Showing posts with label Natural Cure. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Cure. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Traveling Alternative Roads: Other Options for HEALTH CARE

Health insurance can be expensive if you are not lucky enough to have it provided by your employer. Even shopping around for the best quotes may not be within your budget. Luckily there are alternatives to health insurance that you can take advantage of so that you and your family will be safe even if an emergency situation comes up. You can apply for the prescription discount card program, which is a low monthly cost and works at most of the of corporation drug stores that we all use. There are also programs that give you health care but are not considered “health insurance”.

Image from page 377 of "Leonardo da Vinci, artist, thinker and man of science" (1898)

The prescription discount card is great for anyone who has regular prescriptions that need to be filled over a long period of time. The cost of prescriptions without insurance is high and always rising. If you cannot afford health insurance, there is no way that buying these full priced prescriptions will come without difficulty. You can enroll in a discount card program on the Internet or you can call around to try and find one locally. The reported savings for each person is estimated to be at least 50%, and some programs will enroll you for under $5 a month.

Health care programs are another popular alternative to expensive health insurance. BeniCard, for example, is a highly acclaimed health care program, and for a small monthly fee, you can have your immediate family covered. You will not be turned down because there is no limit to who is eligible, even if you have a pre-existing condition. It is not health insurance, but you will be able to save money on doctor visits, vision and hearing care, dental services, and prescription drugs. This is just one of the programs that can help you if you cannot get health insurance due to expense or because you have been turned down due to an illness.

No one should go without health care of some sort. Prescriptions are extremely costly without insurance, and if you or someone in your family has an emergency health situation, you could be left with a large debt for years. Insurance companies are hesitant to accept anyone with a pre-existing illness because it will definitely cost them plenty of money. For anyone who has been turned down for health insurance or simply cannot afford to pay a deductible, health care programs and prescription discounts are a low-cost alternative that could save you money.

Saturday, August 19, 2017

High Blood Pressure and Natural Cure of High BLOOD PRESSURE

Blood pressure is the pressure of blood in your artery. Blood pressure is deliberate in millimeters of mercury. Your blood pressure is recorded as two in order. For instance, 150/95 mmHg. This is thought as '150 over 95'.

High blood pressure is one of numerous 'risk factors' that can add to your chance of rising heart disease, a stroke, and other grave circumstances. As a law, the senior the blood pressure, the better the danger. Treatment includes a change in lifestyle risk factor where these can be better - losing heaviness if you are overweight, usual physical action, a fat diet, cutting rear if you swallow a lot of alcohol, stop smoking, and a short salt and caffeine intake. If wanted, medicine can lower blood pressure.

Risk Factor by High Blood Pressure

a. Hypertension.
b. High cholesterol blood height.
c. High triglyceride blood height.
d. Diabetes.
e. Kidney disease that involves kidney purpose.

Image from page 141 of "Principles of electro-medicine, electrosurgery and radiology : a practical treatise for students and practitioners. With chapters on mechanical vibration and blood pressure technique" (1917)
Photo by Internet Archive Book Images

Causes of High Blood Pressure

Subsequent are the main cause of high blood pressure:

a. strain and eventful life style
b. smoke and consumption alcohol
c. extreme drinking of tea, coffee, and refined foods
d. harden of the artery
e. Diseases like fatness and diabetes
f. extreme eating of ordinary salt
g. High-fat diet

Symptoms of High Blood Pressure

Subsequent are the main symptoms of high blood pressure:

I. extreme sweeten
II. Red eyes
III. blazing feelings
IV. dizziness and faintness
V. sickness and sickness feelings
VI. ache at the reverse of the head and neck
VII. the ache in the county of the heart

Diet for High Blood Pressure


People with high blood pressure be supposed to not swallow alcohol. While study have established that low levels of alcohol consumption can have defensive belongings for the heart, and can perhaps decrease the danger of rising high blood pressure


In several people, eating too a lot salt can make high blood pressure greatly worse. In others, the matching salt eating may have no result. The difficulty is that no doctor or scientist can inform which the case is for a creature patient awaiting it is also tardy.

This joint with the information that also a lot salt is awful for the heart anyway of blood pressure rank, income that abridged sodium is a powerfully optional part of a fit diet.


Soaked fat, particularly trans fats, are bad for together the heart and blood vessels. Since the circulatory system is previously under a bundle of strain in the location of high blood pressure, additional tension can be shocking.

Treatment to Avoid High Blood Pressure

a. subsequent a fit eating pattern
b. achieve and maintain a fit weight
c. sinking salt and sodium in your diet
d. exercise and being lively frequently
e. boundary the use of alcohol
f. eliminate a smoke habit

Home Remedies to Get Relief from High Blood Pressure

a. Garlic is recognized as one of the majority effectual remedies in lower the blood pressure.
b. Press semi a lemon in 100-150 grams of water and drink it each two hours for instant release.
c. Watermelon is defending next to hypertension.
d. get one teaspoonful of fenugreek seeds morning and evening with an unfilled stomach for 20-25 days with water.
e. One or two pieces of garlic rolls in raisin lower blood pressure.
f. Take four foliage of Tulsi and two leaves of Neem with 3-4 teaspoonfuls of water, unfilled belly for 6-7 days.
g. Get new papayas every day on an unfilled stomach for a month frequently to reduce hypertension.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Home Remedies For Yeast Infections That Are All Natural - NATURAL CURE

Candidiasis is a fungal infection commonly know as thrush or yeast infection. It affects mouth and throat areas, genitals, intestinal tracts, and urinary systems. Mild infections mostly cause irritating discomfort and are often treated at home using traditional natural cures, rather than stronger prescription medicines. Natural treatments for yeast infection fall into two categories; those which actually fight the fungus, and those which bring some relief to the symptoms.

Amongst home cures for yeast infections, caprylic acid is a simple anti-fungal solution that may be taken to fight infections in the digestive tract. A similar cure is citrus seed extracts, sometimes known as Citricidal.

Another liquid with anti-fungal properties, as well as antiviral and antibacterial qualities, is Oil of Oregano. It can be taken orally with a few drops placed under the tongue, for mouth and throat infections. It can also be applied topically to infected areas.

Ozone Therapy is a simple natural remedy that can kill parasites. Ozone therapy may be self administered, but a more powerful and effective treatment may be given by a doctor, so it's worth talking to your health advisor.

English: Hydrastis canadensis in the garden of...
Hydrastis canadensis
(Photo credit: 

Goldenseal Tea (Hydrastis Canadensis) not only has anti-fungal properties, it encourages the growth of friendly bacteria due to the presence of berberine. It may be drunk as an ordinary tea, as well as be used for vaginal douching. Oregon Grape Root is another anti-fungal tea, but this is only applied as a vaginal douche.

Boric acid and hydrogen peroxide both kill vaginal yeast infections. Boric acid is supplied in capsules to be used as a suppository, hydrogen peroxide is used as a vaginal douche by mixing a teaspoon of 3% solution in a cup of water.

Yeast infections, even when mild, cause a lot of irritating discomfort, but there are plenty of traditional home medicine cures that can bring relief. Aloe vera gel can be placed on infected external areas, for both males and females, using a cotton ball. Aloe Vera Juice can be taken orally as well as used externally.

Calendula cream and flaxseed oil cream are both soothing agents that are useful for all yeast infection symptoms on external areas, such male and female private parts.

Slippery Elm Powder is mixed with a bit of water to make a paste that may be applied topically, it's effective for general skin irritation and penis yeast infections. Vitamin E oil can be applied for painful and burning infections on male and female genitalia, as well as being applied to itchy skin.

A solution particularly effective for a male yeast infection, but effective for women too, is a sitz bath. One kind of sitz bath is made by adding a few drops of tea tree oil to a hip-level tub of warm water.

Another well known therapy for yeast infections is yogurt. This can provide some soothing effect to infected areas, but it also leaves the treated zone in a condition that is inhospitable to the yeast infection, so it prevents its spreading and can eliminate small infections. 

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Nine Facts About FIBER

If you've been looking for a way towards a high octane diet, you'll find fiber to be exactly what you need.  Even though research has shown fiber to be powerful, many people aren't taking this nutrient seriously.

To help you fuel your health with fiber, here are 10 facts to help.

1.  Fiber fights diseases.  A diet high in fiber can help to prevent colon cancer and heart disease.  High
fiber helps the body to eliminate cholesterol by binding it in the digestive tract.  For thousands of years, fiber has been used to stop constipation.

2.  Fiber can actually help with overeating.  All high fiber foods will take longer to chew and digest, making you feel satisfied longer

3.  Most popular foods don't have enough fiber.  If you like the more popular foods, you probably need to increase your intake of fiber.

4.  Grains offer the most fiber.  Dietary fiber is actually plant matter that we cannot digest.  The best sources are whole grains and concentrated grain products.  

5.  Kids need fiber as well.  Children that are older than 2 years of age should consume a daily intake of fiber.  Kids are most receptive to fiber found in  fruits, vegetables, and even fortified breakfast cereals.  

6.  More fiber needs more water.  In order to keep fiber moving through your digestive tract, you'll need to consume a lot of water.  With your diet of fiber, you'll need eight or more glasses of water every day.

7.  Fiber cannot be cooked out.  When you cook your fruits and vegetables, don't worry about cooking
the fiber out, as it stays.  The fiber found in fruits and vegetables aren't just in the skin or in the peel.

8.  You can get enough fiber.  If you eat more than 50 grams of fiber in a day, you can get diarrhea and bloating, which can interfere with your body's absorption of other key minerals.

9.  Getting the right amount of fiber in your diet doesn't have to be hard.  Even though you may think so, getting the amount of fiber you need isn't very hard to do.  All you have to do is eat the right foods and you'll be well on your way to a fiber rich lifestyle.

As one of the key ingredients to healthy eating,  fiber is something you don't want to skip.  Fiber can
serve many different purposes, which were covered above.  If you aren't getting enough fiber in your 
diet - you should do something about now instead of waiting until it is too late.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

BITTER MELON - Benefits, Medicinal Properties

Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been reported that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV. Bitter Melon is the English name of Momordica charantia. Bitter Melon is also known by the names Karela and Balsam Pear. Bitter Melon grows in tropical areas, including parts of East Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, and South America, where it is used as a food as well as a medicine. 

English: Bitter Melon 日本語: ゴーヤー
Bitter Melon
(Photo credit: 
It is a green cucumber shaped fruit with gourd-like bumps all over it. It looks like an ugly, light green cucumber. The fruit should be firm, like a cucumber. And it tastes very bitter. Although the seeds, leaves, and vines of Bitter Melon have all been used, the fruit is the safest and most prevalent part of the plant used medicinally. The leaves and fruit have both been used occasionally to make teas and beer, or to season soups in the Western world. 

Bitter Melon was traditionally used for a dazzling array of conditions by people in tropical regions. Numerous infections, cancer, leukemia, and diabetes are among the most common conditions it was believed to improve. Bitter Melon is reported to help in the treatment of diabetes and psoriasis. It has also been thought that Bitter Melon may help in the treatment of HIV, but the evidence thus far is too
weak to even consider. The ripe fruit of Bitter Melon has been suggested to exhibit some remarkable anti-cancer effects, but there is absolutely no evidence that it can treat cancer. However, preliminary studies do appear to confirm that Bitter Melon may improve blood sugar control in people with adult-onset (type 2) diabetes. 

The blood lowering action of the fresh juice of the unripe Bitter Melon has been confirmed in scientific studies in animals and humans. At least three different groups of constituents in Bitter Melon have been reported to have hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) or other actions of potential benefit in diabetes mellitus. These include a mixture of steroidal saponins known as charantin, insulin-like peptides, and alkaloids. It is still unclear which of these is most effective or if all three work together. Nonetheless, Bitter Melon preparations have been shown to significantly improve glucose tolerance without increasing blood insulin levels, and to improve fasting blood glucose levels.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Vitamins Used To Treat ACNE

English: Acne Vulgaris: A: Cystic acne on the ...
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)
What vitamins can be used to treat acne?

Due to the incredibly unhealthy diets that have become the norm in modern day America, it is no wonder that vitamin deficiencies are so rampant. Only about 10-20% of Americans consume the recommended amount of the important vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. This vitamin deficiency has led to many problems in the bodies of Americans, and obviously the skin, the largest organ of the body, is affected by this deficiency as well.

There are many vitamins that can all contribute to fighting and preventing the formation of acne on the skin. Different vitamins have different uses ranging from antioxidants (clearing the skin of harmful toxins) to antibacterial (fighting bacteria which can cause acne, helping to prevent it from forming) and more. This article will help to point out and explain which vitamins can be used to help against acne and what it is that they do.

The main vitamins that help to combat acne are Vitamin A, the B Vitamins, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Chromium and Zinc. Each of these vitamins helps to fight acne in a different way and when used in conjunction they can help greatly to reduce the affects of acne and even prevent its breakout altogether. If you decide to use these vitamins, most likely through form of supplements since trying to consume the right amounts through dieting can be difficult, it is extremely important to follow the dosage instructions and to never take too much of any vitamin. Taking too much of many vitamins can be toxic and can lead to illness and worse problems, so always be careful and patient.

Vitamins A and E are strong antioxidants and help to promote healthy skin. Zinc is also an antioxidant but more importantly it helps to regulate the production of oil in the oil glands. Chromium aids in reducing the infections in the skin which can prevent acne from spreading. The B Complex vitamins and Vitamin C are more like super-vitamins. Both of these have countless functions in maintaining a healthy body and involving these in your daily diet is only too important.

The main reason that each of these vitamins is so important is not only their assistance to fighting and preventing acne but also the simple fact that a deficiency in any single one of these vitamins can lead to acne breakouts. Because of this, the importance of consuming the correct amounts of these vitamins every day through either diet, which can be very difficult, or in supplement form is simply undeniable. By being knowledgeable of these vitamins and by attempting to meet the recommended amounts each day, a person can combat acne much more effectively and help to prevent it from occurring altogether.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

EXERCISE and Hypertension

English: a brief collage/ensemble on hypertension
A brief collage/ensemble on hypertension 
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It seems as though many Americans are living a life that leads to high blood pressure or hypertension. As people age, the situation gets worse. Nearly half of all older Americans have hypertension. This disease makes people five times more prone to strokes, three times more likely to have a heart attack, and two to three times more likely to experience a heart failure.

The problem with this disease is that nearly one third of the folks who have hypertension do not know it because they never feel any direct pain. But overtime the force of that pressure damages the inside surface of your blood vessels.

However, according to experts, hypertension is not predestined. Reducing salt intake, adopting a desirable dietary pattern losing weight and exercising can all help prevent hypertension.

Obviously, quitting bad habits and eating a low fat diet will help, but the most significant part that you can do is to exercise. And just as exercise strengthens and improves limb muscles, it also enhances the health of the heart muscles.

Heart and Exercise

The exercise stimulates the development of new connections between the impaired and the nearly normal blood vessels, so people who exercise had a better blood supply to all the muscle tissue of the heart.

The human heart basically, supply blood to an area of the heart damaged in a “myocardial infarction.” A heart attack is a condition, in which, the myocardium or the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen and other nutrients and so it begins to die.

For this reason and after a series of careful considerations, some researchers have observed that exercise can stimulate the development of these life saving detours in the heart. One study further showed that moderate exercise several times a week is more effective in building up these auxiliary pathways than extremely vigorous exercise done twice as often.

Such information has led some people to think of exercise as a panacea for heart disorders, a fail-safe protection against hypertension or death. That is not so. Even marathon runners that have suffered hypertension, and exercise cannot overcome combination of other risk factor.

What Causes Hypertension?

Sometimes abnormalities of the kidney are responsible. There is also a study wherein the researchers identified more common contributing factors such as heredity, obesity, and lack of physical activity. And so, what can be done to lower blood pressure and avoid the risk of developing hypertension? Again, exercise seems to be just what the doctor might order.

If you think that is what he will do, then, try to contemplate on this list and find some ways how you can incorporate these things into your lifestyle and start to live a life free from the possibilities of developing hypertension. But before you start following the systematic instructions, it would be better to review them first before getting into action.

1. See your doctor

Check with your doctor before beginning an exercise program. If you make any significant changes in your level of physical activity — particularly if those changes could make large and sudden demands on your circulatory system — check with your doctors again.

2. Take it slow

Start at a low, comfortable level of exertion and progress gradually. The program is designed in two stages to allow for a progressive increase in activity.

3. Know your limit

Determine your safety limit for exertion. Use some clues such as sleep problems or fatigue the day after a workout to check on whether you are overdoing it. Once identified, stay within it. Over-exercising is both dangerous and unnecessary.

4. Exercise regularly 

You need to work out a minimum of three times a week and a maximum of five times a week to get the most benefit. Once you are in peak condition, a single workout a week can maintain the muscular benefits. However, cardiovascular fitness requires more frequent activity.

5. Exercise at a rate within your capacity

The optimum benefits for older exercisers are produced by exercise at 40% to 60% of capacity.

Indeed, weight loss through exercise is an excellent starting point if you wan tot prevent hypertension. Experts say that being overweight is linked to an increased risk of developing hypertension, and losing weight decreases the risk.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

ASTHMA Control: Tips on How to Cure your ASTHMA Naturally

With over 17 million people in the United States alone suffering from Asthma and consequently seeking some form of asthma control, this respiratory disease has proven to be a very debilitating hindrance to optimal health. Breathing is the very essence of life and for this disease to hinder its natural process, an effective Asthma control will be essential.

English: Asthma sufferers may not be able to b...
Asthma sufferers may not be able to breathe properly.
They use a spacer to inhale medicine.
(Photo credit: 

Characterized by wheezing sounds, tightness in the chest, difficulties breathing and at times cough spells and sore throats, I had my first asthma attack as a kid and up until about 6 years ago had these attacks rather frequently. This made for many sleepless nights (why with reaching for my ventolin inhaler) and boring days locked in doors. This was simply because I didn’t have the cardio-vascular endurance to withstand play coupled with the added fear of allergic reactions to grass, dust or even a friendly pat on the back which could trigger an asthma attack at any time landing me right back in the bed for a week minimum.

This (with acne and lethargy) was my state of health for years till I started to take up Yoga, considering its mild, yet very effective abilities to exercise the body without any vigorous demands. I was introduced to Pranayama, the Sanskrit name for Breathing Exercises and was told of the benefits of such techniques as the Bellows Breath for asthma control and was also shown how such simpler Square breathing exercises
could be beneficial for curing and preventing asthma along with improving my overall health. 

The author of the Complete Illustrated Book of Yoga, Swami Vishnu Devananda attested to curing many patients with asthma symptoms by correcting their breathing habits and with the introduction of a proper diet and exercise. Based on my experiences, I will now provide you with similar and up to date information on the tried-and true techniques and methods of attaining successful and permanent asthma control techniques. 

The first step to keep in mind whenever you are breathing is to make the conscious effort to ensure that it is done deeply. This can only be attained initially by conscious efforts but, with time and practice it becomes a natural process, like it was always intended to be. 

To gain the most amount of air with minimal effort, ensure that when inhaling, you allow for the dome of the abdomen to have an outward curve.  Contrary to popular belief and instructions given by vocal coaches and even some doctors, do not raise the shoulders or stiffen the diaphragm when inhaling as this constricts the inflow of air for the lungs.

For a good illustration of natural breathing as described above, simply observe an infant.
You would notice a baby always breathes deeply from the abdomen although it is with a seemingly effortless approach. (I guess that is another reason why the great seers and prophets say “to learn from little children eh?”

A simple test to establish proper breathing habits will be the following exercises. When executing them, ensure that they are done on an empty stomach and in a place with plenty of fresh air. Also, make sure that you breathe through the nose as often as possible.

Asthma Control: Breathing Exercises to Use

1. Inhalation and Exhalation:
-Either laying flat on a bed or sitting erect commence to breathing deeply, using a stop-watch or metronome to keep track of the time. The desired ratio here is 1:2. Minimum time for inhalation should be 4 seconds gradually building up to 16. (With the time for exhalation now being 8 seconds gradually building up to 32) consciously perform this exhilarating exercise for several weeks. 

2. Inhalation-Retention-Exhalation
-When you are properly established in exercise #1 the next stage included is retention. In ancient yogic texts, the required ratio would be 1:4:2 (inhalation, retention and exhalation) The minimum schedule again for this exercise is 4 seconds, gradually building up to a maximum of 16 seconds (inhalation that is) Practice this for several days or weeks till you master it and it becomes second nature. 

Although, from the indications above, you’d notice that more emphasis is laid on proper breathing over diet as a step for a natural asthma control, do keep in mind that it is advised that you avoid Mucus-Forming foods such as Animal flesh and products, Most Grains, Junk and Processed Foods and even some so-called health-food products like Soy, Yeast, Bragg’s Liquid Aminos and Vinegar. 

Abstinence from the products above is a must and a fact that has been in effect in several programs aimed at correcting respiratory health such as the "Breath Retaining Program For Asthmatics" developed by the Russian, Dr. Buteyko. Within weeks of adhering to this advice, many chronic asthmatics have been able to give up the use of ventolin inhalers.

Replace these items with Fruits, Leafy and Root Vegetables and if desired less harmful whole grains like Brown rice, Quinoa, Amaranth and Millet occasionally.

Also make sure to combine your meals properly and not to consume liquids of any kinds while eating so as not to constrict proper movement of the visceral organs that lie underneath the all important diaphragm. In addition, make the effort to avoid the use of microwaves, conventionally grown produce and polluted tap water for your optimal health.

Asthma need not be a part of your life anymore; you too can effectively apply these natural asthma control methods with the steps outlined above. So empower yourself for a successful asthma control today with proper breathing and dietetic habits.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

NATURAL CURE For Toenail Fungus

Fungus Toenail 0086
Fungus Toenail (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It has been a real slow process for finding a natural cure for toenail fungus. As a matter of fact a lot of people have had to suffer with the fungus and were left to try and find some type of home remedy to treat toenail fungus. Even though there are pills you can take for treatment there are some side effects that can take place such as liver damage. It really doesn't make any sense to take medication for one thing and have it to cause you other problems you never had. No wander so many people are willing to try home remedies and over the counter products.

The truth is no one nor has any company ever taken the time to try and find a cure for nail fungus. Simply because it is not considered to be life threatening. People are not willing nor should they risk liver damage to rid themselves of the problem. Even though it is a unpleasant sight to see it is just not worth the risk. There are some companies who saw a need for people with fungus problem and decided to do something to help these people out by finding a treatment for toe nail fungus. Yet, people still find it hard to put their trust in such companies.

When you are searching for a treatment be sure the product has the essential oils and extracts that come from plants. The reason you want oils from plants is the plants already have the potential to fight off fungus. Applying the oils directly to the infected area will help you get rid of toe nail fungus. A good natural cure for toe nail fungus that is extracted from plants is called tea tree oil. 

You apply the tea tree oil directly to the nail, then it gets in under your nail and kill toenail fungus. This will allow you to re grow those healthy nails you once had. You may be wandering if this treatment will work for you. Since there are know known cures for it, you will never know unless you try.

Monday, February 27, 2017


It can be very tempting to abandon your good sense of healthy eating on vacation.  Although you may
strive for healthy eating, it's easy to drift off and grab an ice cream cone here and there.  There are however, ways to watch what you eat on vacation.

It's easier than ever these days to request a low fat or vegetarian meal on airplane flights.  If you choose to instead drive to your destination, the quest to find healthy food can get a bit more complicated.

English: Healthy eating pyramid similar to tha...
Healthy eating pyramid similar to that of the Department of Nutrition, Harvard School of Public Health.
(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Rather than simply relying on greasy foods for nutrition, pack some nutritious foods in a cooler full of ice packs.  Fruits and vegetables, crackers, yogurt, and sandwiches are all great to have with you on the road.  

Once you arrive at your hotel, you should do yourself a favor and turn the minibar key down - as this helps to avoid the temptation.  If your hotel offers a continental breakfast, stick to fruits, cereals, and proteins.  If your hotel has a stove or microwave, consider bringing your own healthy food with you.

If you simply must eat out, do so only when you are hungry.  Restaurants will usually serve large portions, so be careful.  If you do go a bit over on a meal, simply cut back on the next.  

If you find it hard to fit in three square meals a day, try to fit in six smaller meals or snacks, as your body needs fuel every four hours or so. When you eat out, avoid appetizers.  Whatever you do, do not miss any meals.

When it's possible, you should avoid eating large meals at night.  When your body gets ready for sleep and slows down, it also burns calories at a much slower pace.  Never eat bread before bed, and make sure to avoid the butter.  Choose fish or poultry for your meal instead, and include vegetables as a side dish.  

Even though it may sound hard, eating healthy on vacation isn't really that difficult.  All you have to do is use a little will power, and pass up foods that you know aren't good for you.  This way, you'll enjoy healthy eating and a healthy lifestyle wherever you go.

The next time you go on a vacation, always remember that eating healthy is a way of life.  You can afford to get something you crave, although you shouldn't make a habit of it.  One ice cream cone or a pizza isn't going to matter - as long as you know when to stop.