Showing posts with label Feng Shui. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Feng Shui. Show all posts

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Deutsch: Luo pan Kompass. Français : Boussole ...
Luo pan Compass (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In Feng Shui, the term arrows refer to sharp objects that bring bad luck and negative energy. In a way, like an arrow, it cuts through all the positive chi or energy within an environment. These arrows are inadvertently distributed all over the world, and if you are a budding Feng Shui enthusiast, it may be helpful to know what “arrows” in life you must watch out for. 

The Arrow of Staircases

The most popular arrow is the arrow from staircases. To locate this arrow, just try to find that space underneath the staircase of your home. From just standing there, you will already feel all the heaviness, not just from footsteps, but also from the energy that is being siphoned off in that area because of the staircase arrows.

As much as possible, avoid hanging out underneath staircases or placing living rooms directly underneath staircases. In case this is unavoidable and you are cramped for space, you may have to buy some Feng Shui charms to ward off the negative effect.

The Arrow of Complex Architecture

The complex architecture may be lovely to look at but not necessarily good for business. If you are really after getting the most out of your buildings and inviting all the positive energy, avoid complex structures. By complex structures, we mean architectural designs which have too many pointed edges (e.g. star-shaped buildings.). All these arrows are actually detrimental to people who will be standing directly in front of these arrows.

The Escalator Arrow in Malls

Getting the right stalls from malls may be quite tricky, but here’s a rule of thumb: Avoid the stalls which are directly in front of the bottom step of the escalator. This is because all the energy and prosperity is being drawn off and invited out of the stalls by the negative arrow of the escalator. While people may think that positioning one’s self directly to where customers can view the store as they alight the escalator, it’s bad Feng Shui and detrimental to one’s profit.

Arrows from Attics

If you have an attic, chances are, you get the irregular ceiling shapes from the walls. Try to soften the arrows from your attic ceilings by hanging chimes and other charms of Feng Shui. The arrows from attics can invite more stress and carry over negative energy from the past, especially if you are using the attic to store up old stuff.

Arrows from Irregularly Erected Walls

Irregularly erected walls or walls that lean diagonally forward may be dangerous. If at all possible, avoid placing the bed beside the region where the wall leans. This is where the arrows will hit you while you are resting.

There are other arrows in the world, and you may actually name some more based on your direct experience. Whether the exposure to arrows may bring bad luck forever or not, the practical side of Feng Shui avoids complications and wants a bright space where light can quickly come through. All the other invisible elements like the energy just follow suit.

Despite the warnings on arrows, this is not saying that we must abolish arrows in our lives. The whole key to the Feng Shui concept on arrows is consistency and ability to put the arrows in a place where it can do minimal damage.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Chinese Symbols: What about FENG SHUI

In this world which is full of innovation and inspiration to create new things from old patterns and symbols, it is not unusual that we have bags of Che Guevara, shirts, bags and cups swastika as well as other ancient and historical patterns. Even the ancient Chinese beliefs and symbols are on the market today and are becoming the basis for some of the fashion accessories purchased.

Chinese Symbols

I’m talking about the different types of jewelry inspired by Chinese symbols and beliefs. For example, there is a silver bracelet with a design number 8 on this subject and this number 8 design was inspired by the Chinese belief. According to tradition, eight means good luck. In addition to a bracelet, there is also a silver ring which has a number 8 on the design, which was also inspired by the Chinese belief itself. Furthermore, a silver necklace, 18 is now available, also lucky because it has a silver polish called Chinese knot. Another luck charm is the sterling silver ring with an Imperial Seal’ design, which has been inspired by the seal of the Qing Emperor.

All jewelry inspired over China is made of pure silver and have a free size and adjustable but the prices were quite expensive. These accessories are also strongly influenced by Chinese beliefs, mostly to the feng shui. I’ve always been intrigued and curious about the Chinese feng shui. The popularity of Feng Shui has become a common name. Well, I decided to go to this issue in the heartland of feng shui – China. Beginning with the correct pronunciation of Feng Shui (‘fung shway’) is a good start. On the other hand, knowing the literal meaning of consciousness makes it a little more about this topic: Feng means the wind, while Shui means water.

The application of Feng Shui is the balance between the elements above. The Chinese believe that feng shui creating prosperity, abundance, and harmony in personal, commercial and financial. This traditional Chinese practice used to be the secret of the Chinese royal family in the provision of health and prosperity of their clans. Even the Forbidden City in Beijing was calculated in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. Well, I think that the Chinese really took seriously the conviction.

Now I know why, even Hollywood stars are Chinese accessories like beads, etc. With enough knowledge about jewelry and feng shui belief that I could try to accessories and more wary of their surroundings, so I have more luck, and I am more than willing to accept.

Know more, on

Tuesday, August 1, 2017


Applying feng shui basics in the home need not be that complicated. There are some ways in which this ancient practice can be used to make the home flow with positive energy or chi. Here are some of the basic feng shui practices that you need to know and can easily apply to make your home as well as your life filled with positive chi.

a restful, well-lighted space
A restful, well-lighted space - Photo by woodleywonderworks 

Light, Air and Feng Shui

In order to fill your home with good chi, you may need to have good quality air as well as lighting. In feng shui, it is believed that chi flows through with the help of air as well as natural light. Because of this, it is essential to make use of these two elements to ensure that the home flows with good chi. To allow the good energy into your home, you would need to open your windows often to let natural air into the home.

You can also use air purifying plants or an air purifier at home to make sure that the air remains clean and pure. Also try to allow as much natural light into your home to allow good chi to fill your home.

Unclutter Your Home

Clutter is a known obstacle to the flow of chi. It can have an effect on health as well as the overall energy levels and quality of life. Too much clutter can drain your energy as well as impede good energy from flowing into your home or life. Getting rid of the clutter can also help get rid of the negative load that affects your life. By clearing clutter, you are creating a harmonious environment in your home flowing with good energy.

Know Your Feng Shui Birth Element

In order to understand better how you can use feng shui to achieve a certain balance in your life and home, you might need to know your own birth element. There is a certain element that corresponds to your birth year. Knowing what element your are born with can help you decide on what is the best approach to achieve that certain balance in feng shui. You can use your feng shui birth element to introduce the different expressions of the element into your home through the use of colors and the balance of the other complementary elements in your life and home.

Know Your Kua Number

According to feng shui, each person has his or her own kua number that corresponds to one's date of birth and gender. The kua number also tells of each person's energy needs.  In the school of feng shui called the Flying Stars, people may belong in either one of two energy groups- the East or the West. For the East Group, their kua numbers may either be 1, 3, 4 or 9.

For those on the West group, their kua numbers can either be 2,6,7 or 8. you can use your kua number to determine directions and orientation of structures such as your home or where you face when working in order to ensure good positive energy to flow through. These feng shui basics can help you start off in making your life and home flow with good chi.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

FENG SHUI Aquariums

Feng shui aquariums are not only a beautiful addition to any home or office but are hailed as a source of wealth Chi. What makes feng shui aquariums a unique thing to have is that they have a perfect balance of the five feng shui elements.

Small Aquarium with Paracheirodon innesi (neon...
Small Aquarium with Paracheirodon innesi (neon tetra),
Trigionostigma heteromorpha and
Hemigrammus erythrozonus (Photo credit: 

** The water element is apparent since it s the water in the aquarium.

** The wood element consists of the plants.

** The metal element is the aquarium s housing.

** The earth element is the gravel and any rocks you put in the aquarium.

** The fire element is the lighting and can also be from the colors of certain fish.

This type of harmony is very difficult to recreate in another way and is probably not as cool as an aquarium.

The optimal location for a feng shui aquarium is in the Southeast part of your space. This is the area that is connected with wealth and abundance. That s double the wealth energy flowing through that area.

The most common fish to use in a feng shui aquarium are your basic goldfish or koi. They have a nice color and are very hearty. The dragon fish is used in feng shui aquariums also but they can be expensive. Make sure one of your fish is black and don t get more than 10 total.

As with any living creatures, make sure you clean and maintain your feng shui aquarium so it can continue to bring you positive energy.

You want to make sure to remove and replace dead fish immediately and keep all the plants alive, green, and healthy. The aquarium needs to be in top condition to positively affect your wealth Chi.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

FENG SHUI Theories

Feng shui theories today mainly work with the goal to arrange the environment made by humans in certain spots known to have good Qi. In order to find this spot, it should be the right location and an axis in time based on the accepted theories. In order to understand it better, here are some of the theories that feng shui has been known to uphold in its practice.


The Qi, pronounce as "chi", is a difficult word to understand and is usually left as it is, without translation. In the most literal sense, the word means "air". In today's feng shui, Qi is similar to the word "energy". A more traditional explanation of Qi as it relates to understanding of local environments, the orientation of buildings, and the interaction between the land to the vegetation and the soil quality. An instrument that is used to determine the flow of Qi is the luopan.

English: Zentao symbol as evolution of the Tao...
entao symbol as evolution of the Tao (Yin Yang) and the Five Elements of Feng Shui
(Photo credit: 

The theory of Qi stems from the different beliefs from the Axial Age. One such belief holds that the heavens influence life on Earth. This may seem outrageous to some people, but scientists today now know that space weather exists and can affect some technology such as GPS, power grids, communication and navigation systems, etc. and the internal orienting faculties of even birds and other creatures.


Polarity is another theory used in the practice of feng shui. It is expressed in feng shui as the Yin and Yang Theory. Polarity that is expressed through yin and yang can be compared to a bipolar magnetic field. It is made up of two forces- one creating a force and one receiving it. Yang is the force acting and yin is receiving. This interaction is considered as an early understanding of Qirality. The Yin Yang Theory and connected to another theory called the Five Phase Theory or Five Element Theory.

The so-called "five elements" of feng shui are water, wood, fire, earth or soil, and metal. These elements are said to be composed of yin and yang in precise amounts. The interaction between the two forces became the foundation for the practice of feng shui and how it is said to strive to achieve balance.


The two ancient diagrams that are known as the bagua are common fixtures in the practice in feng shui. They can be compared to the cardinal points of the compass today. The bagua diagrams are also linked with the sifang or "four directions" method of divination that was popularly used during the Shang dynasty although the sifang is considered to be much older.

It was also known to be used at Niuheliang as well as a big fixture in the Hongshan culture's practice of astronomy. And it is in this area of China that can be connected to Huangdi, who was also known as the Yellow Emperor. It was Huangdi who was known to have invented the south-pointing spoon.

The cardinal directions that contained in the bagua diagram are said to be determined by the marker-stars of the mega-constellations known as the Four Celestial Animals. The East is considered to be the Blue Green Dragon. The South is the Red Bird. The West is also known to be the White Tiger while the North stood for the Dark Turtle.

These feng shui theories also loom large even in today's practice of trying to achieve a good balance in the environment as well as the lives of people.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Feng shui Luopan compass
Feng shui Luopan compass
(Photo credit: 
Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese practice of utilizing certain so called laws governing the heavens and earth that can improve through what is called having positive Qi. Feng Shui history is an ancient one and covers over 3,500 years. It is even older than the invention of the magnetic compass. A main portion of its origins may stem from ancient astronomy.

The astronomical history of Feng Shui is evident in the ancient instruments that were developed in its practice. The earliest known Feng Shui instrument may have been what is known as the gnomon. This instrument was used along with trying to circumpolar the stars in order to determine the north and south axis. This was basically used in laying down early Chinese settlements.

The ancient Yangshao and Hongshan cultures in China provide the earliest evidences of the practice of feng shui. As early as 4000 BCE, doors from Banpo dwellings were aligned to the star called Yingshi just right after the winter solstice. This allowed the homes to be sited for better solar gain. During the Zhou era, the star Yingshi was known as Ding and had a great influence in trying to determine the appropriate time to build their capital city. This is according to records on the Shijing.

Another example of the practice of ancient feng shui can also be found from the grave at Puyang that dates back to about 3000 BCE. This particular grave contains mosaics of the stars called Dragon and Tiger along with the Beidou, known in the Western world as the Big Dipper constellation. The mosaics seem to be oriented along the north to south axis. The presence of round and square shapes were also found at the Puyang tomb as well as at the Hongshan cultural ceremonial centers and the former Longshan settlement. These evidences suggest that the practice of gaitian astronomy (belief in a round earth and a square earth) was already present in the ancient Chinese society.

One of the oldest instruments used in ancient feng shui were the liuren astrolabes. These ancient instruments consist of a lacquered, two-sided board equipped with astronomical sightlines. The oldest of the liuren astrolabes have been found and discovered from tombs dating from 278 BCE and 209 BCE. These ancient astrolabes show the cord-hook diagram and some those found even include the magic square of three. The markings on these instruments remained unchanged, from the ancient astrolabe down to the first magnetic compasses.

The practice of astronomy that bears a striking resemblance to many modern feng shui devices and theories were also discovered on a jade artifact found in Hanshan that dated at around 3000 BCE. Ancient structures in China which included its palaces in the capital cities are all influenced by feng shui in their design and layout. The rules that were followed were written during the Zhou era on the "Kaogong ji", or the "Manual of Crafts".

The magnetic compass was initially invented for the practice of feng shui and has been in use since its invention. Traditional feng shui instruments include the Luopan or the earlier south-pointing spoon or the zhinan zhen. This shows the extent of feng shui history and its long standing practice in ancient Chinese history.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Make your Closet Easily Accessible

English: Picture of inside a closet. Taken 200...
Picture of inside a closet (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Okay, you've finally reached your breaking point.  The stack of handbags and purses on the top of the closet shelf toppled over on top of you again, not to mention the mountain of shoes you trip over every time you have to get something out of the closet. You're at your wits end about what to do, and haven't a clue where to start. You've got to figure out a workable, affordable solution and make your closet more user-friendly.  Try some of these simple tools to help you get your closet space under control. 

A double hanging rod is a simple addition and gives you double the hanging space.  It simply hangs from your existing rod.  You can also hang sweater or shoe bags from your existing rod to store sweaters, purses and handbags, hats, and other accessories and place them within easy reach.  There are also several clever options for storage that hangs from the top of your closet door.  

Take a stroll down your favorite discount store's home organization aisles.  You'll find many clever ideas for affordable storage.  Sturdy bins and colorful baskets can be an easy and affordable addition to your closet, and make the job of maintaining it a snap. 

And since you've most likely got a sizable investment in your wardrobe, it makes sense to do your part to care for your garments properly.  Place coats, suits, furs, formals, and other expensive items in protective storage bags. Invest in some good, strong wooden hangers.  Protect these items by having them properly cleaned before storing, and enclose in zip-up hanging bags. 

Wooden clothing hangers are much better for your clothes.  They're durable and long-lasting, too. Depending on the size of your wardrobe, it might be expensive to replace them all at once, so you might want to consider replacing them gradually. 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

FENG SHUI In The Garden

A garden can benefit from feng shui and even help change the energy in your home. A properly arranged garden can be a place to be uplifted and energized and also soothed and relaxed.

This balance is very necessary but is easy to accomplish by using various plants, flowers, and decorations.

The best place to have an entrance to your garden is facing South. The garden will get the maximum amount of sun exposure. You should also use an arch or open space instead of a closed gate.

There aren't any specific plants you are supposed to use but you should maintain a good balance between colors. Since hotter and brighter colors increase your energy, you should have them separated from your cooler and mellower colors which will relax you.

One of the hardest things to do in a garden is avoid clutter but this is a must in feng shui. When you first plant, everything is pretty small and your garden may look a little barren.

This is just fine. You want to make sure that each plant has its own space so you don't end up with a cluttered jungle.

It's easy and fun to incorporate the five feng shui elements into your garden. A birdbath can cover water, some lights or torches are fire, and for earth, clay pots and small boulders work wonders.

As far as paths in your garden go, you should avoid straight paths and instead opt for curvy, leisurely
paths made from rounded tiles. Avoid edges whenever possible in your paths.

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Advantages of Applying FENG SHUI in Your Life

Many people are fascinated with Feng Shui and with many good reasons. While others generally believe that it is just some oriental superstitious set of paradigms on interior design (but that is just part of the extensive definition for Feng Shui), the Feng Shui that we know now is actually comprised of various schools of learning and incorporates the different cultures under which it is housed. 

The good thing about the different options pertaining to Feng Shui is that even the layman can actually be able to understand and apply it immediately in their homes without having to spend too much. And apart from that, there are other advantages that only Feng Shui can bring if you can actually open up your mind to try it. 

FSNumerology (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Advantage Number 1: It brings balance to one’s life

Have you ever found yourself completely overburdened with clutter and unnecessarily stressed out of your wits? Chances are, you are suffering from a visual imbalance of some sort in your surroundings. Now, the best way to introduce some sense of balance is by incorporating elements that provide you with a sense of control in the outer balance of things. If you are able to get some semblance of balance even in things as menial as your furniture, you are bound to find balance in other aspects equally manageable. 

Advantage Number 2: It helps you become more mindful of the little things

Mindfulness in the little things can actually be a good thing. Some of us tend to be heavily focused on the big things of life that even the minor details like home arrangement and office ergonomics no longer come to play. When these “minor” aspects of life continue to take a backseat, they tend to accumulate and produce a very stressful environment which can add up to other problems and worries of life.

Advantage Number 3: It opens up possibilities of meeting new people

Meeting new people is another bonus of being a Feng Shui enthusiast. When you are applying Feng Shui, chances are, you will be able to find another person within your social network who likes the same stuff and can even help you expand your knowledge on Feng Shui, no matter how limited it is to begin with. 

Advantage Number 4: It gives a fresh perspective on things

At any given time, a fresh perspective is always welcome. This positive perspective can invite changes for the better. A new way of looking at home arrangement, for example, may actually serve to benefit you in the long run. The fresh perspective brought about by Feng Shui can actually bring about an enrichment of one’s mind. 

Advantage Number 5: It invites prosperity and success

The main objective of Feng Shui is to invite all the good things to one’s life. Prosperity and success can be more easily within reach and a positive disposition may be expected if Feng Shui is practiced well. 

Advantage Number 6: It has aesthetic appeal

On top of all the enumerated benefits of Feng Shui, the best would probably be its beauty. The physical appeal of a well-decorated home, interspersed with good Feng Shui techniques, is actually something that you can call a personal heritage that can transcend generations and promote beauty in all aspects, including design of the home and the office. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The Spiritual FENG SHUI

Feng Shui (pronounced “fung shway”) is an ancient Chinese art whose name translates from the Chinese as “wind and water.” Feng Shui is a lyrical phrase that poetically evokes the heart of this ancient practice.

Wind and water are, first and foremost, natural elements (two of the five elements that comprise all of nature). Wind is the earth’s breath, and water is the invigorating lifeblood of everything that exists on our planet.

English: Feng Shui crystal
Feng Shui crystal - (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Both wind and water have tremendous energy that drives Feng Shui's practices and techniques to fill your life with positive energies. Feng Shui, at its very core is a means of arranging the basic elements of life—and all the things that you surround yourself with on a daily basis— to create the optimal and harmonious flow of vital life energy, just like the flow of water and wind.

How Feng Shui works

 Feng Shui is no magic. It is a collection of practical, time-tested solutions based on the fundamental properties of elements that are used to change the negative aspects and introduce the positive aspects of each element to your living environment—and change your life for the better.

Feng Shui has had a huge impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the globe—and you can have its benefits work for you! By simply changing the interior of your home, changing the colors of your walls, or relocating the furniture in your bedroom, you can enjoy the positive effects of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui information – some Key Points

Good Feng Shui requires an open mind, heart and spirit.
Feng Shui releases negativity from your house and life. It opens up a whole new space within you for positive thoughts, love, contentment and prosperity. Don’t let negativity enter when you practice Feng Shui.
Holding onto negative emotions and past anger can only hinder you from making progress through Feng Shui and creating a wonderful future for yourself.

Practicing good karma is a cornerstone of Feng Shui. Be generous and give of yourself in order to receive in kind from the universe and others around you.
You are living a life that is ill-suited to you, your personality, your dreams, your family, your essential self…and your home is symbolic of this.

Feng Shui helps you to enhance your living space by changing one or more elements in the room. As you learn more about Feng Shui, you will begin to understand the significance of each and every practice that is related to Feng Shui.

By embracing Feng Shui, you embrace the fact that you deserve balance, harmony, and spiritual fulfillment. You deserve empowerment and clarity. So, let Feng Shui help you reach out and take hold of all those things—you, your life, and your future all stand to benefit immensely if you do!

Subscribe to our bi-monthly newsletter and/ or buy my e-book for authentic information on the various aspects of Feng Shui.

Remember that Feng Shui is not only about changing your physical surroundings, but it is also about changing yourself from within. The Spiritual Feng Shui is a spiritual technique that transforms you at both physical and metaphysical level.

Physical Feng Shui — just moving around furniture — is incomplete without the support of mental and emotional Feng Shui. Until you practice Feng Shui in its totality it is of little use!