Sunday, March 31, 2019

Are We There Yet? Family Vacations with Autistic Children

Although planning a family vacation with children may make any parents pull out his or her hair, it can be a rewarding experience for everyone in the end. It is no different if you have an autistic child in the family. The important thing to remember is that you need to be prepared for whatever life throws your way. To an autistic child, vacations can be scary and confusing, or they can be a great learning experience, leaving behind wonderful memories the entire family can enjoy.

First, choose your location based on your autistic child's needs. For example, if he or she is sensitive to sound, an amusement park is probably not the best idea. Quieter vacations are possible at small beaches and going camping. Overall, you should be able to find a location that everyone in the family enjoys. Once there, plan out your days accordingly. For example, you may want to see the attractions very early or late in the day to avoid crowds. You also might want to consider taking your vacation during the off-season, if your children's school work will not be disrupted. These give your autistic child more comfort if he or she is nervous in crowded situations, and provides you with peace of mind. When choosing a location, also note how far it is from your home. How will you get there? If you have to deal with an airport, remember that security may have to touch your child and be prepared for this. 

Choose a location and activities that everyone can enjoy, but also that provide learning and social interaction opportunities for your autistic child. For example, a child that does not like touch sensations may enjoy the soft sands of a beach, and the waves can provide a very different kind of feeling for him or her. Being outside, a beach is also a great place for your child to yell without disrupting others. Children who are normally non-responsive may benefit from a museum, where they can ask questions and you can ask questions of them. 

Remember that most people on vacation at the location you choose will have never dealt with autism before. Try to be understanding of their ignorance-but also stick up for your child if he or she is being treated unfairly. Know your child's constitutional laws, and also be willing to compromise. For example, if a restaurant is reluctant to serve you after your child caused a scene there last night, explain the situation and ask if it would be possible to take your food to go, even if this is normally not done. Try not to be rude to people; staring often happens, but instead of snide comments or mean looks, ignore them as much as possible and focus on having a good time with your family

Thursday, March 28, 2019


Someone can suffer from panic attacks for various reasons. It might be due to a stressful or traumatic childhood. It could happen suddenly when the person feels anxious, or it can be due to other emotional problems, like stress or depression. More often, treatment does not need to involve any drugs or medication, at all. A natural cure for a panic attack is an option. Some people may prefer to use medications, but there are those who prefer a more wholesome solution. The problem with drugs is, they are only covering up the symptom, and not the underlying, real, problem. This can result in drug dependency, where another problem is developed, as the other one is resolved.

As with just about everything in this world, a balance is required to keep things in harmony with each other. That generally means a good diet and exercise for most. When the panic attacks begin to control our lives, there is very little left for anything else. And that's not healthy. People who suffer attacks should avoid stimulants, like caffeine, energy drinks and alcohol. Leaving them out of your diet can be an easy, natural way to reduce the possibility of suffering an attack.

There are Holistic treatments that would benefit, like aromatherapy, it is very important to try and relax. Try Chamomile or Tila infusions and try using supplements, especially those known to calm the body's nervous system, like vitamin B and magnesium. Panic attacks can be cured naturally, by improving a person's general health, physically and mentally.

English: passion flower
Passionflower (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Clinical trials (recently published in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics) found that Passion Flower extract worked similarly to many of the prescription drugs, currently prescribed for people suffering panic attacks. Natural Healers have used it for centuries, as a cure for anxiety and insomnia. It is even believed Passion Flower extract can be used to relieve anxiety, for people withdrawing from alcohol or drug addiction. Evidence seems to be pointing to the fact, this natural flower extract should be regarded as a powerful (and more importantly), natural cure for a panic attack.

There are several homeopathic remedies and tonics available, that can help panic attack sufferers. They can help the nervous system from becoming run down, due to too much worry and anxiety. Without rest, our mind and body can not stay alert and healthy. Some people need more sleep than others, the average is around eight hours.

Feeling tired certainly won't help, so make sure you are getting the sleep you need. If, despite your best efforts to stay calm, you do find yourself having an attack, try to stay calm and breath deeply. This can prevent hyperventilation and encourage the attack to pass, just that more easily. Learn more tips about a natural cure for a panic attack at