at

    Robert Jones
    6th Degree Black Belt
    Owner, the Academy of Kempo Martial Arts

Sunday, April 2, 2017


Historically, persons with bipolar disorder may have been called simply moody or even insane at times.  Later, the diagnosis was called manic-depression.  While this term is still sometimes used, the generally accepted term is "bipolar disorder". 

Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night. Oil on can...
Vincent van Gogh, The Starry Night. Oil on canvas, 73×92 cm, 28¾×36¼ in. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
The two major phases of bipolar disorder are mania and depression.  There are other facets of the illness, but they are all aspects of the two.  Bipolar disorder is found equally in men and women.  About 1 percent of the population can be found to have bipolar disorder.

Mania can be further divided into two categories: hypomania and full-blown mania.  Hypomania is simply a state of intense energy and often high productivity.  Those who never go beyond this point in bipolar disorder can be great salesmen or high-powered businessmen.  The problem is that, for many, full-blown mania is just around the corner.

Full-blown mania tends to have more devastating effects on the person with bipolar disorder.  The activity becomes so intense that ventures are undertaken with no actual potential for success, although the person with bipolar disorder cannot see that fact.

There is no consideration for the consequences of actions.  Money may be spent which is needed for basic needs.  Checks may be written when there is no money in the account.  People with bipolar disorder are also often overly generous and give away things that they highly treasure or cannot afford to give away.  They tend to regret these gifts later.

The manic state in those with bipolar disorder can be characterized, too, by a gregariousness that is beyond the ordinary out-going person's.  This can lead to, among other things, sexual exploits that will cause unwanted results such as pregnancies, disease, or damage to relationships.

The manic phase of bipolar disorder can lead into a period of psychosis.  This is marked by bizarre thoughts, such as delusions,  or hallucinations.  When in a state like this, people with bipolar disorder cannot protect themselves from hazards in their environments because they no longer know what is real.

Usually with mania, eventually there comes depression.  The person with bipolar disorder may retreat into seclusion, may even go to bed for days.  Sleeping, appetite, and energy level will all be effected.

The gravest danger for the person with bipolar disorder is suicide.  All threats should be taken seriously, of course.  However, during the depression phase of bipolar disorder they should be especially guarded against.

There has also been a tern for those who abuse drugs and alcohol to help them cope with bipolar disorder.  This is called "dual diagnosis". It occurs especially in adults and teenagers.  These addictions further complicate both the diagnosis and treatment of bipolar disorder.  However, it seems to go along with the disease in many instances.

People with bipolar disorder have a wide variety of problems to manage.  The reason for optimism is that many have found ways, through medication, therapy, routines, and other methods, to have some degree of control.

People have been having problems such as these for centuries.  It is just in modern times that there has been adequate help for the condition.  The name for bipolar disorder is newer than the disease, but whatever you call it, its effects can range from the difficult to the deadly.  Treatment can be crucial.

Saturday, April 1, 2017


Some unique symbols of Celtic origin are found in ogham inscriptions. Ogham is used to represent the old Irish language. It is also referred to as the “Celtic Tree Alphabet” which is based on a high medieval tradition that ascribes the names of trees to individual letters.

The Origin of Ogham

Today only about 400 ogham inscriptions survive and these are found on stone monuments found in both Ireland and Britain stretching from the south of Ireland across into south Wales as well as south eastern Ireland, western Scotland and around the Devon and Cornwall border in England. The majority of the inscriptions bear personal names. The origin of the word ogham is not clear but one possible explanation comes from the Irish og-úaim which means ‘point seam’ and refers to the seam that is made by the point of a sharp weapon.

Ogham stone, Irish National Heritage Park  (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
 Text reads BIVAIDONAS MAQI MUCOI CUNAVA[LI], or in English, "Of Bivaidonas, son of the tribe Cunava[li]"

The creation date for ogham is after the 4th century. Classical inscriptions etched in stone around the Irish sea have been found dating back to the 5th or 6th century. It is assumed that there were writings on wood and other perishable materials, but none have stood the test of time and so this cannot be authenticated.

It is clear however that the ogham alphabet was modeled on a different script and there are those who consider it to be a cipher of its template script. There are a large number of scholars who consider this template as being the Latin alphabet, but others favor the Greek alphabet. However, the origin of Runic (ogham runes) can explain the presence of the “H” and “Z” letters which are not used in Irish as well as the consonantal variants of “U” vs. “W” which are unknown in either Latin or Greek writings. The Latin alphabet is a favorite contender as being the origin of this script because it was around in the 4th century while the runes were not widely spread at that time.

The ogham symbols found on stone inscriptions in Ireland and Wales are considered Primitive Irish and the transition to Old Irish only takes place in around the 6th century and since ogham inscriptions consist almost exclusively of personal names and marks that may or may not have depicted land ownership, the linguistic information that may have been seen from this Primitive Irish period is restricted to phonological developments.

Non-monumental uses

It is presumed that early ogham was used for short messages on wood or metal in order to relay messages or stake ownership of the object that was inscribed.

These messages may have been cryptic but some were also used for magical purposes, there is also evidence that ogham was used to keep records or to make lists such as business transactions or genealogies and still more evidence exists that ogham may have been used for finger and hand signals.

Later on ogham ceased to be used for practical use but it has retained its place and is used by Gaelic scholars as the basis of grammar as well as the rules of poetry. Until modern times, the Latin alphabet was taught using letter names derived from ogham and that were borrowed from the Beith-Luis-Nin along with the medieval association of each letter to a different tree.

Ogham Letters

Ogham letter names are interpreted as the names of trees or scrubs in both the Auraicept na n-Éces (‘The Scholars’ Primer’) and In Lebor Ogaim (‘The Ogam Tract’) and were first discussed in 1685 by Roderic O’Flaherty, but he took them at face value.

The Auraicept gives a short phrase for each letter that traditionally accompanies each letter name, it further explains their meanings and identifies the tree or plant that is linked to each letter. Out of the twenty primary letters what have tree names only five are considered comprehensible in the Auraicept.

This ancient Tree alphabet dates back to the Old Irish period around the 10th century and it also post dates the Primitive Irish period too. Its origin is possibly due to the letters being called ‘feda’ or trees or ‘nin’ meaning forking branches because of their shapes. Some of the words were indeed named after trees while some other letter names fell out of use as independent words and were then free to be claimed as Old Gaelic tree names.

By Tim Lazaro

Tim Lazaro is a Celtic Symbols enthusiast. For more great tips and advice on Symbols of Celtic [] origin, visit [].Article Source: EzineArticles

Friday, March 31, 2017

Are There Any Medical Benefits From HYPNOSIS?

This is the logo of the British Society of Cli...
Logo of the British Society of Clinical Hypnosis
(Photo credit: 
We've examined the benefits of hypnosis as a tool for self improvement. How we can attach it to the Law of Attraction and make the acquisition of our desires even more powerful. But there's another facet we haven't yet examined, and that's in the field of medicine.

Here, too, we find enormous benefits may be obtained. Among the many medical conditions for which it's used are the following.

Fibromyalgia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Hypertension, General Pain Relief, Panic and Anxiety Disorders, Asthma, Insomnia, Enuresis and Diabetes II. There are many others, but even this short list gives you some idea of the vast scope of its usage.

Fibromyalgia is a singularly nasty disease. You hurt all over, feel physically exhausted, have widespread pain in your muscles, ligaments and tendons as well as multiple points on your body which are tender, or hurt at the touch.

Until fairly recently, if you went to the doctor, you'd be told that he or she could find nothing wrong with you. This, in turn, proved terribly distressing. Of course something was wrong with you. Why in the world couldn't they see it?

It occurs in about 2% of the population of this country, and is far more prevalent in women than in men. It was found that when sufferers of this disease were put on a 12 week course of hypnotherapy, they showed infinitely better abilities with pain management, waking fatigue, sleep patterns and overall health than those receiving physical therapy alone. This from the Journal of Rheumatology.

The British Journal of Medicine reported similarly optimistic results with those suffering from Asthma. A six year period showed that 173 patients suffering from Asthma were taught to use self-hypnosis. Of these, 82% were either much improved, or enjoyed total remission.

Enuresis results were, apparently, even better. This is a condition where you suffer an incontinence of urine.

Research is being undertaken by Elvira V. Lang, MD and Naomi M Halsey into the benefits of hypnosis for patients receiving invasive medical procedures. As can well be imagined, they are often under considerable distress during these times.

Therefore, they're being trained in the techniques of self-hypnosis. Their main area of study is in those patients undergoing fibroid, renal and hepatic tumor removal. It seems that their results show that these patients are displaying considerably less psychological and physical distress and will learn coping skills that will help them in the future.

Have you ever felt 'sick and tired?' Then think how invigorating it must be when, under a trance, this feeling departs from you. A few more sessions and no more 'sick and tired' feelings.

A step up from there, and patients are taught how to release endorphins or serotonin into their systems, thereby learning to control their own minds.

These, then, are just a few of the ways hypnosis is assisting in curative medicine. From being an obscure music hall trick a century ago, it now appears it's at the forefront of science.

Then again, we've all heard of instances where the mind has had a direct bearing on healing. This, too, was considered rubbish by the scientific community and not too long ago, either.

Now, the more that people understand hypnosis, the longer grows the list of benefits.

    Mike Bond, telling us about the Benefits of Hypnosis in respect of physical illnesses and medical conditions. You can learn so much more about Hypnosis and the Law of Attraction by visiting his Website at Wealthy Old Man. His site has been completely redesigned and is now far easier to negotiate.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Immediate STROKE DIAGNOSIS Critical for Recovery

English: A right MCA artery stroke.
A right MCA artery stroke. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Every minute, someone in the United States has a stroke. Of the 700,000 victims each year, one-third die, and another third suffer permanent paralysis, loss of speech or memory lapses. 

The best way to minimize the effects of a stroke is to know the warning signs so the stroke victim can get immediate treatment. Warning signs include sudden weakness or numbness, specifically on one side of the body; dizziness or loss of coordination; sudden headache or nausea; confusion or difficulty speaking; and vision loss.

Are you at risk for a stroke? Making healthy lifestyle changes, like lowering blood pressure and not smoking, can help reduce your risk of stroke. Other risk factors include:

* Age. Chances of having a stroke more than doubles each decade after age 55.

* Gender. More women die of strokes than men.

* Race and heredity. Chances of stroke are greater with a family history of stroke. African-Americans and Hispanics are at higher risk for stroke than Caucasians.

* Sickle cell anemia. Sickled red blood cells are less able to carry oxygen to the body's tissues and organs. They also can stick to the walls of the blood vessels, which can block arteries to the brain, causing a stroke.

Upon experiencing stroke symptoms, individuals should immediately seek medical attention. Patients attended to within hours of a stroke have a much higher chance of effectively being diagnosed and treated.

Hospitals and trauma centers are equipped with sophisticated medical imaging equipment, like Toshiba's Aquilion line of computed tomography scanners and the new Vantage magnetic resonance imaging system, which can help to quickly and accurately diagnose a stroke and assist in the proper treatment plan.

With this new equipment, physicians are able to locate and view the blockage in the arteries and then determine whether the treatment should be invasive or noninvasive. Typically, the location of the blockage dictates the course of treatment.

101 Ways To Lower Blood Pressure

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

About JUDO Uniforms

Since it was created in 1882 by Kano Jigoro of Japan, Judo has become one of the most popular martial arts in the world. It is quite a rigorous and physically demanding sport, appearing in several major international sports competitions. As a result, when partaking in judo training, it is important that a high quality judo uniform, or gi in Japanese, be worn to avoid tearing and damage.

These two judo practitioners are wearing judogi
These two judo practitioners are wearing judogi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Judo uniforms are generally constructed out of 100% cotton, bleached white. Cotton is the best choice for breathability. Care should be taken when laundering, as most judo uniforms are not pre-shrunken and will shrink up to a full size from excess heat. Therefore, washing in cool water and air drying is highly recommended to avoid shrinkage.

There are three pieces to the judo uniform: the jacket, the belt, and the pants. The jacket is quilted with a thick pliable collar and wide sleeves. Two short splits are on either side of the hip, which are reinforced with extra cloth. The jacket is secured with a belt, coloured according to level, wrapped tightly around the body and knotted. The pants feature an elasticized drawstring waist with wide legs to allow for movement. In areas where there may be a lot of friction or stress from pulling, reinforcement at the seams and additional padding is vital to prevent damage. These include the shoulders, collar, knees, and crotch of the pants.

The cloth for gi's comes in a variety of weights and textures. For training purposes, judo uniforms are made out of single weave cloth. The appropriate weight for a Judoka (Judo practitioner) is measured in ounces or grams, and depends on their ability and age. Usually, beginners at a younger age opt for lighter weights while older advanced students and instructors choose heavier ones. Weights can vary from 7 ounces or 198.44 grams to 40.57 ounces or 1150 grams.

For competitions, double weave cloth is ideal for judo uniforms, making them thicker and heavier. Judo uniforms for competition use tend to be more durable, and as a result, much more expensive than single weave. While training judo uniforms come in white, competition level uniforms also come in blue.

Higher quality judo uniforms should not weigh down the practitioner and restrict their movement. They should fit loosely and comfortably on the body.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Make your Closet Easily Accessible

English: Picture of inside a closet. Taken 200...
Picture of inside a closet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Okay, you've finally reached your breaking point.  The stack of handbags and purses on the top of the closet shelf toppled over on top of you again, not to mention the mountain of shoes you trip over every time you have to get something out of the closet. You're at your wits end about what to do, and haven't a clue where to start. You've got to figure out a workable, affordable solution and make your closet more user-friendly.  Try some of these simple tools to help you get your closet space under control. 

A double hanging rod is a simple addition and gives you double the hanging space.  It simply hangs from your existing rod.  You can also hang sweater or shoe bags from your existing rod to store sweaters, purses and handbags, hats, and other accessories and place them within easy reach.  There are also several clever options for storage that hangs from the top of your closet door.  

Take a stroll down your favorite discount store's home organization aisles.  You'll find many clever ideas for affordable storage.  Sturdy bins and colorful baskets can be an easy and affordable addition to your closet, and make the job of maintaining it a snap. 

And since you've most likely got a sizable investment in your wardrobe, it makes sense to do your part to care for your garments properly.  Place coats, suits, furs, formals, and other expensive items in protective storage bags. Invest in some good, strong wooden hangers.  Protect these items by having them properly cleaned before storing, and enclose in zip-up hanging bags. 

Wooden clothing hangers are much better for your clothes.  They're durable and long-lasting, too. Depending on the size of your wardrobe, it might be expensive to replace them all at once, so you might want to consider replacing them gradually. 

Monday, March 27, 2017

How INSULIN Affects Us?

The glycemic index helps us to understand which foods are best and worst for controlling our blood glucose levels.

English: idealized curves of human blood gluco...
Idealized curves of human blood glucose and insulin concentrations during the course of a day containing three meals; in addition, effect of sugar-rich meal is highlighted;
(Photo credit: 
As we have seen, when blood glucose levels get too high, insulin is released into the bloodstream by the pancreas to help disperse the glucose. The insulin transports the glucose to cells needing extra energy. The cells have "insulin receptors" positioned so that insulin can bind to them, facilitating glucose entry and utilization in the cells. Once inside the cells, the glucose is burned to produce heat and adenosine triphosyphate, (ATP) a molecule that stores and releases energy as required by the cell.

When cells become less sensitive to the effects of insulin, they accept less glucose, so more glucose than usual remains in the bloodstream. Result? The pancreas over-compensates by working harder and releasing even more insulin.

The combination of insulin-insensitivity and insulin over-production typically leads to one of two results:

Either, the pancreas gets worn out and insulin production slows down to abnormally low levels. Result? We develop type 2 diabetes. (About 30 percent of cases)

Or, the insulin-resistant patient doesn't develop diabetes (because the pancreas continues to produce sufficient insulin) but, instead, contracts hyperinsulinism (abnormally high levels of insulin in the blood), which can cause chronic obesity as well as high blood pressure, high levels of triglycerides, low HDL (good) cholesterol, heart disease, and possibly some cancers.

Low GI Foods Cause Lower Insulin Levels

This is why experts are beginning to recognize the health advantages of following a low GI diet. Because lower GI foods are converted into glucose much more slowly, causing less insulin to be produced.

This is not the last word on this subject, by any means. Research into insulin insensitivity and the relationship between insulin levels and obesity is ongoing. However, the overconsumption of high-GI foods (and high-fat fast-food) is a major cause of concern.

The new carbohydrate-classification system known as the Glycemic Index rates the carbohydrate quality in foods according to its immediate effect on blood glucose level. Thus carbs that break down quickly into glucose during digestion, causing a rapid rise in glucose levels, have a High GI value. Those carbs that break down more slowly, are given an Intermediate or Low GI value.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

FENG SHUI In The Garden

A garden can benefit from feng shui and even help change the energy in your home. A properly arranged garden can be a place to be uplifted and energized and also soothed and relaxed.

This balance is very necessary but is easy to accomplish by using various plants, flowers, and decorations.

The best place to have an entrance to your garden is facing South. The garden will get the maximum amount of sun exposure. You should also use an arch or open space instead of a closed gate.

There aren't any specific plants you are supposed to use but you should maintain a good balance between colors. Since hotter and brighter colors increase your energy, you should have them separated from your cooler and mellower colors which will relax you.

One of the hardest things to do in a garden is avoid clutter but this is a must in feng shui. When you first plant, everything is pretty small and your garden may look a little barren.

This is just fine. You want to make sure that each plant has its own space so you don't end up with a cluttered jungle.

It's easy and fun to incorporate the five feng shui elements into your garden. A birdbath can cover water, some lights or torches are fire, and for earth, clay pots and small boulders work wonders.

As far as paths in your garden go, you should avoid straight paths and instead opt for curvy, leisurely
paths made from rounded tiles. Avoid edges whenever possible in your paths.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Getting the Body Back to Work: Tuina and CHINESE MEDICINE

Jar of dried, gutted sea cucumbers at a Tradit...
Jar of dried, gutted sea cucumbers
at a Traditional Chinese medicine emporium
in Yokohama, Japan.
(Photo credit: 
If your body is out of sync with what it is supposed to be doing, it can cause endless amounts of problems.  You may feel tired all of the time, or restless.  For no apparent reason, you may get headaches or feel nauseous during the day.  Beyond this, you can catch the viruses and colds going around all of the time.  

According to Chinese medicine, this simply means that your flow of energy is off.  If this is the case, and you want to find an alternative method to getting back in touch with what your body needs, you don’t have to look any further than Chinese medicine.  One of the methods that can be used for Chinese medicine is Tuina, also known as Oriental bodywork therapy.  

Tuina originated in 1700 BC in order to help with children’s diseases that were directly related to the muscles and skeletal system of children.  The concept of Tuina was also developed for help with digestion for adults.  After the year 600, the concept of Tuina was considered to be an art, and was banished by the government.  It wasn’t until the beginning of the Communist regime in the 1960s that it became popular again as a method for medical arts.  

Tuina is like a combination of acupuncture and a massage.  A practitioner will work on changing the flow of your energy in your body by using various hand techniques.  The hand techniques will first be used in order to massage the tissues and muscles of your body.  Afterward, specific points, also used for acupuncture will be focused on.  This added pressure is known to change the flow of Qi.  After this, the practitioner will focus on realignment of the bones, skeletal structure and ligaments in order to realign them.  

Beyond these basic techniques, practitioners may also choose to combine herbs, salves and ointments to enhance the Tuina.  This will help to completely shift all levels of the energy systems that are in your body, allowing you to become more generated, balanced and healthy.  

If you are looking for an alternative method to get to the depths of your health, Tuina is the method you will want to look into.  This particular method is known to heal those that use it on all levels, with a combination of Chinese medicine techniques that are popular.  By doing this, there is the ability for those using it to change their energy flow into better health.   

Friday, March 24, 2017

The Basics Requirement Of CANDLE MAKING

Before electricity was discovered and before light bulbs were invented, candles were the main source of illumination inside a building.  This makes candle making a very necessary art.  But even though electric light bulbs are now the main source of light everywhere, candles remain popular because they add to indoor surroundings a touch of coziness and romance in the atmosphere.

Learning candle making as a hobby has its own appeal and popularity primarily because there is nothing more satisfactory than being able to create something useful with one's own hands.  Candle making can also be a good source of secondary income if one becomes a master of it.

a candle (eine Kerze)
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are many types of candles that you can learn to make with candle making.  The most popular type of candles are called tapers or dinner candles, the long and slender candles that are supposed to be held in place by candlesticks.

The pillar candle is a candle that can stand on its own, with a base that measures three inches or so in diameter.  Pillar candles are also called column candles and they come in various shapes.

A jar candle is another popular candle that is made when the wax is poured into a glass container that is designed to resist the heat of the candle it contains as it burns.  Jar candles are also referred to as filled candles.

If you are interested in candle making, what materials should you invest in?  Contrary to what you may think, the art of candle making does not require a lot of investment.  Most of the time, the necessary materials such as the boilers and the molds can be easily substituted for materials readily available in your own kitchen or garage.

For candle making, you would need the following materials:

• The paraffin wax, which is the basic ingredient for candle making, as well as the wick.  If you want to experiment with colors and scents, you can also get dyes and fragrance oils or essential oils.

• A double boiler for heating your wax.  A double boiler is a pan inside a pan.  The outer pan is for heating water while the inner pan serves to hold the wax being melted.  Also, a stove for heating your wax.

• A thermometer for gauging the temperature of your wax.  You would need to use a thermometer that is specially designed for candle making because the ordinary household thermometers do not have as high a range.

• A scale, a ladle and a measuring cup.  A scale will help you measure the amount of wax you would need to heat for your candles while the ladle is for getting the wax out of its boiler.  The measuring cup is for pouring wax into molds – it is safer and easier to do than simply pouring the contents of the boiler into the mold.

• Candle molds and mold seal.  The candle molds are for shaping your candles and they come in different shapes, sizes and materials.  The cheapest candle molds are made of plastic, but they are not that durable and they cannot withstand too much heat.  The best candle molds are those made of metal.  The mold seal, on the other hand, prevents the wax from pouring out of the mold.

• A blow torch or heat gun is for melting away imperfections on the surface of your finished candles.

Always remember that safety is paramount in candle making.  Be cautious about the materials you are handling and always keep the area where you make your candles clean.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Fighting Obesity - an AYURVEDIC way

Definition of Obesity

Excess amount of body fat is Obesity.

Excess weight of muscles, bone, fat and water in the body (like body builders and athletes) is Overweight.

Over weighted persons are at increased health risk than normal persons. They are more prone to chronic diseases like heart diseases, type-2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, and few types of cancers.

An obese topless man on a motorcycle. Original...
An obese topless man on a motorcycle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Is fat necessary to our body? 

Certain amount of body fat does the following function
1.      Heat insulation.
2.      Absorption of shock.
3.      Storage of energy. Etc.

Ayurveda describes the functions of body fat as

“Medaha sneha swedaudhrudatwam pushtim asthyancha”

This means in normal conditions the body fat keeps the body moisturized , causes sweating , gives energy to body (by storing energy) and  nourishes bones. (By protecting them from shock)

Distribution of fat 

Women have more body fat than men. In women usually the fat accumulates around hips giving them a pear shape. In men it accumulates around belly giving them an apple shape. The obesity related problems start when fat accumulates around waist.

In ayurveda the distribution of fat is described as follows.

Medastu sarvabhutaanamudarenvasthi thishtathi |

Ata evodare vriddhihi prayo medaswino bhavet ||
Fat gets deposited in and around belly in all living beings. It is also present in bone. Hence when a person becomes obese his stomach bulges out.

And also the characters of an obese person are described as
"Medo mamsa ativriddhatvaachalasphigudarastanaha"
Which means the hips, belly and breasts of an obese person sag and sagged parts flap as that person moves. An obese person will not be active.

Causes of Obesity

When a person consumes more calories than he burns then the excess calories get stored in the form of fat causing obesity.

1. Genetic factors–Obesity tends to run in families. If parents are fat then the offspring also show a tendency to accumulate fat. Even the diet and lifestyle habits which are practiced in family also contribute to obesity.

2. Environment. – A person’s eating habits and the level of physical activities a person has also contribute for excess deposition of fat. When a person eats food containing more calories and has a sedentary work then the calories consumed are more than calories burnt. The excess amount calories are stored as fat.

3. Psychological disturbances.- There is a tendency to over eat in response to negative emotions like boredom, sadness or anger. This leads to obesity.

4. Binge eating disorder.

5. Diseases and conditions like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, Depression, and certain neurological problems lead to overeating which in turn leads to accumulation of fat.

6. Medicines such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain.

Causes of obesity according to Ayurveda

The causes of obesity are very clearly explained in ayurveda. The following  reasons which are mentioned in ayurveda increase the deposition of fat.

Avayamadivaaswapnashleshmalaaaharasevinaha |
Madhuroannarasaha prayaha snehamedhovivardhati ||

According to ayurveda the causes of obesity are defined as :

1. Avyayama : Not exerting physically
2. Divaswapna: Sleeping in afternoon.
3. Shleshmala Ahara Vihara : The diet and life styles which increase Kapha
4. Madhura Annaha : Consuming sweetened foods .

Health risks due to Obesity 

Obesity leads to the following problems.
1. Type-2 diabetes
2. Heart disease.
3. High Blood pressure.
4. Stroke
5. Few types of Cancers
6. Gall stones
7. Liver diseases
8. Osteo arthritis.
9. Gout
10. Infertility
11. Irregular menstruation in women.

According to Ayurveda the obese persons are more prone to the following diseases.

1. Diabetes.
2. Kidney related problems.
3. Hepatitis.
4. Low libido.
5. Low energy levels.
6. Skin problems.
7. Fistula
8. Piles.
9. Filariasis . etc

Tips to reduce Obesity 

1. Determine with the help of your physician how much weight has to be reduced.
2. Set several short term realistic goals .
3. Reward yourself each time you make progress (Not food items)
4. Even small weight losses have shown to be beneficial.
5. Make gradual changes in eating habits.
6. You will lose weight when you burn more calories than you consume. Hence eating less and being more active help in losing weight.
7. Sound eating habits keep you out of putting on weight.
8. Stay motivated to lose weight.
9. Slow weight loss is the safest and most effective. ( one to one and half pound per week).
10. Gradual weight loss, promote long term loss of body fat.
11. A person who is moderately active needs daily, 33 calories per kg of body weight to maintain his weight .
12. Reducing calories intake by 300 per day and increasing the physical activity to burn 200 calories per day results in weight loss of 400 Gms per week.
13. To satisfy basic nutritional needs eat a variety of foods every day. Choose from each of the five food groups milk, meat, fruit, vegetable and cereals. Balanced food plans  encourage making wise choices about everyday food choices. This type of diet helps  to stay at your proper weight for life.
14. Allow for an occasional treat.
15. Evaluate your eating pattern.
16. Try to cut down on foods high in fats and sugar.
17. Most successful weight – loss plans stress on reduction in both calories and the amount of fat eaten

Physical activity:

1. Determine the type of physical activity that suits your life style.

2. Regular aerobic exercise like brisk walking, jogging or swimming, is a key factor in achieving permanent weight loss and improving health
3. Health experts recommend exercising 30 minutes or more on all, days of the week for maximum benefits. The exercises should be moderately vigorous to be most effective but not exhausting.
4. Incorporate few simple measures to burn calories effectively. Like- taking an after dinner walk, using stairs instead of escalators or elevators, parking the car farther away to have a longer walk etc.
5. Exercises also improve sense of well being ,decreases stress and decreases appetite in some.

Ayurvedic tips to reduce Obesity 

Numerous tips to reduce obesity have been mentioned in ayurveda. The following ayurvedic tips help you to reduce the obesity.

1. Very good exercises. Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, playing out door games etc help to reduce weight.
2. Physical and mental exertion. Exerting physically like doing house hold works, walking to distant places to bring groceries, vegetables etc, walking long distances to bring the child back from school, walking to working place, climbing stairs etc are types of physical exertion. Exerting physically as much as you can help to burn more calories. Mental exertion like worrying or involving in finding solutions to problems  also restrict food consumption in some and there by reduces the intake of calories .
3. Having sex frequently is also a good physical exertion.
4. Consumption of honey. This is advisable for non diabetic patients. Consuming  2 tea spoon of honey with a glass of herbal tea which includes weight reducing herbs help a lot in weight reduction. Honey along with these herbs scrapes and dissolves  the Kapha and medha (body fat).
5. Sleeping for less hours. Avoiding sleeping in afternoons help to increase the burning of calories. This avoids slowing of  basal metabolic rate.
6. Avoiding the food and beverages which increase kapha  and medha. The foods which increase kapha and medha are sweets, sweetened drinks , large quantities of carbohydrates and oily food.
7. Consuming wheat products than rice products help to reduce obesity.
8. Using Green gram and horse gram help in reduction of kapha and medha.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


The Babylonians are generally acknowledged to have originated the practice and science of astrology. Their astrological charts enabled them to predict the recurrence of seasons and certain celestial events. So, in the beginning and for more than 2,000 years, astrology and astronomy were the same science.

Babylonian astrology was introduced to the Greeks early in the 4th century BCE and, through the studies of Plato, Aristotle, and others, astrology came to be highly regarded as a science. It was soon embraced by the Romans (the Roman names for the zodiacal signs are still used today) and the Arabs and later spread throughout the entire world.

The Ishtar Gate refers to Ishtar previously kn...
The Ishtar Gate refers to Ishtar previously known as Innana (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
While earliest astrology was used to bring a sense of order out of apparent chaos, it was soon employed to predict weather patterns, primarily for agricultural purposes. It was eventually widened to include forecasts of natural disasters, war and other events in the affecting the human condition. Once success in these fields was established, it was a natural evolution for astrology to be used as a means for advising for kings and emperors and, in time, the population at large.

The zodiac (which is derived from the Greek word meaning circle of animals) is believed to have developed in ancient Egypt and later adopted by the Babylonians. Early astrologers knew it took twelve lunar cycles (i.e., months) for the sun to return to its original position. They then identified twelve constellations that they observed were linked to the progression of the seasons and assigned them names of certain animals and persons (in Babylonia, for example, the rainy season was found to occur when the sun was in a particular constellation which was then named Aquarius, or water bearer).

Around the year 2000 BCE, Babylonian astrologers believed that the sun, moon, and the five planets known at that time (Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Saturn, and Venus) possessed distinct powers. Mars, for example, appeared to be red and was associated with aggression and war.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

AROMATHERAPY and Low Female Libido - 5 Essential Ways

First of all let's look at aromatherapy in a close way. Aromatherapy and low libido is related and it the former that is used to heal the later. Aromatherapy is popular each day and it is used in addition to some oils and aromatic plants to improve health and mood. Aromatherapy method has been used for many centuries now and even the most known historical figure Cleopatra is known to be an essential seductress due to the way she used her aromatherapy knowledge.

Aromatic candle
Aromatic candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The hypoactive sexual desire disorder or the low libido is more common in women than men and studies are showing that some causes of decreased libido is stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and hormones. These signs can be treated by the use of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy and low female libido can be treated by the use of today's libido boosting aromatherapy. It is true that aromatherapy can set up someone's mood and behavior towards sex and intimacy. Thee are different essential oils to use in aromatherapy to reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and increase nitric acid that is essential in blood circulation in the body which also reaches the sexual organs. The blood flow also reaches the brain and triggers the erotic centers hence increasing sex drive.

Essential oils to use in aromatherapy and low female libido:

  • Angelica is a most useful and stimulating oil that is also use by the libido depleted women who are also in their menopause stages, anemia or heavy and painful periods
  • The aromatherapists also use ambrette, benzoin and cumin in dealing with sensual and sexual drive increase
  • The Clary-sage warms the body while encouraging vitality and creativity as well as mace and nutmeg not forgetting patchouli
  • The use of black pepper, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon are used to provide scent and endurance as well as warmth and should be used prior to love making
  • When one is anxious, lacks mood, confidence ad is restless the following oils are effective in aromatherapy and low female libido. Geranium, rose, Ylang-ylang and jasmine. They boost sex drive by stimulating the release of pheromones and also fight frigidity and impotence. They can elevate libido hence promote compassion and love hence the drive for love making

These oils used in aromatherapy and low female libido should be used when they are diluted first. Then they are applied on the skin directly depending on the type of the oil used. One can also use a cloth or cotton woo and pour few drops before holding it near the nose for inhalation or steam inhalation can also be used. Some people will use the aromatherapy and low female libido oils in water especially in the bath tub.