Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Essential Oils. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017


One of my most favourite oils, lime essential oil comes from the fresh skin of the citrus aurantifolia from the Rutaceae Family, also known as Citrus latifolia. Citrus oils have a lot in common with each other but also stand alone with their own unique properties.

Lime trees grow up to around 5 metres in height. The fruit is born from small white flowers. The fruit is bright green averaging around 5cm (2 inches) in diameter.

Lime Oil can be used as a food additive and in the perfume industry. It also has many benefits in healing and health preventation. The fruit is a rich source of vitamin C amongst others.

English: Unripened key limes growing in a back...
Unripened key limes growing in a backyard.
(Photo credit: 

Historically, The lime fruit was often carted on ships and used for the prevention of disease such as scurvy.

The Oil Extraction process

Certified Organic Lime Oil is taken from the skin of Lime by cold expression or steam distillation. Lime oil is of a watery consistency and a green often slightly yellow or orange colour. The aroma is natural, much like a concentrated Lime skin.

Using the Essential Oil

Lime oil can be used in many ways. It is recognised for its use in the treatment or prevention of illness and disease. It has many uses in cooking and used for its naturally calming and refreshing smell, Lime Essential Oil should be included in all homes for medicinal and Aromatherapy uses.

Some of the many uses of Lime Oil are listed below.

  • Lime oil can be used for treating Stress, Anxiety and fatigue and may increase the body's ability to think clearly.
  • Lime Essential oil has been used for the treatment and suppression of symptoms of headaches and migraines.
  • Many people have responded well when Lime Essential Oil was used to treat stomach problems and when used to aid the digestive system.
  • Lime Oil may aid in the healing of cuts and abrasions, minor wounds, and boils. It may also be beneficial to the healing process of scars associated with these cuts and abrasions etc.
  • Lime oil may relieve symptoms associated with Stress, Anxiety and Nervousness. It is ideal for use in a Vaporiser or Burner

Precautions should be used when using any Essential Oil. Lime Essential oil should be used within guidelines expressed by the processor. Phototoxicity can occur with Lime Essential Oil. When used on the skin it is recommended to remain away from direct sunlight. Correct procedures will be on your bottle or in information sheets provided at the time of purchase.

    Eric describes himself as being "Passionate about Organics". Eric is Married and has 2 Children. Eric and his wife Narelle represent Miessence Certified Organic Skin Care, Cosmetics, Home & Nutritional Products.
    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Monday, April 24, 2017


Aromatherapy oils come in many types and provide many benefits based on their combinations. By using plants and herbs, a person can create a sense of wellbeing as well as provide relief for ailments, illnesses and diseases of all kinds, alleviating their symptoms and providing a better quality of life for sufferers. The different types of oils for aromatherapy use combinations of these herbs and plants or use one at a time in order to provide necessary benefits.

English: Oil of cloves can be purchased over t...
Oil of cloves can be purchased over the counter at pharmacies. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
There are several herbs and plants that give off an aroma that is used in perfumery such as basil and bergamot. Basil helps an individual improve concentration by making them more sharp as well as relieving migraines, depression and headaches - an amazing set of benefits. While the benefits of basil are wonderful, pregnant women should be sure not to use it as it is known to stimulate contractions. Along with being popular in perfumery, bergamot repels insects, and improves the functioning of both the digestive tract and the urinary tract. Individuals suffering from stress based ailments such as chicken pox and cold sores can rely on the aromatherapy oil of bergamot to relieve those symptoms along with some eucalyptus oil.

Circulation is stimulated with the use of black pepper, with its spicy and sharp smell. Sufferers of pains and aches in their muscles can use black pepper to sooth those discomforts. Bruises also quickly disappear when black pepper is applied to the skin. The oil of cloves in aromatherapy is used in dentistry as an analgesic, and is also used as an antiseptic, antiemetic, carminative and antispasmodic. Used with peppermint, eucalyptus provides much needed relief to sufferers of flu and cold by opening and relaxing the airway, a wonderful natural remedy to use in combination with other remedies. Many people find the benefit of aromatherapy oils surprising after they give it a try.

A person can depending on the antiseptic, diuretic and astringent benefits of geranium oil as well as the antiseptic qualities of lavender to relieve the discomfort of burns and minor cuts. There are many plants that are used as aphrodisiacs as well, such as ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose and jasmine. If an individual´s mood is low, that person can rely on the effects of lemon which has been used in a study in Japan to prove that it lowers the stress levels of mice while in the form of vapor.

    Uma Ilango is a programmer from profession. Has lots of interest in non-technical writing too. She has written articles in several topics. Her hobbies include reading, surfing, writing and playing chess.

    Article Directory: EzineArticles

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

AROMATHERAPY and Low Female Libido - 5 Essential Ways

First of all let's look at aromatherapy in a close way. Aromatherapy and low libido is related and it the former that is used to heal the later. Aromatherapy is popular each day and it is used in addition to some oils and aromatic plants to improve health and mood. Aromatherapy method has been used for many centuries now and even the most known historical figure Cleopatra is known to be an essential seductress due to the way she used her aromatherapy knowledge.

Aromatic candle
Aromatic candle (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The hypoactive sexual desire disorder or the low libido is more common in women than men and studies are showing that some causes of decreased libido is stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and hormones. These signs can be treated by the use of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy and low female libido can be treated by the use of today's libido boosting aromatherapy. It is true that aromatherapy can set up someone's mood and behavior towards sex and intimacy. Thee are different essential oils to use in aromatherapy to reduce stress, fatigue, anxiety and increase nitric acid that is essential in blood circulation in the body which also reaches the sexual organs. The blood flow also reaches the brain and triggers the erotic centers hence increasing sex drive.

Essential oils to use in aromatherapy and low female libido:

  • Angelica is a most useful and stimulating oil that is also use by the libido depleted women who are also in their menopause stages, anemia or heavy and painful periods
  • The aromatherapists also use ambrette, benzoin and cumin in dealing with sensual and sexual drive increase
  • The Clary-sage warms the body while encouraging vitality and creativity as well as mace and nutmeg not forgetting patchouli
  • The use of black pepper, cardamom, ginger and cinnamon are used to provide scent and endurance as well as warmth and should be used prior to love making
  • When one is anxious, lacks mood, confidence ad is restless the following oils are effective in aromatherapy and low female libido. Geranium, rose, Ylang-ylang and jasmine. They boost sex drive by stimulating the release of pheromones and also fight frigidity and impotence. They can elevate libido hence promote compassion and love hence the drive for love making

These oils used in aromatherapy and low female libido should be used when they are diluted first. Then they are applied on the skin directly depending on the type of the oil used. One can also use a cloth or cotton woo and pour few drops before holding it near the nose for inhalation or steam inhalation can also be used. Some people will use the aromatherapy and low female libido oils in water especially in the bath tub.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Driven by the stresses of the day, we have no choice but to subject ourselves to fatigue and tension. Often, we still have to hold 3 jobs at a time just to accommodate all our periodic expenses. And some rest and a good night sleep are our well-earned comforts.

A specially created massage combining techniqu...
A specially created massage combining technique and aromatherapy oils. The essential oils are absorbed through the skin and carried to the muscle tissues, joints and organs to relieve tension and relax your mind. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sounds strange? It is but it happens. Its ironic that we have to toil ourselves daily just to get the leisure we want at the end of the day. And yet we work some more everyday just to make both ends meet with maximum comfort we want for ourselves.

It seems that this has become the trend and we just have to follow the flow of living. Nonetheless, our daily schedule is tiring and truly physically taxing. With some measures to maintain our vigor and to rejuvenate our spent energy, we are sure to find ourselves refreshed as the new morning starts.

One of the known methods that could provide the release of one's body and mind in everyday stress is through aromatherapy. Apart from being an art, it is also a science that aims to induce healing through the stimulation of the olfactory nerve. This works primarily by altering moods using scents and aromas.

There are a number of principles used in aromatherapy. The candles and lotions aside, it also advocates the use of creams that have a delicate mixture of essential oils in massage therapy.

Aromatherapy massage creams brings about the effects of tranquility in the mind and more vibrant skin. Aromatherapy creams are made from aromatic essential oils that are known to bring healing only on one's mind and body but also to one's skin. In fact, the essential oils used in aromatherapy are first discovered when a Frenchman accidentally dipped his burning finger in lavender oil. This then helped heal the wounds with the absence of scars.

Like with the essential oils, aromatherapy massage creams also have various flavors that can cater individual needs.

These are often blended with skin-rejuvenating ingredients like jojoba oil and coconut oil and botanical thickeners to produce a good aromatherapy cream.

Unlike with massaging oils though, aromatherapy massage creams can only be used through topical application. Combined with soothing massage, aromatherapy creams can help reduce the stress from fatigue, muscle strain, headaches, depression and even hypertension. It could also possibly redirect a person with anxiety disorder from thoughts that often bug his mind.

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