Showing posts with label Acupuncture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Acupuncture. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

A Primer on Medical ACUPUNCTURE

English: Acupuncture needle. Deutsch: Akupunkt...
Acupuncture needle. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Have you ever had an uncontrollable urge to be pierced by a dozen needles? This is the image most people get when someone mentions the word “acupuncture”. It comes as no surprise that most view this technique with suspicion, even downright horror. The fact is, however, that this relatively painless ancient Chinese technique has helped relieve the symptoms of millions of people. Properly used, it can help in the management of many medical conditions including chronic pain and fatigue. 

How does needle puncture work?

Practitioners of Chinese traditional medicine believe in energy flows. This energy, called Qi, circulates around the body using pathways called meridians. Meridians run very close to the surface of the skin in certain areas and can be accessed by needles. Much like plumbing, these pipes can get blocked or go the wrong way, causing health problems. The insertion of needles at these points is aimed to help loosen blocks and normalize flow.

It sounds like a made-up explanation with no basis in reality, but there are numerous scientific studies which support the effects of acupuncture. Although the exact scientific basis is still unknown, recent theories seem to suggest the involvement of complicated neurochemical effects in the brain, nerve to spinal cord impulse modulation, and microscopic connective tissue changes.  

What risks and side effects are of concern?

The use of things not completely understood for the treatment of medical conditions is nothing new. Penicillin and aspirin were used for decades solely on the basis of their beneficial effects, without doctors knowing exactly how they worked. Results are what is truly important. However, it is equally important is to ensure that the technique is used safely.

Like other strategies used in treating health conditions, acupuncture may have some side effects. Medications have side effects and allergic reactions, surgeries have a risk of infection and complications. For needle puncture, there is a risk of injury, rare infections, minor bleeding, small bruises, and some dizziness.

You can minimize the possible side effects by choosing a licensed acupuncturist. Most countries either have government licensing in place or have professional organizations with very strict rules and regulations. 

How do treatments go?

An acupuncturist will do an initial evaluation of your medical history and your body’s current state. Multiple pressure points are palpated, and a regimen of treatment is formulated. Most courses involve a series of 10 to 20 treatment sessions, each lasting 30 to 90 minutes. Needles will be carefully placed at the required points and kept in place for some time. Most patients report a feeling of mild sensation at the site of the puncture, but no real pain.

Right after each acupuncture session, you will feel a bit tired and may need to rest. Some people feel an increase in their energy levels. The response to acupuncture is very individual. In some cases, there is immediate relief of symptoms. For some patients, the beneficial effects may only be noticed after undergoing a few sessions. Do not be alarmed and keep your acupuncturist updated on what you are feeling to ensure everything is going as expected.

You need never fear the thought of needles ever again. Acupuncture is a beneficial treatment with a long history of effectiveness. It is used to complement current medical therapy and should not replace currently existing medications or treatments.

The safe application of this once exclusively Chinese therapy can now be experienced by chronic disease sufferers worldwide.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

The Soothing Effects of ACUPUNCTURE

Acupuncture Points - Photo   by sushiphotos 
Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. Commonly used to treat bodily pains, acupuncture actually has a wide range of uses that range from addictions to injuries, to disease prevention. If you are thinking about trying acupuncture, the following will give you a better idea of its many benefits.

Acupuncture is most commonly known to treat bodily pains such as muscular pains and arthritis. There are many types of arthritis, and each has a different acupuncture procedure. However, the healing effects may vary from person to person. Acupuncture for arthritis usually takes several sessions and takes a lot of cooperation your therapist for best results.

Other pain related ailments that can be cured by acupuncture are severe headaches and migraines, acute backaches, shoulder and neck aches, leg pains, trapped nerves, muscle related injuries, after surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, sports injuries, menstrual pains, toothaches, abdominal pains, and rheumatic pains.

Acupuncture is widely recommended for symptoms of depression and anxiety such as irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of interest in social activity and suicidal tendencies. Acupuncture is thought to relieve stress and improve the flow of energy that may be causing the depressive symptoms. Improvement in symptoms can be seen as early as the first session. Experts have found acupuncture to be a beneficial complement to other forms of depression therapy such as psychological counseling, and healthier than chemical alternatives such as anti-depressants.

Acupuncture has become a popular alternative to common remedies such as sleeping pills. It works at the nerve levels, relaxing and soothing your senses. Acupuncture is thought to be a safer route for insomnia because it brings back your natural sleeping cycle through natural means and not through chemicals, which can turn into an addiction. Using acupuncture for insomnia usually starts working after the very first session. The treatment is usually stretched out for a period of time until your body returns to its natural sleeping cycle.

Studies show that acupuncture is a beneficial form of complementary therapy for women who are having undergoing treatments for fertility problem. Acupuncture is believed to relieve the anxiety of women undergoing fertility treatment. Also, acupuncture's success in aiding fertility is more pronounced in in-vitro fertilization. In addition, the rate of miscarriages has been found to be lower for women who do acupuncture.

The following are other ailments that acupuncture has been known to remedy:

· Menopausal problems such as hot flushes, infertility, and premenstrual tension.
· Bladder or bowel problems, difficulty or pain in urination, and urinary infections.
· Digestive disorders including nausea, indigestion, heartburn, and diarrhea.
· Respiratory problems such as rhinitis, hay fever, prickly heat, rashes and ulcers, eczema, and some types of dermatitis and psoriasis.
· Conditions of the eyes and mouth such as cataracts, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, retinitis and toothache, and post extraction pains.
· Heat problems such as poor circulation, stroke recovery, and hypertension.
· Addictions such as smoking, drinking, or other harder drugs.

If you as suffering from any of the ailments mentioned above, acupuncture may just be the remedy for you. Acupuncture is harmless and is known to promote health and a sense of well-being. It is a healthy, chemical-free alternative to traditional forms of medical treatment.

Monday, October 16, 2017


Facial acupuncture
Acupuncture (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Looking beautiful both inside and out is something we all want to achieve. Since your face is ridden with emotion and hormonal issues, you have to take care of it. Fortunately, there is a technique that can do that using painless mini needles and this is better known as facial acupuncture.

Facial acupuncture is a painless procedure that renews not only the face but the body as well. This is because it can erase lines and eye bags making you look younger. At the same time, it can also help clear up pimples and acne.

For this to work, fine needles are placed in acupuncture points on the eyes, face, and neck to stimulate the person’s natural energies. As a result, this also improves your facial color.

Anyone can try facial acupuncture because it is painless and it has proven to reverse the signs of aging. However, if you are pregnant, suffer from the colds or flu, have acute herpes or an allergic reaction, it is best to wait until this has passed.

But before anyone can try facial acupuncture, they first have to be evaluated by the acupuncturist. This person will evaluate your age, lifestyle, and diet. If everything looks good, then you will probably do an average of about 12 to 15 treatments. More could be done if your skin tends to sag, manifest jowls or have droopy eyes treatment needs to be done twice a week for about 45 minutes to 1 hour. For those who can’t make two sessions in a week, they can opt for the 1 treatment that will last 90 minutes.

After the regular sessions, it is advisable to go back for follow up treatment. It should be every 2 weeks for the next 2 months and then once a month later on.

Aside from needles, most clinics use herbs in the form of masks, poultices, and moisturizers. Before you use it, check with your doctor to make sure there is no allergic reaction to any forms of medication that you are taking.

After the first facial acupuncture treatment, you will usually see an increased glow to one’s complexion which the Chinese say an increased Qi or blood flow to the face. It becomes more open, the wrinkles start to disappear and the skin appears more toned.

In the 5th or 7th treatment, this becomes more evident as your face looks more relaxed as though you just came from a vacation.

The end result is that you will look and feel 5 to 15 years younger but of course, this depends on how well the patient has taken care of themselves outside the confines of the clinic.

To sum things up, facial acupuncture can do for you. It can eliminate fine lines and reduces wrinkles, improve your overall facial color and add luster to the skin, relaxes tension in the face and furrows in the brow, brightens the eyes and reduce dark circles and puffiness, improve muscle tone for sagging skin, enhance your natural radiance in the skin and eyes, slow the aging process within, promotes overall health and well being as well as relaxes and revitalizes the entire body.

All you have to now is find a clinic that offers this service to customers so you will soon look radiant to other people.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

ACUPUNCTURE for Pain Relief

Acupuncture doll. Archie McPhee store, Ballard...
Acupuncture doll.
(Photo credit: 
It's amazing the number of people who live with pain on a regular basis.  For some people, the pain is something that they simply live with but it does not alter their life necessarily.  For others, the pain gets quite intense and they have to live around the pain instead of simply incorporating it into their lifestyle.  One thing that almost all pain has in common, however, is an imbalance that exists in our body.  If we were to bring our body back into line with where it should be, most of the pain that we feel would stop happening.

Although there are many different ways for people to deal with pain that range from prescription medications to therapeutic exercise, one way that is often overlooked is acupuncture.  The fact is, acupuncture is able to help with pain in a lot of different ways and to help individuals to get over pain or to be able to reduce it so that it is easily manageable.  How is acupuncture able to do this?  It does this by bringing our body back into balance with where it should be.

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years in Asia and is now becoming very popular in the Western world.  It is based on the principle that we all have an energy which is referred to as Chi.  It is a balanced energy that exists in between two extremes, the negative and positive.  If all things in our body or balanced, according to these theories, then we can enjoy good health.  Acupuncture is a way of manipulating the energy that flows through our body and brings us back into a balanced state.

What kind of pain can be controlled by acupuncture?  People actually visit acupuncturists for a wide variety of pain that includes lower back pain, headaches, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome.  It is also very common for people to visit the doctor before and after surgery for additional pain management.  So not only is acupuncture good for the relief of pain, it also may help with the prevention of pain as well.

As acupuncture continues to grow a popularity and additional testing helps to prove what it can do for us, more people will use these treatments in order to deal with their ill health.  By bringing us back into a balanced state naturally, acupuncture is able to allow us to heal from the inside out.

Saturday, July 22, 2017

ACUPUNCTURE Could Help You Finally Manage Your Stress Levels

Today's world can fill the very busy individual with a lot of stress. Without some way of removing this stress from your system, you're placing yourself in danger from a lot of stress-related diseases. You might suffer from insomnia or headaches or very serious heart diseases.

You could take anti-stress pills to help you relax but, like me, you might also be worried about the side effects these pills could have. The good news is that you could try acupuncture at least once to see if it could help you manage the stress. It certainly couldn't hurt to try acupuncture if all you're after is stress relief.

Sensing the locations for inserting the needles, Charlotte Stuart preparing to treat a patient with acupuncture moxibustion in Nelson, New Zealand
Acupuncture - Photo by Wonderlane 
If you find it doesn't work for you, then you can just easily stop taking acupuncture treatments. If it works, though, then you can say you've found a good treatment for stress that doesn't rely on those dangerous chemicals and pills.

How does sticking needles into your body help manage the stress?

In traditional Chinese medicine, much of the treatments depend on an understanding of the balance in our bodies and its internal organs. The sicknesses we sometimes develop are seen to be caused by imbalances in our lifestyles and environment. Stress is also affected by this imbalance. That is why when there is something wrong with your body, you'd typically have less of an ability to deal with stress. You'd get more irritable and find it really to difficult to relax.

By sticking these very thin needles past the surface of our skin, the acupuncturist stimulates nerves in our body. These nerves send signals to our brain and scientists believe that the brain then releases its natural painkillers into our system. This immediately causes a feeling of relaxation for many people.

The needles could also help your body by stimulating its circulation. With the circulation between the organs of the body improved, a lot of the body's wastes could be cleansed properly. Your organs would also receive the full benefit of the oxygen from your lungs making its way into the cells of your body without any blockages. This makes your organs much healthier and leaves you feeling much better in the long term as well.

You can think of a session with the acupuncturist as very much like massage therapy. A good massage would help give you a very relaxing sleep that night and an acupuncturist could help you with your sleep as well. You might immediately start to feel drowsy as soon as the right nerves are stimulated by the acupuncturist's needles.

You might be asking yourself how you'd be able to relax if you're suffering from the pain of the needles attached to your body. What you might not realize is that because of the thinness of the needles, you would hardly feel anything. The most that many people claim they feel is a kind of tingling feeling where the needles are. And that is actually a sign that the process is working,

Acupuncture is a practice that helps you use your bodies' own ability to manage stress properly. This leaves you healthier, and more importantly, prevents any of the serious diseases that could come from unbalanced, stressful lifestyles.

It might not be something to replace regular trips to the doctor but with its many possible benefits, acupuncture might be worth trying out very soon.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Effective ACUPUNCTURE Treatments before Surgery

There are times in which our health necessitates us going in for surgery for one reason or another.  For some of us, it may be what is referred to as a routine procedure but for others, the surgery that we are going through may be life altering and very severe.  Regardless of why we are going in for the surgery or of how severe the treatment, acupuncture is one way that has been used to help us to get through the process easier.  What different things can acupuncture do for us when we need to have surgery?

Acupuncture needles
Acupuncture needles
(Photo credit: 

Acupuncture has actually been used for thousands of years but it is only recently become popular in the westernized world.  As more people are using the procedure, they are finding that it benefits us in many different ways.  One of the ways in which it benefits us is through pain management and by keeping our body in a balanced state.  The entire concept of Chi, the energy that flows through our body and of the balance that needs to exist in all things is what brought about the art of acupuncture.  Now, they're using this ancient Chinese medicine in order to help us when we are undergoing surgery.

Acupuncture can be administered before and after surgery as a way to reduce the amount of pain that an individual is feeling.  As a matter of fact, it is sometimes administered during surgery in order to keep the individual from feeling some of the pain of the surgery itself.  Not only is it available to block pain to a certain extent, it is able to help us to heal so that we have a shorter recovery time that involves less pain.  It also keeps us from having to take too much pain medication during that time.

Another thing that acupuncture is able to do is to reduce the amount of nausea that is experienced by women who are undergoing breast surgery.  Nausea is a fairly common side effect that is felt by these women but acupuncture is able to overcome some of the discomfort and negative experiences that they may have.

As we continue to learn more about the benefits of using acupuncture during surgery, it's hard to tell how frequently it will be used in order to control pain and to help keep the body in a balanced condition.

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Things You Should Know About ACUPUNCTURE

Acupuncture has been practiced for hundreds of years. To let you know more about this practice, here are a few things that you should know. 

First, acupuncture is a holistic healthcare technique that involves inserting needles into specific points in the body. Studies have been conducted and it has been proven to treat ear, nose, throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal, eye, nervous system and muscular disorders. 

Acupuncture doll.
Acupuncture doll.
(Photo credit: 
The needles used in acupuncture are very small and you will probably feel a slight twitch when the needle goes in. They will be inserted carefully to ¼ or an inch in depth and will stay there from 45 minutes to an hour depending on the condition of the patient. 

If inserted properly, you should feel some cramping, distention, electric sensation or tingling which means that the treatment is working. 

Needles used for acupuncture especially in the US are clean because they are required to be disposable. This prevents any chance that those who go for treatment will be contaminated by a communicable disease like hepatitis or HIV. 

Given that this has been practiced for more than 2000 years, various styles of acupuncture have been developed. So, before you decide to go for a session, you should know what technique is used so they can explain to you what happens.

When looking for an acupuncturist, you should also ask where they got their training, how long they have been in the practice and most importantly, what experience the specialist has had in treating the condition you are experiencing. 

They should also be able to present their credentials like where they graduated and their state board license. If you live in a state that does not require a license, make sure they have something to show which certifies that they can practice their profession like a document from the National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncturists. 

The duration of your treatment varies depending on the nature of your problem. Some are easy to fix compared to others especially if you are dealing with something long term. For instance, alcoholics and drug users may quit their vices after 3 or 4 months while those suffering from a disease like autism will take years as there is no know cure yet for the this illness. 

Before the needles are inserted, you need to undergo a physical examination and answer a few questions. There are risks involved even though it is a painless procedure because the needle might hit something vital inside but if the specialist is good, then there is nothing to worry about. 

You may notice a spot of blood when the needles come off. But if you are concerned about it, talk to your acupuncturist so he or she can prescribe something. 

Some patients will experience immediate relief after the first session but others will not experience anything at all. This is the reason that an average session should be done 12 to 15 times at least 2 to 3 times a week. 

If acupuncture works for you, then the only thing you need are follow up sessions. This can be done twice every 2 weeks or monthly. It is really up to you. But don’t forget to also see your regular doctor so he or she can also monitor the progress of your condition. 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Stopping Your Headache with ACUPUNCTURE

(Photo credit: 
There are a lot of things that we have to deal with on a regular basis which affects our health.  One very common thing that is experienced by people in general are headaches.  As a matter of fact, some people have headaches so frequently that they simply learn to live with them and deal with the pain as best they can.  Still others have headaches, such as migraines, which are almost impossible to ignore and become a life altering because of their intensity.  As a result of these headaches, many people have turned acupuncture in order to find some relief from their suffering.

There are really two different types of individuals who come to an acupuncturist in order to seek relief from their headaches.  There are those who are currently experiencing a headache and those that are to are trying to get some kind of preventative care in order to stop the next headache from coming or to decrease its intensity.  These are two very different situations and are treated differently from the acupuncturist's standpoint.  Depending on your situation when you enter their office will make a difference in how you are treated.

The reason why this is the case is because acupuncture is a way of moving energy throughout your body and it also can increase blood flow to certain areas.  The way of treating an existing headache differs somewhat from the treatment that will assist in blocking future headaches.  Your doctor will be able to make that determination and to adjust the treatment accordingly.

Many people try acupuncture treatments to stop their headaches but they are nervous whenever they enter into the office.  Perhaps they have never experienced acupuncture before and are wondering how it is going to feel or if it is dangerous.  The fact is, acupuncture is one of the least dangerous medical treatments that exists.  Although it is possible for problems to happen, it is very rare and if the doctor is competent and uses sterile means when inserting the needles there is little need for worry.  The needles themselves rarely hurt whenever they enter into the skin and often make the individual field either relaxed or even rejuvenated.

So, if you are experiencing headaches, the ancient Chinese art of acupuncture may be able to assist you in dealing with them.  By bringing your body back into balance, you may be able to overcome your headaches once and for all.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Should I Worry about Getting ACUPUNCTURE

English: Basic Acupuncture.
Basic Acupuncture. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
It's natural for a person to worry about something that they are not informed about.  One thing that many people are nervous over is their first acupuncture treatment, especially if they have preconceived ideas about the practice that are inaccurate.  Let's talk a little bit about acupuncture, where it came from and what you can expect from your visit to the acupuncturist.

Acupuncture is actually in ancient Chinese medical treatment in which small needles are inserted into specific areas of the body in order to promote a flow of energy throughout our body.  This energy, known as Chi is important to keep balanced in order to maintain proper health.  By manipulating the flow of Chi in our system, we are helping ourselves to maintain this balance and to enjoy the overall health benefits that come as a result.

The insertion of the needles is relatively painless and is typically totally painless.  Many people experience either in exhilaration or relaxation whenever the needles are inserted.  They are so thin, much thinner than the typical needles that you see at the doctors office that they don't cause the pain that is typically associated with doctors and needles.  Once inserted in the body, they may be manipulated in one way or another or perhaps even heated in order to help with the flow of energy.

Your first visit to the acupuncturist may not actually include any needles at all.  Your doctor will want to take the time to get to know you and to understand your particular circumstances so that he can treat you in the proper way.  It will also give you the opportunity to ask any questions that you may have on your mind, most of which I'm sure that he has heard and can answer quite easily.

Acupuncture is used for dozens of different problems that people are experiencing from flatulence to severe pain management.  Anything that has to do with the natural flow of energy in our body and our overall natural health can be maintained or enhanced through the use of acupuncture.  Although it is not a total treatment unto itself, as many acupuncturist will actually also put you on a health regime, it can help individuals in many cases to overcome problems that medical science is unable to handle.  So don't be nervous about your trip to the acupuncturist, be optimistic.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Eight Myths About ACUPUNCTURE

There are a lot of myths with regards to acupuncture. Some of these are true; others are silly while the rest only have a half truth. As you read on, you will learn which ones are worth believing. 

The first myth is that acupuncture is painful. This is not true because those who have tried it claimed they only experienced a tiny prick while others did not feel anything at all. There is no tissue damage when the needle is inserted into the skin or pulled out and only in very rare cases are there traces of bruising. 

English: Hua Shou. Expression of the fourteen ...
Hua Shou. Expression of the fourteen meridians. (Tokyo, 1716). (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The second myth is that you can get hepatitis or AIDS from acupuncture. This is true only if the needles used are not sterilized. In the US, this will never happen because acupuncturists are required to use disposable needles thus you are not at risk from these two diseases.

Third, acupuncture is used to treat pain. This is only a half truth because this holistic technique has been proven to do other things such as stop a person’s addiction, lose weight and prevent certain illnesses. 

Fourth, there are some who think that Asians are the only ones that can practice acupuncture. Since 1982, there are already 50 schools all across the country that teach students about this technique and become licensed acupuncturists. 

This means that anyone who has the desire to learn about this ancient practice can do so and help treat patients. Just to give you an idea, there are at least 3,000 acupuncturists now working in the US. 

Fifth, medical doctors do not believe in the potential of alternative medicine. This is not true because there are more doctors these days that are open to the idea that there are other ways to help patients aside from conventional medicine. In fact, some of them even recommend an acupuncturist if they know that what they have done is not effective. 

Another myth is that every patient will undergo the four needle technique. This is not true and it will only be used when the specialist feels that the energy of the patient is virtually not moving as a last resort. 

The seventh myth is that it is better for a medical doctor to perform acupuncture. This is wrong because the training is much different than that taught in medical school. Students who have an acupuncturist license train for 3,000 hours before they are allowed to practice this profession. So between an acupuncturist and a medical doctor, you should go with someone who has learned about this much longer.

The eighth myth is that acupuncture is only used in third world countries. This is not true because this technique originated in China more than 2000 years ago and this has spread to developed nations in Asia such as Japan, South Korea, Singapore and Malaysia. 

Here at home, acupuncture been practiced for more than 2 decades and is legal in 30 states. In fact 22 of them, license professionals after they graduate once they pass the state board examination.

Although acupuncture has been around for a very long time, there is still a need for this form of holistic healthcare which is why this is being taught in colleges and in use today. It is painless and cost efficient and a lot of studies have shown that it is effective in treating various illnesses and preventing some of them. 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Lowering blood pressure with the help of ACUPUNCTURE

English: Blood pressure measurement.
Blood pressure measurement. 

(Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Doctors and scientists from the Irvine university of California have recently discovered a new method of lowering blood pressure. This method is based on electroacupuncture, which seems to have a significant effect in lowering blood pressure. The method has been tested on rats, by inducing low electric stimulation at the front of their legs, and their blood's pressure after the treatment was 40 percent lower than before(their blood pressure had been artificially increased before). This opens new doors for hypertension treatment, maybe it will even replace the traditional medical treatments with this ancient method.

These are all the methods that were tested :  

Needles were inserted into:
-pericardium 5-6, and they were rotated every 10 to thirty minutes. While this procedure was performed, the rats' blood pressure was being raised by doctors.
-the rats' forelimbs, without any stimulation or twist, for 30 minutes.

Also, the pericardium 5-6 was electrically stimulated with frequencies ranging from 2 to 100 hertz.

During these tests the changes in blood pressure were continuously monitored, and the results carefully recorded. The most successful in lowering blood pressure were those tests which involved manual and electrical acupuncture, which had serious effects in lowering blood pressure, lasting up to one hour, and ranging from 33 to 36 percent. The best results were recorded at the rats which had been stimulated by electroacupuncture, especially at those treated at the electroacupuncture frequency of 2 hertz.

However, the best results were recorded at the rats stimulated at the heart (6-7) and stomach (36-37). Their blood pressure was lowered up to 44 percent for the heart stimulation, and 36 percent for the stomach.

An important observation that doctors made was that this electroacupuncture treatment can only lower blood pressure for the hypertensive people, it has no effect for healthy people.

We can only that these treatments involving acupuncture will soon be available to everyone, because they represent a very good way to lower blood pressure